I recently read that CDC increased the range of "acceptability" for Dioxin postw-EP incident.

While I completely agree with your assessments on this, Eric, and your dogged work. If we step back to see just how bad things are regarding the toxic stew we live in and what the military complex does to this once pristine land called America, I think the lack of care has its roots there.

The land is poisoned from stem to stern. The MIC has bought the "protectors" and given them the job of never ending remediation. It's a jobs program the MIC is fond of. It keeps the wheels turning as they bomb away destroying the hinterland in preparation for WWIII.

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This land: poisoned, from sea to shining sea, strangled with fences, and stuck with knives.


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It's amazing how many nukes they've tested in the hinterland.

Makes you wonder. What the MIC does is they partner with most of big environmental orgas and universities to play mitigation. Keeps the grant money flowing, and their mouth's shut.

It's called the Trillion Dollar Silencer.

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Here,, here!

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Insane, considering we don't even know where to test soil was sourced from. I can't imagine the results of the soil directly under the tracks. As early as the Saturday Feb 4th, rail crews were prepping to lay new track to resume rail traffic by Feb 7th. Nothing is done with remediation, even those crew workers are falling ill.

But then again this is the same gov't that promoted and encouraged toxins to be injected into the citizens throughout 2021 to present, so I'm not surprise by their lack of accountability and response here. If anything they're more upset about physical and financial loss nearly 60k gallons of polypropylene glycol used as an ingredient in their bio toxin programs

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Yes. This seems to be the message that needs to be driven home: We can’t expect elected officials to do the right thing. The fact those people are still there and the town has not been considered a biohazard until proven otherwise says this loud and clear. It’s the same message from Covid: They do not have your back and are not looking out for the people. We’re going to need to find ways of looking out for one another. (Pluto in Aquarius.)

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We truly need to build parallel systems as change is ahead. Elected officials and appointed officials really aren't accountable to the people any longer, but instead their corporate and financial donors. It's gets worse going from state to federal level. Change has to occur in local politics. I hope this what the citizens of East Palestine and the surrounding communities and counties can do going forward. Norfolk Southern might listen when a county sheriff or judge orders operations to cease on that railroad. Change will comes from this as I believe a big conundrum ahead, as many of the side effects of dioxin poison overlap the ones from bio toxin injection poisoning that more people are becoming aware of.

The East Palestine disaster is a real catastrophe occurring in a system that has built it's "competence on managing crisis" based on a narrative of lies. In hard times you truly see people and power structures for what they are.

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And I think this Dioxin impact went a LOT farther than Ohio & its once very beautiful & productive Farmlands!!... still getting into the food chain, no doubt!!...

ATTN: Does anyone have any practical information on how Dioxins travel in wind currents, dust, rainfall, etc.?!!.. Can they gauge transmissibility based on its Size or Molecular Weight??!.. I know they can do that with various radionuclide particulate matter, such as from the Fukushima nuclear accident! For example, Cesium cannot travel nearly as far in the jet stream, as a lighter radioactive Iodine can travel!!..

**There MUST be a clear parallel here that can allow for precise calculations -or even an estimate- regarding the whereabouts of these very Notorious Dioxins in question!!...

Let's hear it!!-

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I coudn't agree more on the parallel system. Why I'm learning how to work on my set of skills daily- mainly gardening, seed-saving, and detox.

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What makes me wonder that even deer and elk have died of poisoning, yet there are no reports about human casualties.

Also, "Indiana" doing any testing doesn't exactly generate much trust. The areal poisoning must also be addressed that goes on hundreds of miles in all directions, endangering livestock, the food supply, and human lives.

Moreover, there have been too many derailments recently all over the country, suggesting that all these damages were intentional.

In the East Palestine case, there is no doubt:


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Eric addressed this question here.


The idea that you can arrange such a derailment to occur in a specific spot due to brake failure/fire, which went on for 30 miles before the derailment finally happened, is ludicrous. In fact, over the last 30 years, there have been over 5 derailments a day in the US, many likely involved toxic chemicals. This was simply a particularly bad one, an accident just waiting to happen, because we as a society did shit about it.

