Pausing after Lifeboy. Wow, you totally took apart Eisenstein and the man he was standing in for, Bobby Junior. Good going, constantly reminding the audience that the WHO draws its power from the virus claim. Thus, this claim is not some mundane debating point and meaningless detail which so many "freedom" people would have us believe. It is the core of the 4IR operation to impose total control upon the world's population.

Charles Eisenstein (CE) segment 1. "Lets hold hands and unite." As if Reps and Demos are two opposing sides, rather than 2 faces of the same corporate party. Meanwhile Junior is basically, with his book and his speeches, pushing the same thing Fauci was 4 years ago, except with a conspiracy angle. That's *their* unity.

CE segment 2. "Things are out of control, as if some force outside us is in control." Yep, the force which locked down 4.4 billion people. Not a word from CE about the pain this caused. Not out of control at all, but a force carefully sculpted into shape, and we were drawn into it. This is happning now, with Avian Flu scares and millions of animals slaughtered, hype about transmission to humans, all done via PCR testing. Nothing about the resistance back in 2019 to the repeal of religious exemption. Junior is NOT an anti-waccer, no mention of total moratorium on ALL shots. Repeated refusal to grapple with the serious issues.

CE segment 3. He waxes on about what nice guys these people, the president of a jabs manufacture, the CEO of an oil company, a hedge fund manager, are, so reasonable, so charming. AS if they are not paid to act that part! "The Banality of Evil" (Hannah Arendt) They do what they do, get things done, by being charming. And CE reduces it to a matter of mRNA shots bad, "live virus" good. Live what?

This force which CE cannot name has names, such as DIGITAL, Web3.0, 4IR.. "COVID" is entirely a product of AI. And who does Junior select for a running mate? Nicole Shanahan, wealthy via close association with Google co-founder Sergey Brin, developer of the robot spying par excellence, She's practically the Queen of 4IR. Connections to the Stanford Computational Policy lab, 4IR and social impact investing central. Her own Bia-Echo foundation funded by Google.

And then, Eric with CE directly.


00:56 to 1:33 :"lab leak is not a conspiracy theory, i tend to believe that theory” [So this makes it not a conspiracy theory?]

Eric then bringsup AI generation of MN908947

Him, 1:57. "That conspiracy would have to be so wide, there are a lot of dissident scientists who oppose parts of the official narrative yet accept the reality of a virus, who discuss the genome and the parts of it which have been modified" [How do they know THAT is the genome? They were TOLD it is]

At 2:50, Eric brings up Christine and her collection of responses to FOIA requests. He brings up Jessica Rose as an expert 3:18, How is her name relevant to the Massey point? He’s DODGING the matter.

Eric asks if it isn’t amazing that no government entity can provide a paper proving the existence of the virus [via physical isolation and purification] He responds (3:43) “I do not have the knowledge to produce such a paper.” As if Eric asked him to produce such a paper, rather than comment on the responses Christine has amassed. DODGY.

And again, the claim that there are viruses among us is precisely what gives the WHO its power. Those like Meryl Nass who fire numerous emails about opposing the WHO while continuing to uphold the virus narrative are utterly deceptive, they are doing the key work for the WHO and the other manifestations of the operation to impose Digital/4IR on humanity.


Musical note. Hard to not notice the similarity between Lifeboy and New Potato Caboose on Anthem of the Sun. I liked If I Could more than the "kids dancing on my lawn."

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You brought back the old music!! I was really missing it!

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wait what is the old music? more rock, less ambient?

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The intro

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aaah for a while, yes. Proximity, by Vision Quest. I sent you that file right?

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Yes. Please keep it forever. It’s so perfect

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Finished. Regarding the third segment: Waiting for the Juno shoe to drop.

The last segment was fascinating. The sexless committed monogamous marriage is such a perfect example of digital disembodiment. You indeed mentioned that as a key explanatory factor. You also brought up the pervasive use pf antidepressants, and the ubiquitous presence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Absolutely! And, the utterly deranged nature of many present day narratives which have totally taken over what used to be a very valid feminist movement, when its aim was to remove unequal treatment from social practices.

