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Dear Eric and the Planet Waves crew,
I am reading this article / letter and am imagining I am able to connect dots as a result in the discourse.
Eventually, to my conjecture, the legalization is in tandem with a great power shift globally. Americans are being cast as lesser humans, whiney, entitled, lazy, addicted to drugs of one …
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Dear Eric and the Planet Waves crew,
I am reading this article / letter and am imagining I am able to connect dots as a result in the discourse.
Eventually, to my conjecture, the legalization is in tandem with a great power shift globally. Americans are being cast as lesser humans, whiney, entitled, lazy, addicted to drugs of one kind or another and not loving their country in comparison to Chinese people in China or that come from mainland China. And this happens to work against us now with the legalization. There is a power struggle underlying the legalization that is centered in smearing us.
That is, if everyone is smoking the stuff, which I personally have for many decades, albeit without confrontation with the law, we will be either taken advantage of on a national, even global, level when the great Asian invaders take over, or be left to dust because of the real needs used against us.
I don't want to be a victim, and those that are smoking are continuously in victim roles, being prescribed cannabis for the resulting PTSD or chronic pain and whatnot. That it is legalized is good, but it is completely a 180, an about face, as you point out herein, and I believe it is an actual and literal smokescreen that will come back full circle against us if Trump wins again.
Don't know if this makes sense, but it is a mere reflection of what I am seeing.
e chang.
I think e chang is on to something, although I'm not sure how deep of an ideological motivation it may be compared to Ye Olde Profit Motive...
I'd say Chinese people have long memories, but maybe it's more accurate to describe it as a societal consciousness that goes back farther than most (if not all) societies today. This has to do with China's oral traditions, but more so state education/propaganda, which frequently reminds the populace of the wrongs that China suffered under the Western powers' targeting in the Opium Wars and subsequent Gunboat Diplomacy. They are told that one day China will right those wrongs and exercise power in her own fashion. The commissioner (Lin Zexu 林則徐) that spearheaded a broad anti-opium campaign, which included personal appeals to Queen Victoria to halt the exportation of opium to China and to the Daoguang Emperor to ban its import, as well as a broad moralistic campaign among the people, is remembered in school text books and celebrated to this day. Even in Taiwan, Lin Zexu has been used in national public health campaigns against smoking (tobacco, that is). In that case, a cartoonish character named Xu Zelin 徐則林 (Lin Zexu backwards) was used as a virtual spokesperson.
The Chinese feel collectively wronged as a society and civilization, and beyond the profit motive there is surely a strain of vengefulness that seeks to make the West pay for its past bullying and exploitation of China. This could explain to some degree the undeterred flow of fentanyl into America.
There are many forces that would like to take the United States down for a myriad of reasons. A fat, drugged-up, checked-out, celebrity-fixated populace isn't doing itself and its survival any favors.
China's elites and US elites are rivals, but they are also cooperating to implement 4IR globally (4th Industrial Revolution), as are all nation states which stand for their respective elites. This has nothing to do with China taking over the US. Like "Arthur Jensen, chairman of Very Big Corporation" (Ned Beatty) said in his dressing down talk to "Howard Beale" (Peter Finch) in "Network" in 1976, "There are no nations, only multinational corporations." BTW, Cannabis has been used in China for many thousands of years, likewise everywhere in Asia. Its use has nothing to do with any sort of "degeneration."