solicitation of Russian synovial fluid to develop arthritis causing viruses targeted to Russians
Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever
Hunt virus
work has been carried out on the causative agents of plague, anthrax and brucellosis in the Lviv biolab
Pathogens of diphtheria, salmonellosis and dysentery in the laboratory of Kharkiv and Poltava.
In Lviv alone, 232 containers with the causative agent of leptospirosis, 30 with tularemia and 10 with brucellosis and 5 with plague were destroyed. There are more than 320 containers in total.
African swine fever
Odessa, which conducts research with pathogens of plague, anthrax, cholera, tularemia.
dirofilariasis in Kherson in 2019, a disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes
Ukrainians were getting sick and dying around these 45 labs: In addition, attention is drawn to the fact of a sharp increase in cases of tuberculosis caused by a new multi-resistant strain among citizens living in the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics in 2018. These data are confirmed by specialists of Rospotrebnadzor. During the mass outbreak recorded in the area of the village of Peski, more than 70 cases of the disease were detected, which ended in a rapid fatal outcome. This may indicate a deliberate infection, or an accidental leakage of the pathogen from one of the Ukrainian biological laboratories.
And the US was discovered to have a similar smorgasbord of labs in Kazakhistan.
Mercola thinks there was a pandemic and refuses to debate this. He has been challenged on this multiple times and walks away.
That is because he is savvy and knows he would get demolished in such a debate against the likes of myself. He would then have three years worth of work discredited by a relative nobody.
Mercola has lost it, and his website is edited by lawyers, not by him. He is the figurehead. I know this from Erin, his girlfriend. If the lawyers say kosher then a BLT it is. When he had JEREMY FRICKIN HAMMOND on to argue for viruses, I knew that the bottom fell out and he was taking a bath in the septic system.
Gary Null not only believes in viruses, he is a full-on germophobe...I mean he has his floor at a retreat center bleached TWICE before he goes in; he wears gloves at a barbecue; he has lost whatever mind he had. And to be fair, Null was berry berry good to me on the PCB story -- he had me on the show not once but twice at Noon on WBAI....big time, back then...
Yes, we've heard of all those alleged viruses. But we are looking for the scientific evidence that they actually exist. No one seems to have any; virologists don't adhere to the scientific method. They rely on circular reasoning and wild leaps of illogic.
You're trying to reverse the burden of proof. The burden is on those making the positive claim. And under no circumstances would me eating a rabid bat even have the potential to prove anything to do with a virus, no matter what the outcome. Logic please.
Wuhan original paper. Exhaustively sequenced virus from samples from lungs of dying victims. Equals proof. And repeated thousands of times over, by this point.
Lady sends crafted letters to government agency guaranteed to get a noncommittal response, claims it proves sars cov-2 never sequenced. Equals unethical.
Jessica Rose called you out. She's great. Stop the scam, Christine. Your letters were a crafted lie.
We give the virus deniers opportunity to bring science , data, experiment to the table. All they do is make videos. Why? Because they do no experiments, they validate no hypotheses, they have no data. Because they are nothing but a TV show. There is no science there. They play games with words.
Example #1, Christine Masseys's 95 FOIA letters. Never corroborated. Why? Because everyone recognizes they are a scam, designed to fool a hapless public, who is suckered to believe that if you go to a health office the secretaries and bureaucrats there are going to show you a set of research papers. That's not what bureaucracies do, and you knew that in advance, Christine, and everybody knows you knew it.
Why you chose the path of notoriety and fame - your name on all the alt sites, the interviews, the videos - why you chose that instead of helping people baffles me. So many chose to battle the system - Claire Craig, Jessica Rose, Simone Gold, Kulvinder Kaur, Lidiya Angelova, and they took hits and damage to their careers. Why pursue fame and sacrifice your neighbors and countrymen who if they said on their mandate exemption form "Christine Massey says viruses don't exist therefore I shouldn't be compelled to be vaxed" - you're literally sacrificing your neighbors when these mandates come back.
Todd, what is the "Wuhan original paper"? I am the expert on this issue, and my principal investigator is better -- make it good. Which paper, which patient?
virus containing lung fluids were processed and human epithelial cells were used to culture and produce sufficient virus for analysis, and then it was exhaustively sequenced.
Using a matrix to culture virus is similar to using agar to culture bacteria, or soil or hydroponics to culture plants from seed, or animal wombs to culture embryos. This is biology. Seeds require water, air, and some nourishment, and that does not imply seeds don't exist.
The phrase "virus-containing fluids" presupposes that virus exists. Culturing material in epithelial cells is fine, but it is not a means to prove isolation. Rather, as the process implies, it is a blending of materials.
Please just show us a paper, with a methods section, wherein anyone claims to "isolate" a virus.
