New PWFM tonight: East Palestine is Everywhere
I am planning a new edition of Planet Waves FM that should post well before its 10 pm scheduled time. This letter contains important resources.
Dear Friend and Listener:
Please pardon any typos or bad links, I am working fast.
Good afternoon. I am planning a new edition of Planet Waves FM for tonight. The program usually posts well ahead of its scheduled 10 pm time.
There is a town hall meeting in East Palestine tonight where Erin Brokovich is expected to be speaking. We will be listening carefully for any mention of the word “dioxin” from the podium. I contacted her and asked her to say the words “split sampling,” which is the only legitimate form of testing. The samples must all go to two unconnected labs under different contracts, and a third set of samples kept.
Anyone with the least conflict of interest must get out of the way and off of this case. I will say that again: anyone with any conflict of interest must declare the issue, and be OVER AND OUT.
That includes Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, who has reportedly received campaign donations from Norfolk Southern, the railroad responsible for this wreck and the recommending that five carloads of vinyl chloride be dumped and burned.
DeWine went ahead and did it, agains all sanity, reason, or precaution for the safety of his apparent royal subjects. In allowing the decision to dump and burn, be has demonstrated his rank incompetence.

Important Dioxin Resources
I have prepared two resources that are making the rounds: an easy-to-follow dioxin overview that has been read by nearly 70,000 people, and a resource for journalists and citizens that provides articles and documents going back to the behind-the-scenes discovery of dioxin by Monsanto Co. in 1956.
I will be reading from that document tonight. Monsanto admits the history back to the 1930s and acknowledges that it knew its chemical processes were contaminated and constituted the risk of chemical release to the environment.

Focus on Dioxin Testing and Evacuation
Many people are contacting me with proposed remedies for dioxin exposure. This is not the time to be putting that out front; the words “dioxin” and “evacuation” are what must get the focus. Nobody should be within a few miles of ground zero without full environmental protection.
Public officials responsible for ensuring public safety go white at the mere mention of dioxin. There is a good reason: the moment there is one single positive test result, the discussion shifts to getting the people out. Under the precautionary principle, this must be done immediately.
Otherwise, pregnant women, people’s children and pets will be used as “laboratory animals,” finally sending the message of the seriousness of the problem.

A $50 Million Cleanup of Six Buildings in the 1990s
I know from personal experience what it’s like to have a dioxin release in my community: terrifying and enraging, in a way that is insidious due to the invisible nature of the toxins. This is compounded by the endless gaslighting of public officials, who show up, tell everyone how safe it is, have a sip of tap water, shake a few hands, and move on.
Part of my experience was engaging public officials throughout the New York State Government in the process of forcing them to test for the right contaminants in the right places. Here is my first article from that era. The editorial on the last page is the most memorable piece of writing.
Thank you to Dr. Sam Bailey, Terrain Theory Podcast, Natural News, InfoWars, Perspectives on TNT Radio, Last American Vagabond, The Way Forward, Mark Crispin Miller, The Corbett Report, Celia Farber and a wide diversity of others who have helped spread the word. This is crucial. Most people I talk to, who are tuned into either corporate or social media, have no idea what is happening. My dad thought it was all over three weeks ago.
I’ll catch you tonight.
With love,
I have been a reader/subscriber for many years, Eric, and words cannot express the love and deep appreciation I have for you and your work. Thank you.
this is my comment to dr lee merritt who is putting out disinfo on this situation: Dr. Merritt- this piece of disinfo from you is incredible and I have to question your motivations.
Have you been following the work of Eric Coppolino- who worked with Erin Brokovich on the toxic dump in Love Canal? This is his latest release from a community discussion he had with residents of East Palestine. This broadcast will happen tonight- it will be an update.
You can see all the podcasts/articles he's done so far on this website--
Here is the link to Erin Brokovich being interviewed on Fox News. She will soon be helping the Palestine residents. Dr. Merritt-please get up to date on the data. thank you.