I say that the evidence points to the Covid-19 neucloids virus being released from Fort Detrick and then after the bio 4 lab was dismantled and removed at night, the Chinese were blamed for it
BioNTech and Pfizer’s BNT162 Vaccine Patent Landscape
By Mario Gaviria and Burcu Kilic November 16, 2020
BNT162 Vx patent landscape
Safe and effec…
I say that the evidence points to the Covid-19 neucloids virus being released from Fort Detrick and then after the bio 4 lab was dismantled and removed at night, the Chinese were blamed for it
BioNTech and Pfizer’s BNT162 Vaccine Patent Landscape
By Mario Gaviria and Burcu Kilic November 16, 2020
BNT162 Vx patent landscape
Safe and effective vaccines are key to combating the Covid-19 pandemic; however, patents and other intellectual property claims directed at vaccine technologies create legal barriers for equitable access and fair allocation. No corporation produces at scale to supply the world. Providing timely global access will depend in significant part on increasing supply, including by transferring technology to qualified manufacturers. Much of this technology is claimed as patented, proprietary, or confidential in nature.
German company BioNTech and its U.S. partner Pfizer’s[1] vaccine candidate, BNT162 SARS-CoV-2, employs the use of lipid nanoparticle (NP) technology to deliver mRNA to cells. Once the lipid nanoparticle is injected into a patient, it travels into the cells and instructs them to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The presence of this corona virus protein is thought to trigger an immune response leading to the production of antibodies.[2] If the patient is infected with coronavirus, the antibodies will identify and bind to the virus, which triggers a series of events resulting in the elimination of the virus.
BNT162 is in Phase 3 clinical trials. Pfizer announced promising but preliminary trial results on November 9th.[3]
We identified several patents claimed by BioNTech relating to the pertinent vaccine technologies.[4] We placed them in three groups based on their description and their primary independent claim:
· Patents directed at RNABelow is our non-exhaustive list.
Below is our non-exhaustive list. In a recent financial statement, BioNTech suggested that its patent claims extend to mRNA structure, formulations, and manufacturing, and relies on trade secrets and confidential know-how to protect aspects of mRNA manufacturing technologies.[5]
Patent/Published Application Applicant/Assignee Filing Date Status Invention Type
US 10,576,146BioNTechMarch 15, 2018ActiveLipids/NP + mRNAUS 10,485,884BioNTechMarch 5, 2013ActiveLipids/NP + mRNAUS 9,950,065BioNTechSeptember 26, 2013ActiveLipids/NP + mRNAUS2020/0155671BioNTechJanuary 22, 2020PendingLipids/NP + mRNAUS2020/0197508BioNTechMarch 21, 2018PendingRNA immune responseUS2019/0153428BioNTechAugust 24, 2016PendingRNA immunogenicityUS2019/0321458BioNTechJuly 14, 2017PendingPC: Lipids/NP + mRNAUS2018/0263907BioNTechMarch 30,2016PendingLipids/NP + mRNAUS2017/0273907BioNTechSeptember 17, 2015PendingLipids/NP + mRNAUS2014/0030808BioNTechDecember 2, 2011PendingRNA expressionWO2016/156398BioNTechMarch 30,2016PublishedLipids/NP + mRNAWO2015/043613BioNTechSeptember 26, 2013PublishedLipids/NP + mRNAWO2013/087083BioNTechDecember 15, 2011PublishedLipids/NP + mRNA[1] All patents and patent applications identified in this study were claimed by BioNTech indicating that they are the inventor of the relevant vaccine technology, while Pfizer is acting as the innovator and leading the large-scale manufacturing, development, and regulatory approval process.
[4] Pharmaceutical companies are not the only claimants of key technology. The U.S. government claims a patent on a key technology which may be relevant for BioNTech and Pfizer to stabilize the spike protein. See Public Citizen, Leading COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates Depend on NIH Technology (Nov. 10, 2020), https://www.citizen.org/article/leading-covid-19-vaccines-depend-on-nih-technology/.
The last bruhaha regarding "leaks" from Fort Detrick was around 2003 with the so-called anthrax scare. The scare is based on the same myth as the "pathogenic virus" which is why the dogma of this kind of science must end. In this case, it was meant to scare a couple of senators into passing the mass surveillance act known as the Patriot Act. It was white powder in an envelop - this is not even possible in the phony science notion of "anthrax".
It's a delusion on steroids.
There's no pathogenic virus lab leak because there's no such proven thing as a pathogenic virus. It's a psychological operation, run in large part by the US military and it's global cohorts.
Regarding the content of the vials, no one really knows what these contain. First these products lack any sort of quality assurance. Multiple supply chains aren't checked for content - it's all speed and quantity. No one knows if anything resembling mRNA and spike protein exists (certainly nothing in nature in the case of the latter). Even the labs that say they produce mRNA say it can't scale up.
