By the way — the other issue here is all the major presenters picking up Elsa's posts and Reiner's claims as if they are unquestionably true, with headlines like "Reiner Fuellmich is Certain He Will be Vindicated." Elsa is a public relations agency issuing press releases that the new bullshit truth press is distributing to its readers, just like in the old days.
Reiner Fullmich: "I thought the money was going to be seized so I seized it." Where are the underlying documents or agreements between Fullmich, the person, and the CIC explaining the terms and conditions of the release of the funds, the use of the funds and that he funds (borrowed) would be placed as a lien in first position upon the sale of the property?
Well here's a lot of evidence that people are much worse than they think at putting themselves in other people's shoes. There's hardly a comment here or in the interview that shows the capacity to understand how other people can think differently from they. The usual "logic" is "they are wrong about something-or-other, therefore their motivation is malign."
Coppolino is probably genuine, although he's sowing a lot of dissent and distrust in several people speaking out against the global coup. He understands, correctly, that the viral sequence only existed on paper. And yes, it's a central plank in the evidence. He doesn't yet seem to understand that for other people they have plenty of evidence, that they understand, that there's genocide e.g. going on, and they don't need more evidence (using material they would struggle with).
Yes, Fuellmich seems to have done something stupid, possibly even criminal, which has put him in prison. Does that make all his interviews invalid, or mean that people were not helped to understand what was going on?
I've found a necessary beat in holding "truth tellers" accountable. There is no compromise possible here for me. I am still in some shock that so many presenters invite those deceiving the public onto their channels and never question them; it's all about the narrative. My own attorney said he was proud that I went after Poornima Wagh's false claims when she is "taking my side." That proves he does not understand me.
If you need a measure of my sincerity, consider that I live the most transparent life of any public figure. You can trace my work back more than 40 years, right to the University of Buffalo Archives, 433 Capen Hall, and see I'm doing the same basic thing with impeccable consistency. Me and my team have one of the great accomplishments of the "covid" era — the chronology, still largely unrecognized for its unique historical contribution, but hey that's how it goes sometimes. It's designed to stand as the last thing that survives this mess.
Because you pride yourself on having the covid chronology as unique historical contribution, it's possible you might find something in the work of John Cullen. He's under the YT handle I Am John Cullen is a data map guy who has uncovered some very interesting angles to it.
I must admit at first I thought you were a bit harsh with Poornima but when she didn't even want to defend herself with the soft spoken interviewer Tremregi on Bitchute. This was a big red flag. Even Christine Massey reached out. This was her chance to clear the air sort of speak but decided not to do any more interviews. We haven't heard from her since.
harsh? do you mean something other than my tone of voice, spiritual comportment or choice of words? Maybe listen again. Maybe you mean persistent and sincere. Asking a public figure for specifics about a technical matter is not harsh.
My job was not to lick her pussy. My job was to find out what she actually knew, and what she actually did. Think of it this way: an Indian person ended a conversation by giving me the details of her birth, so that I could cast her astrology. That is a sign of trust.
Of all the cultures in the world, many in India live by astrology like no other. They do not give out their birth details willy-nilly because they believe this information contains tremendous power, and it does. So why then did she reveal herself to me? A favor I returned by not revealing her chart, and only once making passing reference to one small but salient, non-identifying detail. In my capacity and spiritual advisor, I stood by her.
I have not been to this substack before, but in this video, she tap-danced around the toxic petri dish an awful lot, ... after she said she was only concerned with how the world is affected, .... it was time to stomp on her foot and put the dancing to a sudden halt. lol I likely could have not displayed your level of patience.
And as for this comment "My job was not to lick her pussy." about Poornima, ... all I can say, in my best Sam Elliot voice is, "I kinda like yer style there stranger", with an added hat tip. lmao.
Good morning Guido. Thanks for considering something so esoteric as a reporter's interview style. Over the years I have evolved into a non-confrontational approach -- or better said, a passive-aggressive one. Generally, that is "give 'em enough rope." The passive-aggressive style works better for that, as during the interview, I never declare myself an enemy or adversary.
With Poornima, she was making false claims about herself, and was gaining authority; with Elsa, she was making delusional claims about her fantasy husband. Both approaches were similar, in that I never played "gocha" with either of them -- that is what we expect an interviewer to do.
See? You don't know the TITLE OF YOUR OWN THESIS? YOU'RE A LIAR!
In both, I made sure that the facts were out in the open.
