Bavarian Nordic stock rose from $182.66 to $224.55 in a 24 hour period- rose around 12% today.
Emergent Biosolutions went up 11.5% today to $7.57 per share.
And, MUCH bigger, every "pandemic" means more impetus for measures such as global digital ID cards tied to health records, global "health" measures coordinated by W.H.O, digital currencies, be they central bank or crypto or "community script," giant steps for 4IR.
Maybe even another shutdown a la March 2020, to cool off possible inflation threats as world central banks are having to introduce massive amounts of money to avoid yet another global financial meltdown, which they had to do following the Sept '19 Repo Crisis and are now facing again.
People who are locked down don;t go out and spend money. John Titus has done a BUNCH of work about this, see his You Tube channel, The Best Evidence. And so has Fabio Vighi, who has written extensively about this matter too, see The Philosopher's Stone page.
They wish to reduce the population of the planet. They haven't failed. All who were jabbed are now hybrid humans with almost guaranteed shorter lifespans or infertility. Useless eaters they won't have to feed.
People have died, though they are most likely "collateral damage" rather then deliberate killings. The aim is not depopulation, but the mass herding of humans into a global Blockchain-based digital panopticon.
Bunch of criminals too.
Sucha Big Big Psyop, eh?
For money? They can print money all day long without sucha Big Big Psyop.
So why sucha Big Psyop designed to fail and thus wake the people up?
Big Pharma profits,
Bavarian Nordic stock rose from $182.66 to $224.55 in a 24 hour period- rose around 12% today.
Emergent Biosolutions went up 11.5% today to $7.57 per share.
And, MUCH bigger, every "pandemic" means more impetus for measures such as global digital ID cards tied to health records, global "health" measures coordinated by W.H.O, digital currencies, be they central bank or crypto or "community script," giant steps for 4IR.
Maybe even another shutdown a la March 2020, to cool off possible inflation threats as world central banks are having to introduce massive amounts of money to avoid yet another global financial meltdown, which they had to do following the Sept '19 Repo Crisis and are now facing again.
to fight inflation?
People who are locked down don;t go out and spend money. John Titus has done a BUNCH of work about this, see his You Tube channel, The Best Evidence. And so has Fabio Vighi, who has written extensively about this matter too, see The Philosopher's Stone page.
Well, I'll concede that inflation is mostly a psychological problem, requiring psychological fixes.
But CovidHoax has been in the works - planning & pre-programming - since 1999 W. Nile Hoax and prolly since much earlier than that.
They wish to reduce the population of the planet. They haven't failed. All who were jabbed are now hybrid humans with almost guaranteed shorter lifespans or infertility. Useless eaters they won't have to feed.
nobody died from the jabs it's all a psyops
People have died, though they are most likely "collateral damage" rather then deliberate killings. The aim is not depopulation, but the mass herding of humans into a global Blockchain-based digital panopticon.
Bullpucky. What have they all died from then?
They died from too many psyops in one decade.