Hey there Elise,

I trust you’re well, and productive.

I wanted to follow up on our last conversation, which pertained to Julie Novak and Eva Tenuto’s involvement in the campaign to get me fired from several long-held contributor roles, my faculty membership at Omega, etc.

My team left the case file open pending certain missing elements of motivation and potential corporate influence. I had partial closure in December 2019 when an organizer working for Hillary Harvey (Chronogram) came forward and admitted her role in supporting a fraudulent accusation campaign.

Here is her letter.

She has also provided 2.5 hours of recorded (for radio) admission of her role, and describes the roles of many others, should I ever need it.

You may be aware that I knew personally the person at Omega Institute who took the call from Peter Buffet and typed the memo instructing Skip Backus to fire me - his administrative assistant at the time.

She got in touch and told me what happened there.

Omega’s termination of me was blamed (as I learned in state investigative testimony) on an accusation of “misogyny” allegedly made by Women’s Institute at Omega, then funded by Buffet at $175K/anum.

From there we connected some dots. Julie and Eva’s TMI was also receiving funding in six figures at the time, from what I have read on their website, potentially half of their funding, from Buffet.

Julie threw the first stone, “representing” the mysterious third party (Dana Barnett) who (through her) accused me of something nebulous and never articulated, with a public letter to the editor, Facebook post and campaign that got everything started.

Radio Kingston, on whose board Buffet sits, has received about $5m from him.

I recently learned from NoVo tax forms that in the three years following Chronogram terminating me, the magazine received at minimum $175K for its “River Newsroom” project beginning the very next year — 2019.

And Jesse Smith and Daniel Barton, both responsible for the libelous 6,000 word hit-job series in the Woodstock, New Paltz, and Kingston papers, were given $32K by Buffet the following year for their Kingston Wire project.

Five for five, accounting for all of the movers, actors, organizers and parties who published libelous statements. (A sixth potential actor is Ulster Publishing, but their writers were personally paid off, and Ulster receiving NoVo money has not been ruled out.)

Now we know why nobody wanted to talk, hear from me, interview me for the article, participate in “restorative justice,” etc. They were all being paid, or were immediately paid off.

Considering that the FBI offers an up-to $1 million reward for their most wanted terrorists, that is quite a bounty on my career and reputation for a mere astrology columnist.

In a word, this is racketeering dressed up as philanthropy.

Thankfully, we have not missed a day of serving the community since I met you, despite the best efforts of Mr. Buffet and his well-financed minions. Planet Waves and my journalism nonprofit Chiron Return continue to do what we can, including having made a major contribution to unraveling the scientific issues behind 2020+ crisis.

Thank you for your advocacy in 2018. If you have any questions, I am available.

Very truly yours,

Eric F. Coppolino

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Another voice in the no virus arena is Dr William Trebing (chiro). He wrote Goodbye Germ Theory back in 2000. My copy has so many sticky notes and highlights; it confirmed all my worst suspicions about the money motive of vaccines. I allowed my children to be vaccinated until the pressure from my pediatrician's office for the HPV vaccine for my 9 year old twin boys. I challenged the nurse by telling her not only were my 9 year olds not sexually active, but they didn't have a cervix. Their logic that taking the vaccine that young would protect future partners made as much sense as giving them the meningitis vaccine at around the same time because they would be required to have it before they went to college. Clearly the agenda is not about wellness.

Amy Goodman also freaked me out on the covid narrative. The other person I thought wouldn't go along with the narrative was Chris Hedges. I couldn't believe these two people that usually comment against the powers that be were going along with what was obviously a phony narrative.

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Amy (and Chris) have also continued to stand behind the official 9/11 disinformation story, after over 20 years. She was filmed running away from the WTC7 site right as the building came down!!

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Oh.my.bob! Thank you for telling me, I had no idea. Unfortunately, I was still paying attention to NPR back then, but had no idea Amy was there. Good grief.

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Amy Goodman...what a disappointment. I stopped watching and donating to Democracy Now given her sell-out to the COVID mainstream narrative with apparently no investigative research.

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I would welcome your support. I am the only part of Pacifica that challenged the narrative at all, and I took a leadership position with my chronology and coverage of the digital angle

thank you so much Janice.

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Eric, I know about your chronology and have learned so much from you about Covid, the PCR test and many other things. I have been a core community member of Planet Waves for many years and that is how I contribute to your work .

