Here are my notes, which i sent out to recipients of my email newsletter, and posted on my FB page. Time marks are approximate. The segment, by itself is just over 90 minutes long. Please do NOT take these notes as some sort of shorthand for the entire contents of the segment, you need to fill in the details yourselves by listening or watching. To me, a key crucial point made here is that CHD is not merely practicing omission of important information, but continuing to outright parrot the core of the official narrative (vs specific countermeasures) after knowing there is no evidence backing it up.

15:00 - Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has an interest in maintaining the core of the official narrative, namely that there is/has been a “pandemic” going on in the world, that it is characterized by a unique disease called “COVID,” and that this disease is caused by a unique virus, SARS-CoV-2. A It has pushed this core narrative for 3 years, and would be in an odd position if it were to admit that there is no evidence behind it. B. This narrative is a safe pitch to its donor base, which provides CHD with lots of money. This is not simply a matter of CHD failing to cover certain matters, but of it parroting the core of the official narrative.

CHD has the documents which prove this core lacks any evidence to back it up. This narrative is what is enabling the on-going implementation of a blatant biosecurity police state order, tied to central bank digital currency and in the relatively near future complete control over our comings and goings and anything we do which involves money..

21:00 - Any excess deaths have been limited to certain continents, certain nations, certain US states (only 16 of them), and certain pars of certain states, e.g. New York City and not the outer suburbs 1-2 hours up the Hudson Valley, in spite of many people making the commute. They started after the implementation of countermeasures, and are the result of them, not of some “virus."

24:00 - Deaths patterns offer no basis to back up the idea that a “virus” is responsible.

35:00 - CHD is putting forth the same narrative as Tony Fauci, CDC,…. , namely the core narrative, aside from specific countermeasures such as injections. This basic channeling of the core, while disagreeing with the countermeasures, amounts to characterizing what has been happening as “negligence,” or “criminal/gross negligence,” vs “the result of intentional action.” It’s “a mismanaged pandemic” vs "fraud, tyranny and mass murder.”

45:00 - A discussion of Denis Rancourt’s work which shreds the notion of excess deaths (before the shots) and hence demolishes the basis of any assertion that there has been a “pandemic.”

48:00 - CHD’s science adviser J.J. Couey has asserted that basically Christine Massey’s FOI requests is all that she and her colleagues in the “no proof of virus,…” camp have. This is essentially wrong, completely overlooks a VAST body of work, the result of research by a whole bunch of people, including Coppolino and Bryant.

56:00 - Looking at the “lab release” notion, showing its complete lack of viability.

1:09:00 - Virus leapfrogged over certain nations, states, counties in New York State only 50-100 miles north of New York City. Something Rancourt pointed out, as have others, such as Coppolino, who has searched out data bases in counties all over New York State.

1:10:00 - Bryant brought up the recent interview of Rancourt by RFK Jr, which he will be writing about soon. The latter kept trying to push back against the clear evidence Rancourt presented precluding the spread of some virus as the explanation for what happened in early 2020 RFK Jr at one point claimed stuff about what happened in Italy in early 2020, only to state some 20 minutes later that he knows little about what was going on in Italy. Indeed, he stated that the really bad stuff happened in Tuscany, when in fact it happened in Lombardy, well to the north. Interesting point about how the changing nature of industry in this region, Italy’s leading industrial zone, to hi tech, has changed the pollution pattern and the nature of respiratory diseases afflicting the populace.

1:17:00 - The CHD has in fact become another layer of government, lying to us. Interactions with luminaries such as Tess Lawrie and Mark Trossi, who simply refused to engage.

In remarks before and after the interview/discussion, Coppolino brought up a bunch of profound stuff. In digital society, we have downloaded our brains into a small metal/plastic device which we carry with us. We have given up notions such as that people are responsible for their actions, that anything matters, including what we think. One cannot use the excuse that listeners/viewers/readers are too stupid to digest the big picture and understand fully what’s going on in order to lie to them. Anyone doing so is via their actions perpetuating this condition which they lament. We need to become active participants vs passive consumers of information. Ir is up to us, the audience, to hold such media outlets to account, particularly when they claim to be upholding the interests of truth.

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Six major players or teams have dug out the virus issue independently:

 Drs Mark and Sam Bailey, working with the Perth Group and Torsten Engelbrecht -- that counts for more than one; more like three.

 Drs Andy Kaufman and Thomas Cowan who started independently and were backed by Stephan Lanka in Germany; this counts for two or three, really. Lanka did the work on proving that measles had never been isolated.

