I have been a reader/subscriber for many years, Eric, and words cannot express the love and deep appreciation I have for you and your work. Thank you.

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this is my comment to dr lee merritt who is putting out disinfo on this situation: Dr. Merritt- this piece of disinfo from you is incredible and I have to question your motivations.

Have you been following the work of Eric Coppolino- who worked with Erin Brokovich on the toxic dump in Love Canal?

https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/residents-of-east-palestine-gathered?publication_id=257742&post_id=104869657&isFreemail=true This is his latest release from a community discussion he had with residents of East Palestine. This broadcast will happen tonight- it will be an update.

You can see all the podcasts/articles he's done so far on this website--https://planetwavesfm.substack.com/p/new-pwfm-tonight-east-palestine-is?publication_id=936745&post_id=104886849&isFreemail=true

Here is the link to Erin Brokovich being interviewed on Fox News. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1e_lANnCdI She will soon be helping the Palestine residents. Dr. Merritt-please get up to date on the data. thank you.

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I completely agree with you. I don’t know where she got her information as I have been following this from the beginning since we live in Ohio only 63 miles west of East Palestine, Ohio. When I saw her video I about lost it. I have been corresponding with many people there and it isn’t good at all. I am very worried about the exposure they have had and the fact our corrupt Governor okayed the burn and then told them it was safe to return. Our EPA is corrupt. People were never given any instructions of what to do when they went back to their homes. The staged photos of Dewine and other officials toasting and drinking the water is despicable. As soon as I saw Eric’s first posts on this, I forwarded it to the East Palestine people and he was gracious enough to reach out to them.

People just need to remember who Governor DeWine is! He and his corrupt ODH was complicit in the deaths of hundreds of elderly nursing home residents so they could lockdown Ohio as the first state in 2020 and keep us locked down. They NEVER had any numbers to justify it in the other age groups, just the manufactured deaths in nursing homes because of the forced isolation, neglect and cutting off their families who cared for them. This is a whole different subject. Because of this, Ohioans cannot trust him with this disaster that was compounded by his negligence to burn it exposing that many more people in our State. He can no more be trusted, as well as the ODH, than the corrupt Biden Administration.

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Thanks Eric.

These might be better links to the Livestream of the Town Hall tonight:


or https://www.facebook.com/EastPalestineJustice

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Thank you, Eric. Your commitment to this is greatly appreciated by many of us in Ohio and those near East Palestine.

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Eric, to your knowledge, was there ever any follow up done on the possible health effects on the people in New Paltz after the SUNY fire? In particular, is there any information on what happened to the volunteer firefighters who were said to be exposed, some of whom were said to be sick in the editorial column? Thanks.

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Eric- please take a look at this piece circulating from Dr Merrit https://rumble.com/v2a1xi0-ohio-chemical-spill-its-not-what-you-think..html it's fantastical and crazy

I've been forwarding all articles /podcasts to my 300+ recipients- the recent news from erin brokovitch- on fox news-ought to get major media attention--there is a concerted campaign- not sure where it's coming from- saying what happened in Ohio is a psyop- and didn't happen- some of my 'conspiracy' pals have repeatedly claimed this to me. I am trying to get them to send me a link to that. Fortunately- your stories are now widespread and will continue to get more coverage. thank you for your tireless work

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Thanx Eric Francis.

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Eric I am a new subscriber (WhyAmIAmazed). Check out Tim Truth on many platforms.. You will jive with him and his in depth coverage. I can't say enough about joining with you and your community. Suffice it to say we are changing.


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Tim Truth will be covering this and he is way ahead and aware of the narrative.


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Shine bright, Eric!

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Oooh...I adore Alec! This is gonna be a good listen. I hope you had fun with him.

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we always do. the interview is up.

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Feb 24, 2023
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Interesting article.

However, no mention of dioxin.

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