
Dear Mike,

This is about the false “discovery of the virus.” Here is some potentially new information, the essence of my investigation:

Regarding the first two sequences, my assessment is that Li-Li Ren is the sock puppet credited with a massive effort to set up the master template for "SARS-CoV-2.” 402123, a heap of metagenomic horse shit, is filed anonymously, that is, without a backing paper.

402123 establishes the template for “the virus” that all others follow. The Little Dog Medium post is Chinese propaganda to make it sound like this team was really doing something, strangling the virus in the cradle etc.

The next day or so, Fan Wu, another sock puppet, files MN980947. This is the one that is credited as “the mother of al SARS-CoV-2 genomes” in the words of one pseudo intellectual article. Everyone flies the MN908947 flag — including CDC, to this day. But you have to dig to find 402123.

Fan Wu's paper comes out. He is “the official discoverer.” The financials are simple, or nonexistent; the perps are not credited. But no paper by Li-Li Ren comes out until May. That paper contains the financial disclosures that link it to Hopkins and Kracken II, and a whole corporate chart that looks like Enron. I think 402123 is ultimately a product of Hopkins and Gates-related industries.

However, by the time Li-Li Ren’s paper came out in May, nobody noticed or cared who was involved, it was totally lost in the sauce, and there were probably 200 filings by that time — 402123 was forgotten, but it served its purpose as the the master template and was ultimately the PCR. What was that sequence, really? Why was it chosen?

It is listed by Croman-Drosten as one of SIX sequences they “align” to make the WHO assay design in the Corman-Drosten paper in Eurosurveillance.

You really have to know what you’re doing to see it, or know its significance, and in late January, there was NO PAPER connected to 402123, and therefore, no disclosures.

So my point here is that the crime scene is 402123, but the perps were concealed by a four-month delay in publication of the associated Li-Li Ren paper, and people like Wu and Zouh get the credit for the “discovery” and “confirmation” of the “virus.”

It’s all a bunch of Gates/China/WHO/Hopkins propaganda.


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you spelled it out- you are so well equipped to take this on- thank you!!

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RemovedMar 23, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023
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And how do you know that that code matches a virus, if you don't have an original?

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And the program only looks for what the programmer told it to look for.

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I was referring to the person who wrote the code for the MEGAHIT platform.

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Exactly! It's not like you can go to a cabinet and pull out a vial of pure SARS-CoV-2 particles and then sequence it nucleotide by nucleotide (or whiz bang nanopore sequencing) and compare it to the output produced by MEGAHIT.

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RemovedMar 23, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023
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More language games, putting forth assembling done entirely on a computer as if it were sequencing.

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Match for what? How do you know anything you have is viral? There is no provenance of anything you have, no proof that any sample you tested came from someone who actually had this alleged virus. What are you matching to? When was a SARS-Cov-2 ever physically isolated and purified to serve as a match? You don't have an original. You are just trying to BS your way through, like JJ Couey did with the "full genome read."

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There's a technical, science-y term for that- it's called, "Making shit up as you go in order to perpetuate the phony narrative and keep grant money rolling in."

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You did not do "sequencing." That would require *starting* with a full genome and breaking it down. What you did was "assembling," taking computer code equivalents of short strands of nucleic acid and using a computer program to put them together into an in silico computer model of a supposed genome. Word plays are precisely how language and meaning get murdered, as George Orwell pointed out in his essay on the English language in 1946. This was a more central point of Nineteen Eighty Four than the surveillance everyone imagines it to be largely about.

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This Yeadon and colleagues smells to me like a limited hangout. This mea culpa sorry I was with the wrong guys makes no sense to me. And look with who he is still fooling around. Vaccine pushers, "retired" (retarded?) vax executives or researchers, and so on. Same bag of shit as Stew Peters, Kennedy, Malone, Cole, Nagase, McCullogh, Merrit, Rogan, Vanden Boosche, Raoult, Montagnier, Henrion-Caude, Fouché, Perronne ad libitum ad nauseam... Listen to those idiots and crooks in white coats, they are all working to save humanity from an inexistent disease, all blaming or displacing doubts and critics onto minor and irrelevant issues, like the spike Jonze shit, bat soup, mRNA babbling sequencing joke, good and bad vaccines (they are all bad and toxic). All this story, this farce is taking so much water by so many holes, that you better buy a canoe instead of waisting a single minutes with these cravated bastards. It's a pity watching them dancing and a Zappa would cry over their shitty and pathetic performance. Otherwise, the 5G/6G microwave, the poisoning, the climate engeneering, the GMO's, the destruction of the food supplies and I can continue for an hour are in a top steak shape, Musk the Idiot Child is walking hand by hand with Bill the Needle, and all the corporates rats are on board, bankers, greeners, the old Merchants club who runs the shitshow. Stop playing circles games and face reality. Get out of the media/science/corporate train. They are controlling us. They are killing us. They are walking on our backs, by so many means that if you don't see the point and wants to continue babbling and Yodeling with Yeadon and all those appointed ridiculous doctors, you better hire someone's responsible to take care of your kids.

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Montagnier is dead, died in February '22. He did admit on video that he never isolated HIV, see Tom Cowan's Webinar from yesterday (3/29/23). Is Yeadon really fooling around with them? I don't think they are happy about what he said here. He hasn't come around fully, but he has moved a long way. He has certainly put lots of virus huggers i know in a deep quandary, they don't know what to do.

