Tantra Studio was magnificent. It’s not often people consider that politicizing sex takes away the actual meaning and value of sex. This was so well laid out. This reminded me of a recent event – A colleague of mine was asked to do a women of color podcast in the summer of 2020. (what a year) When they told her that it was basically going to be a show to bash straight white guys, she refused to participate. At that point, there were volumes written on social media to discredit her , “call her out” and her practice and her race. Basically, she was deemed a racist because she treats white men with respect. “No such thing as misandry”? You are right Eric, it’s everywhere.

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How many members of that lynch mob totally and enthusiastically lined up behind the "Pandemic"/"COVID"/"SARS-CoV-2" fraud narrative? !!! I'd bet most if not all.

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The alien invasion analogy is brilliant. I would press the virus pushers/huggers against countermeasures corps to explain to us the difference. A Facebook friend of mine attacked me over the post of the piece from two days ago consisting of Michael Bryant's piece, with graphics, and the audio interview, for denigrating "our heroes" just "because they don't tell the whole truth." NO, i pointed out to him, it's not about not telling the whole truth, but about telling lies, upholding a con job narrative, especially when one knows it's a lie, as does RFK Jr.

Great music, by the way. Very thoughtful segment about capital punishment. And wow, now on pins and needs about the eclipse on Wed 4/19, the day RFK Jr is set to announce his presidential bid, which happens to be ... Bicycle Day, in fact the 80th anniversary of a very famous bicycle ride.

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Tantra Studio was sure interesting. Yeah, likewise sick of "cis-gender" being thrown around, being made to feel guilty because i'm a heterosexual male who is NOT ashamed of being one, in fact not even feeling the need to express that i am "curious" about going beyond, because i'm perfectly happy not doing so. Every succeeding generation seems to be getting more confused, thanks to a fucked up "education" system.

Way beyond "feminism," i blame conscious efforts by the corporate complex to promote transhumanism with transgender being viewed as a convenient stepping stone (leaving aside the 1 or 2 in a thousand who are born with some body ambiguities. amazingly low number given how complex the biological process of sex formation in a fetus is).

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The whole sexual identification just screams Pluto and 8th House to me. Seems like Pluto in Aquarius is going to transform society and its tribal nature in ways we cannot imagine.

I also love you for the use of the phrase….

« This That and the Other Thing ». One of my top ten faves! Let’s keep it alive in the vernacular!

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I work in the cultural field and can say that most of the cultural institutions in New York City are STILL requiring the jabs for employment, as is the City of New York. Just FYI, as I'm the only person I know here in the city who hasn't gotten the shots. In fact, just last month one of my neighborhood friends stopped me on the street and asked, as she always does, first thing out of her mouth, "Now, have you gotten the vaccine yet?"

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To which you could reply: Did you have your PAP test and colonoscopy?

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