Hi all,

I am getting some queries into "what was making people sick if it wasn't a virus?"

My role as a journalist is to investigate the claims of government policymakers and corporate actors. I am not a doctor and do not diagnose individual cases of illness. The government cannot sustain its claim of a viral cause; its test is not valid; it has no sample of SARS-CoV-2, with 200 countries and institutions responding in the negative. This is my finding after looking into the matter for two-and-a-half years, not counting my research into AIDS.

How do we know there were excess deaths in 2020? A study out of Johns Hopkins in November 2020 said there were no increases in any age category. And if there were, a viral cause means they should be consistent from nation to nation and state to state. There should be no differentials in neighboring countries or states. Any such differentials indicate other causes of death, such as iatrogenic or nosocomial — killed and sickened by medical treatment and facilities. This includes overdose by HCQ, remdesivir and induced coma with forced respiration.

Elderly people were locked away and isolated from others, and from fresh air and sunlight, which will surely accelerate their deaths.

If there was any unusual sickness in 2020, there are many possible factors — including obsessive emphasis. I frequently link to a document from the United States Department of Homeland Security indicating that thousands of people can rush to hospitals with no exposures — with symptoms — from so little as ONE news report about a toxic release that happened nowhere near them.

Anyone who proposed any alternative cause for illness in 2020 was silenced and deplatformed.

Anyone sick starting in December has fallen to the "vaccine," for which CDC has reports of 135,000 hospitalizations and 30,000 deaths.

Why do so few people care about Sudden Adult Death Syndrome of 2021 and 2022? Why no real discussion of children having heart attacks, or being given ECGs to play sports at age 14?

We live in a society that builds homes and schools on toxic waste dumps, that lives on plastic (estimated consumption of one credit card's worth per week), that drinks aspartame, and injects high fructose corn syrup into many foods, we eat cereal sprayed with insecticide, agriculture and landscaping spray glyphosate everywhere. Immediately after the claim of a virus, cities the world over doused public facilities with disinfectants — nobody was interested in what they were.

Americans fill 4 billion prescriptions a year, not including vaccines. This was going on long before "covid." I listen to EMS scanners for hours every day. Over many years, "difficulty breathing" is one of the most common issues people call an ambulance for — long before "covid."

Meanwhile, what exactly was in the autumn 2019 flu shot? What happened when 5G was powered up in November 2019? Why is anyone who asks about millimeter wave technology relegated to the loony bin? Why were 94% of covid deaths in people already sick with four or more diseases? And why the CDC and WHO rule in early 2020 that any death could be counted as "covid” with or without a "positive" test?

In my recollection, 2020 was the first time I heard even the meekest peep about why people get sick, an issue I have reported my whole career — to great indignation and claim that I am some kind of alarmist. I cover carcinogenic and endocrine disrupting chemicals. And we go through life thinking either that "a little won't kill you" or that "you gotta die of something." But this is a tinderbox for long suppressed mass panic over health issues

Why aren't we asking why more than a third of all people in Western society get cancer?

— efc

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If there is no such thing as virus - which I am now accepting as fact after reading original research on polio/DDT and HIV/AIDS and SARS-CoV-2/Covid - what is actually making people sick? Bacteria? Toxins? Improper medical treatment? Ignorance of healthy habits? Snake venom in the water? All of the above? Some combination?

This whole Covid bs has left me ashamed of my nursing profession; & the medical & research & pharmaceutical professions too.

Just in the last week we’ve seen new research showing chemicals in the brain do not cause depression; and amyloid plaques in the brain do not cause Alzheimer’s Disease. And we’ve known for years that statins do not prevent heart attacks and do increase the probability of dementia by 300%. Medical research manipulation & mendacity lead to so many falsities.

Looks like it’s time for a whole new paradigm.

Thank you so much for your honest and thorough investigations.

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Read my full reply here:


The environment is soaked in toxic chemicals, EMFs, and food that is not food. People live indoors, away from sunlight. So far as I recall, they were obsessed with going to the doctor since before any of us were born. Four billion prescriptions a year are filled in the United States. Then "medicine" comes along and blames a virus nobody has a sample of.

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You are right!!

There was nothing new in 2020, THAT was a lie pushed into the global community by WHO and their sponsors, paid media, politicians, so called "experts" etc......

Dr. Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D. - http://www.pharmacomechanics.com/expertise.html

- CDC virus testing and isolation claims for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: Non-scientific and pure illusion!

Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D https://www.drug-dissolution-testing.com/blog/files/cdc-study-article-comments.pdf



In case someone has forgotten this again or did not know yet – these eliminations of diseased/dead cells including toxins have been already confirmed by 2018 - so why hasn’t anyone behaved so crazy – until 2020 you haven’t heard a doctor, politicians, MSM, so-called „experts“, „virologists“ or the WHO, which is preferred by their sponsors and the pharmaceutical lobby https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/340/7759/Feature.full.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1jViLItUaFchUNOfAz0zk2Kz9ZyaWCXQLm3xws4Bt0lbCyt9ZePZfxcI8

dramatizing so much!!!???