One exception was confronting Kevin McKernan (PCR lab owner in Massachusetts, Human Genome Project grad) when he appeared on one of those "committee" shows and I had three minutes of air time to nail him for lying; we are known to one another, and he's a real jellyfish making a LOT of money on the PCR. Someone may have that tape somewhere.
If you want to hear a really interesting one, check the top player here:
I remember when the Poornima ordeal was happening and it was the beginning of my thinking, about controlled opposition,. It seems to have been downhill from there lately. After watching this video on Reiner, I went and headed over to the chronology and started watching the Sam Bailey interview. During the PCR info at the beginning, I began pondering my comment and still thinking I would not have had the patience. I also had the thought that it was a better way to go, to allow the tap dancing around the toxic petri dish, because people tend to show their cards more so to speak, so is more informative. Not always so much about the info being presented, but about the intentions, biases, agenda's and even delusions, etc. of the person come out easier and they do it to themselves when you let them run. Then about that time you and Sam were playing a clip of you and the "PCR Expert" so I had to pay attention. He seemed a bit lost. lol But then after a whil;e, continuing to listen, in the video you described exactly what I had just been thinking, about the interview style. It gave me a chuckle.
And the licky-licky statement you made in this comment above, just showed me that whatever it is you are going to say, it isn't likely to be stifled. I like that.
Hey I just saw Greg Reese's new report on Reiner... man, you need to school that boy lol! Btw, interestingly cool music bro! Keep rockin! I have originals and a few collabs from Germany and other places on Youtube under Mrgreeneye656.
Reece reports that there are documents governing the "loan" and that all were agreed upon by all the principals of the CIC. And more . .
Thanks Mel -- to me it doesn't matter if there were "loan" documents. And if several people agreed, that could point to a criminal conspiracy. However, this issue is not about criminal conduct only. One cannot write a contract to exempt oneself from legal requirements, and to me this is not so much about criminal fraud as it is about deceiving the public, self-dealing, breach of moral fiduciary duty, impact on the trust people have in other presenters, and so on. I'll have a look. Appreciate your research. efc
And the answer to his question has nothing to do with his having (admittedly) stolen or rather "borrowed" €600,000 of public money and keeping it safe with a new swimming pool. His interviews stand as invalid on their own, driven by a now-obvious agenda.
Perhaps you are better informed than I about his finances. Are you sure that money he spent on swimming pools or hamburgers or anything else at that time was THAT money? Isn't money fungible?
also where the money was spent is irrelevant. it's clear, and he admits, that foundation funds were mingled with his own funds/assets, and the foundation also seems to have been a client of his law firm. There are several conflicts of interest there, and in the United States were this true he would be immediately suspended from the practice of law for at least one year — for the mere mingling of $1 of client funds with his own money. Then there's the rest.
from what I understand, his only remaining asset was his house; and €1m euro on gold. We know this because to "pay back" the funds he "borrowed," he has told us he would need to sell his house.
Your reply is the textbook dodge to avoid the foundational issue of the 'no virus' in the first instance. As if Eric Coppolino and others are unaware of the tyranny that has been levied on all of us. The only reason people "struggle" with the material is because they haven't taken the time to review the overwhelming evidence that viral diseases do not exist, that no vaccine is safe or necessary and that clinging to the pathogenic virus and its cousin, the souped up lab virus, leaves a grand opening for another scare-demic coming to a tv screen near you. You would do well to stop making excuses for the leaders of the "Health Freedom Movement's" refusal to tackle this issue.
Yes, I'm just describing the way people think. Do you think you are culpably unaware of things you haven't looked into? Or is this the ONLY issue that everyone must look into or be at fault? I won't bother to list some likely candidates.
Hi Jonathan. Yes, I agree with you re: the average Joe but this thread is about Fuellmich and the CIC and others who head large platforms purporting to be health freedom advocates. For them, the reasons you give for not knowing don't stand.
OK; I see what you mean. Nevertheless, they've been working harder than most people at exposing aspects of the fraud. Just because they seem not have given as much attention as you would like to one particular aspect ... well, the criticism of Fuellmich seems pretty harsh.
Putting it simply, that “one particular aspect” has the power to shut down all other aspects, if only those still peddling the Vl-RUSE hypothesis would stop their peddling and instead speak the truth - there’s no such thing as Vl-RUSES or any contagion for that matter.
Hmmm. Working harder? Many have worked even harder to dig out the truth. What has become clear to me is that we are on the cusp of a new paradigm of health which excludes contagion, viruses, and bacteria and fungus as pathogens. These ideas have been part of our reality for 125 years. It is like turning an ocean liner. The ship will never turn, of course, if the old paradigm persists. On the cutting edge is an apt description of where we are.