Beyond the pseudoscience, it's fair to say these shots have nothing to do with health, just the opposite. This is a 5,000 year effort to control the planet by a few, and reduce the population through war and programs such as Operation COVID. It's not a new effort. It's been going on since the "dawn of civilization". So far the elites have won these battles. The people march off to war after war and millions die in wars the elite plotted.
Read John Zerzan's "A People's History of Civilization" for starts.
Hi Art. I agree with you in principal. This is the same as the purpose of wars, to decimate the populations. The people who create those wars, don't go off and fight them, they send the innocents to fight them instead and stay behind where it is safe and secure and they don't get theirs delivered in the form of a bullet.
According to Berenson, Trump avoided Call Up Papers for Vietnam once and Biden FIVE times and neither went, or "fought for America" and now they are or have been Presidents - you have to be joking!!
With sophisticated technology now fighting the wars for humans the humans are not dying fast enough so help them along a lot with Moderna's Covid-19 Neucloids and these synthetic genetic experimental mRNA test bomb vaccines - so win/win especially if humans can be converted to bio/robots since mechanical robots were a practical impossibility - what could possibly go wrong?
My point, which I didn't explain Christine, regarding the likeness to wars is that many (and primarily the large wars) are orchestrated by non-elected elites going back to the early 20th Century (and before).
Heads of state are the fronts men/women.
The wars are fought because they're lucrative for a few, and they open up markets and clear resources....and they reduce populations.
I think we're seeing that in Ukraine, and throughout the developing world. It's a land and resource grab as much as anything else; and thousands are dying as a result.
Regarding the shots, I don't think many if any really know exactly what's in each vial. Perhaps the military command running the operation does. Scaling up the production at warp speed creates all kinds hits and misses (I have some manufacturing background - not pharma). I think these concoctions have been killing countless numbers of people. Those running this just keep going. That leaves one to conclude murder is part of the mission. CDC and FDA and HHS are co-conspirators, and just go through the motions. I do think CAF is right that much of this is about a global reset.
I would add that my sense is that at least in the US, the Office of President has been captured. That's were some exceptional power resides (proclamations, executive orders and commander-in-chief), not so much with the person who occupies the White House. Much of what happened post-1913 Federal Reserve act and in 1963 appears to have lead to this situation.
I say that the evidence points to the Covid-19 neucloids virus being released from Fort Detrick and then after the bio 4 lab was dismantled and removed at night, the Chinese were blamed for it
BioNTech and Pfizer’s BNT162 Vaccine Patent Landscape
By Mario Gaviria and Burcu Kilic November 16, 2020
BNT162 Vx patent landscape
Safe and effective vaccines are key to combating the Covid-19 pandemic; however, patents and other intellectual property claims directed at vaccine technologies create legal barriers for equitable access and fair allocation. No corporation produces at scale to supply the world. Providing timely global access will depend in significant part on increasing supply, including by transferring technology to qualified manufacturers. Much of this technology is claimed as patented, proprietary, or confidential in nature.
German company BioNTech and its U.S. partner Pfizer’s[1] vaccine candidate, BNT162 SARS-CoV-2, employs the use of lipid nanoparticle (NP) technology to deliver mRNA to cells. Once the lipid nanoparticle is injected into a patient, it travels into the cells and instructs them to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The presence of this corona virus protein is thought to trigger an immune response leading to the production of antibodies.[2] If the patient is infected with coronavirus, the antibodies will identify and bind to the virus, which triggers a series of events resulting in the elimination of the virus.
BNT162 is in Phase 3 clinical trials. Pfizer announced promising but preliminary trial results on November 9th.[3]
We identified several patents claimed by BioNTech relating to the pertinent vaccine technologies.[4] We placed them in three groups based on their description and their primary independent claim:
· Patents directed at RNABelow is our non-exhaustive list.
· Patents directed at Lipids/NP + mRNA
· Patents specifically directed at pharmaceutical compositions involving lipid NP + mRNA
Below is our non-exhaustive list. In a recent financial statement, BioNTech suggested that its patent claims extend to mRNA structure, formulations, and manufacturing, and relies on trade secrets and confidential know-how to protect aspects of mRNA manufacturing technologies.[5]
Patent/Published Application Applicant/Assignee Filing Date Status Invention Type
US 10,576,146BioNTechMarch 15, 2018ActiveLipids/NP + mRNAUS 10,485,884BioNTechMarch 5, 2013ActiveLipids/NP + mRNAUS 9,950,065BioNTechSeptember 26, 2013ActiveLipids/NP + mRNAUS2020/0155671BioNTechJanuary 22, 2020PendingLipids/NP + mRNAUS2020/0197508BioNTechMarch 21, 2018PendingRNA immune responseUS2019/0153428BioNTechAugust 24, 2016PendingRNA immunogenicityUS2019/0321458BioNTechJuly 14, 2017PendingPC: Lipids/NP + mRNAUS2018/0263907BioNTechMarch 30,2016PendingLipids/NP + mRNAUS2017/0273907BioNTechSeptember 17, 2015PendingLipids/NP + mRNAUS2014/0030808BioNTechDecember 2, 2011PendingRNA expressionWO2016/156398BioNTechMarch 30,2016PublishedLipids/NP + mRNAWO2015/043613BioNTechSeptember 26, 2013PublishedLipids/NP + mRNAWO2013/087083BioNTechDecember 15, 2011PublishedLipids/NP + mRNA[1] All patents and patent applications identified in this study were claimed by BioNTech indicating that they are the inventor of the relevant vaccine technology, while Pfizer is acting as the innovator and leading the large-scale manufacturing, development, and regulatory approval process.
