
As my old friends here in Philly would say, Onamove!

Free Mumia!

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I think that the 'science' has mistaken exosomes for 'viruses'. This means that they are worshipping cell shit. Appropriate?

Meanwhile, I am trying to raise electro-magnetic radiation as the real culprit for upticks in illness among all living things: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/there-is-no-virus-there-is-no-lab and https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-elephant-is-in-the-room

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Death cult for sure., Frances.

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Keep slamming them with a smile on your face, Eric. We are winning this.

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Wouldnt all scenarios leading to disease fit under this same phenomena? Even fear in EMF? The death cult wins when we buy into any fear right?

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NO FEAR girl!

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I'm working on it... the odds are stacked against us, but we must prevail!

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Fucking right it is. I love the direction this is going, Coppolino. I need to reread over this article and perhaps pick up the book to take it all in. In perfect irony, some very recent posts by Cowan explore very compelling thought experiments regarding the true nature of biology to be living crystal vs carbon based. A lot can be postulated and there are some fascinating things to consider. This epiphany of yours blew the top off even more for me. Love it!

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There’s lot to this book

But the author was concerned at the end of his life most people didn’t understand it

I definitely understand what he’s getting at. It’s like he’s standing right next to me laughing the whole time I’m reading it

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I also really appreciated the snippet of wisdom from TCIM regarding the power of people's beliefs and how paramount it is to respect that and lead by example. Wish I had figured that shit out about 20 years ago...it would have saved a lot of heartbreak.

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A search at my library for the book brought up "Bowie's Bookshelf". This is apparently one of the 100 books that changed his life.

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hey Frances would you please email me? I cannot find you in my system...thank you


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I don't believe it was by mistake, Germ theories origins are shady, & the money its generated is astronomical.

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Exosomes have the same problem as Vl-RUSES. They have never been proven to exist and function the way it’s being claimed that they do.

Mike Stone has written a thorough article about this topic:


Excerpt of a reply Mike made in the ‘comments’ section:

“Exosome researchers found the same particles as virologists, not the other way around (unless you are referring to Ender’s own destruction of cell culturing in his 1954 measles paper). Exosome researchers are doing the “control” experiments virologists should do by finding the exact same “viral” particles in their cell cultures without “viral” material being present. However, these researchers have claimed the particles as exosomes instead of “viruses.””

“...exosome researchers also thought the particles were nothing but cellular debris. The only reason they claim otherwise now is because they have ascribed unprovable theoretical functions to these particles. However, without being able to observe these particles alive and/or doing anything, this amounts to nothing but guesswork, i.e. fiction, on their part. As the particles are unable to be separated from everything else within a sample and studied independently in order to be characterized, everything they (and you by extension) claim to be contained within these particles is pure fiction as well.”

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"Many people are still enthralled by this entity, for reasons that confound those who have determined that it was never proven to exist. Note that the virus is not supposed to be an article of faith; we have been told over and over that it was proven to exist by the scientific method. And that’s exactly where the proof is nonexistent.[!!!]

Advocates of the virus draw their power from the preexisting belief in this imagined entity: it grants them authority and respect, and a connection to the majority population, and many are of course unwilling to let it go.

The bicameral mind has returned…and people lacking a true degree of subjective inner awareness are in essence ruled by it. They cannot give it up, and maintain shrines to it in various forms (even as they assert that it has no real power, it still must be there — like religious iconography). And they tend to listen to those who preach about it and affirm its ‘reality’.

Hence the fundamentally religious view that Only The Virus is Real.

Those who assert that this hallucinated god does not exist are the religious heretics of our day. Their message is, you are human, you have power, and you don’t need to be worshiping this voice, phantom or entity. Look at the evidence. Reason this through for yourself. But the phantom serves another purpose, which is to uphold pesonal identity.

This division is the central drama of the moment. It is a religious drama. In typical fashion, members of the Church of the Holy Corona put money in the basket to propitiate their angry god, who they blame for disrupting civilization. And the top leaders are given the honors and privileges of the pope.

Always, the virus must be worshiped as real."

You got the essence right there. Letting go of the virus would for many people mean total chaos, just like Dr Farber discovered in The Lathe of Heaven. Their identities, their whole sense of meaning, would in their minds be rendered useless if that were true. How terrifying an idea, the prospect of having to think for themselves.

