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Dear Todd Harvey,

I dearly love Sherri Tenpenny. She has helped hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, with her messages and information about the harms of "vaccination." I have not spoken to her lately. I am not sure if she has been able to review the work of Lanka, Cowan, and Kaufman.

I have never spoken to Dr. Humphries. Hopefully, she too, will advance her thinking and understanding with more information. Unlike other allopaths, Dr. Humphries has demonstrated a willingness to look beyond dogma.

But I do not parrot the works of those who show that virology is unscientific, and filled with unfalsifiable claims and empty rhetoric. Rather, I have reviewed the original works of Iwanowski, Flexner, Enders, Rivers, Koch, Jenner, and more. Once a person reads the disgusting practices wherein they torture animals, or just poison chicken embryos, or humans, it is easy to see that germ theory, and claims about exogenous viruses and the efficacy of vaccines are silly and or dangerous.

Lastly, I wish nothing but the best for Cowan, and the Baileys, Lanka, et alia. Better that they get money, than Pfizer, Gates, Fauci, and others who promote death and poisoning.

Then again, you can always take the Offit challenge: 10,000 vaccines at one time (Pediatrics 2002, volume 109: 124-129). Please prove how good the shots are. We will wait for your press conference and demonstration.


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Again, viruses exist; vaccines are made from viruses. The so-called denatured viruses are re-vivifying in the wild. If viruses don't exist, where does polio vaccine come from? Why does it re-vivify and paralyze children?

The portion of the sars cov-2 virus used as the pattern for the mRNA vaccines produces the same pathologies of the wild virus. Thus fulfilling Koch's postulate, but in an amplified way. Just a portion, isolated, amplified, transfected - and you get 20+ victims dead of a mad-cow like disease within a month. CJD typically takes years.

In general, best to disbelieve Cowan and believe the CIA. They've put their money into making hellish weapons.

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Dear Todd Harvey,

Here is some of the science [sic] of polio virus (and note, these men presupposed that they had found some mythical virus - even though they could not see it or filter it):

From Flexner and Lewis (1912):

"The precise manner in which microorganisms enter the body through mucous membranes is difficult to establish."

(Note, they defined poliomyelitis virus as microorganisms, i.e., living things, akin to bacteria. Such is NOT the present-day, post 1955, definition)

"In experimental poliomyelitis produced by any method of injection, it is well known that the virus [sic] is present throughout the central nervous system."

(Here they use the term "experimental poliomyelitis" to mean paralysis and or death. Thus, the men could inject matter into monkeys and harm the animals. Such is NOT evidence of natural transmission of a pathogen.

Because the animals went lame, post injection, Flexner and Lewis declared that the paralysis was due to some mythical virus, in the central nervous system. The only obvious thing was that the humans poisoned the animals, via injection - hardly proof of a contagious virus),

Now they get more graphic about their cruelty.

"the nasal mucous membrane of a Macacus rhesus monkey was swabbed lightly with a portion of ground cord from a recently paralyzed monkey. The monkey was killed at the end of 48 hours and the [various] portions of the central nervous system were removed ... These different portions were injected separately, as suspensions, into the brain and peritoneal cavity of three other Macacus rhesus monkeys.

The monkey injected with the suspension of the olfactory lobes came down in a manner typical of poliomyelitis in monkeys, with definite prodromal symptoms on the ninth day, paralysis on the tenth and death on the twelfth day. At autopsy, lesions characteristic of the disease were observed throughout the [spinal] cord. The two other monkeys remained entirely well and have never shown any symptoms of paralysis. The result of this experiment is definite."

(So those butchers ground up spinal cords and brains of monkeys, and then INJECTED that material into other monkeys - one of which became paralyzed. Yet as two others were not paralyzed, Flexner and Lewis concluded that they knew where to find polio "virus." None of these torture practices proved the existence of virus. Nothing was isolated. They injected foreign proteins directly into the brains or upper abdominal areas of monkeys.)

"Vaccines" are not made from viruses. Wait, are you "taking the piss", again?


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In banking, this would be fraud. If an EMT did this, they would get arrested. If a cop did the equivalent, it would be national news. This virology shit is a work of total fraud, and worse, it covers up how the real issues all involve toxins.


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Re: Polio; Symptoms & timeline coincide with comprehensive DDT & Lead Arsenic spraying - a virus is the cover story to protect the liable state agencies, regulators & industrialists, they stopped spraying at the same time the vaccine was released - bingo, the cure!.

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