But you surprisingly left out a big one, which you have discussed many times. There is a current 30 years low in sexuality? What happened some 30 years ago? Remember the continued aftereffects of AIDS, primarily caused by reports of numerous people determined to have AIDS on the basis of.....testing? The big chill which this brought to general sexual practice never really went away. It has only been compounded by new health concerns being raised over the years, culminating with the "Pandemic," causing Will and Rose to avoid sex for over a year. The doors of perception have been replaced by walls of belief, whose refrain is...."Don't touch me."

Throw in a general sense of social fragmentation, with everything being broken due to the rapid wearing of the social glue. It's everyone against everyone else. How can this in any way encourage any desire to have intimacy with anyone new, even the hot sushi server? (Maybe i should frequent sushi bars. :-) ) Many adults say they've had no sex for a year? Try it for 30 years and tell me how it feels. This is six parts (at least) monster which is going a long way toward undermining what is left of our humanity.

I liked the suggestions you offered couples who wish to re-ignite intimacy. And, excellent advice, stay human in the face of digital encroachment by bringing love and other emotions into all our interactions.

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Oh, gee. Well, I'm about to do a second round of of the HIV-AIDS nexus...this very week...

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Dear JS: my friend in Mexico calls marijuana "marriage therapy". I have a hard time believing that people who exercise, avoid GMO/glyphosate/aspartame laced crap, are not enjoying intimacy. By contrast, obese Americans, in pain, feeling ashamed of their bodies, and lacking energy to live (much less love), are probably not exploring Eros.

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"I have a hard time believing that people who exercise, avoid GMO/glyphosate/aspartame laced crap, are not enjoying intimacy."

Do you have any idea how small a population that is? 🤣

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Dear JS, am I an army of 1? lol

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Dear JCJ: 🤣

No way. there are at least 3 of us who do that, i.e. you, me and Eric. Actually, i'd say lots of people who read this Substack fit that description.

But sadly, "exercise, avoid GMO/glyphosate/aspartame laced crap" does not remotely guarantee intimacy. I'm quite isolated in Berkeley, Ca, because of not only that but of adhering to health freedom, indeed refusing the virology lie at the core of what's happening.

There's a small group of us resisters here, but even among them there are those whom Eric and i call VPACs. Virus Pushers Against Clotshots.

Furthermore, i'm older (in my 70s), still adhering to counterculture values in a town which has gone yuppie/noozhie in a big way (for one thing, due to real estate speculation living spaces are incredibly expensive, houses selling for $1 million+ even in areas which weren't considered prime 20-30 years ago. Keeping my senses open, but almost all of the positive interactions i experience nowadays happen online, not exactly an intimate setting.

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No guarantee of anything. I've lived in this area since 1989. I am social, I take care of myself, and I have social standing in the community and in the world. The closest I come to a date is picking someone up at the airport or train station. And that hasn't happened in years.

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Dear EFC, you? You are quite a looker, I assumed that you had a partner. Adam Curry went to some fund-raisers ... and volunteered at charity events. I told my daughter to follow the moves of Theresa Russell (from Black Widow), best way to find a man. I figure that lots of women 50+ need company too. Dance classes, cruises? Hiking clubs?

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Dear EFC, remember that scene from Happy Days? Fonzi tells Richie his "secret" pick-up spot? The grocery store. Animal House showed that too - Otter, holding up the cucumber to Dean Wermer's wife, and saying "mine's bigger than that".

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To clarify, do you mean picking someone up as per a prearrangement to meet someone you know coming into an airport or station, or a "pick up"?

BTW. i am not very social, so the fact you are social and still not meeting someone speaks loudly.

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Dear JS, there are LOTS of women in Thailand and the Philippines who would appreciate a man who is sincere, polite, and healthy. American accents are in high demand.

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Dear JCJ: I love Thai food, have liked the Philippine food i've had (a couple i know via a community garden), but i'm NOT about to relocate to another country. And these women are not very open to.... counterculture practices, on the whole, they tend to be conservative. But thanks.

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