Nothing leaked except possibly some common sense out of those who believe there was a leak. I asked someone two days ago how did the bioweaponized virus he believes made him sick get from China to Central Mexico. He looked at me puzzled and said, "I don't know. But it did." This fella fancies himself a truther researcher but can't kick the "lab leak" out of his consciousness.
Nothing leaked except possibly some common sense out of those who believe there was a leak. I asked someone two days ago how did the bioweaponized virus he believes made him sick get from China to Central Mexico. He looked at me puzzled and said, "I don't know. But it did." This fella fancies himself a truther researcher but can't kick the "lab leak" out of his consciousness.
Nothing leaked except possibly some common sense out of those who believe there was a leak. I asked someone two days ago how did the bioweaponized virus he believes made him sick get from China to Central Mexico. He looked at me puzzled and said, "I don't know. But it did." This fella fancies himself a truther researcher but can't kick the "lab leak" out of his consciousness.