Yes, the Corona committee were gatekeepers to keep the virus narrative ALIVE.
The no virus camp was kept away and the two who were allowed to testify were as you say treated terribly, while a fraud like Poormina gets invited. It is completely bogus to me. An agenda for sure.
The most embarrassing part is that both the virus narrative AND the legal path are only diversions. No, I'm wrong. The most embarrassing part is that there are still people falling for the sham.
The greatest revelation is that virology itself is a fraud. The doors that opens are immense. I am also interested in Eric's investigation into the Scientology connection, which would be another revelation of the same order.
I am also interested in Eric's further investigating Scientology.
Already in 2020, I thought the "medical" juggernaut could be stopped, if Germ Theory and viral transmission were refuted. I was wrong. A little areal poisoning from chemtrails, turning up the 5G towers, and a number of other things could easily mimic a "pandemic," and the "covid" circus could continue, no matter what the "scientific" explanation is...
Personally, I have not seen evidence of increased disease that cannot be explained by the fear narrative itself, the oppression that occurred and still occurs, the testing and and the protocols. I am not saying there is no validity to dangers of 5G or the chemicals in the geo-engineering trails, but we need a lot more research into them before we can conclusively state they are the cause of percentage of illness.
I have encountered plenty of patients going to doctors with radiation poisoning. In Britain, many 5G tower installers ended up on worker's comp. The heavy metals and all the nasties from chemtrails cause various symptoms, but none of them is good.
If study long enough, "we" might become quite educated by the time chemtrails and 5G kill "us"! :) Unlikely though that there is enough time, considering how quickly many life forms are dying out all over the world.
that's interesting...any documentation of this? Not that I doubt you, I just like to rely on evidence, if any is available. Which is hard, since no one mainstream wants to investigate this, claiming it is not happening.
What a piece of work. Kept saying how she agrees with you and going on to stating the standard gatekeeping line, "lots of people got sick with this disease," without in the least stating what the alleged *unique* symptoms were, assuming a virus was involved,... the works. (Likewise polio). Or listing all the "great people" who were interviewed, i.e. Zelenko, McCullough, Kory,... all virus pushers deluxe. And pushing the "what's important are the vaccines and that there really was no pandemic" (while RFK Jr, McCullough, Kory, Malone.... continue to say that there was). Or even broaching the lab-made theme. You did well re-parrying her attempts, Eric!
And what a pathetic excuse for stealing. "He was gonna make more money via putting it in his house and selling it." Maybe he should have gone to Vegas. :-)
I think my favorite part was her suggesting that the interviews with Zelenko, McCullough, Kory, etc, was proof of how diverse the interviews were/are.. I listened to countless interviews with all of them at the start of convid and they're close to identical.
At one point I started wondering if she had actually listened to any of these people that she was talking about (including Fuellmich) because she didn't seem to have any idea of what they stand for.
Oh, i do think she knows what they stand for, same thing she stands for, radical *posturing" while pushing official narratives such as "people got sick with a new disease" and "bioweapon" and stuff. Yeah, she thinks they're diverse because their names start with different letters.
She knew exactly what line to keep asserting and pushing, and played evasive action when called on it, claiming that she wasn't really familiar with the matter, AFTER speaking as if she WAS familiar.
Perhaps. I didn't get that feeling, but i was working on a project while i was listening, so wasn't watching or listening to every single thing intently. She just impressed me as not so bright.
I was listening. She is a publicist for Fuellmich and her posts are being picked up by major presenters. Her motives do not matter; the veracity of her claims is what matters, and the fact that she is running interference on behalf of Fuellmich. The intent is in the result.
All of these interference runners need to be muted. We need to keep pushing the main points, and you are good at that, Eric. Stay on it! Two videos I've watched recently (besides this one) that accomplish the main point are:
1) Dr. Tom Cowan's "Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection? with guest Michael Bryant" which was just Live on YT today. Don't know how long it will be up, but here is the link, for now it still is:
Pretty much everything has been downgraded. when we talking about operatives here this is not high-level infiltration of the Kremlin. It is the persuasion by illusion of people who are already walking around like having hit on the head and have no clue what’s real and what is not. And if certified geniuses like Mark Crispin Miller are reposting her stuff without meekly questioning it, then she’s doing a fine job.