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Yes, Eric did write about it, as I have also addressed the problems in the above link. There were too many coincidences in East Palestine to call them an accident.

My questions remain unanswered... Lots of people have been writing about the derailments, but the results remain a bit inconclusive. The areal poisoning is certainly happening, and I bet there are also humans dropping dead.

Also, poisoning is not restricted to derailments:


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What "coincidences"? With the movie? No, a stretch, it was filmed all over northeast Ohio. And the course of events is totally different.

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Allegedly, the fire was caused by a bad axle, but it happened on the ominous car and the flames suggested arson.

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Even arson cannot induce a derailment 30 miles from where it happened.

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Who say it happened 30 miles later?

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My suspicion about the animal deaths is that they were outside, at ground zero when the fire was set. The fallout from the cloud fell on them directly. They breathed in the air and when they ate contaminated foliage and drank contaminated water, that was the death blow that their immune systems just couldn’t overcome, a three-front assault if you will. Eventually we will see more health issues in the human population. There will be a cumulative effect over time, unlike the animals that took a direct hit at the time.

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Actually, I remember reading about a dog owner, who let his dog out for a leak, and the dog died, so outside it is, but how come no human was outside?

Yes, accumulation of the toxins in the body does apply, but it also applies to humans.

There are already plenty of reports about health damages.

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Thank you for this important update.

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I'm really glad Zsuzsa Gyenes got out of her place, with her boy and pets. Damn!

No surprise Indiana's governor finds it "acceptable." So much for the idea that the media and the power structure are hyping the dioxin threat regarding the East Palestine event.

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Zsuzsa Gyenes stated "My teeth feel like they’re gonna fall out, I might puke, and my chest, throat, and eyes hurt. I’ve only been in town for roughly 15 mins.”

This reminds me of walking over Newtown Creek, which separate Brooklyn from Queens, when i was 19, in 1966, with my older brother, and the two of us having to stagger across due to the horrible sensation and growing sense of chocking. The waterway later became a Superfund site.

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Eric interesting how this comports with what happened in Northern Italy that got Operation Covid launched. Btw, dioxin played a role.


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I found an old Supreme Court opinion you may or may not be familiar with; Government of Guam vs the United States. It speaks about the

“Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)”. Including over 20+ different case opinions surrounding events similar to what happened in Ohio in the sense of toxic air, water and land at the fault of others, 3rd parties, etc. It may or may not be beneficial in this situation. If anything, it is an interesting read about our government’s secret shenanigans. Discover how they have always seemed to manage to remove theirselves from any liability. This isn’t something new...just the first time media was too busy focusing on something else🤦🏻‍♀️first time Biden has been president too.


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“Often as a result of military activity, the United States bears at least partial responsibility for high-priority contaminated sites in nearly every State.” - Guam vs US

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Also if you read Norfolk’s toxic materials tariff 👀

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Crimes Against Humanity! God Bless You & Your Efforts! EVACUATE NOW

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If we had the means to we would.. unfortunately a lot of us in the area that have small children have put everything we have into the homes they have destroyed. We are at the hands of our government..

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I didn't think I could get farther away, but I stayed with an extended relative, worked remotely, and they happened to have awesome, protected well water!!.. It's worth an intense try. I immediately felt 200% better & it only took 5 hours of driving at top speed. They have hosted me all free of charge, including meals, although I hadn't seen them in person for a few years!!.. Trust me, family or friends WILL Help!!.. It's Time!!-

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Land Grab...

There have been over a dozen derailments and chemical spills on railways in just the past few months, some of which, like the one in East Palestine, are highly suspicious. And these chemical spills could be used as an excuse by the state to evacuate you from your homes and steal your land.

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, commonly known as Superfund, was enacted by Congress in 1980.

The Superfund provides the EPA with the authority to seize control of private lands for long-term remedial response actions during the event of a toxic disaster.

If what we are being told about the chemicals that were burned and released into East Palestine is true, then the EPA could plausibly shut down a massive area. And Cleveland can house the dislocated Ohioans in their 15-Minute Cities while the government cleans up the mess and accepts the land as payment.