 Christine Massey's FOI project, which was sparked by Kaufman

 My PCR/metagenomics chronology project, working with a diversity of specialists. Coming from the angle of the PCR's primers, I determined there could not be a virus or a test for one

 Kevin Corbett's doctoral work on the HIV tests and their impact

 Michael Wallach's documentary work on the history of each claimed outbreak.

We all began independently and gradually got together on the issue in various stages culminating in early 2022. I am the only accredited journalist in the group; Sam was a TV medical presenter but not really a journalist.

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Not that I am "anybody", of note (speaking of rodeo clowns), but my research was also independent.

3/21/2020, I released my first video on COVID, suggesting that it was "Peak Oil, pretending to be a pandemic": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrJ89-O_H5E (Remarkably, it hasn't been taken down).

This was before I had discovered anyone from #TeamNoVirus. But I knew the official story wasn't right.

Between 9/2/2020 and 9/28/2020, I made a series of blog posts and a video CLEARLY stating that COVID-19 was a Hoax, that there was no such disease.



While I had discovered Kaufman by then, and Stefan Lanka, my analysis was mostly NOT based on the "no virus" position-- although that was a part of my analysis.

👉My analysis was based on anomalies in the TIMELINE.

👉My analysis was based on seeing if COVID was consistent with GERM "Theory". It is NOT!!!

👉My analysis was based on an analysis of the ETIOLOGY of Disease. (or LACK thereof).

Including all aspects, inc. Proof of Cause (Koch's Postulates, or Bradford Hill Criteria). I had to create a flow-chart of the Epidemiological Method!! None such existed online before me! Isn't this Epidemiology 101????

Eric I've listened to days of your glorious velvety voice... I'm not complaining!

So, maybe you could have Cindy review the first 15 min of this? or maybe you could check it out. See if I deserve a position in "those who did independent analysis and called it a con".


I know you are a busy man, and I am so grateful for your prior recognition!

PS: There is a Debbie Rose connection here. In this video, I establish my authority as a master technician. I have made a career in solving problems in large, complex systems. While I don't mention Nurse Rose here, she should be.

Remember, she went silent Aug 2018, and this was 2020, so I had had no contact with her for 2 years.

And it's funny, that she always complained about being bad with tech, but she had a BRILLIANT technical mind! I realized in 2017-2018, she was applying the same analysis and problem-solving skills that I used to fix supercomputers, to solving CULTURAL problems. I call it "Cultural Pathology" or "Cultural Forensics".

Debbie is the one who helped me understand that these technical problem-solving skills can be applied to things beyond fixing computers, but also like analyzing elections, political corruption, war, and mass murders.

Debbie is very much embedded in everything I've done since ~2016 or so.

Her influence has had a profound effect on me.

My approach to analysis of COVID was very influenced by Debbie long before I reconnected with her 3/2021.

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Bless Nurse Rose.

You had "COVID-19 was a Hoax, that there was no such disease" figured out well before i did, i was surrounded by virus/contagion believers, including ones who claimed to be for terrain theory. Thanks!

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DAMN right!

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The "disturbing, unbelievable and enraging" fact is that the West (where fake money leads to fake reality) is at the "apathy to dependence" stage:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

― Alexander Fraser Tytler (allegedly)

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Looking forward to it!

Why is CHD able to continue to pretend that this matter doesn't even exist? Because it has Substack personalities like Tessa Lena, who attribute all disagreements within the "health freedom" community to ego clashes, market competition and "spies." She excuses the coverage failure by the likes of CHD and Del Bigtree by stating that they have no more of an obligation to cover the matter than to cover someone who claims the universe is governed by a "purple spaghetti" logic, it's just of much interest and they have their platforms and are not obligated to turn them over to every fringe perspective which comes along.

As if abstract philosophical discussions are the same as an analysis of the validity of claims by the world's authorities of a deadly pandemic, marked by a unique disease called COVID-19, caused by a unique virus called SARS-CoV-2, claims which have been used to impose a clampdown on billions of people and usher in an era of tyrannical measures which would have been unthinkable before 2020. With social media heroes like these advancing such flippant attitudes, no wonder so many "health freedom" activists are mired in nowhere land.

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Excellent. I sometimes feel a book title coming on... how’s “ Riddle Me This”

My list of simple questions hypothetically posed to an indoctrinated/ jabbed collectivist has grown organically.

What virus? Could you please Isolate the damned thing, then expect me to consider whether or not i choose to fear it?

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I agree with your last para.

But i have to take issue with the term "collectivist." It has been used to describe the operational structure of modern societies which impose the will of a tiny elite using the excuse that they are doing so *in the name of society as a whole*, rather than for their own interests, which was more the case in previous totalitarian orders. 99% of human history was marked by social structures which were non-hierarchical and egalitarian, everyone getting an equal voice in community decision making, no divisions between rulers and ruled, and community control of social resources. Social hierarchies, competition,... did not arise organically, they had to be imposed at every step, most notably the imposition of capitalist social relations, starting in late Medieval rural England and then expanding to the rest of the British Isles and then the rest of the world.