"Those who sound the warning were and are held as leaders, and are immediately given respect as saviors. Here in the covid-o-lithic period, these early leaders screamed about a danger and thereby got everyone to comply — and venerate them.

We are now seeing their role taken over by this group of 'medical freedom' priests and gurus, who have adopted the same god as their predecessors — the virus. Hence, this notion that the virus is real, the virus is real — and yet they are all hallucinating, easily persuading many that this god-like entity is real.

They often talk of war, the enslavement of humanity, and assert that the only way to salvation is through them."

Indeed why the "health freedom movement" looks so much like a cult, complete with its weekly ceremonies such as Del Bigtree's and CHD's shows.

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"dangerous it is to mess with people’s belief systems, and to challenge that which they think of as real. Teaching must come through example, dialog, and the gentle opening of awareness — not the demolition of the old. That instigates terror, "

I liked this bit. There's been a lot of terrorising. I'm feeling terrorised myself with my old life destroyed.

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Any sense of community i had here in Berkeley, California, got destroyed over the last four years.

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Indeed, it's a lonely feeling now.

I can see that it takes a while for the * no virus* idea to become contagious.

Say it and be seen as a trouble making nut.

Hopefully saying it but not banging on about it gives the hearer such a fright that it sticks a bit in their head, for them to come back to later.

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Good idea. Problem here is that i hardly get any chances to talk to people around me, face to face. No one does that any more. I do what i can via email and Substack.

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I'm taking a look at your Substack. I can see that you do a lot of your thinking on your own Stack.

Good alternative when there's no live audience.

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"The bicameral mind has returned…and people lacking a true degree of subjective inner awareness are in essence ruled by it."

Just this is a gem Jefferey.

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I agree, Jono, but not mine, it's from Eric's piece, above. :-)

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Is the second exerpt is from The Lathe of Even please? This author seems fundamental.

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Not at all, they are from Eric's article right above. Ursula LeGuin wasn't remotely this perceptive.

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The real epidemic is OCD which can be induced by Big Pharma voodoo jabs, especially kiddie jabs but also flu jabs.

Think about - if you discovered a jab that induces OCD thinking and you wanted to make everyone extra susceptible to brainwashings - wouldn't you inject them with your OCD jabs, especially when they still babies? Then you get them obsessed with all kinds of nonsense including "germs" using the pseudo authority of mass media.

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I would concur with your theory here. My daughter, 19 at the time, decided to get the Covid shot after NEVER receiving any immunizations in her life. A year later, after the sudden death of her father, she developed severe and debilitating OCD about germs. Luckily, she made it through to the other side mentally, but it was seriously scary for a few months. She does have a Virgo Moon, which over her life appears to have made a mental break a part of big shifts in her understanding of the world, as this isn't the first time something like this has manifested. The way it want down with the germs, though...a whole new level of paranoia took a hold of her.

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In psych practice, just about every kid and adult I saw for "ADD" was actually suffering from some form of OCD and that's why they had trouble focusing and paying attention. With kids, it's basically impossible to figure out their thought process, but educating the parents can yield a diagnosis, especially when Daddy finally gets it and blurts out "I had that once too!". I'm not opposed to medication for OCD if it helps but most of the work is educating the patient about all kinds of different manifestations.

Of course, stuff like Ritalin exacerbates their problems while getting the kid (or not unusually one of the parents) addicted to the stuff.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

My gal did not try any psychotropics and managed to work through it with a therapist, while going to college full time AND working! It was so staggering the hold this had on her that even I was thinking medication was an inevitability. I am grateful to have taken note of the pattern in her life that some metal instability accompanies major growth and life change. I hope this serves her throughout her life to be self aware AND self forgiving if it happens again.

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The kinder need a lot of sleep, they can get into trouble when they don't get enough.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Always telling her that. Her sleep schedule is whack. I hope that changes after she gets out of school. She graduates this spring.

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Yep, typical college life is not so healthy at her age :)

Congrads she's over it!

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Her response may have also just been a manifestation of the scare tactics promoted by the MSM on behalf of the megalo monsters trying to scare us all into compliance. During the Spanish flu epidemic, Royal Copeland, a homeopath, was the NYC Health Commissioner. He recommended getting lots of sunshine, changing work schedules so that the subways would be less crowded and definitely get out and go see a movie because entertainment, he said, was important in order to not focus on being fearful. NYC had one of the lowest death rates from the disease.