The argument you are attemtping to smear Christine with would be SUPPORTED MUCH BETTER by the Lab Leak/Aerosolization Theory which maintains the Covid Narrative as a deadly pathogen for which draconian measures including the suspension of basic civil liberties were "necessary."
It maintains the notion the "novel" virus was "unprecedented" and therefore a "New Normal" raft of invasive policies would be justified (mandatory vaccines, vaccine passports, etc.).
However, if there was no pandemic, no evidence for a virus, what do we do then?
Well, we'd have to hold our government, our health regulatory agencies and our Media to account. The whole system would collapse as it would be shown for the corrupt house of cards that it is.
So, no, what you are supporting is what keeps the whole charade alive and well.
The "lab-leak theory" serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that "the virus" is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative.
The "virus" was not man made in a lab in Wuhan. The "virus" was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo.
As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable. Those who repeat this lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie.
Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" operation that is steamrolling people's lives.
Specific to тАЬSARS-CoV2тАЭ as a lab created virus this story has so many holes in it that it is hard to comprehend that anyone with integrity and critical thinking skills would not walk this back if they had posited this sophistry at some point.
That they have had to constantly reposition themselves on variations of this "theory" should be a red flag to anyone with critical thinking skills. This is not a case of changing theories based on new evidence this is a case of inventing new versions of the original preposterous theory while IGNORING volumes of evidence that prove the original theory and its offshoots to be illogical.
The biggest problem with promoting this lie is that the likes of RFK, Bigtree, Malone, Rose etc. are not just simply wrong but their insistence on using some iteration of the тАЬlab leakтАЭ red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.
The "lab leak/targeted spraying" theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a "viral event" and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide.
All of the тАЬCovid deathsтАЭ are fraudulent and inventions from the Pharma/medical/media cartel. The vast majority are medical murder.
Since these are basically Eric's questions, I've got a few posts elsewhere in the thread, but anyway:
1) I'm a big fan of Ryan Dawson, and one thing I've noticed about him is that he doesn't sperg on about technical things, especially those that aren't well established. He goes more for cui bono , or who likely committed the crime.
2) USA/Israel benefit from the Iran attack
3) USA is in some degree of war with China, and if Yoichi Shimatsu is believed, the USA has committed bioterrorism against the Chinese pork industry and other parts of their food supply.
My own speculation is that just as in any big assassination, there's always a patsy set up to take the blame, perhaps Wuhan was set up to take the blame for a virus that had already gotten out in the US, or was directly targetted.
If it was intentional, it would need to be done in such a way that it would look like the lab could have played a role, and if somebody had to deliver aerosol or fluid, it would need to be untraceable.
So maybe something in a building heat exchanger in the outside pack that uses water for cooling like the Legionaire's disease outbreaks, or in the ice supply to the fish markets.
As I said in the other post, this James Bond stuff is a little outside my bailiwick, and that's why I think perhaps a forum like Eric's where the people are self-selected to be outside the box is a place where the unlikely causes can be successfully theorized. At least I hope so.
You didn't cite a specific study, why is that? I've read the original papers and they're ridiculous. Cite a study you consider valid.
I did not get "noncommital responses", I obtained confessions from around the world. And yes the letters were carefully crafted to weed out pseudoscience. It's the intelligent thing to do.
Lol, still you are trying to reverse the burden of proof. And lol, pretending that we only make videos.
95 FOIA letters? Try ~250 responses from 212 institutions in 40 countries, all corroborating each other - no one could provide/cite a valid study. And that's just the SARS-COV-2 purification FOIs. My my, you are way behind.
And very misleading. I did not go to offices and ask to be shown anything. I took advantage of the legislated "freedom of information" process, because I'm a grown up seeking evidence. The heads of the institutions are responsible for the responses that are provided. Funny how RFK Jr. praised the FOIA response that my colleague obtained, showing they had no evidence that masks are useful. And FOIs are just great when it comes to exposing info around the jabs. It's just my virology-exposing FOIs that get dissed, almost as if certain people are trying to protect THAT fraud/pseudoscience.
Lol, the people you mention are way more "famous" than me, and I too lost my job back in 2020. I lived in an unfinished basement for a year and half. And I certainly never advised anyone to write anything on an exemption form. What an imagination you have. You wouldn't happen to be on the CHD payroll, would you? Highwire, perhaps?
This is news to me, re Jessica Rose. She has no science either. I wonder why she goes along with blatant pseudoscience.
Response to gaslighting about the тАЬvirusтАЭ isolation/purification FOI requests:
Posted November 8, 2022
"...Further, I specify purification, тАЬusing standard laboratory methods for the purification of very small thingsтАЬ. I do not ask for anything that is unusual/unreasonable/impossible for tiny particles that actually exist....
