That is still hilariously sad to think that 99.9% of people were very afraid to get next to, hug or kiss other humans.

You, Andy, Tom et. al. are going above and beyond to insure that such a "mind virus" doesn't happen again.

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"Hilariously sad."

Well said. It encapsulates the absurdity of the world imposed upon us, where everything you can shake a stick at is inverted.

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I hope my legs don’t break…walking on the moon… 😎

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A PS: I never bought into the ‘COVID virus’ BS. I am not a ‘shot getter’ nor do I rarely use ‘services’ of the Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System, so I wasn’t ‘buying’ any of it! (And I am over 70!) And let me tell you out in California it was absolutely insane the shit the ‘authorities’ pulled on us in the name of a ‘Scam Pandemic’, or ‘The Scamdemic’ as I am want to refer to it.

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The people there were WAY ahead of where i was, a product of my being isolated in hard core Covidian Berkeley, with the only other people around i could affiliate with being worshipers of the "health freedom" celebrities. It took till Jan 2021 when i saw an article by Torsten Engelbrecht, Stefano Scoglio and Konstantin Demeter, that i really started questioning fundamentals. Glad you were around and that i eventually managed to come across you all and hook up.

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In September 2020, I attended a ‘fundraiser’ for Childrens Health Defense which was held at a private home in Marin County, out here in California. The evenings headliner was RFK Jr. The crowd consisted of people (mostly over 50) from all over NoCA and The Bay Area, and some of us had come up from SoCA to attend the event. No one wore masks, I wore lipstick for the first time in months! There was a beautiful array of appetizer foods, and plenty of wine, champagne, and beer. People were talking to each other, hugging each other, and in general enjoying the early fall evening outdoors under the stars at this beautiful Marin County home. I didn’t get sick…just a little tipsy from the nice champagne! It was a refreshing respite from the lockdowns, mandates, mask wearing, and ‘social distancing’ of the previous 6 months we had to endure out here in California.

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What a great story Eric!!!! So you were there on the cusp of the moment of truth!!

I'm jealous. But I was where you were then too. Believing there was a virus, but fighting like

hell with my loved ones, it wasn't what TPTB were telling us it was. We were being lied to.

I would have paid a million dollars (if I had it) to be in that room.

I'm so glad you shared that. Absolutely Planet Waves - YOU - played a crucial role in the entire

scheme of things to bring clarity and understanding to a complicated situation.

BTW, I saw Alec Zeck put up a tweet regarding Flat Earth. Have you seen it?

Apparently, he is realizing that lots of no virus people also believe in Flat Earth, no spinning ball, and he is leaning towards agreeing with them!!!

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I was writing memos to Team No Virus in 2022 about this. They have been captured by digital. I have no objection to anyone thinking the world is "flat." My objection is people presenting themselves as guardians of empirical science claiming the world is "flat" without being able to explain the Sunrise Equation, and a thousand other things they use every day that rely upon the known shape and scale of the solar system. How can the time, location and duration of an eclipse be accurately predicted using a sphere model — if there is no sphere? Any true "flat earther" would not use GPS or even a compass. But how does GPS know where you are if there is no such thing as an orbiting satellite? etc etc etc etc etc.

I would say it's an embarrassment; but it's digital.

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Nor can they explain the Eratosthenes Experiment. Or for that matter actual high altitude photos.

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Of course they explain it -- Eratosthenes didn't exist. Problem solved. But the experiment has been repeated, I am sure -- but I can't figure out when.

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Repeated, in the US, along I-95.. Has the geometry.


What i've seen FE'ers try to do is to put forth a video showing blocks about four inches high on a table in a room. casting shadows of different lengths due to the ceiling light. I point out to them that given the ceiling is 10 ft up, usually, or even 20 ft (to be generous), this would place the sun, relative to 6 ft poles, a few thousand feet above the earth's surface. They either STFU or else say that the point is "perspectives can vary." LOL,

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You are so right - the digital has "infected" a part of the mind.

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Oh nooooo! Digital conditions does seem to explain part of the reason behind this capturing of the mind, and yet I like to think of it as intoxication by the mind’s capacity to create ideas. It is the phenomenon of thinking and believing that takes place in academia: the mind has an idea that seems plausible and “aren’t “I” so smart for coming up with this”. Being right is incredibly desirable and highly rewarded in intellectual circles. It’s incredibly intoxicating for the “I know mind” and self righteousness is contagious, unlike germs.

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Thank you for sharing this, Eric

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