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Thank you Janice. Truly appreciate your studious quality — and your membership. You know I try to offer something of greater value than the money.

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Just gone done with the radio program regarding #MeToo. It makes total sense the source is corporate. I just finished Vivek Ramaswamy's book "Woke Inc." He convincingly shows that Woke ideology has been corporate funded from the beginning. It's not "Cultural Marxism" (a contradiction in terms anyway) as so many right wingers claim. #MeToo and Woke ideology are both tools for divide and rule as well as virtue signalling smokescreen to distract from what Big Business is up to.

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The trope about cultural marxism is the new red scare reinvented. I hear many people in the so-called freedom movement confusing totalitarianism and this new end stage of capitalism with communism.

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Yes, it's - almost - fascinating how Cold War tropes have been resuscitated especially as the evidence for such "conflict" (a communist conspiracy to take over the world) is nonexistent. There does not exist a communist political economy anywhere. We have state-controlled capitalism vs corporate-controlled capitalism. In fact, the Right actually thinks that the Liberal/Woke establishment is an expression of SOCIALISM even though the ideology is driven by the most powerful and wealthy capitalists the world has ever seen.

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Cuba is state-controlled capitalism not Communism? My family had all of their land and businesses stolen by Fidel - we were happy, wealthy capitalists before him. Over 60 years later and you think Communism doesn't exist? My life experience vs your textbook knowledge🤔 right wing conspiracy👌

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Ok, let's say that Cuba is communist. Is little Cuba taking over the world? No it's not. None of the Great Reset[ters] are communists by any stretch. Is Bill Gates a communist? He made is vast wealth as a capitalist. For 40 years or so the titans of US Big Business and their counterparts in the US government sought to outsource consumer-goods manufacturing to China (creating the Rust Belt among other damage to the domestic economy and working people) as well as increase their profit margins with cheap Chinese labor. They are and have been the crucible of anticommunism. Why would they do that if China really had a communist economy?. The CCP is full of billionaires. There's all kinds of evidence that China is state capitalist. Whether Cuba is or is not communist really has little to do with what's been happening to the world for the last 4 years. However, how Cuba has gone along with the Covid policies, in lockstep with every capitalist country, suggests - at minimum - that they are not independent from global capitalism.

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Cuba has to be a large country in order to be Communist? Is that what your textbooks teach you? Cuba didn't follow the rest of the capitalist countries as far as Covid is concerned. They refused the mRNA transfections and created/manufactured their own.

Yes, China has billionaires - but they're hand picked by their Communist regime - and the government has to own a percentage of all companies.

There's more to Communism than the size of a country or whether or not there are billionaires- you'd know that if you had actual life experiences, not textbook knowledge.🤦‍♀️

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RE: Cuba has to be a large country in order to be Communist?

Where did I say that? More importantly, it wasn't the CCP that imposed the Lockdown policies in the West. We know who the architects of these polices were/are, and all them in the US and the West were/are capitalists from Bill Gates to, Albert Bourla, to Larry Fink, capitalists all. If China and Cuba are following many of the same policies*, then it more suggests that they are not independent of the capitalist global economy and therefore are subject to it.

*There was no need for a mRNA vaccine in Cuba because there was no need for any vaccines of any kind at all. There was no pandemic for which a vaccine was needed. That's the big psy-op. Covid was rebranded flu and pneumonia. See the work of Dr. Denis Rancourt. This can get you started:


Neither China nor Cuba created the UN's Agenda 2030, the WEF's Great Reset or the WHO's Pandemic Treaty. By blaming China or communism, you're just letting those responsible off the hook.

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Yep, it is laughable, but is an example of how people's melons have been twisted for decades with misinformation and disinformation. It is true that the language of the left has been co-opted and appropriated, but that is how the beast works. And there is no left left so now the liberal woke are called left. And what was the left, self proclaimed socialists and communists became authoritarian with covid.. Shockingly so....I was involved in some groups pre-covid and they kicked me off and called me fascist, Trump supporter and grandma killer when I questioned the pandemic and shared my thinking and evidence. How they fell for the obvious planned divisiveness, which I think was the reason behind Trump's selection as president, is beyond me. Most of these people were credentialed academics.

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RE: ...the reason behind Trump's selection as president...

