I read some articles about the peanut farmer when he passed looking to see if they would say anything about him being a Trilateralist and him bringing them into his administration. Not a peep. This blows me away for different reasons. Ive read Patrick Woods stuff. Anyway I am new and am learning from your podcasts ect.
Nelson Rockefeller served as veep under Ford, not Nixon, and was his running mate in 1976.
I read some articles about the peanut farmer when he passed looking to see if they would say anything about him being a Trilateralist and him bringing them into his administration. Not a peep. This blows me away for different reasons. Ive read Patrick Woods stuff. Anyway I am new and am learning from your podcasts ect.
Great to meet you Sean...thank you for participating...
Thanks a lot Eric, for the History of the RIngs of Power audio. It does help bring things together.
loved Tolkien