Immunity to illnesses, whatever they are and however they are caused. It is good for you. It strengthens your terrain, if you want. That is the substance. There is a great story by Tolstoy about the dangers of pedantry:
Immunity to illnesses, whatever they are and however they are caused. It is good for you. It strengthens your terrain, if you want. That is the substance. There is a great story by Tolstoy about the dangers of pedantry:
There is resistance to falling ill, which is nothing more than maintaining good terrain. The very term "immunity" assumes external invading pathogenic organisms, of which there is ZERO evidence. Again, what is the main susbstance of this Christine. if it's not virus, COVIO, pandemic? Didn't she post right here as to how to "cure COVID"?
Immunity to illnesses, whatever they are and however they are caused. It is good for you. It strengthens your terrain, if you want. That is the substance. There is a great story by Tolstoy about the dangers of pedantry:
There is resistance to falling ill, which is nothing more than maintaining good terrain. The very term "immunity" assumes external invading pathogenic organisms, of which there is ZERO evidence. Again, what is the main susbstance of this Christine. if it's not virus, COVIO, pandemic? Didn't she post right here as to how to "cure COVID"?