Eric you surely know the polio story and that before the vaccine it was diagnosed according to one set of symptoms and after the vaccine the dianostic symptoms were changed to look good. Also there is strong correlation and causal science between the introduction of DDT and other environmental toxins and the outbreak of polio. Elsa is well meaning but doesn't seem to grasp the fundamental issue that if viruses have never have been proved to exist, all the other stuff just falls away.....
Yes and — I was not going to take up time on the polio issue. I am well familiar with the issues you describe; and it's worse. I believe I mentioned the Cutter incident however.
Yes, thanks Eric, I guessed you must know, but thought it was worth rehearsing for those who may not. I very much appreciate your forensic approach. Not many are so balanced and thorough.
According to my latest findings, it's altered proteins that cause just about all invented illnesses, except for the ones caused by EMF/ELF/5G etc. radiation:
OMG...Reiner is an attorney and he cannot claim ignorance and say he did not know that non profit funds had to be held in an escrow account. Where is the money now? Lost? It is puzzling why anyone would do what he did with the money unless they were completely ignorant and should in no way have been given any fiduciary responsibility. So now the money has been stolen? I don't get how that happened.
This is excellent. Elsa demonstrates so well - people just cannot imagine that all pandemics, all vaccines, all quarantines, all viral research and associated 'technologies,' and much of the global economy is build on fraud. Thank you for your body of work. Impressive.
Like so many that have taken on some of these issues over the last four years, Elsa seems to have hitched her wagon to those who made a reputation early on by stepping only slightly away from the medical mainstream. Those are largely the same type of people Reiner Fuellmich interviewed. The - Ivermectin good, viruses exist and are causative but the covid pandemic is a fraud, group.
You delineated them very well Eric. At some point I'd like to hear your thoughts on why you think that division has come to be. Why has Fuellmich, CHD, RFK, McColough, the Breggins, Malone and all the others chosen to stand where they are? What do they gain? What do they lose by going further?
By the way, I had an interesting conversation with Dr. Mike Yeadon the other day. Apparently he had watched my 10/21 interview with Tom Cowan. He spoke favorably about Cowan, that he has recently been looking into the virus question, that he now sees many problems with the virus model, that he has more questions and is digging further.
Yeadon said to me on the record he no longer believes respiratory viruses exist; that includes SARS-II and he questions the existence of all viruses. I think he's a sincere person.
Agree. I believe Dr. Yeadon has been genuine in all his writings and interviews since he came on the scene. I know what it took to wrap my brain around seeing the evidence and acknowledging all that that meant, thus I could totally relate to what he was going through intellectually. And I could see he was honestly swallowing the lack of evidence of a virus and what that meant to all he had known, all he had previously worked on and for. It's for sure a process.
I'm grateful I made that true intellectual journey (way back in April 2020 with Dr. Kaufman's video Rooster in the River of Rats") because it allowed me to see way more clearly the big picture (reality) that we face, how the patterns repeat themselves, and how the "sides" play out. People keep trying to make the no virus people into a "side" of the argument. They miss the mark completely. No virus is an evidential conclusion (fact), not an argument ("side") or hypothesis. Dr. Yeadon made his journey to the realization of this table-turning fact publicly from the place of a true pharma scientist. It's documented and clear to see that he is sincere. He also represents a very tiny minority which goes to show how few scientists out there are true scientists. Most, just like in any industry, simply follow what they are told to do without much thought or critical thinking / understanding of what they are actually contributing to, and what it all means.
Yeadon has been saying those things for at LEAST 2 years. Not sure how much longer he needs to "look into it" before coming to the same obvious conclusion that took many of us weeks or months to figure out. Not to mention much of the research has been done FOR him with all the resources that have been created and compiled over the last 4 years, and much of it has been practically spoon-fed to him (I have sent him links in the past, and plenty of others did too..).
I certainly didn't have people compiling this research and sending it to me, so it should take him LESS time, you would think....
As much as it seems like Yeadon isn't on the same level as Malone or McCullough, I do believe he is also playing a role. He isnt THAT naive as he tries to make himself out to be. Either that or he is playing the same game many others are playing - the fence-sitters... for whatever reason, they can't take a firm stance.
He signed the virus isolation challenge a year or so ago but then went out of his way to state that just because he signed it doesn't mean he has taken a position. He is only supporting the fact that an inquiry should be made, thats it. Like why go out of your way to defend your support for this? Is he afraid to take a position on this critical issue for some reason? Does he care what other people think? He says he doesn't. He says he has nothing to lose. But his actions and words don't really make sense sometimes.
