Welcome to Chiron Return - Planet Waves FM
Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return - Pacifica Radio Network
STARCAST for May 4 on Scorpio lunar eclipse. Horoscope & article for Substack subscribers.

STARCAST for May 4 on Scorpio lunar eclipse. Horoscope & article for Substack subscribers.

The article, horoscope and podcast have already been posted to the Planet Waves website for our in-house subscribers. This edition is for our Substack subscribers.

Good evening. This Substack post contains paid content that has already been posted to the My Account area on Planet Waves. All proceeds for this Substack go directly to Chiron Return, the nonprofit organization I founded that serves as the Planet Waves news department. We publish a weekly radio program called Planet Waves FM, a handcrafted, algorithm-free daily news selection called Covid19 News, and the master chronology. Paying subscribers to this Substack also receive my astrology-focused horoscopes and articles. — efc

The Heart of the Matter by Lanvi Nguyen.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope for May 4, 2023

Read about why a hard boiled investigative reporter such as myself also writes horoscopes.

GEMINI (May 20-June 21) — If you feel, you will notice different possibilities than if you listen to the monologue that passes for “the mind.” To actually think involves a hybrid of a reasoning process with something more sublime.

That something involves examining meaning and context, and feeling your body as you work your way through a question. Your chart is set up for you to make discoveries that you may not fully understand right away. In this quest, it will help if you slow down. An eclipse, Mercury changing directions and other conditions are rapidly changing, both within you and in your environment.

These developments unfold, you will make a series of unexpected discoveries about yourself and aspects of your situation — discoveries that actually matter. Yet you’re unlikely to see them right away, as if your eyes need to adjust to different light. You can count on three or four seemingly separate revelations over the next week or so, each of which will build on the next. You will need to be patient with the influence of each, and allow any new awareness to take hold gently — but consciously.

Preorder your Gemini Reading Here.

The rest of the signs are below the paywall. Thank you for subscribing. I promise it will be worth the modest cost — and feel good to give some energy back toward the excellent work Planet Waves and Chiron Return.


Here is the main article about the lunar eclipse.

This is the extended weekly horoscope for all 12 signs and rising signs.

Here is the May monthly horoscope, which contains additional background on this week’s eclipse. The chart for Friday’s event is below.


Welcome to Chiron Return - Planet Waves FM
Planet Waves FM from Chiron Return - Pacifica Radio Network
Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return - Pacifica Radio Network. We are a commercial free program that began on Radio Woodstock in September 1996.