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I don't know of Katherine Watt so I can't comment there, however, I just copied a rather large text copied here: Leaked Emails from EMA Revisited

Sasha Latypova Feb 6

In late 2020 a collection of documents - approximately 900 pages from Pfizer’s “vaccine” Chemistry Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) section of the regulatory submission to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) were leaked and sent to a number of journalists. The documents also included email exchanges from some of the reviewers and senior executives at the EMA. The leak was covered (https://www.bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n627) in the British Medical Journal who were able to confirm that the documents were authentic. I received these documents from a colleague about a year later, at the end of 2021, and I read and used a lot of them in my analyses. I have seen many R&D related documents from Pfizer in my professional work, so I can also confirm that these leaked ones were highly consistent with typical Pfizer documentation. The EMA did not deny the authenticity, and only stated that the headers of some of the emails were changed.

I have a much larger number of followers now and a much clearer understanding of the organization and pseudo-legal structure of the criminal cartel driving the global atrocity colloquially known as the “covid pandemic response”. I am revisiting the leaked emails as I believe that they provide some highly significant evidence.

The EMA email files that I have read contain 14 screenshots of emails from mid to late November 2020. The exchanges are from the EMA staff and senior executives. In my opinion these emails demonstrate that:

1. The EMA reviewers were under a massive political pressure to invent new ways of approving the unapprovable dangerous products. The pressure was emanating from the very top of the US, UK and EU governments.

2. EU Commissioner, Ursula vonden Leyen made promises to the Member States she was never intending to fulfill in order to tie them all in a single pact for vaccine contracts and thus pre-empt any independent decisions in their own countries.

3. There were severe and unresolvable - given the purposefully unrealistic timeline - issues with quality of the product the EMA staff were pressured to ok. Some were uncomfortable with doing so and voicing their concerns. Others “overlooked” clearly made-up data.

Ultimately, the regulatory review itself and the concerns raised did not matter - the product was going to be marketed regardless. We now know exactly why - the regulatory authorities did not have the regulatory power over it. The pharmaceutical regulators do not oversee military materials known as “countermeasures” and “manufacturing demonstrations” (coy language covering up the biowarfare agents made by the captured US Government and its global partners). The emails show that the majority of the EMA staff were unwitting actors in this play.

Confirmation of this for the UK came out recently:

bad cattitude

And for America: In a new hour-long presentation – watch it here: https://sensereceptornews.com/?p=15980 – Latypova lays out the copious evidence she has compiled – including “receipts” – to show that covid injections are nothing more than a bioweapon that was unleashed on the world by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) via the corrupt U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Latypova, who worked with 60 different pharmaceutical companies throughout her 25-year industry career, says that any alleged benefits associated with the shots pales in comparison to the many adverse events they cause, sudden death being one of the most prominent.

It turns out that covid jabs are not pharmaceutical products at all, Latypova found. Instead, they are military bioweapons. (Related: Last year, Latypova’s “Team Enigma” spoke with Dr. Jane Ruby about Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed scam and how it was used to unleash these bioweapons.)

The shots have never been properly tested for safety, either – obviously because they are not safe and were designed to kill. They produce negative efficacy, meaning a person is much better off not getting injected if he or she wants to live.

While the world has been led to believe that the likes of Pfizer and Moderna are responsible for these deadly shots, the head of the snake looks to be the DoD and other military-industrial complex actors who made them “toxic by design.”

Covid jabs were also a long time in the making, it turns out. Latypova uncovered evidence dating back to 1997 when Congress passed two new laws: the FDA Modernization Act and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Together, these bills allowed for the implementation of “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA), which is what the FDA used to fast-track the shots onto the market at warp speed.

Changes were also made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021 that amended the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) of the DoD. Here is how Cornell’s Legal Information Institute describes what that accomplished:

“The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of each military department [the ability to] enter into transactions (other than contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants) [in order to carry] out basic, applied, and advanced research projects. The authority under this subsection is in addition to the authority provided in section 4001 of this title to use contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants in carrying out such projects.”

In short, the changes made to 10 U.S. Code § 4021, implemented by the Obama regime in 2015, allow the DoD to order the production of “undisclosed military prototypes” from private manufacturers like pharmaceutical companies – be sure to watch the full video presentation from Latypova.

Covid jabs are a death sentence for many.


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Katherine and Sasha collaborate. Katherine provides the legal discovery and Sasha the experience with pharma manufacturing and the overall process. Together they render this a US military operation circumventing the US Constitution. Other nations have followed the legal maneuvers to due likewise.

They along with Katherine Austin Fitts have provided a cogent understanding of who and why.

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Katherine Watt believes in viruses in general, including SARS-CoV-2, despite ZERO evidence that they exist.

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I can't refute she said it because she's on so many video sites she may have been explicit. My take has been, in general as long as someone who hasn't done the research and sticks to their "lane" I'm ok. It's when they emphatically state the virus exists (and worse still, has been proven; or even worse when they repeat that to be on the inside of the RFK, Jr. cabal, or all of the above) than I question their cred.