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Excellent Write Up Eric.


Onto The Audio...

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Listen you fuckers! I'm the fucking government! Do what I say!


What an entrance.

I had to watch the vid on Bitchute first, but am now headed for the stars...and some always groovy tunes! It's Friday Night on PlanetWaves.FM! Grab your favorite beverage and join me!

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We're with you Eric! We're taking back our agency and asking the important questions!

Just because you're the heat seeking missile dialed in on truth, doesn't mean you're out here alone!

Oh...and you called Mary Holland "Hudson" after you'd already corrected yourself. I giggled for a minute or two, thinking about a Dutchman....and a river in New York.

And no. I've never been. You couldn't drag this Southern girl that far North, in chains.

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FWIW, while Henry Hudson was in the employee of the Dutch East India Company, he was born and raised in England. And a funny coincidence. there are two tunnels from Manhattan which run under the Hudson River to New Jersey, the Lincoln Tunnel and the.... Hudson Tunnel. :-)

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Excellent question in the absence of large scale accurate data & science. We have no strong answers for any inquiry. They had to call it something. People were ill. I saw them. Lined up in the ED halls , ICU's & morgues. Not just the worried well or mild cases. & not just for a few months.(Compared to previous SARS, H1n1 outbreaks) China and the US bungled everything especially not searching for & chasing down real data when they had the chance because the 2 CYA presidents had more important things on their minds like their own public image & obfuscation. No one really studied post infection antibodies for the ICU cases to verify anything. There were no large scale collective , scientifically organized post mortem autopsies. No followup evaluations of positive pcr results in the presence or absence of symptoms. It was a head spinning rapid massive global event that no 1 was able to harness . The perfect storm for misinformation, bad decisions & the heartbreaking (for me) loss of critical data.

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From my pov because the missing link (that solitary SARS-CoV-2 sample from a human) cannot be found doesn't tell me it never existed given that it was China and not Switzerland or Sweden that first noticed something was amiss. Or that it was perhaps an undetectable virus but well, the runaway train of that perfect Xi/Trump storm, rapid onset, scrambling to make sense of it all made sure we couldn't take this scientifically to the next level. Sure there is the comorbidity question of actual numbers. The groups of pathologists around the globe doing autopsies concluded there was no time to standardize them to try and reach a valid conclusion. The results showed a devastating illness with similar findings plus co-morbidities. I'm struggling with the mass hypnosis hypothesis as well. People were getting ill and dying before the media grabbed on. If that sample did exist in China with Xi saying no way, it wasn't us we were sunk before we could ever get on top of whatever the hell it was making people ill. How it was managed, the shut and lockdowns is another matter. Few disagree it could have been managed much more sanely even if the runaway train couldn't yet be controlled. Lack of sound data defines this phenomenon. Real data we will never be able to retrieve.

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ok wait

the governments say they don't have any. so how did they know there was a "pandemic"? where is your verified point of origin of the crisis, as a viral pandemic?

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A comment about the music in the segment. Makes no sense to be meh about Punk vs New Wave. Without Punk, there would have been no real "new" wave.

The Sex Pistols were a fashion statement, not really a music band. The Clash were a rock band, which did re-spark the music scene, going rather stagnant. And in 1977, in their raw Punk phase, they in fact did not look totally like a punk band, Mick Jones had rather long hair. Same with the Ramones. The Clash was one of the best bands of the era, no matter what music style.

A lot of good came out of the New Wave too, some not so good. I liked what was played. 1979 was a great year, a lot of good and new stuff, and even bands which has been around a while seemed to get a re-charge, including the Grateful Dead with a new keyboardist, Brent, the best one to play that role in the band the entire time. Great year for them.

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Does Michael Bryant have a way of being contacted? I just listened to your Planet Waves podcast which I found very interesting.

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Skeletons in the basement? Oh ho ho... I can just imagine what a Jungian head shrinker says about THAT. lol

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close friend, astrology confidant. it was a complex dream because my grandparents' house also doubled for the contaminated dorms at SUNY New Paltz, which I had advocated for cleaning up for more than 10 years at that point; I made the connection between the skeleton in the basement of my family home and poisons in the vents of dorms where 1300 students are sleeping tonight.

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Jan 27, 2023
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I mean the lack of a ruling or governing principle and people who uphold it.

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Cosmos, I am talking about the digital environment. I suggest you probe before you critique. I cover this in my third block, which begins at about 2:20

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