Finished listening.

Interesting third segment re the astrology for significant events regarding nuclear power, which was discussed because this coming Wednesday will mark the 37th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. Coppolino discussed this event, and his experience with the nuke industry, his father worked as a PR person for it starting around Three Mile Island. I myself worked in the industry my first 15 months after college, and can testify it is VILE.

He came back to the matter of Sabine Hazen’s “experiment.” She was the 7th and last co-author list on that paper. And looking at the Methods section, one can see that she was lying. No whole genome was directly isolated, what was done is once again the assembling by a computer program of an alleged genome by using the millions and millions of short sequences found in the sample, and then selecting “the right one” by matching the results with the result of the original Wuhan study, not clear if the Fan Wu one or the Li-Li Ren one, both of which were in fact the results of computer assembling of code, which used an older alleged SARS genome, itself a computer model, as the template. Does anyone here NOT see the complete con job nature of the Hazen claim which Bigtree was so willing to push, and i am sure many of his viewers eager to accept because “we trust Del”?

In the last segment, Tantra Studio, some very thoughtful remarks about how we talk in this society about sexuality pretty much exclusively in terms of power dynamics rather than discussing actual physiology and human subjects as physical and emotional beings. RIGHT ON!

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Thank you Jeff

We will have a much better response to this paper next week.

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Oh, i thought you shredded the heart of it pretty decisively, i.e. her claim of "whole genome sequencing without cell culture." But more can't hurt. :-)

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Aaah well, if you thought it was solid, then I am sure it was. From reading Christine's reply, it's clear she is wholly lying. And the paper is titled DETECTION OF, not ISOLATION OF. So this is the crank that Bigtree puts up as proof that we are wrong.

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Well, THAT needs to be discussed, i.e. "detection" vs "isolation." Yes, it's on Bigtree, as well as his fawning audience which never has anything critical to say about him.

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>Brian Eno, who has helped me understand what to do with music, as an artist.

I'm a huge Brian Eno fan, since the 1970s! 50 years! His original music, and that of those whom he produced helped to define my life.

I love his "Oblique Strategies". Very useful for creative blocks, and adaptable for any creative endeavor.

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This lady's full of shit.

They haven't even completed "the old method". That is the problem everyone loves to ignore.

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Great listen... . First - Love the Eno, he is so atmospheric. Check out 801 Live - Manzanera + Eno + MacCormack+ Simon Philips... had the vinyl back in early 80s...not now . Thank God for the internet, sometimes. 801 Live - Tomorrow Never Knows. On the Y toob ... Played Loud and enjoyed by everyone.

People in the whole planet, perhaps except Russia and China and a few other countries, are and have been so worn down by the constant emergencies, noise, news cycle, BS.... . A real teardown of most people's mental and emotional stability, and basically leads to a continuous 'fight or flight' reaction life. Cortisol/Adrenalined-out existence. Makes it easier to corral and manipulate in my opinion.

Please include more of the Geo-engineering goings on if you can. I have read from so many sources over the years that Barium/Strontium/Aluminum and more are in the Toxic Air Mix released by chembombs and chemtrails. The last time I visited the US I definitely saw the Chemtrails form and opaque sky.....by 9am mind you, and I was outside on a friend's farm from 6 am observing. 50 min West of Portland. This occurred about 4 or 5 days a week for 3 weeks in May.

Regarding the feminism... sexism most probably was always a thing. Feminism was never a thing, until it was invented. For what purpose? .... ultimately break up the family unit. Another Op? If the CIA sponsored Gloria Steinem, then how many others?

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Great listen!

Those Passenger tracks were awesome. Never heard of that project before.

And great work continuing on RFK Jr., and the sell-outs.

PS - you should listen to the track 'Four Three' by All India Radio.

Same type of vibe, and a very solid track.

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Program is still not on, as of 7:30 Pacific Time, i.e. 10:30 New York time. Right?

Edit: Never mind, sorry, i've been listening, should have edited my remark.

Mind blowing, and i don't say so lightly given ...... my circumstances. Yes, one disaster after another since 2001 started (though i find the idea of 2001 vs 2000 unpersuasive. Yes, there was no year 0, but there was no year 1 either, or 2, or.... ) The time measured by the calendar is since an alleged moment, Christ's alleged birth.2000 marked 2000 years since, did not reference to a counting system. ) And people have not woken up to the fact that they've been played by spectacular media. Most people accept the official story of what happened on 9/11. .... and 3/11(2020) too. Trauma.

