Yes, the "genomes" are blatant works of fiction. I was referring to the smaller sequences that are used to fabricate the fraudulent "genomes". (And in some cases, even those smaller sequences are fictional, in the sense that they were "detected" via PCR with way too many cycles!)
Yes, the "genomes" are blatant works of fiction. I was referring to the smaller sequences that are used to fabricate the fraudulent "genomes". (And in some cases, even those smaller sequences are fictional, in the sense that they were "detected" via PCR with way too many cycles!)
Yes, the "genomes" are blatant works of fiction. I was referring to the smaller sequences that are used to fabricate the fraudulent "genomes". (And in some cases, even those smaller sequences are fictional, in the sense that they were "detected" via PCR with way too many cycles!)
is anyone sick of this metagenomic donkey turd yet?