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Most certainly that was a factor, and being in the belly of the beast at a liberal university.

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That OCD works in with the cleansing ritual of cults.

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Thanks for acknowledging us heretics Eric.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Does that part of the brain discern between hallucinated voices and “authentically”hearing voices (supernatural communication)? Why would we have an organ “designed” to hallucinate?

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Do you hear voices that are not there?

Seemingly few people do. What the author is saying is that in the past that is how this functioned and that with contemporary personality integration is generally silent except in the case of psychotic individuals

So it’s not designed to hallucinate. It’s simply left vacant as part of some revolutionary quirk. The brain contains tremendous redundancy and it is a redundant speech center that for whatever reason generally cannot produce speech you can only listen to it hear it and interpret it

Now plenty of people from the religious sector claim to hear voices. But I doubt that they do

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

I hear voices at times, yes. It’s rare, but special. For instance in 2020 in the weeks before lockdown I kept hearing the phrase “this is a paradigm shift.” It’s my understanding that most people hear voices at sometime or other, it’s actually normal, it’s only considered psychotic when it’s disruptive and negative. I would bet most people have had what they call “an epiphany” in the form of a voice in their head that feels “other” because it presents a POV outside of one’s normal thought patterns or beliefs. People don’t refer to that as “hearing voices” due to social stigma. They say “I had an epiphany.” The same way referring to oneself as “intuitive” is perfectly acceptable but referring to oneself as “a bit psychic” will get you labeled crazy or sketchy. In 12-step programs it’s common to say “that’s your disease talking,” labeling certain types of internal monologues as “other.” Mystics train to discern the source of different internally heard voices, as from Source/God, higher self, spirit guides, past or future versions of self, or disincarnate spirits looking to manipulate or feed. I have never however heard “covid” speak to me. I do agree some religious human/biological or behavioral software or energetic phenomena is being deliberately exploited. According to this book I haven’t read, do these episodes happen organically or are they manipulated?

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It's a 600 page book covering history from hunter-gatherer times to the present so in the words of Zuckerberg, it's complicated. Language and its development has a lot to do with it all, since none of this is possible without it. The book is not about hallucinating; it's about self-awareness, and the hallucinating bit pertains primarily to "the gods" chattering away to Odysseus, etc etc etc.

There is a reason the First Commandment is what it is. And there is a reason nobody much follows it.

Additionally, the mind is a kind of hallucination 'macine' in that it's contantly conjuring narratives to answer questions it does not really have much information about.

When you say "hearing" do you mean thinking?

Also, the problem with paradigm shifts is they are paradigmatic; we usually go from one framework to another, instead of leaving the frameworks. Usually a paradigm shift is only a substitute for a real awakening.

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Yes, I mean actually hear. Although more often it is a quiet voice similar to thinking, and that’s why it is unnoticeable when busy. Usually I hear those very quiet voices similar to thinking when I’ve been sick for a while and withdrawn from public life. But once in a rare while it is a loudly audible voice that others do not hear. Sometimes I’m able to hear an animal’s thoughts, and that is a voice of sorts, even though animals do not speak. I just noticed the contradiction in that but I have definitely heard animals think in words. Incidentally I shut that off because they don’t have much to say other than how you owe them a bite of everything you eat, and they communicate that quite well without words. Hope you don’t all think I’m crazy now.

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I should have just said yes I have experienced clairaudience

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I have had the same experience on and off all my life. Dogs hear differently than humans and perhaps some humans have the ability to hear what others can't. All I know is, as a very young child, I used to hear a man and woman having a conversation in my house who weren't there. Thjey sounded perfectly normal, but as though behind a wall and I couldn't make out what they were saying. On and off I have been told things that then actually happened. Just little things that taught me to trust "the voice". I understand that when JFK was murdered that the White House had been inundated with warnings not to go to Dallas from people who sensed or "heard" what would happen.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

This discussion about "hearing voices" is one of the times where I find that words fall short for clear communication and understanding. The experience is so damn subjective! I get similarly frustrated in discussions surrounding consciousness, like in that video you shared several weeks ago. (I too woke up to that playing in the morning after falling asleep to youtube the night before!) We lack the language to accurately distinguish the meaning of terms that get used and it convolutes understanding. When Byron Katie describes her experience of waking up on the floor without an identity she recalls that her world became "real" when she named things. The word is EVERYTHING. It gives a new meaning to "The Word of God". I am currently reading a 1979 lecture by James Hillman called "the thought of the heart and the soul of the world". He is deconstructing the way "the heart" has been historically understood, which gives more fodder to understanding why humans are so out of touch with living with freedom and awareness on so many levels. It is a compelling read I would highly recommend. One thing he pointed out that I took particular note of is the following: "Person" is a word the Greeks did not have, nor does the word appear in the Greek New Testament." This is in the middle of discussing Saint Augustine's "Confessions", which Hillman writes is "the first book of psychology developing an idea of person as experiencing subject."

