This was a laugh out loud ——— from Covid19 News...March 31 2020 --

Similarly, according to one FDA document, “Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status.”

In other words, presence of the virus does not determine patient infection status. Said another way, the results are meaningless. Note, some are objecting to my use of the word “meaningless,” to which I would say, OK, let’s say someone has a positive test. What does that mean? It means they may or may not be infected with SARS-CoV2, and that they may or may not be contagious. In what sense of the word “meaning” is that information meaningful?

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Thank you Eric. I first read an article that combined your investigative reporter/astrology approach shortly after 11-Sept-2001. Your approach has not stopped making sense to me since then.

Myself, I am particularly grateful to you and others who started discussing the effects of the polio vaccine. From different sources, my brother-in-law and I read that particular vaccine was run through an asbestos filter.

His wife and my sister died from mesothelioma in 1983. We could never figure out what the source of that "asbestos" was, and we both agree now that we have found it.

Thank your for your work..

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I am sorry to hear of your losses. You may have solved the SV-40 issue. PCR+ for this "sequence" is associated with mesothelioma. That claim of a virus may be a cover for asbestos, and that's the first I've ever heard of it.

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Hi Eric,

Thank you for your response. I do not know what the SV-40 issue is nor the PCR+. So if I solved anything I have no clue as to how. . I ought to have given attribution that your article and research on the polio vaccine being run through an asbestos filter was the first I'd read of this I then read of it on Dr. Joseph Mercola's website. My brother-in-law read of it in the Wall Street Journal.

After my sister's death, I spent days, perhaps weeks in the basement of the UVA library researching asbestos. The internet did not exist. African's were dropping dead just after one day working in a mine. Asbestos is a WMD as far as I am concerned for humans.

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You are the man. Thank you so much for all your first class work and reporting.

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Eric, you are one-of-a kind and I love you and your dedication to truth X

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hello Micheal, thank you and...it's a pleasure to put that dedication to some good use...please stay in touch...

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Hi Eric, this post is dedicated to you! x

'This post is dedicated to Eric F. Coppolino for the encouragement to own my name and to take responsibility and accountability for what I write.

And to Caitlin Johnstone for the acceptance that not only is it OK that our research and reasoning can lead us to a different conclusion than absolutely everyone else but to stand up and own it.'


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Eric - I sent you an email with the details of the synergetic events of 6 October 2020. Cumulatively, these events are profoundly relevant to the spiritual implications of the digital conditions we endure.

"These things are real - they're here - this is happening now."

--> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjJomA4NDQI

I have just now re-sent this email to efc@chironreturn.org.

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Would like to make a donation with a regular credit card-----I don't use PayPal or STRIPE.

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Thank you Rhiannon. Both of those services accept credit and debit cards without any prior membership. Let me know if you need further assistance -- pls write to cs@planetwaves.net

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