I think CAF has a thorough understanding of the system and a fair approach to a local alternative.

I do think she, like so many, still think things were once different and somehow the US Constitution was once holy writ, until it got dirtied in the 20th C. That's ignorance of history.

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Right here.


" genetically-modified living organisms and modified genetic material, and government-ordered mRNA and DNA spike protein Covid injections that reverse-transcribed genetic material into human genome of recipients. " And other comments in that entry.

CAF totally believes things changed fundementally in the 20th Century. She is indeed ignorant of history. And she told people who question the virus proof to basically SRFU


From notes someone sent to a list i am on,

“At about 33 min the topic of 'does a virus exist' was raised by [ CHD interviewer] Polly T. and CA Fitts knows Asher [Tom] Cowan who she said brought this up at some event, as in "dont you think it is important to decide if viruses exist or not, and her response was “NO."

"lf you want to be a slave who is clear about whether viruses exist or not, then go ahead and spend your valuable time on that debate, but" -- and she uses the book "the Moth in the Iron Lung" as a source for history on how viruses have been used a a cover story, "but wasting our time on this debate will not stop the fraudulent use of viruses."

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While as I noted, she's like so many who have not delved into US history, and frankly world history, who have no idea how we really got here. The US Constitution aside from the oligarchs who wrote it, started coming apart shortly after it was ratified and has become cover ever since for those who rule. The real nail in the coffin was the "Civil" war, but the demise continued to build on that. Lincoln is the "greatest" president, etc.

The first quote says while she doesn't want to talk about "the virus" she's willing to go into a topic she has not a clue about - which includes the MDs who push the "pathogenic virus" while describing what the jab's content (still unknown) does to the body.

Her notion that cash will somehow save us is very limited at best. Cash is only good if it's accepted as a means of exchange. But if/when the switch to CBDC happens cash disappears as a viable exchange (if no one accepts cash than what's the point?)

The virus is the basis for THIS operation and will continue until it is stabbed in the heart. Sure there'll always be another weapon the elite try to use, but at least this one will have been slain.

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"The virus is the basis for THIS operation and will continue until it is stabbed in the heart. Sure there'll always be another weapon the elite try to use, but at least this one will have been slain."

Here, here! Standing ovation, well-stated.

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OK- must be something local to you- I have all of the blurb to show that both America and the UK were in this together and it is a military operation, well DOD and DARPA against all of us.

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Asking again. Show us evidence that SARS-CoV-2 has been proven to exist. Military operation with a non-existent "virus"? Good one. Just like people who claim they saw a virus move by looking through an electron microscope. :-)

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The military operation, and I would point to the extensive work by Katherine Watt regarding lots of evidence, is not about the virus existence or lab leak.

According to Watt it's about the weaponization of the jab, which she claims is not a therapeutic, is under military command from R&D to administration, and as such it doesn't require any of the pharma test regulations.

There is no pathogenic virus as described by those who claim otherwise.

What is problematic is that those who see only the economic reset (CAF) - motive - as all important, cannot allow for the biologic argument that no pathogenic virus has ever been proven to exist; and thus the pandemic is null and void.

Why can't CAF simply state, I've heard that there is a debate within science that the germ theory has never been proven, but I focus on the financial collapse that we're confronted with, and simply leave it at that.

None of the "no virus" people that I'm familiar with disputes the elite obsession with control of planet Earth.

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The jab (all brands of it) is obviously not therapeutic, but it cannot be a bioweapon. That requires the use of a biological entity as the mode of transmission. Injection of something is no different than drinking poisonous water such as Flint, Michigan's tap water supply. It's a chemical weapon. Such things need to be made clear, not at all just semantics. Can't let Humpty Dumpty play with this term, no telling what mischief may ensure if he gets to do that.

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I agree that all injections (medications in general) do not fall under "therapeutic", except that there have been certain manufacturing and testing protocols not followed by this particular one unlike the others. This injection was developed for speed and high volume quantity. (I do suspect that much of the testing (and this was a RFK, Jr. discovery) has been skipped for over 30 years.)

And I also agree that there is no "biology" used in the injections, but the injections effect (negatively) the biology of people. I would prefer to call them chemical weapons.

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".. the injections effect (negatively) the biology of people."

Well, what weapon does NOT affect the biology of people in a negative way? Even bullets. spears, a punch in the nose,... would be described as bio-weapons if THAT was the definition. :-)

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And so it is.

All weapons are bio-weapons.

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As are all parts of the human body, e.g. fingers, knuckles, .... Maybe not the ears. Thank you, Humpty! 😂

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Perhaps we should stop putting quotes around the COVID shots (e.g., "vaccine"), since these are just variations on a common theme and don't work as advertised, and do much more harm than good.

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Feb 6, 2023
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Does CAF still claim that she hasn't yet figured out who "Mr. Global" is, despite all her years of research?

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