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions have no record of any тАЬvirusтАЭ having been found in a host and isolated/purified. Because virology isnтАЩt a science:
A thorough search of NRCтАЩs records has now been completed, and we regret to inform
you that no records responsive to your request were identified
[completely non-committal bureaucratese.]
Please note that in the processing of your request, NRCтАЩs Access to Information and
Privacy (ATIP) Office confirmed that it was not possible to generate a list of publications
as specified within the above-cited text. [Because you phrased it to be impossible to satisfy] Specific details regarding access to publications
by NRC researchers have not been centrally documented by NRCтАЩs Human Health
Therapeutics Research Centre, nor by the Library team responsible for NRCтАЩs electronic collections and journal subscriptions. [and anyway they don't have in their library the publications by their own researchers - so they told you that you were intentionally barking up the wrong tree - like you went to McDonalds and asked for a dictionary] With respect to "not citing a specific study" - that's because you didn't click the link.
Lol, they confessed that they did a thorough search and couldn't find EVEN ONE responsive record. Not one.
It was not an impossible request to satisfy, and they certainly didn't not state that. You are simply making things up. I wonder why.
You made this up too: "they don't have in their library the publications by their own researchers". That is not what the letter says, nor would that make a bit of sense.
They only indicated that they don't have a list of all the studies that NRC researchers have ACCESSED, and I never asked them for one.
They did not indicate in any way that I was barking up the wrong tree. It's the National Research Council, a perfectly appropriate institution to query because if any "virus" science existed, they'd be expected to have it. But they don't.
They confessed they have not a single record. The rest is distraction, which you are capitalizing on to confuse people. Again, I wonder why.
The only link I see from you is a link to a REVIEW, which is not a study (and does not cite any valid scientific studies). Cite a valid, scientific study, if I'm wrong.
And show us where Jessica Rose supposedly called me out.
Alternatively, I'll show the intentional deception myself, from Christine's own words:
тАЬAll records in the possession, custody or control of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) describing the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus, directly from a sample taken from a diseased patient, where the patient sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (i.e. monkey kidney cells aka vero cells; liver cancer cells). Please note that I am using "isolation" in the every-day sense of the word: the act of separating a thing(s) from everything else. I am not requesting records where "isolation of SARS-COV-2" refers instead to:
тАв the culturing of something, or
тАв the performance of an amplification test (i.e. a PCR test), or
тАв the sequencing of something.
I had thought that this request was strictly negative, but Christine did make a positive request, which I will reword for simplicity, "do you have any records of a virus sample obtained simply by filtering and not potentially altered by culturing or genetic amplification"
And the truth is, the first time that tobacco mosaic virus extract was separated out and used to cause new viral damage to tobacco leaves, in 1892, Dimitri Ivanovsky used the very technique Christine was requesting. But then since 1913, when Steinhardt, Israeli, and Lambert first learned it was possible to grow viruses in a cell culture, this technique has been very commonly used to grow many new copies of the original filtered virus.
And at the risk of sounding repetitious, they grow corn in dirt, they grow viruses in cells.
But what Christine has done here is to say, using only pre-1913 tools, do you have any virus samples? You can't use any of the techniques that all biologists use.
And that's why I say this is cagily written, guaranteed to get a negative response in its content, because it guarantees that no biologist works like she requested , and then it is cagily directed to the National Research Council of Canada , a big bureaucracy employing 4000 full-time and many more contract and affiliate, and no bureaucrat is going to stick his neck out for anything, let alone an obvious trick question.
This is all par for the course for the viruses-don't-exist crowd - they are verbally facile , unvaryingly negative - never presenting any positive research findings on any of their speculations that holds any water (5G anyone?). They posture and pose in white coats, but there's no science to them. Just a bit of science-sounding words.
Two scientists contributed to the discovery of the first virus, Tobacco mosaic virus. Ivanoski reported in 1892 that extracts from infected leaves were still infectious after filtration through a Chamberland filter-candle. Bacteria are retained by such filters, a new world was discovered: filterable pathogens.
So you admit you've been mouthing off about me and my FOIs without even knowing what you were talking about :)
And my FOIs are not for the alleged Tobacco mosaic virus, correct Todd?
Further, there was no visual confirmation that purification of alleged "tobacco virus" particles was actually achieved. Simply performing some steps and ASS-UMING that whatever is left over is all the same type of particle does not ensure purification. It's just an ass-umption.
Ditto with the later studies. No "tobacco mosaic virus" has ever been shown to exist. I dare you to cite an actual valid, scientific study and prove me wrong. Are you up for it, Todd?
