Great work as always, MR Coppolino, and cheers from Brazil. I only wanted to say that you lost the polio bit by not explaining to her that polio exists, but it's not caused by a virus or cured by a vaccine. Then again, it would be too long. I just got frustrated because I had to deal with that one with my sister the other day, as it is always the one they throw at you; "what about polio then?". Then I have to go through all the changing the name to "non-Polio paralysis" and all that story, and they still don't accept it and say shit like "But I know two people who got it" and so on. And now that Dengue is back here in Brazil, here we go again. And apparently they're gonna release a new Dengue vaccine, and people are lining up like crazy. In any case, thank you for your work and hey, you have a Brazilian fan at least!

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I once walked in on the plans to overthrow the Brazilian government and was offered the role of Minister of Propaganda. True story — it was in Buffalo c. 1984.

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As Ray Liotta would say, "gettouttahere". Really? But it had been already overthrown in 64, so....they were gonna overthrow it again? You should tell that story, sir! Having you as the propaganda minister (or rather "communications" minister) would be our salvation! Ha ha.

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They were nut cases. Dressed in their very best Fidel Castro fashion wear, smoking cigars, with The Girl from Ipanema spinning on the turntable.

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Ha ha ha.

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and they wanted me to be in the revolution!!! damn

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You lost your chance, man.

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Personally, I think using others money for ones own benefit is not truthful and invites questions. The idea of a sure thing investment, his property upgrade, as safe storage of funds is suspect. I ask myself would I have done this. I say no.

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It was not a for-profit company. It was a not for profit services organization — and principals are allowed to get paid. But that is not what happened.

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

Eric, have you come across Bobby from Bobby's network. He is an Indian looking guy from Austria.

I was in is TG group.

He's now mysteriously stopped all activities. This was his Twitter account. https://x.com/bobby_network?s=21&t=0zop37NUFx-4J2I2Qfwmgg

He seemed like good pals with Kevin McKernan, the plasmid guy.

He's on this paper https://resetheus.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/corman-drosten-review-report.pdf and he digged into RF, including the cases he litigated eg with Volkswagen & Deuch bank. Bobby thought these cases were not as RF presented them, suggesting that RF lied about/misrepresented his achievements. Bobby had a lot of incriminating findings about RF and so he was convinced that RF was a fraud selling hopium, especially after RF dogged all the documents the authors of the review paper had given to him bc he promised to take them court.

Bobby also looked into RF's previous funding sources, which was also dodgy - basically he got money from the globalists - he had a diagram with this (it should be on his Twitter account). I don't remember the exact details unfortunately.

Bobby seemed very good at uncovering info about ppl. Unfortunately he was a virus pusher as he was part of the team who created a 3D computer model of this computer code that some call a sars cov 2 virus.

I am not sure how useful this is but I thought to share.

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and this, which is good stuff: https://t.me/bobbynetwork/941

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apart from going fuzzy on the virus which he knows does not exist, Bobby is a reliable source; someone I know personally.

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He was a bit too enthusiastic about the "Ausschuss" "heroes" well into Nov20, and Simon Goddeck claimed he told him to invest all his money into it LOL (https://x.com/goddeketal/status/1665132402837016578?s=20) . Granted that was still fog of war, and he did do a 180 later, but he was also promoting McKernan (who has a big ass conflict of interest) while shitting on the whole Massey/Cowan/Kaufman crew.

Fuellmich just had a hearing, and I don't think this is his first fraud rodeo, might be his specialty. The other two, Fischer and Wodarg are also highly suspect.


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Feb 14·edited Feb 15

I don't trust Goddek, he is dishonest. I had an unpleasant encounter with him. I was in his TG group too, and I started to get frustrated with him throwing merde all over ppl, and I asked him why not to do something more constructive that people can implement like for example creating a 10-point action steps about what to DO to frustrate the globalists' plan. And as an example I wrote 10 simple action points in the chat of his TG about how to frustrate the globalists.

What did he do next?? He reformatted my 10 points, saved it in a pdf, added his name and started to circulate it as his. He didn't even bother changing the wording. Nope. I did bring this up with him, all in his chat, and he gaslit me! Was funny to see my words labelled with his name!

I am a nobody, and i don't claim or want to be anything else, and I use alias anyway, but this action spoke for itself. To how many other did he do the same?

After this he started to craft short documents with implementable action steps and ask for donations for beer all the while he was bragging about his house in Brazil, showing pics etc.

He did a short post on vitD too, which he does not know an iota about, just the mainstream allopathic BS. And the man lived in Brazil and was taking high dose vit D...only an ignorant idiot would do this.

And he's calling himself Dr Simon as if he was a medic - he has a PhD in biotech (a BS degree).

I have a PhD in life sciences and I don't go around called myself dr yulia.

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I occasionally find him amusing but I'm with you on this.

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ok was not aware of this angle; though he stopped communicating with me after the "phantom virus" phase of our discussion.

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I think he disappeared all together.

Btw. Eric, did you see that Rancourt is slowly edging this way?


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Wodarg also stinks. Bobby did some posts on him too. His TG chat was a goldmine.

It was his role in the swine scam, I believe, for which he's respected.

My recollection is that it was an investigative journalist, a woman, who uncovered the issues with the swine flu that Wodarg then plagiarised. I cannot remember the details but I am sure it can be found.

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Wardog was one of the first out of the gate saying that the real work of isolation and purification had not been done. Long before I listened carefully to Kaufman Cowan et al, I had some confirmation from him that there was indeed a problem.

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This is the first I heard of Bobby, so good to hear other's assessments and history of his actions during covid. I was suspect of the covid narrative right away, but had to investigate every part it it...was it real? was there a virus? was there even a new sickness? was there a lab leak? etc...and sought out those who could help me understand the actual studies, which lead me to looking into virology itself. I was put off a bit finding out that some who provided evidence for no virus also caved into believing the flat earth idea, but there are so many others not captured by FE who also clearly see the evidence for no virus having ever been found that I can accept those people for the good they do and information they provide. What s coming to light now are the extremes gatekeepers who have revealed themselves over the past four years for who they are.

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That you give him cred, means something to me.

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there is a youtube from 2021 that's great fun...someone will be able to find it...it's a two part series on the PCR

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well, he seems to have gone down the deep end, sad to say, though in that video you will see our rapport. he's an interesting character and a real polymath...who quit his gig as a virus illustrator because he knew he was lying on behalf of his bosses. he reminds me of some truly good old days associated with the Retraction Demand by Borger et al of which he was the second signer. I loved that an artist without a PhD got that much respect. in its day the Retraction Demand was the biggest thing that had happened in 2020 and indicated that the whole shit might be ending. He was also close to someone I care about deeply, and who got me started on the issues — Davide Battini — who gets his own credit line here — “Diciamo pane al pane e vino al vino.”


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excellent chronology...very valuable

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I love Batman! And yes, I've seen him in action, this is accurate LOL

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scroll down...


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I saw this interview at the time, it was very good, but your pièce de résistance was the surgical dismantling of JJ Couey

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listening to the interview now....

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Do you know if he's ok then? Can you confirm?

He first closed his TG chat which was very good then he stopped posting altogther.

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I have no idea what is up with him. if anyone knows, please let me know.

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