Though increasingly, i see virus pushers/huggers embracing a completely degraded/co-opted version of "Terrain," in which "bad terrain" makes you more susceptible to infections by micro organisms, remonstrating that "it's not one or the other, it's both."
If the skin has been cut, that's a terrain issue :) If you damage the terrain, expect problems.
Sure. And i'll also believe that pigs fly if shown clear evidence. :-)
yes and eat rotten food, expect problems -- more terrain
Though increasingly, i see virus pushers/huggers embracing a completely degraded/co-opted version of "Terrain," in which "bad terrain" makes you more susceptible to infections by micro organisms, remonstrating that "it's not one or the other, it's both."
terrain theory is going to be stolen, like "climate change," "feminism," "civil rights" and the rest of it
Has already been stolen. These include celebrity VPACs.