Welcome to Chiron Return - Planet Waves FM
Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return - Pacifica Radio Network
Sun Capricorn, Moon Pisces, Many Conjunctions

Sun Capricorn, Moon Pisces, Many Conjunctions

Open content audio update on the current intriguing chart. Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Vesta are all involved in conjunctions — representing an increase in focus and sense of movement.
Late afternoon winter light in upstate New York, in the wood shop of Arklight, the home of Dale Hartka and (upstairs) the community center where Dr. Cowan first met Dr. Kaufman two years ago. Dale staged the building of the 86-foot diameter building from this ground-floor area. This seems to be an antique lamp collection.

Good morning from a sunny, warmer than usual winter day in New York. I have some new astrology audio for you, plus a screen shot of the chart I used (not annotated). You may find more information about the most excellent Inner Space annual readings at this link. If you’ve ever wanted to try a more personal form of astrology and see what it can do for you, Inner Space is an affordable way to go — but moreover, trustworthy, as I have put so much attention, care and time into these audio and written readings. I am someone who is personally VERY careful what astrologers I listen to, because I know the influence that they can have. Thank you for your business and your trust.

Welcome to Chiron Return - Planet Waves FM
Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return - Pacifica Radio Network
Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return - Pacifica Radio Network. We are a commercial free program that began on Radio Woodstock in September 1996.