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Well mate, as Lacan once said, "I always tell the truth. Not the whole". Montagnier lied all his life. I won't excuse him even on his deathbed. Too many deaths and sicks behind his back and too many skeletons here in the closet. This is all deep dwelled and intertwined into the French Psyop. I have followed that freak show very carefully from the beginning going back 20 years back, and since I am the last canadian (native french speaker) from the shitholes of the shitholes east of Babylone, Quebec city, to have kept my mind clear, I can tell that they are a bunch of criminals and lyars in white coats dancing hand by hand in every languages and on all this fucking Globe. If you don't know all the machinery, not in the details, but in the deep movement (all based on transhumanism, eugenism, and epigenetics, to keep it short), in my opinion, you better keep it shut the fuck up. I speak in general, not for you or Eric or someone in particular. Most of the people want us to think slow, show slow, assert, refute, and rebigin to the end of times. I think this is one of their goals : make us speak endlessly, instead of ACTING. If virus or convid existing or not doen't worth the shit of a debate, for the simple reason that you will have the whole world againts you. I don't know if it is a good idea to shit on the head of James Corbett and Whitney Webb either way. Thay are doing a great job. I enjoy a piece of satire, and I like folks who can be mean, because it is needed in this world to survive, but I respect researchers engaged with integrity. Montagnier hasn't had that, integrity. Maybe Yeadon has some somewhere, but he is so slow that he'll still speak of virology and motorcycles until his hundreds. Enough for today.

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Witty "i'm the" Webb and James Corvette are doing a great job? At what? Pushing "virus" and "lab leak bio weapon" disinformation? Shaking my head!

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True. Thanks for bringing that point.

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Is Mongol one of them? Probability is probably probing some probes to a certain probabbility degree. Exactly as a flea on the devil's ass. Throw your machines by the window guys, if not you will become one... of them lol

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RemovedMar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023
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Mongol can we talk on the phone? You understand this stuff a lot better than I do...

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What a soup man. Get some fresh air. I know this stuff I went through it few years ago. I was on Vanden Booshe's back, and also on the other babbler's case, what was his name again, The Gladiator? The Agitator? Ah, yes Spartacus! Anyways. Don't be fooled by numbers, words and concepts. Maybe some wittgensteinian hygiena would do you good. All those laboRATories scriveners should take those wittgensteinians pills of my invention.

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And, a new item on this matter,


So You Think You Had a Novel, Bio-Engineered, Lab-Leaked Virus? James Delingpole, 3/23/23,

Personally, I remain open-minded on the cause of those symptoms, as I do on ‘virus theory’ versus ‘terrain theory’, or whether maybe it’s a mixture of both. But it seems evident to me that certain facts about the supposed pandemic of 2020 are now beyond dispute: it was only a ‘pandemic’ because the WHO changed its definition of pandemic; mortality rates were not above normal; the PCR tests were fraudulent; SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated; the pandemic was wargamed in 2019 at Event 201, and heavily promoted by vested interests (most funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) in the media, academe, the bio-medical establishment and client governments. Given the scale of the dishonesty surrounding this fake crisis, it would hardly constitute an extravagant leap to infer that the ‘virus’, like everything else, was just another fabricated part of the psyop.

And you don’t need to plump fully for terrain theory for this to be the case. Nor are you required to believe that China is a force for integrity and goodness, nor that Fauci and Daszak are stand-up guys, nor that there aren’t lots of black-budget-funded labs experimenting with pathogens. All you need to do is accept that the weight of evidence thus far shows that Mike Yeadon, and brave souls like him, are justified in their scepticism about the existence of a novel, possibly man-made virus called SARS-CoV-2. And that the fact that in 2020 you had a nasty dose of flu-like symptoms is really neither here nor there.

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No detox without poisoning. Symptoms are not symptoms, they are detox processes. A hundred years of poisoning, a hundred years of detox, aka "diseases". I a m dealing with the idea of a multipolar agressions, all concluding into inflammation and ultimately, cancer, wich is the pinaccle to come for the Cult. What do you think about that seriously? Sure thing Yeadon is a brave man. And saying that, you are done with him. He wouldn't be the fisrt man to be used against himself and without self-conscience by the cartel system. When the body gets out of balance, transformation is happening. Name it whatever you want, they are all rushing against the same wall. The nominalists are wrong. Naming the thing doesn't brings the thing to existence. As the old Spinoza once said, "The concept of dog doesn't bark". Words, words words. All the evidence is in plain light. We prefer to read articles. But I am no fool, and I see what is happening. Do you?

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RemovedMar 29, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023
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Just this!!! I completely agree Roger. For those who have 'broken free' of the shackles of so called "Consensus Reality" or were not taken in fully by it, it is not too difficult to see through the con job. We need to understand how deeply the 'programming ' goes and just how much effort ($$$, University perversity, and TV/media) has been made in order to get the Western World in particular to our current situation: the overtly non-critically thinking sheeple/consumer stage.

"Psychological conditioning runs deep. A lot of people have science degrees and work as scientists and professors and are not scientists at all. A true scientist is a person who cultivates virtue and forces himself to overcome his own conditioning when he is investigating something.

