I read the papers of Flexner and Lewis on polio "virus." They never isolated anything. They even injected monkeys with blood that they supposed to be tainted with polio virus. But not until the men at the Rockefeller Institute injected material directly into the skulls of the monkeys, could the "scientists" cause monk…
I read the papers of Flexner and Lewis on polio "virus." They never isolated anything. They even injected monkeys with blood that they supposed to be tainted with polio virus. But not until the men at the Rockefeller Institute injected material directly into the skulls of the monkeys, could the "scientists" cause monkeys to become lame and or die (from polio).
Can you point me to a study where anyone isolated "poliomyelitis virus"? Maybe I misread or overlooked something.
For the future reader - I am from an agricultural part of Tennessee, and big swaths of the rich Duck river bottom are used for seed research. At no point of this research is the corn seed "isolated" from soil, from the microbes, from the molds, from the insects. They make a good effort to bag the tassels at the right time so only the pollen they desire fertilizes the next crop.
Similarly, in the process of isolating viruses, which are bits of dna or rna encapsulated in a shell, they use live cells and the replication machinery of those cells There is an incidental amount of antibiotics to keep down the nasties and molds from turning it all into a mess. Similar to corn, they get about a thousand new virions for each infected cell until it lyses, or bursts. I gave a video of a cell actually bursting at the SophiaSnippets site you can find linked in this chat.
But the one I scanned to see their isolation process described in detail was near the top, Dulbecco and Vogt, click through to the pdf.
In addition to cultivating polio virus in kidney cells, then also did it in testes cells and spinal cord suspension cells. (and that way I believe they avoided the sv-40 coinfection problem). Back in those days they didn't have the capability to sequence the genome of the virus as they did at Wuhan in the very first paper, so they visually inspected the regions of their culture where cells had burst or lysed, and measured the number and size of those plaques in order to calculate the amount of virus that had been produced.
Corn, on the other hand, was much easier to count, and the fact you might have a bit of fertilizer in the field, or some molds in the dirt just never came up. This is biology, after all.
There are several classes of people who deny the existence of viruses (and there are people who deny that germs like staph or strep cause disease).
To my mind, the most insidious are those like Andrew Kaufman , Christine Massey, Jane Ruby who were signal boosted massively by search engines, social media, cable shows, and I bet at this point, no one in this thread believes that there are self-replicating hydras in the vaccines. What is insidious is that while the Dark Side imposes mandates on everybody to get their gene transfection, the Dark Side also injects confusion, fear, uncertainty, disbelief, distrust, disunity and promotes the virus denying superstars. While good guys are getting fired from their jobs left and right.
The people with credible scientific chops who opposed the Dark Side were not only deplatformed, but debanked and hounded. While the virus denying stars literally drive Porsches and fly private planes. I wish this were a joke.
Another group of virus deniers sells some kind of supplement or alternative medical treatment, and they need believers for what functions as a cult, in order to keep the business going. So for example, Tom Cowan has a conflict of interest in tearing down medicine.
Mr Jones seems to be in a different category, and I'll cover that in the next response.
Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS).--(a) NaC1 8.0 gm., KC1 0.2 gm., Na~-IPO4 1.15 gin. KH~PO4 0.2 gr., water 800 ml.; (b) CaC12 0.1 gin., water 100 ml.; (c) MgCI2.6H20 0.1 gm.. water 100 ml. Autoclave (a), (b), and (c) separately; mix when cooled. Trypsin (Nutritiona; Biochemical Co.) 0.25 per cent in PBS, sterilized by filtration.
Tissue Culture Fluid.--Earle's saline (ES) (3), 8 parts, horse serum, 6 parts, chicken embryo extract (1:1 in ES), 3 parts; Earle's saline and horse serum were sterilized by pressure filtration through a Selas falter of porosity 03; the embryo extract was prepared under sterile conditions. An amount of 100/~g. of streptomycin and 100 units of penicillin per ml. were added to the saline solutions.
Lol. And this is supposed to help them "isolate" something from a host.
and the most relevant to this discussion: https://vaxxter.com/acute-lymphoblastic-leukemia-vaccines/ which is about the possibility of vaccines causing acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He essentially proved his case with statistics and history.
However, what I'm saying is, had he also dug more into what viruses are, then he'd be a much more effective anti-vaxer. Because almost all vaxes are chemically somewhat altered wild viruses, and the history is full of vaxes re-wilding themselves and causing polio and measles. That's what got Wakefield banned - he innocently included the info that the measles he found and sequenced from the disturbed guts of his autism victim children shared the genome of the vaccine. And that was a bridge too far for big Pharma and he was unmercifully kicked out of medicine and has been vilified for years.
But my point is that he had the technical understanding to look into the genome of the sequenced virus from the diarrhea plagued bowels of the children he was helping, and it was measles from the vaccine, not wild measles.
In the case of sars cov-2, part of the genome looks like actual snake venom. And that's why the kook Brian Ardis was all over the internet saying Fauci had put venom in the water supply. The sars cov-2 critics had published he issue two years prior, and at some point a disinfo discrediting agent was needed to make it appear foolish.
Part of the genome looks like what causes protein misfolding, similar to prions, and we've had people die of creutzfeldt-jakob disease symptoms a month after vaccination, as well as people with major brain issues after viral infection.
(This fulfills a type of Koch's postulates - where the genome of the virus is taken, a portion of it goes to the vax, is injected, and then causes the same symptoms or worse, because it is amplified greatly and put straight into the blood and not having to battle through the body's immune system.
So if Mr Jones studied the biochemistry of the viruses, he'd be a much better advocate for the victims of the vaccines that are made from the viruses.
