Our mission covering scientific fraud is not over. But today, we're wrapping up Covid19 News.
Signing off from 1,185 days of publishing Covid19 News, the longest-running publication to come out of the 2020 crisis.
After 1,185 days, Covid19 News has reached the end of its service life. The email shown above (explained later in this article) sums up the whole story: “I am a Stanford postdoc, and you’re a fool.”
Dear Friend and Reader:
This week, Planet Waves and Chiron Return will cease publication of Covid19 News, the longest-standing daily publication specifically related to the 2020 crisis. Ten days before an emergency or pandemic were declared, we began tracking news items from all viewpoints, and posting the work of many presenters and publications.
This in turn became the official chronology of the incident.
I remain in daily contact with the truly excellent international research team that has collected around the issues. We continue to track developments carefully, working in the background of what you see. I will report back to you on important developments in whatever format is appropriate.
Reporting on “covid” began like any other major news item I’ve covered as the author of Planet Waves. We have some basic routines: track media reports, cultivate sources, and work to find dates and times that can take us to the beginning of the matter.
What made “covid” unusual was that it was instantly politicized, and radically polarized. The mere asking of questions was treated as an act of sedition, or endorsement of a political candidate. The internet has become colder and meaner since the crisis emerged, and accusations were flying. Censorship and paranoia exceeded the wildest nightmares of the McCarthy era of the 1950s.
Before We Sign Off, Thank You to Planet Waves Readers
Before we sign off, I am here to thank the many subscribers, clients and readers of Planet Waves who understood that we did this story because that is what we do.
My long-term readers have read my coverage of everything from nuclear incidents to mass casualty events; from presidential elections to mass uprisings; from covering Roundup to dioxin — and the astrology that describes them. This is the reason you subscribe to Planet Waves.
I treated my readers like the adults you are, and developed the story meticulously. My position was, it’s in everyone’s interest to know and understand the underlying truth of the matter, whatever it might be. We never hyped the dangers; we never cried conspiracy. I took a grounded, meticulous approach to putting together my coverage, day by day, with no end in sight. The nature of investigative reporting is that the end of the story is not presumed or predicted; it is what it is.
If you have stuck with me as an astrology subscriber, customer or client, thank you. I have received enough letters saying “thank you for helping me keep my sanity through the gaslighting campaign” that I know I made a difference for many people.
For those interested, I’ve written two memoirs of my work on the story. One is called Day 900, and the other is called Day 1,000: A Holistic Investigation.

Public Health Policy and Holistic Healing
The “covid” matter fell under several of our coverage areas, including my earliest subjects in journalism: public health policy, and the use of analytical methods to declare something safe or dangerous. As a matter inherently related to health and wellness, it was inherently a Planet Waves story. The astrology was also extremely interesting, but few have read my coverage.
As I have written before, my deepest disappointment was that holistic health practitioners did not rise up against the toxic and absurd medical interventions. Most had trained their whole lives for an event such as we witnessed. We were counting on the discernment and experience of those we call “healers” to get us through this without going deeper into the mess.
Most of them caved in to the dictates of the very medical system they spent their whole lives avoiding.
And I was deeply troubled by the position that silencing people was somehow a suitable response to those asking questions and making observations.
My original assignment was to understand the “covid test” or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). As my readers know, I don’t pretend to understand things; it took me a little over two years to get to the bottom of the test.

Elderberry, Agarikon, Vitamin D and Enough Homeopathic Medicine to Treat the Entire City of Kingston, New York
At the outset of the crisis — well before everything shut down— I stocked up on Agarikon from Host Defense, elderberry in several forms, vitamin D, melatonin and enough homeopathic medicine to treat the city of Kingston. I still have a stockpile of gloves, peroxide, and alcohol. A reader sent me a bottle of “Thieves” oil.
I spent plenty of time on the phone with my various teachers, including Gail Murphy, an old-school midwife on Vashon Island who guides me on herbalism and women’s health issues (I’ve referred many of my clients to her).
Were there a disease outbreak in my community, I assumed I would be involved in taking care of sick people; that was my specific instruction from spirit. I had no concerns that I might catch a disease taking care of the afflicted. No such thing happened. I only ever treated for anxiety.
However, as a journalist and editor, I operate under an Editorial Policy that includes use of the Precautionary Principle: in an emergency, prepare for a worst-case scenario until the data comes in. “The data coming in” was my doing the story for more than three years. I am one of a very few presenters who has organized all of my source materials and has a complete archive of my work available.
My colleagues and I proceeded under the assumption that we would be held to a high standard on this story. We did this as the world was being dragged through the worst terror campaign I ever remember. Check out this video to see a sampling of news coverage. (It’s not about Biden; it’s about news coverage of the crisis.)
“u are [not] a retard” — the ‘Reasoning Process’ of Covid
Sometimes a single document can sum up the whole story. The email above, at the very top of this page or letter, qualifies. I was advertising on Craig’s List for a weekend editor for Covid19 News. Someone applied and sent in a bunch of articles he said he wrote.
I read them, and wrote back: “Your articles indicate your position that there was a virus. Can you provide me with some information on the source of the primers?”
This was a trick question, but not so tricky. Here is what I was really asking. The “covid test,” or PCR, can only find what it already has. The primers define what molecule-fragment the “covid test” looks for in snot (or whatever body fluid) taken from a human on one of those long swabs.
The primers used by the “covid” PCR are not based on anything natural; they are synthetic; they are 100% AI-generated. The “test” is looking for something that does not exist in nature. Its primers were made up by a computer program. That something was never found to match a virus, come from a virus, or cause illness.

A Medical Test that Looks for Computer Code
So in reality, the “covid test” looks for computer code in a human sample. Yes, the future has arrived. Whatever anyone may have been sick from in 2020, it was not a bad case of zeros and ones. It was something else.
The enthusiastic job applicant did not answer my question: what is the source of the primers?” (The technically correct answer is that “they are in silico primers, made using metagenomic transcription.”)
Rather, he responded by telling me that he is a Stanford postdoc — in molecular biology, no less — and attempted to insult a Sicilian by calling him “a retard” and “u fool.” My self-esteem has never been the same since.
The ‘reasoning’ process of his email is what nearly everyone fell for: “I am a Stanford postdoc, and you are a retard. PS, fuck off!”
Note, this is also the editorial policy of the most popular Substacks on the issue, many of the top presenters and all of mainstream news. Most add a moral twist: retard + bad person + undesirable element in society. Don’t fall for this bullshit.
Whether anyone liked it or not, I took a different approach to the story: assuming you wanted to know what I wanted to know, and understanding that it was my job and indeed civic duty to tell you — and to be held accountable for what I reported and why.
It’s been a long ride. For me, “covid” never really ended. As the world got “back to normal” in 2021, our work was just beginning. It would only be a slight stretch to say I’ve been sitting at this computer nonstop for three years, and have barely seen the light of day.
Back in March, I got myself a little Martin acoustic guitar for my birthday, and lately, I take it out every day. It’s nice to be outside again.