Good taking apart of RFK Jr's position, his going all in re "gain of function" without an actual virus to gain from ever been proven to exist. And his ambivalent stands re jabs. Some really kinky stuff is happening with this candidacy, shades of past campaigns intended to ensnare dissidents right back in the system before they can really deviate too far and discover their own collective powers. That experiment described by Sabrine Hazen is a horrible piece of lying crap.

Re weather engineering. Cloud seeding has been around awhile. It can be made more efficient. But every drop of water extracted from clouds which would have otherwise not dropped it is a drop taken from elsewhere in the world's water cycle. What's the cumulative effect of that gonna do? What does that really do aside from enhancing chaos? Like the correspondent noted, this can do nothing without the clouds being there in the first place, plus suitable atmospheric dynamics. How does one even begin to deal with these, with global air circulation patterns, highs and lows, jet streams, all playing feedback back and forth with the oceans? Any idea of how much energy would be involved? One summer thunderstorm involves enough energy to match several hours of the output of the Grand Coulee Dam, the world's largest power station. You wanna play with jet streams? Good luck. This sounds more like chaos enhancement than anything else, by far.

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They can "deal" with it quite well, but I think it surprises them sometimes...that they actually can't play God.

That does not stop them from trying. Have you looked up Dan Wiggington? It's all in the radar beams...

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What's all in the radar beams?

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Here's Dane's Channel...I have no idea how he's still on Youtube, but he is!

I'm looking for a link to an article I read recently about X-Band radar or was it Sea-Band? It's those big one's that they were only supposed to use on the ocean, but I think they're using them on land now...

I've watched the weather my entire life and they CAN change it. They "clean up" publicly available radar sweeps, but before they really tightened that up, it was absolutely evident what they were doing. I can also feel it...when they're bombarding my area with the radar. I get nose bleeds, hot flashes and other weird health issues. My animals act weird too...it's sad and beyond frustrating.

Anyways...I don't know how to make it stop and it hurts my heart.


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Like i said, this is mechanistic materialism at its worst. Yes, lots of radar beams out there, all sorts of electromagnetic fields, that's how the tech system functions nowadays, and they are extremely unhealthy for us, have been since the days mass use of radio started (marked by an eruption of a disease mistaken for a flu, i.e. the "Spanish" (Kansas) Flu). But that's not remotely evidence that weather control is even possible. Tell me how it is when many of the variables involved are not even known, others not measurable. Would you drive a car whose controls MIGHT work correctly?

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It's how they heat, cool, and steer their "seeded" clouds. They make them with their metallic mist and then hit them with their "radar beams" to force the weather.

Start here...if you want. It makes me too damn angry to do much research on the topic. Of course, I've done some research...enough to answer my own questions, but not really enough to answer other peoples. I just point them to the info and let them answer their own...for my sanity.


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Oh that! Sorry to yell you, i have seen this, and it is unscientific garbage. To make clouds move, you would have to overcome atmospheric dynamics, not to mention thermodynamics, as moisture moves per humidity gradients, plus temperature gradients. The perspective Wigington puts forth is a particularly bad example of mechanistic materialism, the idea that the atmosphere, indeed the entire planet, all aspects of it, are parts of a large machine or mechanism, the paradigm which puts forth the machine or mechanism as the metaphor which describes the functioning of physical reality.

The actual physical world is not like that at all, it is NOT a machine, which acts in totally linear fashion, with predictability, it is an organism with infinttely many feedback loops and variables, many of which are still not known, a system which is indeterminate. Treating nature as a machine is an insutl to mother earth and the Creator Universe.

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While I agree with your last statement and despise materialistic thinking as well, I'm sorry to tell you, they ARE trying to control the weather.

I have to completely disagree about it being "unscientific garbage". They ARE spraying all kinds of stuff in the sky and they ARE trying to control the amount of precipitation, as well as the creation of temperature extremes. It sounds impossible, but it's actually not. Of course, there are limits, but they've learned how to work with the predominate weather patterns over the last two or three decades and the results, while subtle, are noticeable.

I didn't want to believe it either, and poo-poo'ed it for years, almost with your exact reasoning. I knew they'd been able to cloud seed since Nam, but I couldn't believe they'd actually take it this far, over their own land and people. Or that it could actually work well enough to cause a difference.

Yet as hard as I tried to deny it, they kept spraying and spraying! I watch them turn my beautiful, blue sky into a nasty, dirty grey and block out the sun. They even spray at night to block out the moon!

Several years ago, I couldn't ignore it anymore and went looking for answers. They're not easy to find...truthful answers. Dane Wigginton's site is usually people's first exposure to information about stratospheric injection and weather modification. But he's not the only one.

And while Dane may be coming at the problem from a direction you and I disagree with, that doesn't change the facts.