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That land is useless for centuries, dioxin contamination is deadly and is forever.

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Some military bases where they've exploded all kinds of bombs are converted into parks for the plebs to fish in the local lakes. A kid around 10 won't die from dioxin until they're around 60ish of cancer. That's how these psychos calculate it.

They rebuilt Hiroshima and Nagasaki right after the "nukes" were supposedly dropped. Those cities quickly became tourist sites.

Where there's a buck there's a way.

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Dioxin is different from what's founded on military bases and even in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where people were dying for a long time from radiation-correlated illnesses. Right, "supposedly" dropped even though hundreds of thousands of Japanese were eyewitnesses. And do you really think they can control how far the effects of the toxic cloud spread, that they think they are immune to its effects? It's likely impacting areas like around New York, Philadelphia, Boston,.... where THEY live too.

But you are right in one thing, the planners are psychopaths, or (more likely) sociopaths. So their calculations don't always make sense. Still, it's amazing how much power some people assign them so as to think an event like this could be perfectly planned. Some such people are antagonistic to the powers only because they are jealous of how much power they have.

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I think there's a great deal we can't fathom. Geoengineering and spreading of millions of tons of toxic nanoparticles, massive 5G rollout and much more that you'd think Gates, et al would want to avoid since they live in the same ecosystem.

Some of this I think is pure smoke and mirrors (viruses) which can be very effective. Others like chemicals, heavy metals, explosives, nanoparticles in the air, food, soil and water, EMF as a weapon are clearly very real.

Could the bombing of Nagasaki and Japan have occurred as we were told from birth? Fear is the major weapon.

I don't think "their" plans are always successful, frequently it appears they're not, but they can do a helluva lot of damage in trying. (Technology is much more fragile than any notion of a dystopian smart city run with 4IR with full control. However we've walked down this path for a long time and I think many are more than willing to "own nothing and be happy".)

I do think the aim is domination of everything, and most assuredly land is critical to any such plan.

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The continuation of high tech will be pretty impossible given the very real energy and raw materials shortages the real physical planet presents. Some hi tech whiz kids may think differently, but that's just a measure of psychopaths/sociopaths rule that roost.

The idea that humans can control the weather (vs interfere with it and muck it up is human hubris supreme. Some of the powers-that-be may believe it, but the science facts are to the contrary. If the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were fake, many Japanese sure did a great job faking radiation sickness.

A friend of mine on Peak Oil.

If anyone here believes that there is going to be a "4th Industrial Revolution", I would encourage you to investigate the following topics:

1) What "funded" the 2nd Industrial Revolution (Klaus Schwab's nomenclature) Hint: Black Gold

2) New Oil field discovery rates (I mean petroleum: crude oil, so-called "condensates", natural gas, bitumen, etc)

3) Oil field Depletion rates

4) total Global Crude Oil Production over time

5) Peak Oil


NO ONE likes to talk about this, and i always get heavily flamed when i bring it up, but the fact is, ALL Industrial Civilization as we know it (post 1860), all technology, all innovation has been funded by cheap petroleum... NOW GONE FOREVER.

BIG PROBLEM: for most of ~8B people, there are 10 calories of petroleum in every 1 calorie of our food. We absolutely need cheap petroleum in order to feed 8B people.

(There are about 1B people that live on subsistence farms, without most technology, and are essentially off-grid).

As Toronto filmmaker Barry Silverthorn so eloquently stated in his film, End of Suburbia, the very way our cities have been designed also require automobiles, tires, roads, all made from petroleum. https://youtu.be/Q3uvzcY2Xug

We are facing a mass dieoff of humanity, and it really has nothing to do with Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab. This collapse is inevitable. What Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and the WHO are trying to do is manage it. They are trying to perform the depopulation in a controlled way. Hence: Lockdowns and Clotshots.

The "4th Industrial Revolution" is code language for how the billionaires are going to maintain their power and control during collapse. Global Crude Oil Production peaked November 2018 at around 102 M BBLs/day. That was an inflection point, the peak of a bell curve. Now, the 1st Derivative of the production curve is changing from +positive to 0 to -negative. But the human population is still growing, th7s creating a demand for MORE plastics, and MORE cell phones, and MORE computers... all which require massive amounts of energy expenditure.