This is never easy, and humans tend to be lazy and vicious. Being diligent and virtuous requires true effort.

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Hilarious! Thanks for the reading.

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"‘Lab leak’ or ‘natural origin’ claim the same thing — there was a virus. This conceals the ongoing debate over whether that’s really true." - Exactly!!

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The good Dr. Yeadon was one of the heroic first to call out this atrocious worldwide criminal enterprise.


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Whilst I I agree to what you are saying to a degree, you have not gone far enough.

I did not have the vax. I did get locked in hospital for 2 weeks with double pneumonia, diagnosed as covid. I am not prone to sickness and my stay in hospital was the first time I had seen a doctor for 30 years. Whilst what I had bears no resemblance to a cold or a flu, I was very sick, and maybe could have died without medical support. I do however, resent the idea being presented by you and others, that my illness was hysterical. I was never afraid of the virus, whatever it really is, I never accepted a vaccination, I never wore a mask, I never had a test until forced to in hospital, and I lived my life absolutely as normal where legally able to. So your theory can only work for me if you do classify me as a hysteric. I am not. I was really shocked when my system broke down as I was sure this thing would not get me.

I do, however, have another option which I believe the entire allopathic medical fraternity is missing. I believe it is possible that covid was used as a front to cover for the damage being done, particularly to older bodies, as 5G was rolled out across the world. I collapsed with what was actually a total vagus nerve collapse in early 2022 which coincided with 5G rollout around me. And my symptoms are all neurological. I believe that the treatments, particularly for long covid, are all failing because they are focusing on the immune system rather than the body's electrical systems. When we start treating long covid as an electrical ailment - particularly but not limited to the autonomic nervous system, we will start succeeding, slowly. As we know, neural problems are very much harder to diagnose and treat than immune issues, and doctors tend to not want to go there at the best of times, let alone with significant parts of the population now suffering severe neural disorders that will require long term treatment.

I am waiting for the world to catch up with me and realise covid is actually EMF toxicity. Then I want a treatment, so that I can live out my remaining years in something other than excruciating discomfort and pain. Yup. That would be nice. And if anyone dares go there, they could look at how the ingredients in the jab have potentially turned people into EMF receivers or aerials, thus making them even more vulnerable to whatever EMFs are pulsed into out bodies from these proliferating towers.


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Christine, I am so sorry for your experience. I can feel your pain and frustration. I believe that zeolite could help alleviate some of your symptoms. You may wish to check out


for lots of natural remedies.

Also, yes the “vaxxine” does shed from person to person so you could have been exposed to the vax even without actually taking it.

Also, you may want to consider the sometimes severe physical symptoms associated with our Sun evolving to sunspot maximum plus our Earth losing its magnetic field. This has a strong effect on human bodies.

Add those all together and some of your symptoms could be understood.

Sending compassion to you and I hope you find relief.

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RemovedMar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023
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yes, thanks for this link. I've been holding back from spreading the quinta columna stuff for several months now. It's tempting but I intuitively felt that more vetting was needed.

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I enthusiastically jumped on the Quinta stuff when i first came across it, July '21. I now regret doing so. Scoglio is an excellent source, should be much better known.

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Thanks for this. Scoglio is excellent.

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OK, thankyou for this information but it does not address my core issue.

If unvaxxed are experiencing the same symptoms as vaxxed (we are), although often at a milder level (my symptoms are milder but progressing - ie getting worse), what is causing those symptoms?

The vax may have exacerbated the symptoms but it is not causing them.


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Which symptoms? Is there any proof that they are connected to any pathogen, rather than reflecting an increasingly poisoned environment? All global health agencies have stated that "COVID -19" does not have unique symptoms, can only be diagnosed via tests like PCR and antigen, tests whose very use is invalid as there has not been an actual virus physically isolated and purified to serve as a primer for such tests. That's not an assertion on my part, it's what 213 health entities have stated in writing in responses to Christine Massey's FOIs.


On what global health agencies such as the Cochrane Institute say, see here. Dr Mark Bailey, in October.


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You still haven't addressed my question. I am asking WHAT HAS CAUSED the symptoms many of us are suffering, which are vastly more serious than any syndrome symptoms that have pre-dated the so-called "long covid" outbreak. And these symptoms are common amongst the vaxxed, unvaxxed, and those diagnosed with covid and those not diagnosed with covid.

I am not answering that question. I am asking that question. WHAT HAS CAUSED the symptoms?

And if you are firm in your belief that there are no symptoms then obviously you have nothing to add.

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What does "diagnosed with COVID" mean?!!!!

And you think that we can live in an environment which is becoming more toxic by the day and not increasingly show symptoms? Air pollution, including more and more nano particles like graphene oxide, the plastic of the 21st century, in air, water, soil, food,... Agricultural spray like glyphosate Electromagnetic pollution, including 5G. Radiation (Fukushima still leaking en masse). Toxic foods. Stress.......

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"diagnosed with COVID" means "diagnosed with covid". It does not mean I had some kind of corona virus. It means the medical profession diagnosed me with covid so locked me up in solitary confinement (actually ICU as I was dying at the time) for 14 days with no human contact while I worked out whether to live or not. Why I decided to live completely eludes me. But I did. I am here, and I am completely pissed off with people denying what I went through then and have been going through since.

