PWFM :: Northern Solstice Full Moon
Take a break from the cares of the world. Planet Waves FM is back.

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Good evening,
I return to Planet Waves FM tonight on the occasion of the Northern Solstice Full Moon, with tales of my travels (inner and outer), seeking some understanding of the mental climate under the wild influence of Neptune and Poseidon, and a quick look at news from the Missing Virus front.
And I’ve got a two-faceted Tantra Studio: one is an analysis of guilt and how it seems (or aspires) to rule the world; and holding a mirror to society’s gender mania, with the help of an astrological metaphor. I’ve just finished recording and both are distinctive. In the first, I assess embarrassment, shame and guilt from three perspectives: A Course in Miracles, Gestalt therapy and Tantra.
This will get its own player — please check for that later. For now, it’s in the third block starting at 1:27
Planet Waves FM is a mellow program not driven by any special agenda except a quiet, reflective place to hang out. I appreciate the presence of all listeners and visitors. Thank you to my contributors and subscribers for helping provide the basic resources to create and sustain the Planet Waves FM program, and facilitate the other many good works of Chiron Return — the chronology, mentorships, the investigative team, and more..
With love,
I really enjoyed listening to your new program today. I feel it is akin to a meditation for me. Thank you for enlightening us to Aurora.
Listened to the rest. Aurora ROCKS big time! Thanks for that.
Excellent point, how today's "gender" discussion leads to the operating room and the pharmacy.
But you say bisexuality is never a part of the discussion? Seriously? What is the B in LGBTQ for? (Good point about heterosexual men being left out). My personal experience is that the various anarchist (and the like) milieus i've been a part of since the mid '70s have always featured a LARGE dosage of bisexual correctness, "hard to be a "real" anarchist unless you're bisexual." I've had to defend my way of being in private and even public debates (on milieu publications) and face being slandered, defamed,....
I've never conformed to standard definitions of what it means to ACT like a male, and as a result have quite often been assumed to be gay. At a music scene i was a part of till it was shut down by the Psy Op in 2020, lots of guys tried hitting on me because i wasn't constantly trying to hit on women, was never seen with a woman partner (unable to connect with one. Because i've have not found what i'm looking for, being an older guy with much more in common with women younger, even much younger, than me, but not feeling comfortable pursuing that, plus they seem to prefer ... younger guys,... Got to seek hanging out with female regulars so that i'd be left alone. To me, this has nothing to do with "gender fluidity," everything to do with neurotic social norms. Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck.