Do you, does RFK Jr, have evidence (scientific evidence) that this 'lab-leaked contagion' has been identified in a human being or properly proven contagious and then isolated without the word games underpinning virology? RFK Jr has bragged.about his acumen in reading scientific papers re: environmental pollution and 'the law' but will no…
Do you, does RFK Jr, have evidence (scientific evidence) that this 'lab-leaked contagion' has been identified in a human being or properly proven contagious and then isolated without the word games underpinning virology? RFK Jr has bragged.about his acumen in reading scientific papers re: environmental pollution and 'the law' but will not apply that brain power to unproven theories such as contagion. Why?
Do you, does RFK Jr, have evidence (scientific evidence) that this 'lab-leaked contagion' has been identified in a human being or properly proven contagious and then isolated without the word games underpinning virology? RFK Jr has bragged.about his acumen in reading scientific papers re: environmental pollution and 'the law' but will not apply that brain power to unproven theories such as contagion. Why?
He's conceded to only reading the abstracts which we know tell nothing of the methods used.