If you had read what I wrote, you would have read that I am guessing that my "diagnosed with COVID" symptoms were actually a severe reaction to 5G rollout which happened in my area just before I got sick. Of course there are multiple toxins fucking us up, but at some stage something pushes us over the edge, and I think for me, and most of the other old people who died or nearly died of what they called covid, the toxin that pushed us over the edge is 5G emissions.

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Yes, like the rest of the world who is not suffering this personally, people who, in fact, have zero empathy, are writing us off as hysterical. Thankyou.

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On the boat with Girard. I had the same intuition few years ago. Has to be investigate for sure.

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What I want to know is this: What exactly is the mRNA "spike protein" that is said to be the magic ingredient of the covid "vaccines"? (I don't call them "vaccines"; I call them poison injections.)

I got two injections of the Pfizer poison, the first on March 29, 2021, the second on April 19, 2021. I experienced adverse reactions to the first shot, but because they didn't begin until a week after the injection, I didn't connect them in my mind to the first shot. However, after the second shot, within a few hours I became very sick indeed, and I experienced an enormous number of extremely severe, debilitating, disabling symptoms, which changed and evolved over the course of four to five months, though some of the symptoms remained constant throughout that entire time, and continue to plague me to this day. I have significant, lasting injuries from that experience. Something in those injections made me extremely sick, and it continues to sicken me.

As a victim of the poison injection campaign, I'm more interested in what's in the vials than the "origins of the virus" myth. But I'm also wondering how the two relate to each other. I wish brilliant, honest, truth-seeking people would address this question. I wonder if they ever will.

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check my latest post. specially the interview with Delgado, the founder of La Quinta Columna. you will find the answers to your question.

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Excellent post, I believe this has a lot to do with it along with the fear. I also believe the chemtrails have something to do with it as well.

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Becka: Fear had nothing to do with my experience of being sickened by the Pfizer injections. I had NO fear of covid. The only reason I got the injections was that I felt intense pressure from society at large, and from my family, one sister in particular, to do so. If I hadn't felt that pressure, there's no way I'd have taken them. I hadn’t been "red-pilled" at that time. I’d no idea that there were intelligent, informed people talking about how dangerous the injections were and would be for those who took them.

When I realized that I'd been seriously sickened, shortly after I got the second shot, my thought was that I must be a "one in a million" outlier. I'd no idea that there were large numbers of other injectees who'd also been sickened until I talked to my Kaiser doctor about my many severe adverse reactions. Without my asking, she volunteered to me this interesting piece of information: "Kaiser hospital is overrun right now with people experiencing serious adverse reactions to the covid shots." She added, "I'm writing in your medical record that you must never get any more covid vaccines."

By that time, I was absolutely certain I'd never take any more covid injections, or any other vaccines, of any kind, regardless of what she wrote in my medical record. The covid poison injections were the last straw for me in terms of my willingness to engage in any way with the toxic paradigm called contemporary conventional western medicine. The Pfizer injections were the fourth time in my life (I'm 67) that I've been horribly, irreparably, catastrophically iatrogenically injured. I refuse to have anything more to do with allopathic medicine in its entirety.

I learned much later that both of my injections came from hot lots. If you don't know what that means, study this website: howbadismybatch.com. My first injection was from Pfizer Lot ER8732; the second was from Pfizer Lot EW0169.

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I'm so sorry that happened to you, I was pressured as well & was actually standing in line to get one. I started feeling woozy over my decision & walked away & started doing research. I consider myself very lucky. I'm glad that your Dr was able to see the harm & not persuade you to get more shots. I was one consumed by fear in what was happening. I decided to change my bad eating habits & get off of opioids. My sister had passed from a heroin overdose in 2010, so I changed my path. I'm a year shy of the age she was when she passed away. I started looking into alternative information other than the news for answers, what I came up with is to take my health back the best I can. I've lost 100 lbs & got off my prescriptions. This has been the biggest battle I've ever faced. I am not perfect and still battle every day. I've been sick lately but herbs, hope & vitamins have been keeping me going. I judge no one for getting these toxic shots as this was the most successful social experiment known to man. Man... No one should put any faith in. Humanity ... There is still hope for it. I've seen more good people than bad. Remember that they have wanted to divide us for years... Makes their job a bit easier for their Agenda. I have extensive knowledge with herbs & helped my son get better in one day from something viral. Reach out if I can assist in any way. You can also read through some of my old Substacks. There's good info, I was just a bit all over the place... Too much info out there. I got into my research way too much sometimes.

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Thanks for sharing. & I’m glad that doctor was paying attention.

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Thank you.

Yes, with chemtrails they could be dumping graphene on us and the planet while they used its conductivity to make the starlink 5G grid. Graphene might be the MAIN reason for forcing to vaccinate!!! Delgado explains this fact very clearly!

But theyre also blocking out the sun. Which if is it unnatural and prolonged, is disease inducing to all life. Full spectrum sunlight is VERY important for health. Jacob Lieberman (the science of Light) showed it to be so.

Fear? But of course. They need as much people to be in the state of constant fear to perpetuate this state of society which is going to accept total surveilance and AI managment. Totalitarian transhumanism would not be possible otherwise. It is built on fear.