Every year humans excrete these RNA sequences/nucleic acid snippets(NOT VIRUSES, but dead, diseased cell debris including toxins through EXOSOME and EVs!!!) as it is part of the natural process of maintaining health - and there is no need for unresearched, experimental, synthetic chemical, genetically engenireeed-based and toxic substances - no health-hazardous masks, lockdowns, the stupid distance or anything else!!!

Have you all ever thought about why mankind has survived so long? This is because the organism has its own natural processes which keep the body healthy – man does not get sick of so-called “viruses”, but of free radicals/oxidative/intracellular stress https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5551541/?fbclid=IwAR3EhWF_Jx3LpppNRjb2vEQXocE4ATOWZGdUJIPDFkzF984WF0KoRoVs9uM

which, if they get excessively into the body, can cause diseases, especially in older people, who are affected by the natural aging of the cells, but also by chemicals for several years(in medicines, vaccinations, irradiations, etc. ) are weakened and our own defence against these radicals is no longer functioning properly, or in the last two years our natural defence has not been properly updated due to these harmful “masks” – our organism functions excellently if it is given the opportunity to control the natural process of excretion from to enable dead cells, diseased cells crushed by macrophages/bacteriophages and toxins which are then excreted from the body by exosomes(exosomes, which are natural cellular „caretakers“ of cells, performing cleaning operations… the last one stage of purification is the elimination of toxins… which manifests as a „sick person“…. being “sick” is actually a function of “getting well”… dead cells, diseased cells and toxins MUST be eliminated – they also influence a wide range of physiological processes such as tissue repair, stem cell preservation, communication of the central nervous system (CNS) and pathological processes in cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration, cancer and inflammation) and EVs also contribute to cell regeneration) – this happens particularly often when the organism is exposed to extremely high oxidative/intracellular stress due to the changeover from warmer to cold season and vice and also by includes anxiety and EVs also contribute to cell regeneration) – this happens particularly often when the organism is exposed to extremely high oxidative/intracellular stress due to the changeover from warmer to cold season and vice and also by includes anxiety and panic https://www.healthline.com/health/nosophobia?fbclid=IwAR1hNtwM5Zqfb3QiqIx6r-4AzYIRKutNxfDkPMy2Qj5ib6Ub-my0qGLhIHA

stress, as we all know, makes you sick) – Exosomes are an essential part of the body’s defense, contain RNA, DNA, nucleic acids, amino acids, lipids and proteins, they do NOT pose any risk in the form of contagion – if however regularly in this process due to a surge of chemistry (vaccination, with every vaccination chemicals remain in the body and organs – https://medcraveonline.com/IJVV/IJVV-04-00072.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3Nm3VcIaJ3cbYkWX-Z0uEG5JfKUaJGZqonBtNu6BesRP–2QyXJPTXybc

or here https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3056430/



Adjuvants and now these LNPs!) this process is interrupted, because the defense has to deal primarily with this harmful chemistry (and at some point their defense tells them that it can no longer tolerate these interruptions and then they suffer enormous illnesses, even death. but also death is part of life and no one has yet been spared) – thus diseased cells and toxins remain in the body and damage other cells and organs again – a so-called PCR test can never detect a so-called “virus” (there would have to be one https://fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/?fbclid=IwAR0FDwvIhwg09lGrTq3e1cZRIAiPtt-7rKjZOZ_dbV25aqkfX5KG6mt1r5E

), let alone detect an infection or a disease. This is scientific nonsense, since in the RT the RNA has to be converted into DNA or vice versa and there has to be a primer on both sides of this test, but we know that it was a fixed synthetic primer already calibrated for this fictitious “virus” in 2006 https://academic.oup.com/clinchem/article/52/7/1446/5627058?fbclid=IwAR0B03NYficR9XE6ECnny1aRchZK_ju38Qlvhb-mz5Xh6h5L3r27KGL7AY8&login=false

I think this is understandable for every logical thinking person - the biggest problem that mankind has now are 1. these conditionally approved, experimental, synthetic-chemical, genetically based substances ( youtube.com/watch?v=OJFKBritLlc&t=5844s – and if youtube censors again here you can hear it too https://bitchute.com/video/vpXBSmDRbfqQ/

Bayer Management Board member Stefan Oelrich: „The mRNA vaccines are an example of cell and gene therapy. If we had done a public survey two years ago and asked who would be willing to take gene or cell therapy and have it injected into their body, probably 95 percent of people would have rejected it. This pandemic has opened a lot of people’s eyes to innovation in a way that wasn’t possible before.“ – Only as we know now, there was NEVER a so-called „pandemic“, but exclusively lies and fraud!! It is crazy and a high-grade crime to give people a gene therapy against the process of natural elimination of rendered harmless sick cell particles by exosomes including toxins, which serve the preservation of health, which interrupts this process and makes it impossible and brings so much chemical poison into the body that the internal defense force comes to a standstill and the people become sick up to death! ...continue reading here https://www.bitchute.com/video/GAYtxudLAdiC/?comment=iaWmPhtGxfxV7u03fS10eQ29a33hzY8d9Fjy the comments of "You" (I do not know if it is a he or a she), but knowledge has the-the one very much and I find it all logical and understandable! Best regards to you and all here!!!

