I really enjoyed listening to your new program today. I feel it is akin to a meditation for me. Thank you for enlightening us to Aurora.

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Listened to the rest. Aurora ROCKS big time! Thanks for that.

Excellent point, how today's "gender" discussion leads to the operating room and the pharmacy.

But you say bisexuality is never a part of the discussion? Seriously? What is the B in LGBTQ for? (Good point about heterosexual men being left out). My personal experience is that the various anarchist (and the like) milieus i've been a part of since the mid '70s have always featured a LARGE dosage of bisexual correctness, "hard to be a "real" anarchist unless you're bisexual." I've had to defend my way of being in private and even public debates (on milieu publications) and face being slandered, defamed,....

I've never conformed to standard definitions of what it means to ACT like a male, and as a result have quite often been assumed to be gay. At a music scene i was a part of till it was shut down by the Psy Op in 2020, lots of guys tried hitting on me because i wasn't constantly trying to hit on women, was never seen with a woman partner (unable to connect with one. Because i've have not found what i'm looking for, being an older guy with much more in common with women younger, even much younger, than me, but not feeling comfortable pursuing that, plus they seem to prefer ... younger guys,... Got to seek hanging out with female regulars so that i'd be left alone. To me, this has nothing to do with "gender fluidity," everything to do with neurotic social norms. Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck.

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Hm, well, I don't mean any form of sex as a political statement or affiliation. I mean it as sexual/affectual, which is the opposite of political.

That said, I suspect that LGB is less radical here than out Left by you.

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You mean Left Coast? :-)

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A captain's report about an hour and 25 minutes in.

I was in a "very hard to impress me" frame of mind re music, having listened earlier to 3 tunes totaling 40 minutes from 6/22/91 at Soldier Field, Chicago (where the Dead would play their very last show some 4 years later) and 6 tunes totally 55 minutes from 6/20/80 in Anchorage, the only time the Dead played in Alaska (total of 3 shows on that run), today being 6/21/24, and blown away. And i was impressed by A Soul Without a King. Aurora has that special ... swing.

Cow farts have very little to do with the current climate chaos, likewise emissions from personal vehicles, much much less than industrial emissions. The science is solid, based upon long-term science fields such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and gas dynamics, all subjects i had as an undergrad. Dates way before computers, let alone computer modeling. Would be happy to explain.

Regarding your lack of faith in the collective. I HEAR you regarding betrayals and disappointments. It's a very complex interaction. Awareness can only come to us one at a time. But unless this is shared, it will stay isolated, without any ability to change squat. I have no faith in grand solutions, i am strongly convinced we need to abandon industrial "civilization" before it kills us and the planet. It is totally unsustainable, and increasingly so even in the short range. How do we once we become aware get together long enough to undo Moloch in total, and then dissolve back, avoiding becoming the new stewards? I think that's where the ample history of spontaneous autonomous struggles can be highly informative.

And i'm glad you liked Paul Kingsworth and that short quote from the presentation by the person who posted the video as much as i did.

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Soltices apply to both the northern and southern hemispheres simultaneously. There's no such thing as a "northern" soltice" as opposed to a "southern" solstice. The sun "stands still" everywhere, at every latitude, at the solstices. In the northern hemisphere today is (theoretically) the summer solstice; in the southern hemisphere (again, only theoretically) today is the winter solstice. What is printed on your calendar regarding the precise date of the solstices, and of the equinoxes, is astronomically inaccurate. The reason for this is the obliquity of the earth's orbit around our sun.

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By "northern" I mean the location on the horizon and hemisphere emphasis. Preferable to "winter" and "summer" in these global days

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