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Did you hear that some vial analysis showed no mRNA at all? Any more info on that would be welcomed. And as for blocking the sun, how symbolic is that for the Prince of Darkness?

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Tom Cowan also stated that no mRna technology was found. Delgado says they tested at least 10 different sources of "vaccines". No mRna but graphene in all of them. Quite a bit ago. Yep, we ar up against a bunch of satanist psychopaths. But psssst, we are surrounded by atheists...

Crazy times we live in indeed!

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See the work of Stefano Scoglio, Nobel Prize for Medicine nominee in 2018, and a co-author of the latest edition of Virus Myths, who dealt with the spike protein question very well in this interview with Torsten Engelbrecht. This post has the transcript, plus a link to the video.


“That mRNA “vaccines” cause cells to produce spike proteins is a fairy tale” Stefano Scoglio, top expert in microbiology and Italy’s most prestigious and best-known critic of the Corona policy, interviewed by Torsten Engelbrecht. Posted 11/8/22

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Go to Sasha Latypova stack. Because of how and where made, also how dispensers dilute vials, mix the liquid after defrosting, consistency of doses very doubtful. Also, there could have been many different experimental batches within the huge experiment itself, not forgetting undisclosed secret patented contents, which they are allowed under EUA. Under special purchasing contracts, products are not classed as pharma so don't have to follow rules and they didn't.

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Agree. I think the contamination level is very high on vial contents. mRNA/spike protein "may" have been created on a very small scale in an academic lab, but it's not scalable to the numbers touted. Frankly I think you can synthetically call something anything which includes this notion of mRNA.

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The capsules that contain alleged mRNA are toxic also causing adverse events and makers say on their website "for research only, not to be used on humans or animals." Hmmmm!

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Delgado said they are using graphene in many products besides injections. Watch the entire interview on KlaTv and you will know.

Graphene could be the main reason for giving vaccines since 2019 already!!! No mRna stuff found in any of them so far. They are not vaccines!

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I am editing a paper by Stefano Scoglio which establishes that "graphene oxide" does not exist as we are told; i.e., he is saying there is no such thing.

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I am not convinced by this Italian. He is disputing a document from pfizer. That is beside the point. Graphene was allegedly found in multiple sources by multiple people. They do not claim its existence based on a paper from the responsible party itself.

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Ok, thanks for the info. Will look into it.

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I want to know why it's called a "spike", what's the history of this terminology?

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Using electron microscopy one can see that coronaviruses have protrusions emanating from their outside boundaries. These are called "spikes." The mRNA in the covid injections supposedly comes only from the spikes, not from the entire virus. "Corona" means crown in Latin. "Corono" means to enclose or to surround in a circle. Coronaviruses are named for this unique feature.

Most of the vials contain saline solution (placebo), not the spike mRNA. There is a vast amount of information, for anyone willing to spend several hours studying it, on what is and isn't in the vials, on howbadismybatch.com.

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1. How do you know these (spikes) aren't artifacts of the preparation of the sample for EM?

2. "Corono" surround in a circle, like a water droplet? Air bubble?

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by Eric F Coppolino

My understanding is the "spike" is an artifact from the preparation required under electron microscopy.

Dr. Harold Hillman has described this as a dilemma in micro-biology (science in general). It's a sort of paradox - what we can't perceive with our natural senses we develop tools to expand our "perception" but these tools of augmentation actually distort rather than reflect reality.

Much of what is assumed as proven, as foundational, in fact has never been experimentally demonstrated to be exist.

To circumvent this dilemma, "science" has turned to computer simulations under the auspices of bio-technology, a purely mechanistic approach to life. (And thus, imo, very dangerous.) It appears that this is what "virology" after failures, turned to when they could not prove "pathogenic viruses" using time-tested Koch's Postulates.

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and there you have it...better than I could have ever said it, Art.

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I felt it was fake from the very start. So all of this makes perfect sense to me.

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Thanks for this bombshell, Eric. I shared this to my newsletter recipients, this was my introduction.

Mike Yeadon, former top scientist at Pfizer’s division on respiratory diseases, has taken the major step of stating that there is no proof for the SARS-CoV-2 virus which allegedly has been responsible for the alleged “COVID-19” disease which has allegedly been causing a global pandemic over the last three years. There are many, probably most, in the “health freedom” community, who have steadfastly and doggedly clung on to the notion that there has been a pandemic marked by a novel COVID-19 disease caused by a specific coronavirus SARS-Cov-2. Quite a few of them have done so because the movement’s celebrities, be they RFK Jr, Del Bigtree, Doctors Malone, Kory, McCullough, Nass, Mercola,… have said so, and because they “know” that this was all caused by a “bio-weapon.” Yeadon has been one scientist who has been cited a LOT by those in the movement. One wonders if this will be the final straw that break the camel’s back and make such people wake up from a trance, or if they will respond by claiming that Yeadon has gone mad or is being threatened or….

To say i’m losing patience with those who are clinging to the myth and insisting that this question is “divisive” and “diversionary” and that we should be 100% about the shots is to put it mildly. This piece doesn’t go far enough to refute the entire official narrative about contagion and virology and the like, but i still hope it is enough to shake this entire edifice of false beliefs to its foundations, ready or not.

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Hey Eric. Excellent post! Thank you!