Mark Crispin Miller also believes Trump was installed, that is, he didn't win in 2016 (although MCM claims he did win in 2020). The Trump as Russian asset goes back to 2015, which was laughable on its face I thought at the time, the CIA had to turn him into Hitler, a 24/7 full-court fear campaign by the MSM, got most people to turn off their brains. The Censorship Industrial Complex was born in the last months of the Obama administration but was fully constructed while Trump was in office (under the auspices of the DHS), ostensibly a department he controlled. It was during Trump that it became overtly clear that the deep state really runs the country. Unfortunately, the right-leaning health freedom movement has ceased to be (or never really was) truth seeking. This doesn't fit their narrative as neither does the corporate origins of Woke Ideology or the fact that their was no pandemic as the diligent research of Dr. Denis Rancourt and his team has repeatedly demonstrated. (If there was no pandemic, then there certainly was no "lab leak" either - another pillar of the Right's pandemic narrative).

Go to the 22 minute mark:


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Oh, I don't think Russia had anything to do with it. I do not think the people have elected a president since Kennedy, and even that is suspect since the mob had its fingers in the deal. The Russiagate imbroglio was just another spectacle to keep people watching and waiting while the machinations of capital continued all around them.

But the pandemic killed a number of birds...the first being the financial aspect. Here Fabio Vighi breaks down what was happening in the financial markets in 2019. https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/.

Vighi also talks about capitalism’s endgame…as we know it.

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Fabio Vighi, definitely worth re-reading - thanks.

There are so many good lines in his seminal article, this one stood out:

"...one ‘follows the science’ while pretending not to know that ‘science follows the money’.

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Heard part II. You raise excellent questions about Reiner "Fuel Me" Fullmich, some rather shady money plays on his part per his own statement defending himself!

And WOW, regarding the segment about Me Too and the way Peter Buffet, Warren's son and the head of the NoVo Foundation, and the way money was thrown around to all the entities which acted to attack you, be they Radio Kingston or Chronogram or.... , the $32 million given by NoVo to the Me Too movement, and shady or downright fictitious people being used in the effort to target you in what seriously appears to be a coordinated campaign.

I am so glad you stood up and fought. And i'm ashamed to say that i was too intimidated back at the time (2018, 2019) to call out what seemed like rather sketchy practices on the part of this movement and the very willing support being given it in corporate media like CNN. I allowed my guilt over the sexist patriarchal legacy of this society and the way i played along with (or outright participated) in it to overwhelm my ability to reason things out.

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and now it's time to question the "sexist patriarchal legacy" version of events. there are many other sides to the story, and that one is highly selective.

and even if that is true

the obscene proposed "solutions."

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There is a sexist patriarchal legacy, a fact. Girls in New York City public schools could only apply to one of the three high schools specializing in math, science, tech,... That being Bronx Science. If you lived in Brooklyn or Queens and wanted to pursue that line of learning, forget it. There was only one woman in my mechanical engineering major the whole time i was there. No accident. Major aspects of society were restricted. Denying this is like trying to deny racial discrimination, ethnic/religious discrimination (Jews kept out of Harvard till around WWII).....

There are no solutions within existing society. Hierarchy is the root of all such divisions. Goes hand in hand with class society. People were realizing this in the Sixties, till COINTELPRO succeeded in re-dividing us.

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"..If you take refuge in my program ..."

That is exactly how it feels to listen to your program. A refuge. That is why I love Planet Waves so much.

I have tapped into your wave-length, and you seemingly have tapped into mine.

I hear your words, and wish I could be so perfectly clear and unambiguous. This is a skill

and gift that I do not have, a supra-command of the English Language.

Grateful & appreciative to be part of your universe.

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Excellent observation, Eric, regarding Cummins as well as the letter from the woman who sympathizes with his perspective. He has said he will lie to protect his operational space, while presenting himself to the public as dedicated to total honesty. And she says she can sympathize with his feeling like he needs to lie, in order to safeguard his space which is built upon... total honesty. It's amazing, the capacity to do double-think. Digital disembodiment deluxe.

Excellent presentation of the history of the "no-proof-of-virus" milieu. One person who i feel was left out is Dr Saeed Qureshi, who has done great work exposing the science reality behind the "SARS-CoV-2 isolates available in the market place" scam, which is often used as supposed proof that the virus has been "isolated and sequenced."