Back to the imaginary SARS-COV-2, no one has any record of anyone purifying "it" from an allegedly infected person (aka nature's cell culture), as you can see. And contrary to your claim, as noted in my article "Response to gaslighting about the тАЬvirusтАЭ isolation/purification FOI requests", November 8, 2022:
"I specify purification, тАЬusing STANDARD LABORATORY METHODS for the purification of very small thingsтАЬ." I do not ask for anything that is unusual, inappropriate or outdated, and I did not specify any particular methodology (except in a handful of FOIs, most/all of which I later re-did without specifying any methodology).
I'll graciously accept your apology Todd, if you're big enough to offer it.
And lol, again I challenge you to cite an actual valid, scientific study showing that SARS-COV-2 exists. Or are you just posturing, Todd?
itself in the diseased plants. To demonstrate that
the infectious agent was not a microbe, he
conducted diffusion experiments, in which he
allowed the "virus" to penetrate an agar plate.
The agar experiment means he let it diffuse into the agar and then shaved layers off until it quit producing infections in young tobacco plants.
I think it's important for the reader to note, that while Christine is always eager to divert the discussion to science articles, what she has done and continues to do is not science at all. Or Kaufman, the Baileys, Cowan. It may most charitably be described as philosophy of science, where they have asserted that virologists should not be permitted to culture their viruses in cells in the process of detecting their effects. And then the gang leap to the conclusion that viruses don't exist. This has always struck me as very much like the rhetoric of the flat-earthers - telling people to deny what they see as ships disappear below the horizon, mast last. The virus deniers say "don't look at those electron micrographs" , "don't pay attention to your dead friends and relatives and the speed they died" "listen to us" and they peremptorily dismiss the evidence of probably hundreds of papers I've personally linked (counting those researchgate searches.
Serendipitously, my friend Mongol in this chat has demonstrated at the beginning of the pandemic actual contact, support, and exchange of people between the flat earthers and the virus deniers. There was friendly support for the virus deniers from the flat earthers, and the virus deniers wrote their gratitude.
In this exchange of messages a number of you have expressed disbelief in germs, and a number disbelief in space/flat-earth. And that's a good data point.
Similar to dealing with the flat earth people, I think more intuitive arguments, with data you can practically experience, are superior.
For example, I'm sure a number of you have allowed your immune system at times to become weak, and then experienced a shingles rash, caused by a virus that had been dormant in your spinal cord.
And I'm sure all of you are vaccinating your pets against rabies and distemper. And likely you've actually seen a racoon or a skunk that was obviously affected by a virus or something.
One thing you may not have considered is that the existence of your immune system is evidence that there are pathogens that it is required to defend against.
And the fact that your immune system has non-self dna and rna detection capabilities proves that there are pathogens containing foreign dna and rna.
So you don't really need to read a whole bunch of papers if you'll just pay attention to the signs around you in peoples' bodies - the evident cold sores you'll see in the winter, and hope you're not seeing them but the herpes and HPV STD's that are fairly common. If you're female, are you actually willing to risk measles during pregnancy and potentially blind your baby? Or risk passing on your HPV to your child in childbirth?
Happily, in this chat, there was only one female on the side of the deniers. I think that's hopeful and shows probably a sex difference where women are more level headed and men apt to get off into all kinds of abstruse tangents.
I've got one more post of Christine's with a bunch of links in it that I'm going to read. I've posted many, including luckily one where there was no culturing of the viruses, only filtering (Beijerinck). So perhaps the future readers will get some benefit from those.
what deadly viruses and microbes?
tick-borne encephalitis virus
solicitation of Russian synovial fluid to develop arthritis causing viruses targeted to Russians
Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever
Hunt virus
work has been carried out on the causative agents of plague, anthrax and brucellosis in the Lviv biolab
Pathogens of diphtheria, salmonellosis and dysentery in the laboratory of Kharkiv and Poltava.
In Lviv alone, 232 containers with the causative agent of leptospirosis, 30 with tularemia and 10 with brucellosis and 5 with plague were destroyed. There are more than 320 containers in total.
African swine fever
Odessa, which conducts research with pathogens of plague, anthrax, cholera, tularemia.
dirofilariasis in Kherson in 2019, a disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes
I'm summarizing a guy who is summarizing a number of articles here:
Ukrainians were getting sick and dying around these 45 labs: In addition, attention is drawn to the fact of a sharp increase in cases of tuberculosis caused by a new multi-resistant strain among citizens living in the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics in 2018. These data are confirmed by specialists of Rospotrebnadzor. During the mass outbreak recorded in the area of the village of Peski, more than 70 cases of the disease were detected, which ended in a rapid fatal outcome. This may indicate a deliberate infection, or an accidental leakage of the pathogen from one of the Ukrainian biological laboratories.
And the US was discovered to have a similar smorgasbord of labs in Kazakhistan.
Wow Dude,
A simple list of diseases and or "viruses" does not a unicorn make.