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Good on you mate! I picked up this book twice in my life, and ... never read the entire thing, but parts of it the second go... maybe 30 years ago. It is not a walk in the part reading this book. But interesting oh yes. It seems to me science became the religion and the modern 'priests' are communicating with the 'gods' (viruses?) to appease us mortals. Holy Sh*te Batman..... .

And yes, I totally agree with the problem with paradigm shifts.... . As Ram Dass wrote many years ago, the "Tripless Trip" is the worthwhile one. Leaving that ole' framework behind.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Excellent book. I need to hunt down my copy and revisit. Very interesting and apt correlation! Without the reference of Jaynes' work, I have posited that covid is now the new religion. Sure seems that way with my friends who are true believers. They refuse even to look at any evidence it does not exist. They take it on faith in their priests, on the holy books of peer reviewed studies written about in mainstream media rags and even the media talking heads.

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Great read, Frances, but I didn’t get this one line:

“They just whine so as not to offend their vaccine-loving anti-vax audience.”

Does it mean the anti-vaxxers love other vaccines, just not the covid ones? Personally I think they’re all a crock.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Author

Anyone who claims to be anti-vax should have just one position: a total ban, starting with an immediate moratorium. I do not hear ANYONE calling for that — with the sole exception of Judy Mikovitz, who used to say that a few years ago. If they are deadly and cause autism and sicken and kill people, ban them — and that must be the sole focus of the movement. Anyone who takes any other position is full of it. There are no "safe and effective" kill shots. But I will jump for joy the moment I hear an RFK or Dickus Bigus say a word about that. They are all about "safe and effective."

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Agree. Look how we hard fauci went after heroic Dr. Judy for countering his BS

Dickus Bigus??

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Interesting and makes sense. People need something in which to believe in order to keep the darkness away. The Seventh Day Adventists became vegan when their leader had one of her seizures in which she "talked to god" who told her they should become vegan. But every civilization has a superior being(s) so couldn't that point to imagined gods based on visits from superior beings? I've actually heard "voices" most of my life (never been told to harm anyone). Are they imaginary? Don't know. I did receive a warning about this, years earlier, about an epidemic as a depopulation agenda. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who received this warning. Where did it come from? I am not a "true believer" type - except in Astrology which I have been involved with for over 50 years but still don't feel the need to create converts. Is everything then pre-ordained? I do like what you say about this being our new religion. As an old person I have witnessed the increased power of the medical cartel. Health issues that used to be dealt with by the family, mostly mother, now demand you see a doctor. You sneezed? Ask a doctor for permission to blow your nose. I call this period our 2nd Dark Age and medicine has become the Church of Faith-Based Science. So what you say here makes a lot of sense to me. Our new religion! Never believed in the old one either.

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You’ve touched on many different issues.

1. Hemispherectomy is a surgical procedure when half the brain is removed. 99% of patients after hemispherectomy are fine cognitively and their language is not affected as long as the brain stem remains intact.

2. Virus is not a god. It is evil the self-appointed priests will save us from through the elevated to the status of God’s Kingdom WHO a branch of the UN.

3. The main reasons why so many people were fooled into “pandemic obedience” are seasonal respiratory infections that are claimed to be caused by dead viruses that somehow become alive, then infect, replicate and ‘decide’ whether to kill the host or not. It’s bs but the “no virus' ' crowd has no explanation for those respiratory infections because most of them, if not all, also reject the germ theory. Yeah, the germ theory is a theory with weak experimental evidence but undeniable evidence of spread among those with close contact within the same household, hospital ward, nursing home etc. What evidence do the supporters of terrain have? Nothing, because terrain is not even a theory or hypothesis. It is an unverifiable idea…

4. Consciousness is very likely quantum. Look up Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose and their Orch OR theory.