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so you have no alternate explanation, in other words. This is pretty lame, you need to work on this.

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Alternative explanation? In my day job, I cover toxins. We are all drenched in them. How's that?

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Why does "he" have to work on it?

Are you too busy, sansvide?

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Oh Diana! Your thoughts are right on the mark & l agree with you 100%! I am a retired Registered Nurse & although l am grateful for the time l practiced & the knowledge l acquired l feel betrayed in many ways as we nurses were truly lead astray about a lot of things. I am glad l am now retired as l would NEVER take the poison jab to keep any job position. It has been a huge shift for me to reject germ theory & accept terrain theory but when one researches it....it all makes sense! And the other topics you mentioned....yes indeed...we have been fed a pack of lies for a long time now! Thank-you for sharing your thoughts.

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Yes, we need a whole new paradigm.

Here is my story of getting sick. And a hinted insight into how we recover from the bio-weapon we have been assaulted by.


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Toxins, malnutrition, EMF, and/or parasites sufficiently explains nearly all human ailments, including prion disease.

Ask yourself why IVM an HCQ were so maligned? They are anti-parasitics. We are teaming with parasites and, unlike our pets, are not regularly dewormed. Insects harbor many parasites which can infect humans and wouldn't show up in standard tests for food safety.

"Eat ze bugs and be happy."

When you really start to look, the conclusion is inescapable; that the poisoning has been understood by a small group of people and premeditatedly implemented on the unsuspecting public of the world. Any dissent is silenced. Funding is only provided for approved research. This creates the illusion of medical progress and thorough investigation, while carefully culling any actual cures.

Most of 'science' is money laundering.

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I beg to differ. We are *not* teeming with parasites; we are *surrounded* by parasites. They are the CONs who manufacture and market every and all pharmaceutical product, including IVM and HCQ, which are poisons intended to sicken and/or outright kill us.

So I agree that toxins and nutritional deficiency lead to dis-ease, but most people's minds are already off-kilter and they believe that pharmaceuticals will cure them. Everything begins on the mental plane, so if your thinking is flawed (or you're not thinking at all) you're already sick and your physical plane (body) will follow.

Just some thoughts.

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Didn't know that Sam Bailey went and examined the origins of virology.

I also did that here https://thegreatreject.substack.com/p/on-contagium-vivum-fluidum-virology?r=1342fs&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct a couple of weeks before she did her video on this

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Thank you, Eric Francis.

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Crystal clear explanation for a layperson like me. Thank you!

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If there are no viruses, how come I have rabies? --is my joke in honour of Dr. Sam Bailey

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Well done!! and thank you for taking the time to write in such an eloquent and sane manner. I wrote one on the subject, but not so concise.


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Hi Eric...

Have you seen Steve Falconer's (Spacebusters) most recent presentation? Ties in health and the Zodiac. Curious your thoughts on this.....

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thank you pablo's canine - can you get my attention in January? Thank you...pkease reply here and to efc@chironreturn.org

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If there are no viruses, how come there's a tumbril going by every day piled high with corpses and there's a man in a medieval costume calling out "bring out your dead"? Oh wait, there isn't. Must have been Monty Python.

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I ate three-thousand dandelion flowers this spring, in possibly related news. Seriously.

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Viruses, lol. I'm a courtly, old-world chap, and I've been kissing the hands of people throughout this whole comedia. Haven't gotten so much as a cold. I should start a business. Show me your PCR test positive and you can kiss me on the lips for five hundred bucks. I'd do it. Heck, I'd do it for free for some people...

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I have six degrees including a PhD from Princeton. My doctorate isn't in virology but it is in fiction--literature in fact. English Department '97. So technically I taught at Princeton in the same century as Einstein did. I love viruses, as anyone would who loves fantasy, fiction, stories, magic, and now--humor. I've started doing standup comedy--seriously--because I love the absurd. I figured out the non-existence of viruses primarily from the texts of pro-virus mainstream sources. You just have to read carefully and attend to internal inconsistencies and it's not hard to find the stutter in the hegemonic narrative. To "find" viruses is this lengthy two-week process rife with fabrication. Absolutely adorable, these people who believe in them. I haven't had a cold or flu in years. I save my psychosomatic symptoms for other things, like heart arythmias. Good times, all of it.

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If there are no viruses, how come I have rabies?

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PLEASE Eric. Take me up on just one of my million dollar bets. PLEASE. It's free money. Easy win for you.

See the Reference section of my substack at stevekirsch.substack.com.

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Good to see more authors tackling this difficult nearly thankless subject.

Thank you.

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I am glad I've found this blog!

This is what I wrote regarding the same topic:


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