"West Nile virus" is a phrase, but where is the "thing"? Show us virus, please.
Meningitis means inflammation of the meninges. Where is the causal agent, in the form of an exogenous, contagious, pathogenic virus?
Mercola believes viruses exist.
Mercola thinks there was a pandemic and refuses to debate this. He has been challenged on this multiple times and walks away.
That is because he is savvy and knows he would get demolished in such a debate against the likes of myself. He would then have three years worth of work discredited by a relative nobody.
Would I get to live in his mansion then?
You forgot Ebola- that's a baddie.
Mercola has lost it, and his website is edited by lawyers, not by him. He is the figurehead. I know this from Erin, his girlfriend. If the lawyers say kosher then a BLT it is. When he had JEREMY FRICKIN HAMMOND on to argue for viruses, I knew that the bottom fell out and he was taking a bath in the septic system.
Gary Null not only believes in viruses, he is a full-on germophobe...I mean he has his floor at a retreat center bleached TWICE before he goes in; he wears gloves at a barbecue; he has lost whatever mind he had. And to be fair, Null was berry berry good to me on the PCB story -- he had me on the show not once but twice at Noon on WBAI....big time, back then...
This is a partial list of the research the CIA affiliates were doing in Ukraine.
Yes, we've heard of all those alleged viruses. But we are looking for the scientific evidence that they actually exist. No one seems to have any; virologists don't adhere to the scientific method. They rely on circular reasoning and wild leaps of illogic.
Eat a rabid bat.
Prove us wrong.
That will be the ultimate scientific proof, and you will get the Nobel Prize for Medicine. Or perhaps you don't really believe your own message.
You're trying to reverse the burden of proof. The burden is on those making the positive claim. And under no circumstances would me eating a rabid bat even have the potential to prove anything to do with a virus, no matter what the outcome. Logic please.
Wuhan original paper. Exhaustively sequenced virus from samples from lungs of dying victims. Equals proof. And repeated thousands of times over, by this point.
Lady sends crafted letters to government agency guaranteed to get a noncommittal response, claims it proves sars cov-2 never sequenced. Equals unethical.
Jessica Rose called you out. She's great. Stop the scam, Christine. Your letters were a crafted lie.
We give the virus deniers opportunity to bring science , data, experiment to the table. All they do is make videos. Why? Because they do no experiments, they validate no hypotheses, they have no data. Because they are nothing but a TV show. There is no science there. They play games with words.
Example #1, Christine Masseys's 95 FOIA letters. Never corroborated. Why? Because everyone recognizes they are a scam, designed to fool a hapless public, who is suckered to believe that if you go to a health office the secretaries and bureaucrats there are going to show you a set of research papers. That's not what bureaucracies do, and you knew that in advance, Christine, and everybody knows you knew it.
Why you chose the path of notoriety and fame - your name on all the alt sites, the interviews, the videos - why you chose that instead of helping people baffles me. So many chose to battle the system - Claire Craig, Jessica Rose, Simone Gold, Kulvinder Kaur, Lidiya Angelova, and they took hits and damage to their careers. Why pursue fame and sacrifice your neighbors and countrymen who if they said on their mandate exemption form "Christine Massey says viruses don't exist therefore I shouldn't be compelled to be vaxed" - you're literally sacrificing your neighbors when these mandates come back.
Todd, what is the "Wuhan original paper"? I am the expert on this issue, and my principal investigator is better -- make it good. Which paper, which patient?
virus containing lung fluids were processed and human epithelial cells were used to culture and produce sufficient virus for analysis, and then it was exhaustively sequenced.
Using a matrix to culture virus is similar to using agar to culture bacteria, or soil or hydroponics to culture plants from seed, or animal wombs to culture embryos. This is biology. Seeds require water, air, and some nourishment, and that does not imply seeds don't exist.
Dear Todd Harvey,
The phrase "virus-containing fluids" presupposes that virus exists. Culturing material in epithelial cells is fine, but it is not a means to prove isolation. Rather, as the process implies, it is a blending of materials.
Please just show us a paper, with a methods section, wherein anyone claims to "isolate" a virus.
You really haven't thought this through.
The argument you are attemtping to smear Christine with would be SUPPORTED MUCH BETTER by the Lab Leak/Aerosolization Theory which maintains the Covid Narrative as a deadly pathogen for which draconian measures including the suspension of basic civil liberties were "necessary."
It maintains the notion the "novel" virus was "unprecedented" and therefore a "New Normal" raft of invasive policies would be justified (mandatory vaccines, vaccine passports, etc.).
However, if there was no pandemic, no evidence for a virus, what do we do then?
Well, we'd have to hold our government, our health regulatory agencies and our Media to account. The whole system would collapse as it would be shown for the corrupt house of cards that it is.
