I love how you ended up backing into this. Reiner Füllmich has had some very good interviews on the issue recently as well. We're getting there.
To me however, the question of existence of the virus, or isolation if you will, is kind of the booby prize... Is it the cause, is it even a contributing factor, Is it a symptom? Backwards and f…
I love how you ended up backing into this. Reiner Füllmich has had some very good interviews on the issue recently as well. We're getting there.
To me however, the question of existence of the virus, or isolation if you will, is kind of the booby prize... Is it the cause, is it even a contributing factor, Is it a symptom? Backwards and forwards, the terrain is everything. What caused me to be susceptible to this... etc. Vitamin D and saline nasal flushes could have mooted the whole thing.
roger, it is THE prize, because if there is no virus then we don't need a vaccine passport that controls where you can spend your new, improved digital dollars, or determines what country, county or state you can get into.
The problem with that Eric is that they will invent another reason why you can't do X. They are already doing so and they will do so without a vaxx passport and without the "viral story" as the driving force.
In the end we aren't dealing with a "viral problem" or a "vaxx problem" we are dealing with a tyranny problem.
The Spiky Ball is yet another prop in a theatrical performance, none of it has to be real and it isn't.
The manufactured perception that there was a global medical emergency, beginning in March 2020, was an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering.
Fake photos of people falling dead- fake images of coffins piling up- fake doctors claiming hospitals were overflowing- fake tests to produce a fake disease- fake scenes outside hospitals staged by PR firms- fake media parrots lying through their teeth every night- fake trials of a toxic bioweapon- fake everything.
"The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009. All they needed to do was create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases/falsely attributed as “Covid deaths.”
OTOH, de legitimating the virus narrative would severely damage the overall dominant narrative. Just like the war in Vietnam caused massive legitimating problems, took a while, in fact a major cultural counterrevolution, to overcome them.
Yes, but the march toward tyranny is a race against the people waking up, paying attention and thinking and reading again, and understanding the ramifications and impending tyranny in the plan, that alas, is actually not a conspiracy theory. So exposing the virology fraud and the contagion fraud is an excellent tool -- as the basic science is very straight-forward and so much excellent work has been done now to help everyday folk see the truth of it and be able to wrap their brains around it. No doubt this takes time, but it is incredibly powerful and rips the blinders off.
There is already momentum this way. We just need to keep pursuing it, and demanding folks look. The masses with blinders removed -- especially as faith in institutions and experts crumbles -- will generate even greater information sharing and awakening, and the credibility needed for those who are mostly followers to follow. It is the keystone to winning this fight against tyranny and the ever-important exposition of the incredibly well-documented global plan to eliminate much of- and control the rest of the population.
There are undoubtedly other endgames the tyrants are striving for, and I would presume different factions want different things, but the need to control the sheep is common among the factions, so that is the necessary step they are working to achieve now. We can't let them have that control, because clearly with technology today -- through social and mind control systems primarily -- enslavement is a real possibility.
Well, yes and no. Evidently, it would be conclusive. But the same applies if there were something there, but no one could prove if tt was THE cause, a contributing factor, or a symptom. We are already there. It is all BS.
It is the story used to justify the actions taken. Whether that be depopulation, pHARMa profits, wealth transfer, gaining acceptance of mRNA as many other meds go off patent, quackcine passports as a step towards digital economic control, centralization of power or all of the above, without it, it is more difficult to make the case for what they are aiming for.
If people realize there is no threat other than from their 'leaders' they are much more likely to resist what they can see is leading towards control and away from freedom.
I love how you ended up backing into this. Reiner Füllmich has had some very good interviews on the issue recently as well. We're getting there.
To me however, the question of existence of the virus, or isolation if you will, is kind of the booby prize... Is it the cause, is it even a contributing factor, Is it a symptom? Backwards and forwards, the terrain is everything. What caused me to be susceptible to this... etc. Vitamin D and saline nasal flushes could have mooted the whole thing.
roger, it is THE prize, because if there is no virus then we don't need a vaccine passport that controls where you can spend your new, improved digital dollars, or determines what country, county or state you can get into.
The problem with that Eric is that they will invent another reason why you can't do X. They are already doing so and they will do so without a vaxx passport and without the "viral story" as the driving force.
In the end we aren't dealing with a "viral problem" or a "vaxx problem" we are dealing with a tyranny problem.
The Spiky Ball is yet another prop in a theatrical performance, none of it has to be real and it isn't.
The manufactured perception that there was a global medical emergency, beginning in March 2020, was an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering.
Fake photos of people falling dead- fake images of coffins piling up- fake doctors claiming hospitals were overflowing- fake tests to produce a fake disease- fake scenes outside hospitals staged by PR firms- fake media parrots lying through their teeth every night- fake trials of a toxic bioweapon- fake everything.
"The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009. All they needed to do was create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases/falsely attributed as “Covid deaths.”
OTOH, de legitimating the virus narrative would severely damage the overall dominant narrative. Just like the war in Vietnam caused massive legitimating problems, took a while, in fact a major cultural counterrevolution, to overcome them.
Yep, exposing the virology fraud is the only thing that will stop the insanity. Short of that, the poison injection nazis will never stop.
The insanity goes far beyond poisonous injections and will continue and worsen until the tyranny problem is solved.
Germ theory could be thrown out the window tomorrow, and should be, and the march towards fascism wouldn't halt one bit.
While germ theory is a tool for the psychotic technocrats, and one of the preferred ones at the moment, it is only one.
Yes, but the march toward tyranny is a race against the people waking up, paying attention and thinking and reading again, and understanding the ramifications and impending tyranny in the plan, that alas, is actually not a conspiracy theory. So exposing the virology fraud and the contagion fraud is an excellent tool -- as the basic science is very straight-forward and so much excellent work has been done now to help everyday folk see the truth of it and be able to wrap their brains around it. No doubt this takes time, but it is incredibly powerful and rips the blinders off.
There is already momentum this way. We just need to keep pursuing it, and demanding folks look. The masses with blinders removed -- especially as faith in institutions and experts crumbles -- will generate even greater information sharing and awakening, and the credibility needed for those who are mostly followers to follow. It is the keystone to winning this fight against tyranny and the ever-important exposition of the incredibly well-documented global plan to eliminate much of- and control the rest of the population.
There are undoubtedly other endgames the tyrants are striving for, and I would presume different factions want different things, but the need to control the sheep is common among the factions, so that is the necessary step they are working to achieve now. We can't let them have that control, because clearly with technology today -- through social and mind control systems primarily -- enslavement is a real possibility.
Well, yes and no. Evidently, it would be conclusive. But the same applies if there were something there, but no one could prove if tt was THE cause, a contributing factor, or a symptom. We are already there. It is all BS.
contributing factor to what? Cause of what?
That is the point isn't it? It's turtles all the way down, for what the hell is even Covid-19 except a story.
It is the story used to justify the actions taken. Whether that be depopulation, pHARMa profits, wealth transfer, gaining acceptance of mRNA as many other meds go off patent, quackcine passports as a step towards digital economic control, centralization of power or all of the above, without it, it is more difficult to make the case for what they are aiming for.
If people realize there is no threat other than from their 'leaders' they are much more likely to resist what they can see is leading towards control and away from freedom.
Fuellmich wants to investigate the virus matter using.. Dr Judy Mikovits? Really? :-)
I was convinced two years ago that Fuellmich is running interference, and at this point it's blatantly obvious.
"Fuel me"! Or is it "Fool me"?