Millions saved from viruses and bacteria - are you one of those? 30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill:
Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you ha…
Millions saved from viruses and bacteria - are you one of those? 30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill:
Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards.
Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only - job done. 3 minutes idea to job done - simple.
No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible.
You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily - the engine oil of the body.
Vaccines - what for - I never have any. My method is like using a fire hose to put out a fire. It takes 3 minutes to prepare and do with salt and clean water and over the 30 years I and others have been doing it, it has NOT killed or injured ONE PERSON, unlike those synthetic mRNA vaccines.
ALSO verified by Alberta Medical University - Canada.
Do it - you will be amazed at how quickly it destroys colds and flu in the nasal passages of your head. No infection, no Covid possible.
Spread the word to everyone please. Neti pots are like using a garden sprinkler to put out a house fire. your life, your choice!! AND free!!
She is a well-meaning and informed in her own right. She recommended a method for strengthening immunity. She did not use the preferred terminology of the people writing on this page, but in substance-- she is right.
She was asked questions regarding repeated assertions that she has made, and she has refused to answer any. How can she be right in her "substance" when she repeatedly assets the existence of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses?
Immunity to illnesses, whatever they are and however they are caused. It is good for you. It strengthens your terrain, if you want. That is the substance. There is a great story by Tolstoy about the dangers of pedantry:
There is resistance to falling ill, which is nothing more than maintaining good terrain. The very term "immunity" assumes external invading pathogenic organisms, of which there is ZERO evidence. Again, what is the main susbstance of this Christine. if it's not virus, COVIO, pandemic? Didn't she post right here as to how to "cure COVID"?
Viruses were invented because these "scientists" could not find any evidence for bacteria acting as pathogens, so they invented a new class of alleged organisms which were deemed too small to observe in order to justify their contagion theory. That's an historical fact.
Though increasingly, i see virus pushers/huggers embracing a completely degraded/co-opted version of "Terrain," in which "bad terrain" makes you more susceptible to infections by micro organisms, remonstrating that "it's not one or the other, it's both."
Again, where is your evidence of this alleged virus called SARS-CoV-2 which causes the alleged disease called "COVID" ("COVID-19") And where is your evidence that there is a disease called "COVID-19" with unique symptoms, aside from the results of tests which are at the very best highly inaccurate, at worst a sick joke in this application?
I believe that is correct. "The flu" is not a disease. It is the body preventing disease by cleansing. The healing process is incorrectly labeled a disease process and treated as such (usually by suppression) and this compounds the buildup of toxins and therefore disease. We were given this backwards.
Are you anything to do with the Brian Root which has been rooted by a transgender male, like Elton John's hubby, for example?
No I am not Christine Sassey funny man.
No, the salt water wash does not wash the virus out of anybody's nose - you need to put your spectacles on and try again.
Look, I don't give a blind fuck if you are vaccinated and die, from your vaccine shot, by 50 years old, if not by 2025, which are your two options currently, or anyone else in the same predicament as you, you brought it on yourself, don't expect any sympathy from me.
When you are on your death bed, assuming you make it alive to one, think of my 77 plus still going strong, when you are just another rotten, but not mine, memory.
I don't live in America so "rounding up those wagons" does not apply to me and never did - we drive cars here with rubber wheels, not the iron ones you are accustomed to along with your horses - like Duh!!.
You want to "dance with me" in "clever Text", bring it on little man - I will tear you up and shit you out of your remaining asshole and then you will be the the subject of ridicule, by the people who look up to you for your humor - I live for idiots like you, who want to test my mettle.
Millions saved from viruses and bacteria - are you one of those? 30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill:
Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards.
Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only - job done. 3 minutes idea to job done - simple.
No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible.
You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily - the engine oil of the body.
Vaccines - what for - I never have any. My method is like using a fire hose to put out a fire. It takes 3 minutes to prepare and do with salt and clean water and over the 30 years I and others have been doing it, it has NOT killed or injured ONE PERSON, unlike those synthetic mRNA vaccines.
ALSO verified by Alberta Medical University - Canada.
Do it - you will be amazed at how quickly it destroys colds and flu in the nasal passages of your head. No infection, no Covid possible.