So, no, what you are supporting is what keeps the whole charade alive and well.
The "lab-leak theory" serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that "the virus" is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative.
The "virus" was not man made in a lab in Wuhan. The "virus" was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo.
As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable. Those who repeat this lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie.
Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" operation that is steamrolling people's lives.
Specific to тАЬSARS-CoV2тАЭ as a lab created virus this story has so many holes in it that it is hard to comprehend that anyone with integrity and critical thinking skills would not walk this back if they had posited this sophistry at some point.
That they have had to constantly reposition themselves on variations of this "theory" should be a red flag to anyone with critical thinking skills. This is not a case of changing theories based on new evidence this is a case of inventing new versions of the original preposterous theory while IGNORING volumes of evidence that prove the original theory and its offshoots to be illogical.
The biggest problem with promoting this lie is that the likes of RFK, Bigtree, Malone, Rose etc. are not just simply wrong but their insistence on using some iteration of the тАЬlab leakтАЭ red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.
The "lab leak/targeted spraying" theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a "viral event" and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide.
All of the тАЬCovid deathsтАЭ are fraudulent and inventions from the Pharma/medical/media cartel. The vast majority are medical murder.
Please answer the following 'starter' questions:
Who did the spraying of the aerosolized virii?
What day/days was this done?
What location(s)?
How many and who died from this viral pathogen in each location?
What time was it when the spraying occurred?
What were the wind patterns on those days?
From what object came the aerosolized substance?
Were there any witnesses?
Since these are basically Eric's questions, I've got a few posts elsewhere in the thread, but anyway:
1) I'm a big fan of Ryan Dawson, and one thing I've noticed about him is that he doesn't sperg on about technical things, especially those that aren't well established. He goes more for cui bono , or who likely committed the crime.
2) USA/Israel benefit from the Iran attack
3) USA is in some degree of war with China, and if Yoichi Shimatsu is believed, the USA has committed bioterrorism against the Chinese pork industry and other parts of their food supply.
My own speculation is that just as in any big assassination, there's always a patsy set up to take the blame, perhaps Wuhan was set up to take the blame for a virus that had already gotten out in the US, or was directly targetted.
If it was intentional, it would need to be done in such a way that it would look like the lab could have played a role, and if somebody had to deliver aerosol or fluid, it would need to be untraceable.
So maybe something in a building heat exchanger in the outside pack that uses water for cooling like the Legionaire's disease outbreaks, or in the ice supply to the fish markets.
As I said in the other post, this James Bond stuff is a little outside my bailiwick, and that's why I think perhaps a forum like Eric's where the people are self-selected to be outside the box is a place where the unlikely causes can be successfully theorized. At least I hope so.
You didn't cite a specific study, why is that? I've read the original papers and they're ridiculous. Cite a study you consider valid.
I did not get "noncommital responses", I obtained confessions from around the world. And yes the letters were carefully crafted to weed out pseudoscience. It's the intelligent thing to do.
Lol, still you are trying to reverse the burden of proof. And lol, pretending that we only make videos.
95 FOIA letters? Try ~250 responses from 212 institutions in 40 countries, all corroborating each other - no one could provide/cite a valid study. And that's just the SARS-COV-2 purification FOIs. My my, you are way behind.
And very misleading. I did not go to offices and ask to be shown anything. I took advantage of the legislated "freedom of information" process, because I'm a grown up seeking evidence. The heads of the institutions are responsible for the responses that are provided. Funny how RFK Jr. praised the FOIA response that my colleague obtained, showing they had no evidence that masks are useful. And FOIs are just great when it comes to exposing info around the jabs. It's just my virology-exposing FOIs that get dissed, almost as if certain people are trying to protect THAT fraud/pseudoscience.
Lol, the people you mention are way more "famous" than me, and I too lost my job back in 2020. I lived in an unfinished basement for a year and half. And I certainly never advised anyone to write anything on an exemption form. What an imagination you have. You wouldn't happen to be on the CHD payroll, would you? Highwire, perhaps?
This is news to me, re Jessica Rose. She has no science either. I wonder why she goes along with blatant pseudoscience.
Response to gaslighting about the тАЬvirusтАЭ isolation/purification FOI requests:
Posted November 8, 2022
"...Further, I specify purification, тАЬusing standard laboratory methods for the purification of very small thingsтАЬ. I do not ask for anything that is unusual/unreasonable/impossible for tiny particles that actually exist....
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions have no record of any тАЬvirusтАЭ having been found in a host and isolated/purified. Because virology isnтАЩt a science:
Do virologists perform valid control experiments? Is virology a science?
тАЬSo What The Hell Is Going OnтАЭ?
