The textbook entry faithfully reproduces the original work. The original studies. Science builds truth upon truth. Every preceding truth is not repeated in every succeeding article. The author faithfully and honestly summarized the original work, which showed that tobacco mosaic virus could be reproduced at will from a centrifuge-purifie…
The textbook entry faithfully reproduces the original work. The original studies. Science builds truth upon truth. Every preceding truth is not repeated in every succeeding article. The author faithfully and honestly summarized the original work, which showed that tobacco mosaic virus could be reproduced at will from a centrifuge-purified and filtered extract of a leaf damaged by tobacco mosaic virus. Without requiring culturing viruses in cells. This satisfies the requirements of your FOIA emails.
Show that the author was false to the original study, or accept it as true and build upon it. "LOL" is not an argument.
If you have an interest in Jessica Rose, you also have access to search engines. Instead of doing your searching for you, I went through your FOIA request and showed that it was framed disingenuously by adding conditions contra to what everybody knows has been standard practice in virology since 1913 - i.e. culturing viruses in a matrix in which they may be multiplied, living cells. This is similar to agriculture, where new corn seeds are produced via a matrix in which they may be grown and multiplied - dirt and water, and nobody raises objection that the dirt has anything to do with the new seeds. Not only were your FOIA emails framed disingenuously, which is another word for dishonestly, they were addressed to organizations that were calculated to respond in the negative and which had no bearing whatsoever on the conclusions you now claim - which is that the Canadian NRC saying they have nothing in their library that meets your disingenuous conditions proves that viruses don't exist.
To say I haven't posted any science when I've posted multiple articles is pure and simple gaslighting, and I'm also outing you as an abuser. It's possible you virus deniers may not like these ridiculously easy to cite studies that use cell cultures in the process of producing new virus to test, but to say you haven't been given studies is pure and simple gaslighting. And that is a type of abuse.
You deniers say the original Wuhan study with the first published genome (which Drosten used for the first PCR test) did not prove isolation or have a proper control group for the isolation. But that is just silly, because they simply used filtering and culturing as a technique to get enough virus to sequence, and their intent was not to repeat 100+ years of publications. And the uninfected cell cultures themselves were sufficient control.
You deniers fancy yourselves clever because you can craft emails to ensnare the gullible, but you never take positive steps to actually prove anything.
The more anyone listens to you, the less they know.
If you wanted to actually prove that viruses don't exist and that viruses are the the cause of disease that the tobacco mosaic virus study established, then instead of simply rasing barely plausible objections, repeat the study and find the real cause of those reproducible lesions on tobacco leaves. Start with allegedly isolated measles virus, add it to cell culture, and find the "real" cause of the reproducible plaques that form in the cell culture after inoculation with the virus isolate. And you can run a separate control to see if plaques form without the inoculation.
Finally, most of you virus deniers also don't believe in germs, and a bunch of you don't believe in outer space.
But the fact that you all have immune systems means that God is protecting you from viruses anyway, despite your disbelief, and has been since you acquired your first viral immunity from your mother, and then as your own nascent immune system recognized the foreign rna and dna in the attackers that assailed you, and developed your own immunological defenses against this teeming world of microscopic enemies that we all move in. And the existence of the layers of your immune system prove the existence of those enemies, just as the existence of a big cat-like track proves the existence of a lion, though you may never ever see it.
Post an original study and we'll see how scientific it is.
I already searched and found no trace of Jessica Rose calling me out.
Your repeatedly gaslighting about my FOIs is getting really old, Todd. The standard fraud is not what I was lookin for, I was looking for valid, scientific studies.
Further, I specify purification, “using standard laboratory methods for the purification of very small things“. I do not ask for anything that is unusual/unreasonable/impossible for tiny particles that actually exist.
The textbook entry faithfully reproduces the original work. The original studies. Science builds truth upon truth. Every preceding truth is not repeated in every succeeding article. The author faithfully and honestly summarized the original work, which showed that tobacco mosaic virus could be reproduced at will from a centrifuge-purified and filtered extract of a leaf damaged by tobacco mosaic virus. Without requiring culturing viruses in cells. This satisfies the requirements of your FOIA emails.
Show that the author was false to the original study, or accept it as true and build upon it. "LOL" is not an argument.
If you have an interest in Jessica Rose, you also have access to search engines. Instead of doing your searching for you, I went through your FOIA request and showed that it was framed disingenuously by adding conditions contra to what everybody knows has been standard practice in virology since 1913 - i.e. culturing viruses in a matrix in which they may be multiplied, living cells. This is similar to agriculture, where new corn seeds are produced via a matrix in which they may be grown and multiplied - dirt and water, and nobody raises objection that the dirt has anything to do with the new seeds. Not only were your FOIA emails framed disingenuously, which is another word for dishonestly, they were addressed to organizations that were calculated to respond in the negative and which had no bearing whatsoever on the conclusions you now claim - which is that the Canadian NRC saying they have nothing in their library that meets your disingenuous conditions proves that viruses don't exist.
To say I haven't posted any science when I've posted multiple articles is pure and simple gaslighting, and I'm also outing you as an abuser. It's possible you virus deniers may not like these ridiculously easy to cite studies that use cell cultures in the process of producing new virus to test, but to say you haven't been given studies is pure and simple gaslighting. And that is a type of abuse.
You deniers say the original Wuhan study with the first published genome (which Drosten used for the first PCR test) did not prove isolation or have a proper control group for the isolation. But that is just silly, because they simply used filtering and culturing as a technique to get enough virus to sequence, and their intent was not to repeat 100+ years of publications. And the uninfected cell cultures themselves were sufficient control.
You deniers fancy yourselves clever because you can craft emails to ensnare the gullible, but you never take positive steps to actually prove anything.
The more anyone listens to you, the less they know.
If you wanted to actually prove that viruses don't exist and that viruses are the the cause of disease that the tobacco mosaic virus study established, then instead of simply rasing barely plausible objections, repeat the study and find the real cause of those reproducible lesions on tobacco leaves. Start with allegedly isolated measles virus, add it to cell culture, and find the "real" cause of the reproducible plaques that form in the cell culture after inoculation with the virus isolate. And you can run a separate control to see if plaques form without the inoculation.
Finally, most of you virus deniers also don't believe in germs, and a bunch of you don't believe in outer space.
But the fact that you all have immune systems means that God is protecting you from viruses anyway, despite your disbelief, and has been since you acquired your first viral immunity from your mother, and then as your own nascent immune system recognized the foreign rna and dna in the attackers that assailed you, and developed your own immunological defenses against this teeming world of microscopic enemies that we all move in. And the existence of the layers of your immune system prove the existence of those enemies, just as the existence of a big cat-like track proves the existence of a lion, though you may never ever see it.
Post an original study and we'll see how scientific it is.
I already searched and found no trace of Jessica Rose calling me out.
Your repeatedly gaslighting about my FOIs is getting really old, Todd. The standard fraud is not what I was lookin for, I was looking for valid, scientific studies.
Further, I specify purification, “using standard laboratory methods for the purification of very small things“. I do not ask for anything that is unusual/unreasonable/impossible for tiny particles that actually exist.
Lol, there is no onus on anyone to repeat studies. The authors made clear already that they didn't apply scientific method.
I'm done here, have a nice lilfe.