The often cruel and narcissistic behaviour I see is encapsulated when you see women posing for selfies. In that moment there is no warmth or connection just a shot to look good.

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If one thinks that no warmth or connection looks good.

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Hi Eric, I like what you’re exploring here about the history of feminism. Until recently I had no idea how destructive this ideology was. Had simply wanted the freedom to express myself, not to castigate men.

It is so upsetting to hear how unappreciated men feel. Personally I find men to be beautiful humans and am surrounded by incredibly fine men in my life. Not as partners but as friends in my community.

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Tea and vision quest (-Zanax ) for breakfast. Lovely. It occurred to me that I've never been able to adequately discribe my late father's ( gone these last fifteen years,) guitar style. But this is it! I used to say it was like boop boopti boop boop, when I tell the story about him getting chucked out of the Reggae band he auditioned for, but it's more than that, I could hear George Harrison in there, it's possible that that Reggae bands vision wasn't questing at all.

In other news I noticed along with a bunch of other promoted bio books from that generation that Glenn Matlock's ( bassist for the sex pistols, BS, before Sid ) was called 'Triggered' Just more of the everything is connected to everything else concept in play again. I named my dog Glen, after him, lots of spittle and very cool. He's gone too now, back in 2020.

And one last, it's true what you suggest about Mars in cancer being centred on desire as a reccuring theme. Something you can find a way through as long as you've been made aware that that's what could be in the offing, so thanks for the suggesting we might take a look. The catalysing effect of your thoughts out loud really is something to behold so please don't ever worry if we seem a little tongue tied by it all. 👍

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That is reassuring, constant k

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Exactly the addictive nature of glamour

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Ahh I keep missing this point when I discuss digital conditions. Bailey is all over this one and it could well be the essence of the issue.

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Clearly they do. To me it’s ugly.

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Agreed. Do you think part of the issue is many younger women are trying to self actualise using a medium that is cold and based on zeros and ones?

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and which is obsessed with image and where fame is everything...

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and I think it needs to be considered in context of the social/political demand for women to be taken seriously, and not presumed to be merely solipsistic.

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I don’t get it, but this is what I’m noticing

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Regarding what one man is capable of sexually. Actually pretty well known, at least in some circles, that after a man comes, while he may be inert for a bit, once he gets turned on again (could be as little as a half hour later, usually no more than 45 minutes), provided he stays turned on, it will take a long time for him to come again, even though he can get fully aroused.. physically.

It was this month in 1970 that i became involved in my first regular relationship, a few months past college graduation and past moving to the SF Bay Area. I was 23. I figured my partner was in her late 20s. She actually turned out to be 39. She turned me on to cannabis for the first time. And i discovered that once past the ... first hurdle, we could carry on for hours. One time, we even continued the next morning, went on till mid-afternoon. This even made the initial rather quick ejaculation matter little.

And i had such experiences with other women as well, older as well as younger. Have never tried having sex with more than one woman in one setting, hard enough to figure it all out with just one on one, lots of crossing dynamics going on. not something that can be figured out well if you just focus on your own pleasure. Not saying it can't be done. I suppose past the first hurdle, i could have had sex with more than one woman. Never found out, never will. Just wanted to note that even men have this myth about ... having only one shot.

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There are a lot of particulars here. I did not say men are not capable of multiple ejaculations; many are. For a high T man, young and virile, maybe three in close proximity. But that's not what I was getting at. I was describing the continuous wide-open, yin-pool type sustained or peak and crest orgasm that many women are capable of with little or no special training, just the right opportunity (set, setting, partners) and guidance. Yes there are some men who might be capable of this but it's not a testosterone thing. It remains, even for men, a yin-pool thing, and this is not something most are interested in.

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Well, i don't know how else to describe what i felt that day in Sept 1970 going on from 9AM to 3PM (this was a Sunday, so nothing that really needed to be done. :-)) other than as a sustained peak feeling that just went on and on, matching her, wasn't the only time, and wasn't something which happened just with her. And i definitely wasn't trained. Maybe i just felt that men as a group were being passed off as drones? 🤷‍♂️

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I was describing this as something sometimes accidentally discovered...it's wholly natural, but usually, a possibility unknown and closed off...it happens in its moment with the right partner...so you know what is possible...

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Good call about how digital inherently polarizes, given it is organized around entities which are either zeros or ones. in actual substance. Yes, this disembodiment greatly facilitated 9/11, and even more, "COVID."

The dominant spectacle has "progressed" from a false flag event, a real material event whose very nature was hidden, distorted, .... anything except what happened, to an alleged event/situation with no material foundation to it at all, with every single leg of the 3-legged official "Pandemic"/"COVID-19"/"SARS-Cov-2” narrative having zero basis in reality.

It was an illusion of a "pandemic" created via news stories, featuring a disease distinguishable only via tests, and tests based upon digital models, existing only as computer files, never authenticated by an actual physical entity via isolation and purification. Why mess up an operation with actual physical aspects when the general population is so out of touch with physical reality that mere online stories would suffice?!

In my humble opinion and based upon my experience and knowledge, the Internet was never really meant to be a realm of freedom. It was created as a project of ARPA, the forerunner of DARPA, with the aim of facilitating the operations of the military industrial complex, and this complex has always retained ultimate control "Surveillance Valley" by Yasha Levine is a good read on that, even if he has gotten the counterculture, 9/11 and (after the book came out) "COVID" totally wrong.

I "joined" this month in 1991, via the Well, one of the very first online forums. Already by that point, i could see extreme contentiousness at work, even on a conference within the Well frequented by Deadheads. This culture group is such that five Deadheads will have five strongly differing opinions on a show they had just seen, if not 8 such opinions. And the digital format was elevating contentiousness to new levels. True, things have gotten worse, there were a lot more open spaces available at first, but that's because the already-planned process of rounding up all the participation took a while to actually implement,

I do try to provoke people via my Substack,,,, provoke people to think. I think too many social influences work to put people to sleep, comfortable numbness. Not remotely the same as provoking them to take physical action against people in their immediate lives, which i do see all too many people advocate.

I smoke a very small quantity of cannabis daily. I take care to avoid making online participation the very first thing i do after the act. Yoga is by far the most likely activity, followed by playing music, followed by going on a walk or (when i had such avenues) gardening. The point is to re-focus, like using a tuning fork. A guest Daniel Zeck had on his show a few months ago, who used to have a cannabis shop when the business got brought out by corporate interests, they pushed usage of substances with incredibly high levels of THC in concentrated form, especially edibles, with the goal of rendering people inert passive consumers rather than thinking beings. He got out, started something new. "SET and SETTING," as the pioneers of the counterculture always insisted.

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