Talk about synchronicity! I published this yesterday, "5G Graphene SARS-Cov2 connection revealed!"; interview with Delgado, the founder of "La Quinta Columna"


Debunking of virology by Stefan Lanka included. I think Yeadon was informed by Lanka and Tom Cowan. Yeadon is one of the rare guys which are smart and honest enough to dispute Rockefellers medicine establishment.

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What I found very interesting about Dr. Yeadon is his methodically approach to question and then conclude through analysis that there is no SARS-Cov-2.

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I enjoyed your post, nice job.

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Thanks mate! I see you are doing your part too!

Lets hope we reach the worldwide critical mass sooner than later!

Cheers out of Zagreb, Croatia!

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December 16, 2022:

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was unable to provide any record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 spike protein being found in anyone and purified (as opposed to “recombinant” “spike protein” being created in a lab and then studied, as though that reflects something going on in actual people); and so they responded as though this was another FOI regarding the fake virus, and provided the same useless paragraphs that they’ve been giving people for the past year or so:


February 14, 2023:

Once again, the people at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were unable to provide any record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 spike protein being found in anyone and purified. (I specifically ruled out studies where “recombinant” “spike protein” was created in a lab in order to be studied, because those studies can’t provide any evidence of the alleged “SARS-COV-2 spike protein” actually existing in people, i.e. people with the fraudulent convid diagnosis, or people who received the fake mRNA vaccines, or anyone at all.):


March 21, 2023:

Roger Andoh acting as FOIA Officer in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, CDC confessed that the CDC doesn’t even have a study where authors did either of the following:

1) tested for the alleged “SARS-COV-2 spike protein” in the blood of “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” people, and compared the results – to look for evidence that the “mRNA” quackcines cause bodies to create the protein

2) compared the antibody levels for “vaccinated” people and people injected with other toxins (i.e. other quackcines), to assess specificity of antibodies.


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Thank YOU very much - super helpful information!!

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Sry, I missed this comment for some reason. Lets be clear, I am not a scientist. But I have years and years of investigation into esoteric/hidden stuff. Graphene is big with transhumanist bunch. It was the big thing few years before the plandemic. There were huge controversies around the use of it. If you havent, research "black goo". Patents for all this crazy stuff exist and have been published! Delgado and many others have found nano tech made of probably graphene or its derivatives in vaccine samples. I see no hidden and evil objective to their claims. And this Italian guy is disputing a claim based on pfizer's documents? To me it would seem that he is not in the position to do that at all. Has he tested all the various vaccines? Delgado has proof of it! And hes not alone.

Will the citizenry which allowed to be "vaccinated", in spite the illogic and criminality of the lockdowns and govt policy that claimed how it is for the health benefit of the population, go to check their blood for graphene en masse? So how we are to really know? Look, I am sorry for the people who got innoculated with "vaccines", but I do not expect them to now admit how foolish they were. People rarely admit to their mistakes! To their detriment. One HUGE problem in modern society is the willingness to live in denial and tolerate the state of cognitive disonance!

So I really dont think Delgado is faking, altho I can not be sure 100% in the lab work etc. But I am sure in my overall perspective on him based on all the other things he is saying. And of course he would be under huge attack from all sides. All the heros who dare question modern virology are immediately marginalized for many reasons. One being how so many people allowed to be vaccinated and boosted, the other being the power of medical establishment and heaps of money they are throwing at scientists who are willing to lie to public. Btw. you will not see Malone or Kirsch get attacked which should tell you about who they really are. True fighters are censored to oblivion, or killed! And I think that there is only 1-3% of people who realize the weight of the situation which was created in march of 2020. Social contract is ABOLISHED worldwide! And no one went to prison yet!?!

As I see it, I am opposed to the chaos which is obviously being created. Also, this ties in with 5G deployment and its true nature as a military technology, the starlink satellite grid and NWO totalitarian one world communist government financed by central banks, military industrial complex, all the monarchies and blackrocks. I investigated the root of the matter and it all makes perfect sense to me.

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I can allow for your statement about Delgado, I have only seen him now in this interview. And I can add that weird is not to be avoided. As I said, reserach "black goo". Morgellons were a real problem. My family member was affected and it was documented. Nano crap from the screwed up nightmares are a real danger. Stuff like that comes from SF books and movies, I know. But it is also being done by scientists and is public knowledge.

As I said, use of graphene and transhumanist surveilance AI go hand in hand. And it is obvious that the digitalization is moving at the speed of light. Russia and China are far ahead of western society in this matter. Btw. PM of Croatia stated that Croatia will be the first country in EU which will be fully digitalized in EU. We already had vaccine passports in 2021. Slowly but surely we are all being cooked and made sick slaves to medical establishment. I found that it is all connected and working according to the Kalergi plan, Agenda 2030, and conform with the protocols of zion and commie manifesto. Who avoids naming these is not fully aware of the influence these people have or is their agent, unconsciously or on purpose. Central banks owners and communists from eurasia, the owners of big pharma are all from the same tribe.

So I judge what is being said with if it fits with what I see as the over arching plan. And I look for possible hidden goals, meaning if it is a psy op, a misinformation that is having the effect of fear inducing and making one think they are powerless or is it liberating and defeating the power of the control system.

