Meryl Nass: The "No Viruses exist" cult has been out in force lately

"I cannot say who is driving this. It is infantile. People who have never looked through a microscope, and a few who have, but misinterpreted what they saw, relentlessly spread their pseudo science mixed with venom on twitter. Why does this fairytale keep growing new legs? It makes sense that a few true believers are being used; perhaps they have been encouraged that they will be mankind’s saviors if we all just stop believing in those viruses. ...Have none of these pseudo-scientists ever had a cold?"


Vernon Coleman - his no-virus rant is now gone but there are quotes here:


Robin Monotti's "NOTICE":

" t would take a lifetime or two, and to me the result is also a foregone conclusion, so I have no interest in this exercise, nor the time for it...This is a very dangerous position to promote publicly, for the health of others."






"So, the next time someone at a cocktail party says “COVID-19 is a hoax, the virus has never been isolated,” show them some of these works of art!"


Bigtree 1 minute rant: "you want Tony Fauci to walk off scott free!"


JLW: no virus is ridiculous, page 2:


calls us "virus deniers" page 2:


Latypova says I'm in a "camp", so can't function


D Martin calls no-virus a distraction:


J Corbett and Broze:

James filed an FOI for isolated terrain:


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hahahahah a microscope!! I am laughing - loudly. FFS.

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Dear EFC,

I sent you an email. I hope you can correct the name Derrick BROZE on your webpage for the program of Friday, 2024.02.23.


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Thank you Christmas

I am especially interested in Nass...any could be fantastic...can you please assist with time stamps? I am overproducing already and this would help me and my editor immensely...thank you...efc

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It's just a short article actually, I don't have any videos of Nass.

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Meryl Nass. How much worse can this get? Is she a scientist? I don't know, but hopefully not a medical doctor, for the sake of sick people. Her conclusion that a cold is evidence of virus be like the santa claus logical fallacy. I'm so tired of this shit. She reminds me of Ulrike Kämmerer who claims that if viruses would be found directly in a patient, then this patient "would be already dead because of the viral load". Speechless. And "that's why no sample from a dis-eased person ever contains enough particles to be directly isolated" without "enrichment". Cringe. This is not a joke, it's a quote of her.

If scientist are really that dumb, then we are doomed as long as they have a say in our lives.

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Feb 18
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no sense of humor from Latypova. just the next da Vinci.

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Thanks Alex. From what I've heard, Sasha always comes unhinged over no-virus. Strange!

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After further review Catherine Fits is being critically careful about supporting the no virus position. Reasoning that it is a distraction from the bigger issue, in her opinion, of stopping the control system. Tom Cowan argues that the truth of no virus is the straw that will break the whole myth of science that is hypnotizing society. I have to say, when I understood we do not get sick from germs and bugs it sent my life in a completely new direction and I am very grateful to Tom Cowan for that perspective. Also gratitude to Catherine and of course Eric.

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Feb 19Edited

Where does Catherine Fitts say that no-virus is a distraction, or how did you come to this conclusion? From my perception, she is fully supportive of the virus having escaped from a lab theory, and thus fully in the virus exists camp and not even considering the no-virus position. Please educate me.

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Meryl Nass, from her substack in late December. Here's the headline:

The "No Viruses exist" cult has been out in force lately

A friend suggested this is part of the mind control operation, designed to divide us and make us angry at each other.


There was quite a bit of pushback in the comments section. She came on strong in the first paragraph and didn't let up:

"I cannot say who is driving this. It is infantile. People who have never looked through a microscope, and a few who have, but misinterpreted what they saw, relentlessly spread their pseudo science mixed with venom on twitter. Why does this fairytale keep growing new legs? It makes sense that a few true believers are being used; perhaps they have been encouraged that they will be mankind’s saviors if we all just stop believing in those viruses. Tonight one claimed this was “the” existential question."

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Awesome Eric! Thank you!

There are thousands in front of the gate!

Not enough though, we win!

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom


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Catherine Austin Fits has trouble understanding that viruses don't exist as discussed in her conversation with Tom Cowan February 28, 2023 The Electromagnetic Body. It's on the solari web site but I could send you the transcript of the conversation if you want it.

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The only logical approach to this whole question is "who cuts down some of the most important sources of information, has had decades of proven work for the benefit of bringing truth to the many and profited zero and paid massively, vs. the record of those who are doing the cutting down?" That simplifies my work.