The entire Fuellmich affair is bizarre. Do i take it that Vivian is now also on the outs with the Corona Committee and being charged with fraud?

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I really miss the old musical intro that you used to use. It was so eerie and beautiful!

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Proximity by Vision Quest. It's been quite a few years...second longest theme I've had in the show's history (the longest was A New Order by Tino Izzo).

Here's the whole track, since you like it...Dan Grimsland, Billy Riker and me.


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i'm intrigued by Julian Jaynes' research, the two hemispheres of the brain and body, the rational and nonrational

this is the domain of Mercury, the ambidextrous (and androgynous) god, the only one who is not one sided

i haven't read his book but i have some preliminary and general thoughts nonetheless

his "theory" is surely true, we live in a "bicameral" dualistic world (Mercury and Shiva are the exceptions.. they take 1 and 1 and make 3)

but he misapplies the word "consciousness"

what he means is "rationality" this is what's correlated to language

true consciousness is in the realm of the ineffable, ie no language

yes an animal doesn't have language, but no one in the world can convince me that it's not conscious

everything and everyone is conscious! we all are and always will be, to various degrees

these might seem like pedantic points, but words matter

let's preserve "consciousness" for what it truly is... awareness and thought that is completely independent of any brain or body

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Eric- I like you and your program and subscribe and hope you can take some constructive criticism. Your sociological consciousness is naïve. It is not possible to “get to the bottom of things about viruses” because all the funding comes through the Defense Department Bio-Warfare mission. Even if DOD knows what is behind viruses, they are not going to reveal it because it would be a war time secret and psyop. As Russian homeopath doctor Kate Sugak has pointed out in the documentary The Truth About Smallpox, “Pasteurized virology” began as a way France could deter immigration and win wars. Moreover, the liar, by definition, knows when he is lying. The ideologist does not. And most medical professionals are captives to ideology. Both medical research and medicine are comprised of secret professional societies and cadres that override health agencies and academies and think tanks. And, by definition, medical professionals and researchers are strongly socialized (8-10 years) into assuming the occupational ideologies of their professions.

As for Poornima Wagh’s lack of support for her reported two PhD’s, Dr. Lee Merritt, MD, former chief of medical credentials for a large hospital, Navy surgeon, and anti-vaccine advocate, has issued a statement clarifying Wagh’s qualifications and Wagh’s reticence to have to get into the brutal public arena to defend herself. That Wagh comes from a shaming culture in India may have something to do with this. Frankly, she runs circles around you, Kaufman and Lanka. How can she know that much and in such detail? Sorry, I find her most credible but the information she imparts is important to hear. Sure the “deep state” wants to marginalize her. Her initial video interview is found on Dr. Lee Merritt’s homepage @ https://drleemerritt.com and Merritt’s follow up support for Wagh’s qualifications is https://faketube.com/video/5206. Having worked for government my entire work career, I know firsthand how vicious it can be to its own employees when they are afraid their secrets might be divulged, let alone to someone academia wants to shut up or their DOD grants will be revoked.

You might be interested to read sometime how Enron was viciously criminalized and blamed for the 2001 California Energy Crisis, resulting in the incarceration of their COO and death of their CEO, when such was a coverup for a crime. I formed a Task Force for the largest water agency at that time and found there was no energy crisis but instead a financing crisis of how California was going to pay the $43 billion bill to clean up its smog traps (go here to read about the real Enron story - https://climate-science.press/2023/06/14/recent-science-hoaxes-reruns-of-2001-california-energy-crisis/. This story has been removed all across the net except the above link.

Best regards

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"As for Poornima Wagh’s lack of support for her reported two PhD’s, Dr. Lee Merritt, MD, former chief of medical credentials for a large hospital, Navy surgeon, and anti-vaccine advocate, has issued a statement clarifying Wagh’s qualifications and Wagh’s reticence to have to get into the brutal public arena to defend herself. That Wagh comes from a shaming culture in India may have something to do with this. Frankly, she runs circles around you, Kaufman and Lanka."

