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So how do I speculate it was spread in Wuhan? And you guys know it was discovered in Wuhan by the CIA way back in November, about two months before the Chinese managed to discover it. To me, that's starting to be great evidence of "who dunnit". Now, whether they did it with a candelabra in the drawing room or a rope in the conservatory ... my mind just doesn't go there. I'm more interested in pointing out bullshit and getting to truth, than engaging in speculation.

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Oh, and this is from a teammate who is also involved in an internal lover's quarrel between Jay Couey and Kevin McCairn where Jay is saying essentially every outbreak worldwide is a separate intentional release due to the rapid attenuation of all corona viruses.

maziak — Today at 9:16 PM

Hi @ToddRHarvey , I'm likely wrong, but here are my assumptions, in trying to resolve/progress the Kev-JC argument...



A self-perpetuating respiratory illness occurred, having distinct pathologies (ground-glass lungs, other...)

This pathogen was bioengineered (coronavirus, spike, FCS...) & there is evidence for this (Defuse, moderna contracts, moderna patents, Baric's work...)

This respiratory illness propagated the pathogen, evidenced by the various cases of covid around the world, displaying the distinct pathologies.

This data together, gives enough explanation that there was a spreading respiratory illness propagating a dangerous lab-created bioagent


Adding the concept of infectious clones adds more layers of complexity:

- research around perpetuating a bioagent via an infectious clone

- labs working on the mechanisms to propagate infectious clones on a large scale

- mechanisms + logistics + people involved with propagating an infectious clone event open up more channels of discoverability / evidence

There is currently little evidence supporting those 3 points.


Coronavirus cannot sustain a pandemic, infectious clones could provide the means, etc...

The evidence & FOI you see is by design (to assist the Scooby Dooing)

(Hopefully this addresses your question: "we have proof of the viral infection logistics/players" )

From the Kev/Charles discussion, rather than an either-or, could not both be true: part-1 of Kev's argument + JC's argument.

Kev/Charles elaborated further, clarifying that the Kev-JC argument is more around part-2 of Kev's argument than part-1

@qwerty123 had a very good point re explicitly putting out evidence as a psyop, therefore how much of Kev's evidence can we trust (noting that some of that evidence is undisputed)

Personally find both argument avenues interesting & worth pursuing in their own right. Just wish JC didn't cause such a storm & be a bit more constructive on this mission. If you're interested in discussing more with the Coons, https://discord.gg/raccoonbunker . We've got virologists, MD's, MD/PhD's, aging hippies, ayahuascaman. In other words, all kinds.

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AHA - found the Yoichi Shimatsu post in my notes:

No bat or pangolins, maybe tilapia,. https://rense.com/general96/covert-19-bats-in-the-belfry.php.


At this point, there are few if any grounds for doubt that a Japanese-led biowar operation, so reminiscent of Unit 731, was involved in the infiltration of secret agents into the extensive Japanese and South Korea partnered fish farms in the Yangtze aquaculture sector, not only as buyers of fish but also suppliers of equipment and pharmaceuticals to prevent infection in the dense populations of farmed fish. This type of piscine delivery requires gene modification of the carrier species.

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Alabama resident almost died of Covid in Dec 2019. (prior to "discovery" in Wuhan). And he's from a rural area.

Alabama dec 2019 had the antibodies

https://www.uncoverdc.com/2020/06/25/an-alabama-man-nearly-died-from-covid-19-the-first-week-in-january/ IMHO this never was the Kung-Flu but the CIA Spook Flu.

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From Jessica Rose and I'll quit:


What people should focus on here is not what could happen, but what did happen. I have no doubt in my mind that the Sirotkins are correct in their open assessment/investigation of how SARS-CoV-2 arose. It is a good thing these dats to wonder about serial passaging to enhance affinity for spike-protein binding to ACE2, or specific peptide splicing to enhance infectivity via furin cleavage site incorporation into SARS-CoV-2 spike. And whichever is correct, there is no doubt of the involvement of laboratory aspects surrounding this particular pathogen. None.

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Jessica Rose doesn't know what the fuck she is talking about.

She is purpsoefully ignorant on these matters and works with a closed and arrogant mind.

But she does like to get on planes and fly around to fancy conferences and eat at plush restaurants with her "buds."

You are correct here though:

" there is no doubt of the involvement of laboratory aspects surrounding this particular pathogen."

There is no unique viral pathogen that caused squat. No doubt whatsoever for those who travel in the world of evidence and hard data and not speculative bullshit.

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Jessica Rose literally processes the VAERS data weekly. That is as hard data as we have in the United States on the covid vaccines.

Here is a sample article: https://jessica5b3.substack.com/p/why-are-there-23-babies-suffering

I'd like to point out to the readers that Allen's response typifies the divisiveness and negativity of the no-virus crowd. I believe their purpose is to turn you against all science and against rationality itself, much like the flat-Earth crowd (space doesn't exist).

A quick common sense technique you can use is, when I listen to this person, do I come away educated? If, on the other hand, the more you listen, the less you know - well, that should tell you something.

Allen had about 6 other responses, but the nastiness towards Jessica tells me all I need. I responded here with full info on Jessica, so you all can make up your own mind.

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You are using the "negativity" canard to run away from the fact that you can't defend your position.

You sound like a 5 year old child.

You also use misdirection- I wasn't referring anywhere in my comments to vaccine data. There are about a thousand people going through the VAERS data and many dozen who do a way better job of this than Rose- she is doing nothing heroic whatsoever.

Face it- you can't defend your positions so you run off with the flimsiest of excuses. And THAT IS what passes for intellectual rigor from the so-called "Covid oppositional celebrities" like Rose, Malone, Kirsch etc.

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