5. I had an epiphany after I learned quantum mechanics. I had watched a Nova documentary about the Fabric of the Cosmos called Quantum Leap. In it Nobel Prize laureate Steven Weinberg said this: "After you learn quantum mechanics you are never going to be the same again”. He was right. It happened to me…

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wow...I have met the man who knows everything. Where shall I send flowers?

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18Author

Thomas thinks the virus is Jesus Christ. He writes:

While there is still an ongoing discussion whether viruses exist, one point is undeniable even by most prominent virologists, like professor Vincent Racaniello: Viruses are dead particles that need to come alive to do what virologists claim they do; infect, replicate, spread and kill the host sometimes. Therefore, a resurrection of dead viruses of some kind is required.


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You should have read my comment above more carefully. The virus is evil. I was just playing along with your theory… ;-)

Regarding viruses, even if they exist, virology still has a problem-viruses are dead particles, unlike bacteria for example. We can see bacteria under the microscope do what biologist claim it can do… Not so with viruses…

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Lol I wish I knew enough to understand why the world was locked down over rebranded influenzas (whatever causes them) into covid-19…I have a theory but no real proof yet…

BTW: While reluctantly I’d suggest you send the flowers to Google Headquarters lol

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"... seasonal respiratory infections that are claimed to be caused by dead viruses that somehow become alive, then infect, replicate and ‘decide’ whether to kill the host or not. It’s bs but the “no virus' ' crowd has no explanation for those respiratory infections because most of them, if not all, also reject the germ theory. Yeah, the germ theory is a theory with weak experimental evidence but undeniable evidence of spread among those with close contact within the same household, hospital ward, nursing home etc"

Why have repeated experiments over a period of more than 120 years failed in efforts to spread "infections" deliberately? There is absolutely no evidence that people in the same household,.... actually passed something between them, certainly not if deliberate attempts to do so have failed, most spectacularly with the Rosenau Experiments dealing with the "Spanish" (Kansas) Flu, allegedly the most infectious pathogens EVER. See here.


Virology - The Damning Evidence. The Stake In The Heart For This Pseudoscientific Profession. DPL, 3/7/23.

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Are you trying to tell me you have never ever witnessed or observed people in your household, family, office, club etc. develop the same or similar symptoms of what is called the flu or a cold within a short period of time usually within a few days?

BTW: You must be familiar with the scientific method, right?

Here are 4 steps of the method you can test in your everyday life:

1. Observe what happens. (Easy when someone has a sniffle or fever).

2. Based on the observations from a theory or hypothesis as to what may be true or false. (Easy)

3. Test the theory by more observations and by experiments, if possible ( this is not difficult, you can do it within your household or office).

4. Observe to see if the predictions based on your theory are fulfilled (in my household 2 or 3 people out of 4 develop the same cold-like or flu-like symptoms within a few days one member experiences them. I can even predict who will get it first lol.

If you need help with this simple science, please let me know.

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Did you recognize that all your anecdotal scenarios involve the TERRAIN to happen? So how do you determine that there is any "transmission" needed between people?

And did you recognize the following oddity of virus characteristic:

This pathogen is allegedly strong enough to survive (although not alive!.....) whether in high or low temperature, dryness and humidity, polluted air (Wuhan), can fly meters and sit days long on surfaces, "lives" without metabolism, sustains antibiotics, chemicals like pesticides and radiation, still remains replication competent while all other living entities on earth are affected by the listed influences. This special viral entity seems to have superpowers. But only as long as it is not petri dished, directly from its natural environment, the perfect medium to live in. Then all of a sudden it decays, falls apart and starves because of its weakness. And can only thrive again when being fed monkey kidney cells which is totally unusual. And then, after an unprecedented frankenstein treatment that Kills all other living beings it magically comes back to life. But only the superbug in question, exclusively. Without any damage. Not!!!! all the other millions of superbugs, mutations and variants that should be in the brew directly from the host, according to virology. They should be in the swabs as well as the superbug of the day. And EM Pictures are the proof. Like photographed Bigfoots and Nessies. Point and declare. First shoot the arrow, then draw the target.

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Indeed, a pathogen of magic duality. Not to mention that every sneeze has millions of viral particles, but virologists are unable to extract the particle directly from the human body for observation and isolation "because there's not enough of it," which is why it needs to be grown via a cell culture.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20Author

grown being "grown" -- the "growth" of the "virus" is "documented" via the cytopathic "effect," which happens in the "culture" with the "virus" present or not. this is the biggest bunch of horse shit in the history of science and beyond -- and scientific fraud is my primary field. It's so nuts I can barely speak...but I do...

