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I agree that all injections (medications in general) do not fall under "therapeutic", except that there have been certain manufacturing and testing protocols not followed by this particular one unlike the others. This injection was developed for speed and high volume quantity. (I do suspect that much of the testing (and this was a RFK, Jr. discovery) has been skipped for over 30 years.)

And I also agree that there is no "biology" used in the injections, but the injections effect (negatively) the biology of people. I would prefer to call them chemical weapons.

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".. the injections effect (negatively) the biology of people."

Well, what weapon does NOT affect the biology of people in a negative way? Even bullets. spears, a punch in the nose,... would be described as bio-weapons if THAT was the definition. :-)

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And so it is.

All weapons are bio-weapons.

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As are all parts of the human body, e.g. fingers, knuckles, .... Maybe not the ears. Thank you, Humpty! 😂

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Perhaps we should stop putting quotes around the COVID shots (e.g., "vaccine"), since these are just variations on a common theme and don't work as advertised, and do much more harm than good.

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Have any shots worked as advertised? Polio?.....

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generally I refer to them as "injections" or "shots"

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Exactly. None have proven to work, and generally cause the body to overdrive on detox and frequently causing the very symptoms purported to mitigate.

I don't know what's really in these shots except given the positive correlation is significant as shown through some autopsies and blood tests and morbidity and death that follow injections, I think we have more than a sneaking suspicion.

In the beginning of all this warp speed following shock and awe operation in 2020, it seemed at least commonsensical that mass injections, even given the evidence we had of "normalized injections" since the 1950s (and before) would result in countless harm and death. These people were lined up in stadiums, parks, parking lots, outside markets, etc. with no questions asked (like medications, health history, etc.) and shot up.

I do think that however you define these as shots, injections, vaxxes, bio/chemical weapons, there has been a concerted planned effort to do major harm on as much of the population as would succumb. We know the mix of metals and chemicals used, alone would cause harm (no need for mRNA/spike protean). But warp speed alone is sufficient to create a cocktail of mass destruction used on millions of unhealthy bodies. Manufacturing malpractice alone would yield countless deaths.

War has the same effect. You may not know who, but you know that hundreds of thousands and frequently millions will die.

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Concrete plan effort, yes, but i will contest the definitions of terms, language contamination is one of the main reasons we're in this predicament, as Orwell pointed out (and predicted) in his 1946 masterpiece Essay On the English Language.

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And I contend, that Karl Rove may have said it, speaking in the name of the power elite: “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

We're left to "study that reality"...and that I would suggest has been our problem for the last 5,000 years or so.

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Well, yeah, our acceptance of THEIR definitions of reality has been our problem for that long, indeed.

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It's been a "Truman Show".

When you think about it, we've conceded nothing and yet everything. And yet there are cracks, as Leonard Cohn wrote/sang: A Crack in Everything (that's how the light gets in).

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