Welcome to Chiron Return - Planet Waves FM
Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return - Pacifica Radio Network
Inner Space is ready

Inner Space is ready

Last night, we published Inner Space, your 2023 annual readings from Planet Waves. This short podcast describes the readings and how I did them.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Last night I was thinking, I don’t blame people for not knowing they might learn or discover something from astrology, or get real guidance; it happens so rarely.

However, today I have something beautiful for you: my 2023 readings, called Inner Space. We need guidance, and I have received much from doing these readings the past three months. We live in overwhelming times, and astrology has the scope and depth to provide that crucial thing called orientation.

I know of no other astrologers who do this kind of long-form reading — an extended written reading and an hour of audio for each sign and rising sign.

Most would say it’s impossible. You may decide that based on the results that you get. At minimum, I promise you this: these readings will help you find your vision and get oriented where you are in life right now. There is a future, and it includes you. As much as they do anything else, these readings are designed to motivate you and connect you to your true potential.

If you are one of the many people who pre-purchased, thank you for making this the most successful annual in several years.

When you read astrology, you get the philosophy of the person doing the reading. There is little one can objectively say about a chart; so the viewpoint of the astrologer is essential. My personal perspective is to get right up close, and look with a wide lens. My intent is to offer you information about your context, and the possibilities I see within your environment.

In all the readings, I focus on relationships, social bonds, both work and work environment, and I invest much of the bandwidth of these readings on self-value and self-respect. While most influences coming from outside us seem designed to make us feel worthless, I am here to talk about your true worth and your gift the world.

The written readings look like the image below — which I encourage you to print and take full ownership of, like the start of an astrological diary.

I am happy to answer any questions; just reply or leave them in the comments. I will include Inner Space for all 12 signs as a gift to anyone who becomes a charter subscriber through the Substack system; you can see that under your upgrade options.

For full information and the current promo codes on the Planet Waves website, please check here.

Thank you for your business and your trust.

With love,

Welcome to Chiron Return - Planet Waves FM
Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return - Pacifica Radio Network
Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return - Pacifica Radio Network. We are a commercial free program that began on Radio Woodstock in September 1996.