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And the first time this cell culture procedure was developed, by John Franklin Enders in 1954, he used a control, which got exactly the same treatment as the main experiment, except for the human extract allegedly containing the measles virus, and got exactly the same cytopathic effect, causing him to go "Oh oh" in his paper. This was ignored, he got a Nobel that year (for something else) and the same procedure has been used since. Mega fraud indeed. Virology's next step is apparently to throw out even this nominal useless step and go straight to metagenomic transcription, just assuming a virus is present.


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funny and well said

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Ever hear of the Love Canal Flu? One resident of the Love Canal District in Niagara Falls, NY was getting it after another, especially people from the same or adjacent households. That's what the EPA was saying in the mid to late '70s.

Before admitting that the problem was a toxic waste dump, the first prominent one uncovered.

Ever hear of scurvy? One sailor after another was getting it on sailing ships.

Ever hear of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Ever hear of Subacute myelo-optic neuropathy (SMON) , a disease which was epidemic in Japan a few decades ago. Even found the "virus." Turned out to be.. a chemical.

SHOW US ANY VIRUSES! Show us any bacteria or fungi which have been scientifically shown to be pathogenic.

You assume that what you have described is the result of the transmission of a pathogenic particle from one person to another. Show us any such particles, proven via the scientific method, including Koch's Postulates!

BTW, extensive science background here, degree in mechanical engineering, worked doing that, also worked for over 3 decades as a college instructor of calculus and statistics. What's your science background, if i may ask?

And again, explain why scientists have failed to prove contagion after over 120 years of experiments. Explain the experiments.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

Epidemiology serves to formulate a hypothesis to create an experiment to test the theory. Where is the independent variable in this above thought experiment? It is the particle called a virus that cannot be found, shown, or properly "isolated" to actually conduct said experiment? Then, show the virus particle. There could be several factors in the environment alone that are not considered, not to mention the health and habits of each of the member in the household must be considered. This is not an experiment you speak of, it is the faulty empirical reason we are given to believe in "the invisible virus".

The other fallacy I would like to point out in your argument is that the no virus argument lacks credibility because the “no virus' ' crowd has no explanation for those respiratory infections". This argument is bafflingly invalid. One does not need to assert, provide and prove an alternative REASON in order to dispute a claim.

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As a long time gardener, I often see potato and tomato plants all " catch" blight, which is supposed to spread to other plants. So gardeners are advised to clean and burn all affected plant materials.

However, this plant disease usually only happens in the UK during cloudy damp days in July. I don't think it is passed from plant to plant as a contagion. I think when the right conditions arise, all the plants are affected by the disease but it appears to be contagious. Probably illness in humans is a similar process.

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Check the Baileys' video on the "Tobacco Mosaic Virus" -- also, basically, you have summed up all of terrain theory in your short comment above.

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Your observances mirror mine. As a gardener of both cannabis and veggies and herbs I know that terrain is what causes issues...NOT viruses, especially since they have not been found to exist. One year, some my cannabis plants began having a variegated look to the leaves, with light green streaks. My friend, another longtime grower, suggested it might be the tobacco mosaic virus. I have a book that once was out of print and now published again called Hemp Diseases and Pests: Management and Biological Control said to be the bible for what affects the cannabis and hemp plants. There is much lacking about viruses in the book.. on page 13 it posits that pests like whitefly, mites, thrips and other insects that "bite" the leaves and suck the sap deposit these viruses in their wake--claiming that insects can also "catch" viruses" from infected plants and then spread the disease to others, but not humans. After becoming concerned and worried that my soil might become contaminated with viruses, I read everything I could. (which isn't much). Most suggested destroying the crop, covering the soil and letting it bake in the sun for several years fallow to destroy the pathogen. I did none of this and the plants went on to flower. Now we also were in the middle of state-wide infestation of russet mites that lasted a few years. So I spent most of my time fighting these invisible to the eye critters. I eventually harvested, cured and trimmed some nice buds. It has become obvious to me that the stress the plants were under because of the attack by these sap sucking insects caused them to display symptoms. None of which had anything to do with viruses or contagion...although the bugs spread throughout the crop quickly, starting with the lower leaves and working their way up the plant. Most growers now realize that terrain is EVERYTHING...not just the health of the soil, but the affects of weather and the health of the other plants growing around the crop, which can be used to ward off destroying insects. Everything in nature is symbiotic and we are nothing if not nature..that is why I stopped using plant food with chemicals, choosing instead to feed the soil with compost, worm poop, bat poop and minerals. and water void of chlorine and chloromine. Life is such a miracle that we are part of...fear is the killer. Anyone or agency or government spreading fear is suspect as an enemy of nature..

