Thank you Eric for sending this video out to all of us.

Captain Graham Hood and his wife's courage is incredible.

The truth and the proof will continue to emerge.

We remain in the light of oneness during these transitional times.

Love is invincible.


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Finally. One by one.

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Fundamental issue seems to be, does one trust government or not? Historically, government has always been a force of evil and an enemy of freedom- to believe otherwise (as many seem to do) is folly.

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Yes, but he still thinks there's one virus, and contagion, as well as COVID, was a new symtome www.virustruth.net

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"Mandated to oblivion ". It's a phrase to remember. And as you said, Eric, somewhere else, the trauma all this "COVID" thing has done is something we will only see in time.

The problem is, at least in Europe, that all the routine vaccinations are passing to an mRNA platform without even testing because the first was passed and now opened the way.

With that, I am not saying all the previous vaccines were ok. Not at all. Vaccines have always been poison to the body, and since the late 1990s with "DNA splicing", things got even worse.

What I am saying is one might not take the COVID-19 vaccine because of "gene therapy" but then take the influenza vaccine and subject children to routine vaccinations without thinking twice

In Italian hospitals, you can't go in without a PCR test, and they inject tetanus vaccination with every stitch they make, which is now on DNA technology and soon RNA

Nonetheless, I salute the Captain for his courage.

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Thank you Eric. Truth is out. Lock all them all up everyone that betrayed humanity from the top down.

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Brave man. This sort of thing may stop mRNA nano jabs (temporarily perhaps) but, the 'system' will remain in tact and we will have to keep dodging pharma bullets based on testimony like this: He quoted McCullough (virus and pharma med pusher, thus gatekeeper). Apollo missions are fake and nonsense, all story telling. Yeah we send rockets into the vacuum of space and land tin cans on the moon in that same vacuum of space 😂.

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Powerful indeed. Shame he buys into the ‘disease’ and ‘early treatment’ stuff and bigs up Peter McCullough but still a vital testimony.

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Wow. Perfect, eloquent.. I’m moved to tears.

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The doctors were paid between $50 and $150 per prescription or vaccine shot, as a kickback payment by Pfizer or Moderna and each time they gave a booster, same thing again, so with a practice of 1,000 work out their income 4 times a year, doing just that. Doctors are Big Pharma's Sales People first and you second.

However I have just posted my possible cure for all vaccines given and their contents - it takes one second to do and logic suggests it would work 100%, but it's your body and your choice what you do with it at least for the time being.

Ultimately the Supreme Court (2013) ruled that only cDNA (synthetic DNA) is patentable - that means that the ModRNA DNA is patented, which makes your body a GMO product owned by Pfizer or Moderna or the Military who ordered an purchased the vaccines, which means you inhabit your body until it is called up for genetic modification at a new Moderna ModRNA factory being built near you, while there is a compete downturn in further vaccines by injection by all ,suggesting what?

If you have not read this yet, then take the time to do so - your life depends on it:


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Again, not one mention of the possibility that maybe the whole "covid" "germ theory" model is bollocks and thus all the nonsense about "mrna" this or that, McCullough this or that, is unnecessary. "We've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there." Smokey and the Bandit

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Thank you Captain(s)!

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I dunno. I agree with much of what is said, but isn’t there a way to draw the line on McCullough, Kory, etc.

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