[2] https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMoa2027906
[3] https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-announce-vaccine-candidate-against
[4] Pharmaceutical companies are not the only claimants of key technology. The U.S. government claims a patent on a key technology which may be relevant for BioNTech and Pfizer to stabilize the spike protein. See Public Citizen, Leading COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates Depend on NIH Technology (Nov. 10, 2020), https://www.citizen.org/article/leading-covid-19-vaccines-depend-on-nih-technology/.
[5] “Certain of our technologies, including in particular certain proprietary manufacturing processes or technologies and/or neoantigen prediction technologies, are protected as trade secrets”,.BioNTech SE, SEC Filing (July 21 2020), https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1776985/000119312520195911/d939702df1.htm.
Public Citizen
What Covid-19 virus? What Covid-19 pandemic? The links you provide are about quackcines, they contain no scientific evidence of a virus.
Your first link: Safety and Immunogenicity of Two RNA-Based Covid-19 Vaccine Candidates - no evidence of a virus.
2nd link - Pfizer press release - no evidence of a virus.
3rd link - article titled Leading COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates Depend on NIH Technology - no evidence of a virus.
Last link - legal filing re a fake vaccine - no evidence of a virus.
The last bruhaha regarding "leaks" from Fort Detrick was around 2003 with the so-called anthrax scare. The scare is based on the same myth as the "pathogenic virus" which is why the dogma of this kind of science must end. In this case, it was meant to scare a couple of senators into passing the mass surveillance act known as the Patriot Act. It was white powder in an envelop - this is not even possible in the phony science notion of "anthrax".
It's a delusion on steroids.
There's no pathogenic virus lab leak because there's no such proven thing as a pathogenic virus. It's a psychological operation, run in large part by the US military and it's global cohorts.
Regarding the content of the vials, no one really knows what these contain. First these products lack any sort of quality assurance. Multiple supply chains aren't checked for content - it's all speed and quantity. No one knows if anything resembling mRNA and spike protein exists (certainly nothing in nature in the case of the latter). Even the labs that say they produce mRNA say it can't scale up.
Beyond the pseudoscience, it's fair to say these shots have nothing to do with health, just the opposite. This is a 5,000 year effort to control the planet by a few, and reduce the population through war and programs such as Operation COVID. It's not a new effort. It's been going on since the "dawn of civilization". So far the elites have won these battles. The people march off to war after war and millions die in wars the elite plotted.
Read John Zerzan's "A People's History of Civilization" for starts.
Hi Art. I agree with you in principal. This is the same as the purpose of wars, to decimate the populations. The people who create those wars, don't go off and fight them, they send the innocents to fight them instead and stay behind where it is safe and secure and they don't get theirs delivered in the form of a bullet.
According to Berenson, Trump avoided Call Up Papers for Vietnam once and Biden FIVE times and neither went, or "fought for America" and now they are or have been Presidents - you have to be joking!!
With sophisticated technology now fighting the wars for humans the humans are not dying fast enough so help them along a lot with Moderna's Covid-19 Neucloids and these synthetic genetic experimental mRNA test bomb vaccines - so win/win especially if humans can be converted to bio/robots since mechanical robots were a practical impossibility - what could possibly go wrong?
My point, which I didn't explain Christine, regarding the likeness to wars is that many (and primarily the large wars) are orchestrated by non-elected elites going back to the early 20th Century (and before).
Heads of state are the fronts men/women.
The wars are fought because they're lucrative for a few, and they open up markets and clear resources....and they reduce populations.
I think we're seeing that in Ukraine, and throughout the developing world. It's a land and resource grab as much as anything else; and thousands are dying as a result.
Regarding the shots, I don't think many if any really know exactly what's in each vial. Perhaps the military command running the operation does. Scaling up the production at warp speed creates all kinds hits and misses (I have some manufacturing background - not pharma). I think these concoctions have been killing countless numbers of people. Those running this just keep going. That leaves one to conclude murder is part of the mission. CDC and FDA and HHS are co-conspirators, and just go through the motions. I do think CAF is right that much of this is about a global reset.
I would add that my sense is that at least in the US, the Office of President has been captured. That's were some exceptional power resides (proclamations, executive orders and commander-in-chief), not so much with the person who occupies the White House. Much of what happened post-1913 Federal Reserve act and in 1963 appears to have lead to this situation.