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Yes I also have experience with cannabis plants grown indoors and the moisture and temperature of the air being drawn in through the air intake is critical for plant health. Gardening is where you learn most of what is taken as the holy grail is rubbish.

I like the Buddhist idea that if this arises then that arises, causes and conditions, etc. And sometimes something is inexplicable which makes life interesting.

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I like that!

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Have you ever been in the company of someone who was sick and didn’t get sick yourself?

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Author

all the time. nearly everyone says they are sick, they have the flu, cold, covid, etc., and I personally don't care. we are around them constantly in public places. they prepare our food. If needed I would take care of people with an "infectious" disease and committed to doing so at the outset of "covid" when I thought it was infectious.

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If there are no infectious diseases what causes the contagion?

BTW: have you or anyone you know lost the sense of smell or taste while being sick with flu, cold, covid whatever?

Have you ever wondered why those two senses are affected by the seasonal infection and not the sight, hearing or touch?

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If I hadn’t everyone would be getting endlessly sick no matter what the cause…

You question lacks logic..

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The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis – Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?


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...and not only Canadian voices, eh? Perhaps two streams will emerge. One describing how we are really monkey brain, ancestor worshipping religious fanatics of a kind; the other really looking into WTF happened. If we are sprayed, (literally), with pathogens, then describing those pathogens as NOT VIRUS is relevant to a point. But who did what and why gets lost in the analysis. These are all serious, but really different concerns. Only so much time in the day. PS, well written article.

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Con-vid worked because it had a decade of priming propaganda. Movies like outbreak, contagion, and the zombie virus shows created the "reality" of deadly transmissible pathogens.

These days they are not as good with propaganda, even with the horrible middle east war.


"I believe humanity's foray into fiction began with the breakdown of the bicameral mind, and the insertion of meaningless symbols in between the subject and the seer. In short, back when people used pictographic alphabets, we were limited to discussing things we could actually see in the real world. The invention of phonemic alphabets like this one, which are comprised not of representative pictures but of meaningless letters, provides the opportunity to invent an endless stream of non-sense, the greatest of these being spelled with just a single capital letter."

Alphabet vs the goddess lecture by Leonard Shlain


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"Note that the virus is not supposed to be an article of faith; we have been told over and over that it was proven to exist by the scientific method. And that’s exactly where the proof is nonexistent"

You are damned right!

I've had Jaynes' book since the 1970s. I found it fascinating then. From your remarks, I bet I will understand it differently when I reread it as an older person. I did find a highly critical dismissal some years ago, and completely dismissed it.

I've just spent a lot of time stugying the Chinese journal articles from January 2020. I am sure there is no virus. All the medical people did was use software, first to produce genetic sequences, then to create a PCR test from the sequences. All software, no biological material. We've been had.

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"A Course in Miracles emphasizes in various places how dangerous it is to mess with people’s belief systems, and to challenge that which they think of as real. Teaching must come through example, dialog, and the gentle opening of awareness — not the demolition of the old. That instigates terror, which would be traveling backwards."


Which is why I wish we all could step away from the virus-no virus debate (battle?) and focus on the only thing that matters: staying unified in our opposition to all who seek to censor and criminalize dissent from top-down authority in all forms. At this moment in history I care less about convincing others that "I'm right" than I care about preserving the rights to be wrong, for me and mine, while others do for their own without corralling me. Maintaining the right of free speech and limiting the dictats from the trans-national unelecteds seem far, far more important than anything else. The space which is held for dissent *is* the space which allows for awakening.