There are billions of useful idiots who go with all of it because they have been hypnotised and de-formed with lies. If they started waking up this could be resolved in a month and we could step away from this road to totalitarian dystopia.

Who said that you have to agree with me, but that are the irrefutable conclusions my research has led to so far. All confirmed through various books which are based on evidence and experience of reality for over 40 years.

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Thank you so much for this summary CAR23 :)

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Living half my life in China and listening to The Dr Li MengYan (another player in this deception game.)I have the suspicion that her purpose is to direct our eyes only on China not on our own country ‘s labs.Her information appears to be forced fed,along with the quirky American expressions.I’ve never heard any scientific detailed information from her.If China really wanted to find her(with interpol and Chinese police stations across the country)they would.Just a thought.

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Berean Beacon

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

1 Corinthians 15:33

All the Worlds a Stage for Jesuit Theater

When Roman Catholic Jesuit-trained former CDC director and helmsman of Operation Warp Speed is not on the stump stoking the hell fires of WWIII he is sitting comfortably on the advisory board of Health Security Firm, AM LLC.

Redfield picked up his new gig after exiting the government stage left on Jan 20th, 2021. It was almost one year after the deadly covid 19 shots were unleashed upon a purposely dazed and confused world. According to the government's own Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), the Covid-19 shot has been the world's most lethal vaccine ever introduced to the human race.

In Redfield's new role , he will advise K-12 public school administrators on dealing with children during the next plandemic. One must be concerned as his contemporary, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization will be coordinating the next global response and armed with the WHO Pandemic Treaty. Dr. Tedros is fond of the Jesuits and has close ties with the top Jesuit Pope Francis.

Dr. Redfield’s recent Senatorial performance concerning the origins of Covid is quite possibly a smoke screen to erroneously bolster the need and legitimacy for more lethal injections. The shot and its contents were the sole purposes of Covid-19 regardless of origin. The government's response to the “virus” was the real killer. This response was the responsibility of Dr. Robert Redfield and his Center for Disease Control. The “vaccine” is the killer not covid and it was the treatment protocols such as Remdesivir that sent covid flue sufferers to an early grave. Not to mention the foolishness of wearing surgical and cloth mask and practicing social distancing all of which has led to an increase in mental illness and teen suicide. There was no significant rise in deaths in 2020, it was on par with the prior year's flue related deaths. Every year tens of thousands of people die of the flu and it was never sensationalized prior to 2020.

Both Jesuit Doctors Fauci and Refield co-authored an article in March of 2020 claiming "The overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza.." It is all in black and white in the New England Journal of Medicine!

The recent national debate concerning origins is fanning the flames of partisan politics framing Jesuit Fauci as a leftist while Jesuit Redfield is a voice of reason for the conservatives. The sad result may well be the start of WWIII with China.

We must not forget that it was Jesuit-educated Trump who brought Dr. Redfield out from hiding and appointed him to head the CDC. In our article The Curious Catholic Connections with the CDC, Dr. Redfield was busted back in the 90s for conspiring with Fauci and Deborah Birx to create a faux vax for HIV. There were numerous people who protested Trump's appointment of Redfield, check out this quote from Dr. Peter Lurie, "What one wants in a director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a scientist of impeccable scientific integrity. What one would get in Robert Redfield is a sloppy scientist with a long history of scientific misconduct and an extreme religious agenda. We urge the administration not to appoint Dr. Redfield."

Covid 19 is the sequel to AIDS with the actors remaining the same, Fauci, Redfield, and Birx. Isn’t it any wonder why 83 countries around the globe banned the Jesuit order. According to Canadian Historian J. E. C. Shepherd: “Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus (Jesuit order) was expelled from at least 83 countries, city-states, and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversive plots against the welfare of the state…”

Is it no wonder that our founding Fathers warned the newly minted Nation of the dangers of the Roman Catholic Church? John Adams in writing to Thomas Jefferson in May 1821 stated: Can a free Government possibly exist with a Roman Catholic Religion? In order for America to survive its destruction, the roots of the Jesuit order need to be severed from our Nation’s alphabet agencies.

Could our congress be so bold as to sever diplomatic ties with the Vatican as they did on February 28, 1867? It's true, after the National exposure of the Roman Catholic Jesuit plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln, Americans had enough of the theater. Congress finally passed legislation that prohibited funding to any future United States diplomatic missions to the Holy See. Devastatingly those diplomatic ties were restored on January 11th, 1984 by President Ronald Reagan.

How long will the remnant of the Protestant Church remain silent to the works of the Antichrist In Our Midst?

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Yup, Redfield is playing his key role in the virus kabuki theater very well.

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I don't mean to be a Party Pooper. Clearly many people think this is a Good Thing.


I like Dr. Mike, and this article is quote good. Probably his best to date.

But IMHO, it misses the goal line by mere inches.

It seems very carefully worded to dispute that a NOVEL coronavirus existed.

This might imply that a Novel Coronavirus MIGHT exist, just not this time.

Or that COVID was caused by another pathogen transmissible pathogen.

He cites as authorities notorious Virus Pushers like Sasha Latypova, and Bobby Kennedy.

Where are Kaufman, Cowan, Lanka, Baileys, Massey, et. al.?

I note that Mike was an original signer of the Settling the Virus Debate statement.