Dear Todd Harvey,
I read the papers of Flexner and Lewis on polio "virus." They never isolated anything. They even injected monkeys with blood that they supposed to be tainted with polio virus. But not until the men at the Rockefeller Institute injected material directly into the skulls of the monkeys, could the "scientists" cause monkeys to become lame and or die (from polio).
Can you point me to a study where anyone isolated "poliomyelitis virus"? Maybe I misread or overlooked something.
For the future reader - I am from an agricultural part of Tennessee, and big swaths of the rich Duck river bottom are used for seed research. At no point of this research is the corn seed "isolated" from soil, from the microbes, from the molds, from the insects. They make a good effort to bag the tassels at the right time so only the pollen they desire fertilizes the next crop.
Similarly, in the process of isolating viruses, which are bits of dna or rna encapsulated in a shell, they use live cells and the replication machinery of those cells There is an incidental amount of antibiotics to keep down the nasties and molds from turning it all into a mess. Similar to corn, they get about a thousand new virions for each infected cell until it lyses, or bursts. I gave a video of a cell actually bursting at the SophiaSnippets site you can find linked in this chat.
So to specifically answer Mr. Jones' question, any of the following: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C43&q=poliomyelitis+virus+isolation&btnG=&oq=poliomyelitis+virus+is
But the one I scanned to see their isolation process described in detail was near the top, Dulbecco and Vogt, click through to the pdf.
In addition to cultivating polio virus in kidney cells, then also did it in testes cells and spinal cord suspension cells. (and that way I believe they avoided the sv-40 coinfection problem). Back in those days they didn't have the capability to sequence the genome of the virus as they did at Wuhan in the very first paper, so they visually inspected the regions of their culture where cells had burst or lysed, and measured the number and size of those plaques in order to calculate the amount of virus that had been produced.
Corn, on the other hand, was much easier to count, and the fact you might have a bit of fertilizer in the field, or some molds in the dirt just never came up. This is biology, after all.
There are several classes of people who deny the existence of viruses (and there are people who deny that germs like staph or strep cause disease).
To my mind, the most insidious are those like Andrew Kaufman , Christine Massey, Jane Ruby who were signal boosted massively by search engines, social media, cable shows, and I bet at this point, no one in this thread believes that there are self-replicating hydras in the vaccines. What is insidious is that while the Dark Side imposes mandates on everybody to get their gene transfection, the Dark Side also injects confusion, fear, uncertainty, disbelief, distrust, disunity and promotes the virus denying superstars. While good guys are getting fired from their jobs left and right.
The people with credible scientific chops who opposed the Dark Side were not only deplatformed, but debanked and hounded. While the virus denying stars literally drive Porsches and fly private planes. I wish this were a joke.
Another group of virus deniers sells some kind of supplement or alternative medical treatment, and they need believers for what functions as a cult, in order to keep the business going. So for example, Tom Cowan has a conflict of interest in tearing down medicine.
Mr Jones seems to be in a different category, and I'll cover that in the next response.
From the 1st study at that link:
Solutions and Media
Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS).--(a) NaC1 8.0 gm., KC1 0.2 gm., Na~-IPO4 1.15 gin. KH~PO4 0.2 gr., water 800 ml.; (b) CaC12 0.1 gin., water 100 ml.; (c) MgCI2.6H20 0.1 gm.. water 100 ml. Autoclave (a), (b), and (c) separately; mix when cooled. Trypsin (Nutritiona; Biochemical Co.) 0.25 per cent in PBS, sterilized by filtration.
Tissue Culture Fluid.--Earle's saline (ES) (3), 8 parts, horse serum, 6 parts, chicken embryo extract (1:1 in ES), 3 parts; Earle's saline and horse serum were sterilized by pressure filtration through a Selas falter of porosity 03; the embryo extract was prepared under sterile conditions. An amount of 100/~g. of streptomycin and 100 units of penicillin per ml. were added to the saline solutions.
Lol. And this is supposed to help them "isolate" something from a host.
wait a second how did you get my recipe for chocolate chip cookies?
Here's a chunk of Mr Jones work:
and the most relevant to this discussion: https://vaxxter.com/acute-lymphoblastic-leukemia-vaccines/ which is about the possibility of vaccines causing acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He essentially proved his case with statistics and history.
However, what I'm saying is, had he also dug more into what viruses are, then he'd be a much more effective anti-vaxer. Because almost all vaxes are chemically somewhat altered wild viruses, and the history is full of vaxes re-wilding themselves and causing polio and measles. That's what got Wakefield banned - he innocently included the info that the measles he found and sequenced from the disturbed guts of his autism victim children shared the genome of the vaccine. And that was a bridge too far for big Pharma and he was unmercifully kicked out of medicine and has been vilified for years.
But my point is that he had the technical understanding to look into the genome of the sequenced virus from the diarrhea plagued bowels of the children he was helping, and it was measles from the vaccine, not wild measles.
In the case of sars cov-2, part of the genome looks like actual snake venom. And that's why the kook Brian Ardis was all over the internet saying Fauci had put venom in the water supply. The sars cov-2 critics had published he issue two years prior, and at some point a disinfo discrediting agent was needed to make it appear foolish.
Part of the genome looks like what causes protein misfolding, similar to prions, and we've had people die of creutzfeldt-jakob disease symptoms a month after vaccination, as well as people with major brain issues after viral infection.
(This fulfills a type of Koch's postulates - where the genome of the virus is taken, a portion of it goes to the vax, is injected, and then causes the same symptoms or worse, because it is amplified greatly and put straight into the blood and not having to battle through the body's immune system.
So if Mr Jones studied the biochemistry of the viruses, he'd be a much better advocate for the victims of the vaccines that are made from the viruses.