Wagh passed off her 2 PhDs as a key aspect of her qualifications. Neither one of these alleged degrees withstands the light of day. Merritt spewed nonsense in defending her, mostly because she invested a lot of reputation in her. Wagh disclosed in her interview with Eric a lack of knowledge of basic lab procedures. What she passed off as her testing for "COVID" is absolute garbage. You can read about it


An audio with the same theme,


" It is not possible to “get to the bottom of things about viruses” because all the funding comes through the Defense Department Bio-Warfare mission. Even if DOD knows what is behind viruses, they are not going to reveal it because it would be a war time secret and psyop"

The term "bio-warfare" is bogus. It is a concept based about bio-weapons, entities which after entering a person get spread via "contagion," transmission from one human to another via ordinary interaction. But contagion "theory" (actually, an unproven hypothesis) has never been demonstrated to ever happen, in the face of 120+ years of numerous experiments to do so, including the infamous Rosenau experiments involving the 1918 "Spanish" (Kansas) Flu.


Virology - The Damning Evidence. The Stake In The Heart For This Pseudoscientific Profession. DPL, 3/7/23.

No virus has ever been demonstrated to exist via physical isolation and purification, and no bacteria or fungi have ever been shown to be pathogenic. Funding for research projects no more proves their viability or the existence of viruses any more than do patents. You are just helping to perpetuate the fraud.

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Mr. Stahl - you're not telling me anything I don't already know. I don't care what credentials Wagh has or does not have, I found her more credible and informative than anyone else in the No Virus effort. She does not want to be in the public eye likely because HER FATHER depends on research grants from Pfizer. You and Coppollino are too eager to discredit her. Credentialism is not a pathway to truth. I think a farmer may have more to tell us about the virus issue than those with PhD's. Pat Jordan a farmer in Illinois has written several anti vax books at his website Vaccine Fraud @ Substack. Jordan republished Edgar March Crookshank's book History and Pathology of Vaccination 1889, Volumes 1 and 2 (1200 pages).

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<< She does not want to be in the public eye likely because HER FATHER depends on research grants from Pfizer. >>

Show me that fact, Wayne. it's not of record.

What is of record is her claimed institution disavowing her in front of scenes and behind the scenes interviews. And please, what was the title of her thesis. That is all I asked of her. Plus, she had spent the past six months on bigger and bigger podcasts. This was a wholly public figure.

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Like i said, she had no knowledge of basic lab techniques, something which was exposed during her interview. This has nothing to do with credentials. That you find her "credible and informative" when this is true says a lot about your gullibility. And SHE was the one who made a big deal about her alleged credentials.

"Lab Methods and ‘Patient Zero’

She was referring to a Planet Waves FM interview conducted Friday, Aug. 26. In that discussion, Wagh said that in April 2020, she worked in a university laboratory that received 1,500 samples of bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid (BALF) purportedly taken from pneumonia patients in California, all of whom had allegedly tested “positive” for SARS-CoV-2 using the standard PCR test.

This is an enormous cohort for a virus isolation project, by any measure.

She said that under a grant from a university in Texas, the California lab was given the task of isolating intact SARS-CoV-2 from a human host.

She would not identify any of the institutions involved, claiming she was afraid of being sued. She also claimed that the principal investigator on the study she worked on — her boss, who ran the project — had mysterously died in Costa Rica several days ago, in late August 2022. She did not give the person’s name.

If her principal investigator is dead, that also means she cannot be contacted to confirm or deny Wagh’s claims.

Wagh also said that two other people who had worked on the team had also died, which she considered suspicious. And finally, she has claimed in several interviews that the FBI raided the lab and seized all the papers and computers associated with the virus isolation study. That suggests that none of her backing data is available. However, she claims to have the final scientific paper that came out of the work — but will not provide it.

Wagh said that the lab where she worked had individually analyzed 756 of the 1,500 samples, but could not isolate a particle that could be characterized as SARS-CoV-2. All they could find was "random cellular debris." She went onto say that when sequenced, this did not match the genome for "Patient Zero."

When pressed for who exactly "Patient Zero" was — that is, which hypothetical genome she was matching against — she did not know. "Patient Zero" is not a term used in the SARS-CoV-2 crisis.

Rather, in the history of virology, it is a direct reference to the first (falsely) claimed AIDS patient, Gaetan Dugas, who was said to have gone on to personally infect all of North America. Historically, the thing about “Patient Zero” is that he did not exist; the story was not true. And the term has never been used again.

"I don't know much. I just know there's one patient. There's actually 10 patients but only one patient they did the lung lavage on, apparently."