Here is a response, from Canada's NRC:
A thorough search of NRCтАЩs records has now been completed, and we regret to inform
you that no records responsive to your request were identified
[completely non-committal bureaucratese.]
Please note that in the processing of your request, NRCтАЩs Access to Information and
Privacy (ATIP) Office confirmed that it was not possible to generate a list of publications
as specified within the above-cited text. [Because you phrased it to be impossible to satisfy] Specific details regarding access to publications
by NRC researchers have not been centrally documented by NRCтАЩs Human Health
Therapeutics Research Centre, nor by the Library team responsible for NRCтАЩs electronic collections and journal subscriptions. [and anyway they don't have in their library the publications by their own researchers - so they told you that you were intentionally barking up the wrong tree - like you went to McDonalds and asked for a dictionary] With respect to "not citing a specific study" - that's because you didn't click the link.
Lol, they confessed that they did a thorough search and couldn't find EVEN ONE responsive record. Not one.
It was not an impossible request to satisfy, and they certainly didn't not state that. You are simply making things up. I wonder why.
You made this up too: "they don't have in their library the publications by their own researchers". That is not what the letter says, nor would that make a bit of sense.
They only indicated that they don't have a list of all the studies that NRC researchers have ACCESSED, and I never asked them for one.
They did not indicate in any way that I was barking up the wrong tree. It's the National Research Council, a perfectly appropriate institution to query because if any "virus" science existed, they'd be expected to have it. But they don't.
They confessed they have not a single record. The rest is distraction, which you are capitalizing on to confuse people. Again, I wonder why.
The only link I see from you is a link to a REVIEW, which is not a study (and does not cite any valid scientific studies). Cite a valid, scientific study, if I'm wrong.
And show us where Jessica Rose supposedly called me out.
Dear Cosmos Agent Roger 23:
Please do not bother to respond to the "taking the piss" drivel of Mr. Harvey.
We know that either no one called out Christine, or they made a bunch of nonsense claims and or ad hominem attacks.
I would like to see where Jessica Rose called me out too.
Alternatively, I'll show the intentional deception myself, from Christine's own words:
тАЬAll records in the possession, custody or control of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) describing the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus, directly from a sample taken from a diseased patient, where the patient sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (i.e. monkey kidney cells aka vero cells; liver cancer cells). Please note that I am using "isolation" in the every-day sense of the word: the act of separating a thing(s) from everything else. I am not requesting records where "isolation of SARS-COV-2" refers instead to:
тАв the culturing of something, or
тАв the performance of an amplification test (i.e. a PCR test), or
тАв the sequencing of something.
I had thought that this request was strictly negative, but Christine did make a positive request, which I will reword for simplicity, "do you have any records of a virus sample obtained simply by filtering and not potentially altered by culturing or genetic amplification"
And the truth is, the first time that tobacco mosaic virus extract was separated out and used to cause new viral damage to tobacco leaves, in 1892, Dimitri Ivanovsky used the very technique Christine was requesting. But then since 1913, when Steinhardt, Israeli, and Lambert first learned it was possible to grow viruses in a cell culture, this technique has been very commonly used to grow many new copies of the original filtered virus.
And at the risk of sounding repetitious, they grow corn in dirt, they grow viruses in cells.
But what Christine has done here is to say, using only pre-1913 tools, do you have any virus samples? You can't use any of the techniques that all biologists use.
And that's why I say this is cagily written, guaranteed to get a negative response in its content, because it guarantees that no biologist works like she requested , and then it is cagily directed to the National Research Council of Canada , a big bureaucracy employing 4000 full-time and many more contract and affiliate, and no bureaucrat is going to stick his neck out for anything, let alone an obvious trick question.
This is all par for the course for the viruses-don't-exist crowd - they are verbally facile , unvaryingly negative - never presenting any positive research findings on any of their speculations that holds any water (5G anyone?). They posture and pose in white coats, but there's no science to them. Just a bit of science-sounding words.
Dear Todd Harvey,
Did you read the paper by Iwanowski? Please show us where he filtered any virus.
Two scientists contributed to the discovery of the first virus, Tobacco mosaic virus. Ivanoski reported in 1892 that extracts from infected leaves were still infectious after filtration through a Chamberland filter-candle. Bacteria are retained by such filters, a new world was discovered: filterable pathogens.
So you admit you've been mouthing off about me and my FOIs without even knowing what you were talking about :)
And my FOIs are not for the alleged Tobacco mosaic virus, correct Todd?
Further, there was no visual confirmation that purification of alleged "tobacco virus" particles was actually achieved. Simply performing some steps and ASS-UMING that whatever is left over is all the same type of particle does not ensure purification. It's just an ass-umption.