Excellent film by the Post Carbon Institute:

There is no tomorrow:



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Yes, we've lost the word "limits" and the importance of discernment. Schwab, et al have polluted the debate by attempting own it. And that is where you have been running into arguments.

I'm familiar with Hubbard's curve, but Hubbard (and Richard Heinberg's work at PCI) has been corrupted since he was a co-founder of Technocracy Inc. But I don't think he developed the curve as an ideological ploy, but as a means to determine resource limits on planet Earth.

There's also the issue of understanding terms like "peak" which simply means that extraction energy exceeds the energy return and thus the play has peaked.

So I follow, and pretty much agree with you case (every so often, like now, I revisit E.F. Schumacher for sanity).

I never said that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not bombed and many suffered and died due to that invasion. What I am open to is the idea that it may not have been the "success" the Manhattan project. In fact it could have been use of a plan B due to the fact that the science to make such a bomb could not deliver. Alternatively the bombing appears to be identical to that encountered in Tokyo and other Japanese towns - firebombing. In the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the use of napalm incendiary and mustard gas to provide the residue of radioactivity. The Japanese didn't know what hit them and they were told what happened. Japan was blocked off from outside communication and so the story has continued. Dr. Michael Palmer has provided much of the evidence for this alternative destruction theory.


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If we randomly test a sample of soil from an area not considered suspected to be contaminated, what levels of TCDD would we typically find?

The assays are so sensitive & methods of concentration well established that even very low levels may be quantified.

I ask in order to put the recent samples in context?

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And are there any known parameters about how far Dioxins can travel from such an accident via wind currents, precipitation, etc.??!.. Scientists are able to estimate the travel span for many different types of Radionuclides after a nuclear accident based on the relative molecular weights & particulate sizes!!.. That type of established, basic Dioxin information, or any known patterns, would be extremely relevant & helpful now!!-

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Good questions. I have no idea about that. Even if we did, I reason that amount released will make the area affected very different. For example, a tiny amount dispersed over x square miles is so diluted that there would be no toxicity. But 100x might contaminate the computed landing area. I think the best approach would be empirical, because it’s not hard to measure (though not as easy as radioactivity).

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Thank you! I can't believe how little information is known or discussed about Dioxins, a severe toxin-?!!....

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I must repeat that it’s I who lacks knowledge. I don’t know what is known. Though my original training in toxicology did include dioxin, the emphasis was on molecular mechanisms of toxicity. There were no lectures on the environmental toxicity of dioxin. I expect we do know much more than I do on that front. However, my truthful response is not to lay claim to knowledge I don’t have.

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Thanks for your responses. I have not seen a lot of helpful information, except for clinical studies that showed that green tea/matcha, broccoli sprouts, cruciferous veggies, seaweed (esp. Wakame?), and Chlorella empirically block its capacity to unload toxic effects on your body??!!... We need MORE Info!!-

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I get it that it's extremely Toxic, the question is-- what do you do about it, ASAP??!!...

*Also, I read that NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) and Vit. C are very, very helpful!!-

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Eric, thank you for staying on this. It’s pretty clear the powers that be and MSM are using the Tucker/J6 kerfuffle as cover to forget about E. Palestine.

Particularly glad you shared Zsuzsa’s post. Your interview with her was very compelling and helped hammer home the true human impact of this mess. I hope you are able to stay in touch with her so we can see how things unfold.

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Thank you, Eric, for your continued, excellent journalism, reporting known, historical steps that must be taken to uncover truths of toxin contamination. How dare “they” call ANY amounts acceptable? (Yeah, we know how they dare... they’ve all gotten away with murder over and over.)

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Pace Labs has been in partnership with Heritage for about a decade....The third party testing that Holcomb was pushed to even demand, was not a true third party. Push for other third party labs to test the soil!!

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Why does the conclusion of the summary say the opposite of what’s in the summary?

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Criminal charges for whoever greenlit the uncontrolled burn.

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