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In Dr Sam Bailey's latest video, Viruses Don't Exist and Here's Why, at 24:30 Steve Kirsch in an interview with Dr Denis Rancourt, questions Rancourt several times about a "novel pathogen" being released and finally Rancourt says "I am not convinced that viruses exist." At this point Kirsch says: "Okay, okay we gotta move on then."

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Zach bush deserves a spot in this conversation. While he has attempted to distance himself from the “virus debate” he has made a very clear statement indicating his loyalty to the cult. He has not responded to my own several emails I sent to him. He has also not responded, as far as I know, to Cowan’s request (start @ 33:50) that Zach put forth the scientific justification for his faith in “Virus”.



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Zach has changed course since I first heard him in 2020 saying there were an infinite amount of viruses in our body and that they were harmless but played a vital function of communication. Now it seems he doesn't want to rock the boat of his sponsors.

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That's not what happened, no no no, here is what happened! Exactly the thing you said happened!

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The unposed questions are always the most telling untold, missing pieces of information. Like when Trozzi says "we have libraries and computer data". As If this was something that grew naturally like a tree. The question should have been immediately: who made the library? Where do the computer data come from? Who put it in? What is the source of the information?

He woul be forced to answer honestly: someone developed it. It's creation, modelings, assembling, alignment.

And the next conclusive question should have been: what was the source of these alignments, assemblies modelings?

At the end he should have been forced to admit that the primary source is nothing but fantasy. Anyhow not a thing, a particle, a "virus" on its own.

Or he should have run from the question.

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Trozzi is a fool.

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"A problem with the militant no-virus brigade is that they paralyse discourse with a one-trick pony narrative as if it’s the only thing that matters.

It isn’t.

Dismantling virology is necessary but it is not sufficient." Jerm Warfare in his Telegram channel https://t.me/jermwarfare/20142

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That's not a balanced discussion. And your quote (and possibly his) do not make clear who he is referring to. Are these commenters? Other presenters? Chinese spam robots?

Mercola has called for the "silencing" of missing virus people. Are the missing virus people to silence themselves ostensibly to partake in a discussion that won't happen anyway?

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Anti-vaxxers: Mentally Ill Victimhood Conspiracists


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I can't imagine that this man has done very much research himself. It is sad that he mistrusts himself to create his own knowledge through gathering of information. He has given his power over to experts and authorities, and wants to make sure that we do as well.

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I wonder if he would threaten to lock somebody up in a psych ward for having unconventional opinions on voodoo jabbery.

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Feb 20
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Buncha Kooks!

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Hi Eric. So, this guy famously came onto a live Kaufman presenatation and attempted to refute Kaufmans virus position. In this video he uses a combination of images, high falutin science terminology and a facetious/sarcastic tone to imply that Stefan Lanka is a complete bozo dumbass. In my perception though, there is absolutely no sound, logical step-by-step refutation of anything. In fact it is comical in this respect. One of the most memorable quotes is at approximately 4:25 when he refers to Lanka as the "flat earther of biology" after pretending to have decimated his claim while saying absolutely NOTHING substantial or scientific. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zV2qGGQ1IU

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Hello I'm a PhD! And a black guy with a 'fro! Trust me brah!

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That was hard to watch.

Step 1: Study tactics used on Politifact and any other shitbird Fact-check/Debunk sites

Step 2: Create Youtube Account

Step 3: FREE BOOK: Secrets They Don't Want You To Know About Repaying Massive Student Loan Debt - Hurry Before It Is Taken Down - This Won't Last !!

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Oooh I can;t wait until my book arrives !!

lmao !!

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Cowan, Kaufman and the Baileys respond to statements made by Del Bigtree when interviewed by Derrick Broze. Bigtree's statements are interspersed with responses from the doctors. I think what you need is the original video with Broze and Bigtree. Dr Sam Bailey must have that. Here are the time stamps with Bigtree only: 48:23 and 58:24.

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T-virus still makes me nervous


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Feb 20
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Jones caucuses with Füllmich who caucuses with RFK, the lab leak and the virus. You have to admit that's a more thrilling novel than the "leak" from a computer lab.

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Feb 20Edited
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another moral standard-bearer.

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