Dr. Mike, if you are reading this...

Does SARS-CoV-2 exist? Do any viruses exist?

Does COVID meet the definition of a "new disease"?


Do we need to get lost analysis of All Cause Mortality data, and Rube Goldberg machines to explain how these data indicate the core fraud?

Or do we simply need to examine the Methods section of papers claiming that SARS-CoV-2 / viruses exist?

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It’s the 654,321st element on the periodic table and one of the usual suspects in trails, along with nano aluminum and strontium, according to the small group the paid a charter plan in LA and collected samples from behind planes leaving trails. The elements that came through were these. Silver nitrite sometimes too

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That looks exciting, I will hopefully get to read/watch.

I am working from a detox perspective as well and the pieces seem to correspond. Example, when I’m issues after crowds/ close contact, one of the things I work to detox is heavy metals. And the information about dr Charles Lieberman creating self assembling nano tech or the sauce in the hydrogel, nano lipid particle envelopes, leads me to believe that the kinda amazing properties of graphene oxide are what are used for this. It could just be many other metals as I feel sick after the planes go at it all day and create a cotton candy sky (strontium, brontium, aluminum in all that too). I have also seen disclosures by researchers who have found no mRNA in the viles they have gotten their hands on. It is a convoluted mystery I agree and I do think there are many vectors of toxicity and poison. So far I consider some of all junk in certain shots, tests and air, water, and others will have different junk and maybe some higher amounts of benign Ingredients for all the dummies (benefiting from the advocate model of distribution rollout) who still think shots are great and they seem to be fine.

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i hope someone can investigate this- shocking to me- from a friend just recently back from mexico- she says " I'm now at the Houston airport, reading an online article about recent pilot deaths and sitting next to one of many defibrulators, recently installed here at the airport."

I don't know if they've done that here in Ca, but I'm going to ask someone who works at the airport here!

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Fantastic article, Mike. Thank you!!! And thanks Eric for posting. I'm not sure I would have seen it otherwise. I read recently that Karen Kingston reported mRNA 'vaccine' vial analysis showed no mRNA whatsoever. If that is indeed the case, even by batch lots, it would make this plot so thick you could stand a spoon in it.

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From Michael Yeadon's OpEd:

"To this point, an ex-pharmaceutical industry executive Sasha Latypova, speaking with Robert F Kennedy Jr on his podcast of last Thursday, March 16, describes the extensive evidence of the contracts and relationships that were in place before the Covid era. Contracts were signed for billions of dollars in February 2020. Not only would the required production never happen (from a standing start, to sign such a large commitment is ridiculous) but it cannot be done. She estimated that approximately one kilogram of DNA was required. There isn’t that much medicinal grade DNA on the planet at any one time. That’s because it’s hard to do, very expensive, wholly bespoke and difficult to store for long periods. Also, the amounts of any specific DNA sequence required and held in store by commercial suppliers would be milligrams or perhaps grams at a stretch. So it was always completely unfeasible, regardless of how much money was thrown at the problem, to have accomplished what they claim to have done in a short time."

Keep in mind, not all of the vials have the same thing. This is an assumption everyone makes but has yet to be proven.

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And Sasha latypova and mike yeadon have specifically said the contents of the vials can only be wildly different from each other to see these erratic graphs

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This Yeadon and colleagues smells to me like a limited hangout. This mea culpa sorry I was with the wrong guys makes no sense to me. And look with who he is still fooling around. Vaccine pushers, "retired" (retarded?) vax executives or researchers, and so on. Same bag of shit as Stew Peters, Kennedy, Malone, Cole, Nagase, McCullogh, Merrit, Rogan, Vanden Boosche, Raoult, Montagnier, Henrion-Caude, Fouché, Perronne ad libitum ad nauseam... Listen to those idiots and crooks in white coats, they are all working to save humanity from an inexistent disease, all blaming or displacing doubts and critics onto minor and irrelevant issues, like the spike Jonze shit, bat soup, mRNA babbling sequencing joke, good and bad vaccines (they are all bad and toxic). All this story, this farce is taking so much water by so many holes, that you better buy a canoe instead of waisting a single minutes with these cravated bastards. It's a pity watching them dancing and a Zappa would cry over their shitty and pathetic performance. Otherwise, the 5G/6G microwave, the poisoning, the climate engeneering, the GMO's, the destruction of the food supplies and I can continue for an hour are in a top steak shape, Musk the Idiot Child is walking hand by hand with Bill the Needle, and all the corporates rats are on board, bankers, greeners, the old Merchants club who runs the shitshow. Stop playing circles games and face reality. Get out of the media/science/corporate train. They are controlling us. They are killing us. They are walking on our backs, by so many means that if you don't see the point and wants to continue babbling and Yodeling with Yeadon and all those appointed ridiculous doctors, you better hire someone's responsible to take care of your kids.

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If you're thinking "limited hangout", you're way off the mark.

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I have corresponded with Mike for a while. I count him as a sincere person who is in this unwillingly. Like the rest of the people I work with, he was dragged in and responded to a call of conscience. Remember he was one of the signers of the corman-drosten external peer review and retraction demand.

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Thanks for pointing that out. Yes, last year I was reading about toxicity by batch lots so I understand not all the vials are the same.

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