Further, there were other problematic aspects of his approach. Sam Baily has covered this in one of her wonderful videos: "Tobacco Mosaic тАЬVirusтАЭ - The beginning & end of virology":
Ditto with the later studies. No "tobacco mosaic virus" has ever been shown to exist. I dare you to cite an actual valid, scientific study and prove me wrong. Are you up for it, Todd?
Back to the imaginary SARS-COV-2, no one has any record of anyone purifying "it" from an allegedly infected person (aka nature's cell culture), as you can see. And contrary to your claim, as noted in my article "Response to gaslighting about the тАЬvirusтАЭ isolation/purification FOI requests", November 8, 2022:
"I specify purification, тАЬusing STANDARD LABORATORY METHODS for the purification of very small thingsтАЬ." I do not ask for anything that is unusual, inappropriate or outdated, and I did not specify any particular methodology (except in a handful of FOIs, most/all of which I later re-did without specifying any methodology).
I'll graciously accept your apology Todd, if you're big enough to offer it.
And lol, again I challenge you to cite an actual valid, scientific study showing that SARS-COV-2 exists. Or are you just posturing, Todd?
Bjerlink, no culturing, only filtering, could produce new cases of mosaic virus disease to any number of test plants. Covered in this short textbook chapter:
concluded that what passed
through porcelain filters remained infectious and
was sterile of microorganisms. He concluded that
it was a "contagium vivum fluidum", a contagious
living fluid. He found that from the sap of a
diseased plant, " infinite number of healthy
plants may be inoculated and infected.." and
concluded that the infectious agent reproduces
itself in the diseased plants. To demonstrate that
the infectious agent was not a microbe, he
conducted diffusion experiments, in which he
allowed the "virus" to penetrate an agar plate.
The agar experiment means he let it diffuse into the agar and then shaved layers off until it quit producing infections in young tobacco plants.
I think it's important for the reader to note, that while Christine is always eager to divert the discussion to science articles, what she has done and continues to do is not science at all. Or Kaufman, the Baileys, Cowan. It may most charitably be described as philosophy of science, where they have asserted that virologists should not be permitted to culture their viruses in cells in the process of detecting their effects. And then the gang leap to the conclusion that viruses don't exist. This has always struck me as very much like the rhetoric of the flat-earthers - telling people to deny what they see as ships disappear below the horizon, mast last. The virus deniers say "don't look at those electron micrographs" , "don't pay attention to your dead friends and relatives and the speed they died" "listen to us" and they peremptorily dismiss the evidence of probably hundreds of papers I've personally linked (counting those researchgate searches.
Serendipitously, my friend Mongol in this chat has demonstrated at the beginning of the pandemic actual contact, support, and exchange of people between the flat earthers and the virus deniers. There was friendly support for the virus deniers from the flat earthers, and the virus deniers wrote their gratitude.
In this exchange of messages a number of you have expressed disbelief in germs, and a number disbelief in space/flat-earth. And that's a good data point.
I think it's basically foolish to give a virus denier the impression that his opinions about the techniques of virology count for anything, although I did indulge that folly here: .
Similar to dealing with the flat earth people, I think more intuitive arguments, with data you can practically experience, are superior.
For example, I'm sure a number of you have allowed your immune system at times to become weak, and then experienced a shingles rash, caused by a virus that had been dormant in your spinal cord.
And I'm sure all of you are vaccinating your pets against rabies and distemper. And likely you've actually seen a racoon or a skunk that was obviously affected by a virus or something.
One thing you may not have considered is that the existence of your immune system is evidence that there are pathogens that it is required to defend against.
And the fact that your immune system has non-self dna and rna detection capabilities proves that there are pathogens containing foreign dna and rna.
So you don't really need to read a whole bunch of papers if you'll just pay attention to the signs around you in peoples' bodies - the evident cold sores you'll see in the winter, and hope you're not seeing them but the herpes and HPV STD's that are fairly common. If you're female, are you actually willing to risk measles during pregnancy and potentially blind your baby? Or risk passing on your HPV to your child in childbirth?
Happily, in this chat, there was only one female on the side of the deniers. I think that's hopeful and shows probably a sex difference where women are more level headed and men apt to get off into all kinds of abstruse tangents.
I've got one more post of Christine's with a bunch of links in it that I'm going to read. I've posted many, including luckily one where there was no culturing of the viruses, only filtering (Beijerinck). So perhaps the future readers will get some benefit from those.
You seem to be using circular reasoning: people were infected with smallpox virus, therefore smallpox virus exists. Prove that it exists, if you can.
I haven't researched the bedbugs theory, it's not my theory to defend. But common sense should tell you that lots of things can cause marks on skin.
Dear Mongol,
I am very interested to know more about smallpox and First Nations peoples in Canada. I am writing a book on smallpox.
Please write me at: biko97jcj(at) hotmail (dot) com
Thank you