OMG. Thank you for that. I needed to fall off the comment-reading treadmill. It seems to me that even some of brightest readers of your Substack haven't gone deep enough into the many analyses of the methodology sections of studies that are held up as proof of the existence of a virus--of any type. No wonder Stefan Lanka announced he was exiting the debate. It's been real but I gotta go.
OMG. Thank you for that. I needed to fall off the comment-reading treadmill. It seems to me that even some of brightest readers of your Substack haven't gone deep enough into the many analyses of the methodology sections of studies that are held up as proof of the existence of a virus--of any type. No wonder Stefan Lanka announced he was exiting the debate. It's been real but I gotta go.
OMG. Thank you for that. I needed to fall off the comment-reading treadmill. It seems to me that even some of brightest readers of your Substack haven't gone deep enough into the many analyses of the methodology sections of studies that are held up as proof of the existence of a virus--of any type. No wonder Stefan Lanka announced he was exiting the debate. It's been real but I gotta go.