Spread the word to everyone please. Neti pots are like using a garden sprinkler to put out a house fire. your life, your choice!! AND free!!
You can only be saved from a virus if it exists. Do you have scientific evidence of any existing?
You can only be saved from pathogenic bacteria if said bacteria are pathogenic. Do you have scientific evidence of any bacteria being pathogenic?
I think the other Christine (Christine's Newsletter) has beat it on down the line. She wasn't counting on encountering informed people. :-)
She is a well-meaning and informed in her own right. She recommended a method for strengthening immunity. She did not use the preferred terminology of the people writing on this page, but in substance-- she is right.
Immunity ... to what?
She was asked questions regarding repeated assertions that she has made, and she has refused to answer any. How can she be right in her "substance" when she repeatedly assets the existence of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses?
Immunity to illnesses, whatever they are and however they are caused. It is good for you. It strengthens your terrain, if you want. That is the substance. There is a great story by Tolstoy about the dangers of pedantry:
There is resistance to falling ill, which is nothing more than maintaining good terrain. The very term "immunity" assumes external invading pathogenic organisms, of which there is ZERO evidence. Again, what is the main susbstance of this Christine. if it's not virus, COVIO, pandemic? Didn't she post right here as to how to "cure COVID"?
Any evidence that bacteria are infectious pathogens, via a procedure which satisfies Koch's Postulates?
Viruses were invented because these "scientists" could not find any evidence for bacteria acting as pathogens, so they invented a new class of alleged organisms which were deemed too small to observe in order to justify their contagion theory. That's an historical fact.
If the skin has been cut, that's a terrain issue :) If you damage the terrain, expect problems.
Sure. And i'll also believe that pigs fly if shown clear evidence. :-)
yes and eat rotten food, expect problems -- more terrain
Though increasingly, i see virus pushers/huggers embracing a completely degraded/co-opted version of "Terrain," in which "bad terrain" makes you more susceptible to infections by micro organisms, remonstrating that "it's not one or the other, it's both."
terrain theory is going to be stolen, like "climate change," "feminism," "civil rights" and the rest of it
Again, where is your evidence of this alleged virus called SARS-CoV-2 which causes the alleged disease called "COVID" ("COVID-19") And where is your evidence that there is a disease called "COVID-19" with unique symptoms, aside from the results of tests which are at the very best highly inaccurate, at worst a sick joke in this application?
If as terrain theory says the so called infections are the debris not the cause of illness. What you are doing is clearing out not curing.
I believe that is correct. "The flu" is not a disease. It is the body preventing disease by cleansing. The healing process is incorrectly labeled a disease process and treated as such (usually by suppression) and this compounds the buildup of toxins and therefore disease. We were given this backwards.
your body can be clearing out many things, not just cellular debris
Is your name Christine Sassey, cause you sure are?
Going against the grain and flushing your sinuses out every day for thirty years to “Wash that virus right out of your nose”.
You’re a true pioneer, although I’m not sure you’ll ever be able to “Round up those wagons”.
Are you anything to do with the Brian Root which has been rooted by a transgender male, like Elton John's hubby, for example?
No I am not Christine Sassey funny man.
No, the salt water wash does not wash the virus out of anybody's nose - you need to put your spectacles on and try again.
Look, I don't give a blind fuck if you are vaccinated and die, from your vaccine shot, by 50 years old, if not by 2025, which are your two options currently, or anyone else in the same predicament as you, you brought it on yourself, don't expect any sympathy from me.
When you are on your death bed, assuming you make it alive to one, think of my 77 plus still going strong, when you are just another rotten, but not mine, memory.
I don't live in America so "rounding up those wagons" does not apply to me and never did - we drive cars here with rubber wheels, not the iron ones you are accustomed to along with your horses - like Duh!!.
You want to "dance with me" in "clever Text", bring it on little man - I will tear you up and shit you out of your remaining asshole and then you will be the the subject of ridicule, by the people who look up to you for your humor - I live for idiots like you, who want to test my mettle.
Enjoy your remaining life, Rooted Dick-Witt.
One thing is clear — you certainly don't have a "blind fuck" to give.
If you think of it as strengthening the sinuses, you will get an answer.