It is a fact they're poisoning us with aluminum oxides, barium, strontium, and God knows what else!

It is a fact that they ARE manipulating storms. They can hit certain "seeded" weather systems with their beams and knock the tops right out of the cumulous clouds, causing them to collapse. I've watched them do it over and over again. I've watched them slow and almost stop seeded systems blocking them from certain areas, while causing havoc over the stagnant area.

As a lifelong Oklahoman and a farmer, I've always been a weather junkie. I watch the radiosonde data and satellite info like a hawk. I don't get my weather from a tv weatherman, but check NOAA and the SPC instead. I am very familiar with "normal" weather patterns and it's quite clear that weather modification has progressed way beyond simple "cloud seeding".

And now "they" are admitting to doing it.


Even on "The View" they're giving the sheeple some limited hangout. Of course, this lady's full of shit, but they can't hide it any longer and must say something about all the "trails in the skies".

Do your own research, Jeff. It's not something you should have such a closed mind about, as it effects us all. And just because you think you know, doesn't mean you do.

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Your key word here is "trying." HUBRIS, that's all it is.

"They can hit certain "seeded" weather systems with their beams and knock the tops right out of the cumulous clouds, causing them to collapse. I've watched them do it over and over again."

NOPE! They can cloud seed, but they cannot top the tops off. Do you have even a remote idea of *how much energy* it would take to warm up the atmosphere and KEEP it at that temperature, without the heat radiating away to cooler nearby regions of the atmosphere? Do you think the head just sits there? I bet you don't.

I have to have studied climate science, had extensive background due to thermodynamics and fluid/gas dynamics courses for my engineering degree, and then 30+ years of teaching the math and stats used in formulating climate science. You can't do that. You can't even transmit hot water via a pipe without the heat dissipating out of the pipe, even with insulation. And you're gonna do it 50,000 ft up?

"I am very familiar with "normal" weather patterns and it's quite clear that weather modification has progressed way beyond simple "cloud seeding"

The "normal" weather patterns have been getting disrupted the last couple of hundred years, ever since humans started massively ramping up their emissions of gases and heat into the atmosphere, with the industrial age. It's not a linear process, but an exponential one, meaning the rate of change is increasing. This has largely benefited a small class of people, the global ownership class, not people like you and i Janice.

"Even on "The View" they're giving the sheeple some limited hangout"

What they're letting on is a very limited view of how drastic things have changed, way understating how much the global average temp has increased since 1750, and the consequences. That's because they wanna keep control, telling the world's population that only limited steps need to be taken, namely the Green New Deal and whatever else they call the Great Reset. Buy an electric car (or rent one), change your consumption habits, blah blah blah.

Do they really want the world to know that the only way out is to utterly eliminate the global industrial capitalist machine, which requires perpetual exponential growth just to keep going? Hell no, their wealth and power depend upon this machine. They probably can;t even admit it to themselves. And i bet you can't admit it to yourself either. You want the goodies and think that if only the evil bastards can be pushed aside everything can be wonderful and we can keep on with our massive production/consumption patterns, because most people have become addicted to their favorite commodities.

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Yup. I got the same political BS when lobbying MI state reps regarding 5G and the safety of wireless technology. There were some that agreed with me (that there's NO proof of safety, and lots of evidence of harm), but they were like, "You need to get other reps to go along with you," basically telling me that they would do NOTHING to help the cause unless it became a popular issue to support.

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Chernobyl. I was almost 13 years old when it blew up. After checking in with some rule-breaking nuclear physicists, I'm not sure what's going on with that stuff! Some say this, some say that, and unlike the virus aka truth debate, 9-11, and the sinking of the "Titanic" (they sunk her sister ship, Olympic instead), I still can't figure this one out on my own...

Very interesting topic, indeed!

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Ooooh...now weather mod is a thing and okay at that?

After years of being a conspiracy theorist, I'm right again?

How odd the frequency of that happening!!!

Next time we have to listen to anything from "normal" television, please put flashing lights and a warning bell, Eric. I'm still shuddering in horror. lol

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"The Reverend Bigtree's TV Show".

Oh lawdy. I had to pause and go pee.

That tickled my funny bone.

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in fact, he is a fundamentalist minister

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Well...that splains a few things!

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Apr 21, 2023
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I'll be doing the E Palestine segment I've been planning next week. There was PVC. But I don't think there was VCM.

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Apr 23, 2023
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Deferred maintenance saves so much money and time, and when it derails, it is nobody's fault. Act of God... . 0 responsibility from Gov or industry.... so who pays? With their lives and their tax dollars... us citizens.

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