Graphic from the infamous Corman-Drosten paper, published Jan. 23, 2020, comparing genes from six different claimed sequences of “SARS-CoV-2.” The paper offers the first public PCR assay design, used by the WHO.

Wagh Did Not Know Multiple ‘SARS-CoV-2’ Genomes Existed

"I didn't know there were two genomes. I thought there was just one," she said. But in fact, by late January 2020, there were 28 published theoretical or in silico sequences for SARS-CoV-2. But she didn’t seem to know that there were quite a few as of last week, either.

She was unaware that Christian Drosten's team in Germany used half a dozen different sequences to design their PCR protocol that was then published by the World Health Organization in mid-January. Currently, about 12 million claimed genomes of “SARS-CoV-2” are deposited into the GISAID.org genetic library.

But most astonishingly, she did not know till I informed her during our conversation one week ago that there were any multiple sequences. She thought there was simply “Patient Zero" and had no idea who that was — or what accession number (the specific virus ID in any of the datbases) she was supposedly testing against.

As for the many claimed sequences in early 2020, while the existence of multiple virus codes is not common public knowledge, one would expect a double Ph.D. working on a major viral isolation project associated with this specific (claimed) virus "to know this information cold," said Mike Donio, a molecular biologist who has worked for 20 years in industry and academic laboratory settings.

Donio said that a lab would not run the samples individually in a process like this, as Wagh claimed, but rather run them in batches. “The goal was to find the virus particle, not to diagnose an individual case,” Donio said. “Labs often do batch analysis,” especially if time and money are an issue. “If they needed to go back and figure out which sample it came from, that could be done in a second step.”

Donio was also critical of Wagh’s claim of de novo sequencing of what she called “random cellular debris” from these samples, which she said did not align with any prior sequences. This, she said, proved that the virus does not exist.

“Who cares if you just end up with cellular debris?” Donio asked. “Of course you are going to have tons of genetic material in from the cells as they break down. It's more than enough to assemble whatever kind of genome you want. It would be more shocking to find no sequences or no RNA [to match the alleged SARS-CoV-2 genome] in such a pool.”

Wagh said that the team that did the purported study of the 756 samples had prepared a formal scientific paper reporting the result that they could not find the SARS-CoV-2 virus. But she said the paper, which survived the claimed FBI raid that took all of the other records, has not been published. Planet Waves FM asked her for a copy of the paper, or at least the methodology section — but she did not provide it.

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Ok now you're getting more specific but pretty ticky tacky. What about the virus/no virus issue? Do you think she misinforms on that issue? And is she less credible than say Coppollino the self-proclaimed astrologist? I would listen to a lab tech over a PhD. I find nurses have a better understanding about COVID than doctors. You need to disclose your own qualifications don't you think if credentials are the only pathway to truth - which is obviously not valid. Common sense still has a role in getting at truth. For example, nothing in the human body happens in isolation but Koch's Postulates require isolation.

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She's a lab tech who doesn't know basic lab procedures.

" I find nurses have a better understanding about COVID than doctors." Just what the fuck is "COVID"?

"And is she less credible than say Coppollino the self-proclaimed astrologist? " Before he was that (and he's more than "self-proclaimed," he was paid by major media outlets to do this), he was an investigative reporter specializing in chemical industry fraud, he cut his investigative teeth doing stuff like Love Canal and dioxin, became well-known for the expose regarding the State University of New York's New Paaltz campus over a big chemcial accident in the dorms which the U tried to cover up. He built his reputation by earning it, doing actual investigation. She obviously knows shit about important stuff. Yes, she misinfoms because she puts forth misinformation, if not disinformation (intent is the difference, she obviously knows she is lying about stuff. You seem to have no problems with this.

"nothing in the human body happens in isolation but Koch's Postulates require isolation. " You are just tossing out words with zero understanding as to what's what. Body processes require lots of factors happening together, but proteins which exist in our bodies can be isolated, bacteria which inhabit our bodies can be isolated.... Koch's Postulates require that any organism suspected of being a pathogen be isolated, found in the body of everyone who has the alleged disease, and only in the bodies of the sick. Only after isolation can such entities be investigated as to whether they are pathogenic. You seem to lack a basic understanding of science, period.

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Jeff, re Wagh, we do not need circumstantial information and Lee Merritt is wholly irrelevant and lying to save face. What matters is that London Tropical said she didn't go there, and I have that from the institution independently twice. Case closed.

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