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I get where you are coming from...BUT you are not recognizing that others in the "freedom community" are UPHOLDING the virus narrative with ideas that it was a lab leak and that nefarious groups are planning to release more deadly pathogens or that more pandemics are coming..because of climate change or evolution or whatever. If the existence of the initial cause (the virus to be afraid of) used to take away people's freedom is shown to be false, then all the draconian measures, assaults on our freedom of speech and movement fall apart...Remember, the VIRUS was the initial cause, the REASON for the current transformation that is taking place in the world into technocratic neo-feudal global fascist controls...all for the protection of biological life...above all else

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I do hear what you're saying about the virus being the cudgel used to beat people into fear and submission. I wish we might have a world where rational discussion would relieve people of that fear and thus disarm at least that tool. But what of the cudgel called "climate change"? What of the one called "right wing extremism "? Because I see the pattern repeating with many "causes"... And so continue to conclude that we should be extra cautious with litmus tests for all alliances toward dissent from centralized authority. I no longer believe in viruses - but I'm not so secure in my faith that our rights to say this will hold, that I want to vilify or ostracize people doing hard work to address the threats to personalsovereignty and free speech. Divided? We serve those who brought us the pandemic. With patience, we can create an unstoppable alliance of many divergent dissidents. That's all I'm really saying.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

Who is vilifying anyone? This isn't about personalities or litmus tests. It's about challenging narratives with evidence. I think that people who are focused on gain of function virus research and lab leaks are serving the official pandemic narrative, just doing it from the counter argument. You will notice that GOF theories are all over the place, but challenges to the viruses existence are few and denigrated constantly from all sides. An analogy might be, it seems OK to protest for civil rights, it is tolerated...but when leaders start going after the sacred cows that bring the money, like war, and start talking about all races and classes uniting against the military industrial complex...or against organized crime in the deep state, that is when they get taken out. As soon as Malcolm X began calling for all people to unite he had to go...Same with Dr. King...when he went after teh war machine, he was hit. When Kennedy went after the CIA, FBI and the mob he was taken out in full view of the world...the message do not mess with out sacred money making cows. Virology is one of those...it is the basis of the modern medical cartel and also is being used to scare people into submission. I think we ignore in attempts for unity at our peril.

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So then I ask: what is the plan? If we want freedom, how do we proceed? Must it depend on debunking all narratives of control by once-and-for-all winning all the arguments with piles of data? That begins to feel like the predicament experienced by the sorcerer's apprentice, and difficult and resource intensive enough, but then: What of the efforts to criminalize such actions as malinformation, as they will necessarily go against the wishes of the establishment? All I'm saying is that we're on the razor edge with regards to the opportunity to maintain the space of freedom for any dissent at all. I'm saying that I prioritize the battle against state-controlled censorship above the battle against those who are speaking about GOF and lab leaks. If they are secure in the right to speak those beliefs then we will have time and space to speak ours for - among other things - the effort to unravel the false religion of virology. But if we don't join forces with the ICANs and Aaron Siris and Alex Berensons such that we preserve the right of dissent...? Then it won't matter. Virology is a tool of powerful interests, but it's not the only one. Personal freedom - and the rights to be wrong even about viruses - is The Thing which allows for maximum opportunity for real solutions to be found - provisionally! temporarily! - among the wreckage of all inevitable human folly on this tiny planet. Of course such freedom is the unending journey, never the destination. Winning arguments come along the way, but any win can never end the journey.

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I will defend the right of anyone to share their ideas and speak their mind.

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A clear mapping of our crisis on a certain level - even if it avoids naming the full reality of how deep and self-serving the trans-national corruption is. Let's just say that this maps what many people feel, even before they dare to acknowledge how dark it's getting...


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Feb 25·edited Feb 25

Sorry, you want me to read this long treatise written by someone else? Use your own words LCNY. I am not understanding the words you did use in your truncated comment above in response to the discussion we were having. Again,I will reiterate my position. Realizing that a "truism" or a life long belief most of us were taught all our lives is a fallacy, (like the idea that germs can make us sick and the doctor usually has the medicines to heal us, thanks to BigPharma science) is an awakening moment. Much like realizing that our own government would kill its own citizens as an excuse to start a war for the profit of a few. An analogy might be removing a bandaid...should we rip it off quickly and experience that moment of sharp pain then relief or keep the pain to a low constant...drawn out over time...over fear of the pain?

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I love this essay/ perspective. The religious fanaticist structure of the COVID belief system was observed by many but you really get to the nub of the overarching religiosity of EVERYONE caught up in the apocalyptic drama to a greater or lesser degree. Would ignoring it altogether have been the best approach? Maybe not, as that would not be helpful to all the misguided followers ( most of whom will never “see the light”)

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