She has a house full of animals — she says there are 10 cats there; and a dog (who gets along with cats). I don't think they were plants, but they kept me entertained while she was going on and on, and I wanted to jump in and play with them.
Not following you. My job as an interviewer is not to ARGUE with my subject. You seem to not grasp that. I am not in the discussion to challenge every point. I am there for one reason only, which is to get them to expose their position. And as for my love of animals, as a follower of Jesus through Saint Francis, I was most definitely tuning into the animals in her environment and found out all about them before the interview began. That was also a way of establishing rapport and common ground.
Now, I'm going to play checkers with a real goat. They are very smart.
Eric, I see you have a keyboard and probably play other instruments, do you have any original music I can listen to? Keep up the great work and thanks!
This woman seems irritated by giving details and defending Reiner rather than being objective. I don't feel very sympathetic. She keeps saying "he was going to sell his home." So he says.
I watched the session with Lanka and Kaufman before the Corona Investigative Committee. Wodarg was hostile and Fisher was supportive of Wodarg, but Fullmich played the peacemaker and in no way dismissed the 'no virus' camp off hand. At least that is my recollection.
Wardog was one of the first presenters to say that there was no virus properly isolated and purified. As he put it in early 2020, "The work was not done correctly." Then he takes up the mission of attacking no-virus people. Also what I said was the Fuellmich didn't want to get his hands dirty and left that to Wardog and Hausfrau. But please, keep going — you're doing great.
I wouldn't be too swift to impute motive. I remember back in 2020 I was completely unaware that there were questions about the virus hypothesis. When I first heard the 'no virus' claim - and saw the fracture it caused among those calling out the scamdemic - I suspected the 'no virus' crowd were 'flat-earthers' out to discredit the entire anti-lockdown narrative. I suspect that a lot of people still feel this way, but it does not make them intentional 'gatekeepers', or some other pejorative.
We know what Fuellmich knows. My team has been observing carefully and in contact with him throughout. He knew about my chronology. I know everything he was copied on (that I was also copied on), all the proposals for who to have on the committee, I was a candidate, and so too was Poornima Wagh -- the living incarnation of "no virus." He was lobbied NONSTOP by the no-virus camp — getting Kaufman on was something of a coup. and they were ready for him.
I honestly feel like the only reason they even brought on Kaufman and Lanka in the first place was to appease the people that kept asking to have someone from "team no-virus" on. I think it had reached a point where they could no longer ignore it so they said "okay, let's bring these people on just to shut the virus-deniers up".
The attitude that they have towards Kaufman and Lanka right from the beginning of the "interview" tells me that that was the case as well. They never had any intention of giving them a fair chance to present their ideas.
Sure, Fuellmich wasn't as bad as the other two but I suspect that that too was just to appease the audience - otherwise they probably would have lost an even bigger part of their audience than what they ended up doing.
Whether they agree or not, there was no reason to treat Kaufman and Lanka the way that they did.
Correct: CHD-TV did the same thing with Mike Wallach. Then they balked when it came time to have me, Alec Zeck and Mike Stone on the show. That was a hilarious fiasco...first they switched hosts to get their featherweight out of the way, then they canceled the day-of.
I may have heard that about Cowan. We watched the negotiations develop for a while. To me it's clear that Fuellmich is part of the RFK cartel, where he has made his most impressive, stunning appearance fumbling the easy-to-get-right PCR (see my subsequent post at 22 mins).
However, these are not the most compelling presenters; they do not think in terms of the audience, they think in terms of being right. And you cannot do that in video format, or anywhere, really. I have repeatedly seen Cowan fall short on the technical side of things, including refusing to accept basic fact-checking and telling the Unicorn Story no fewer than 20 times.
And I guess they all missed Wardog's presentation in early 2020 explicitly saying that the work to isolate the virus was not done. He was my first big clue that there was a problem. If any of these people play chess, they do not apply the lessons to life.
Note, I have checked with Dr. Tom Cowan and his appearance before the Corona Committee was never in the discussion. This was supposedly when Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Stefan Lanka were going to appear — but Cowan said he was never a consideration. So no, he was not specifically excluded.
the no virus claim was being made in 2020...when Fuellmich and the committee he was part of and they chose to not want to see it, discuss it or debate it. Why wouldn't they want to get to the root of the scamdemic? there is no need to test anyone if there is no such thing as a pathogenic virus. And you can have HIGH STANDARDS to demand proof of a thing (virus) and not be a FLAT-EARTHER. I think you are making fun of people who are taking the idea of contagion seriously. Bad move.
Actually, the most accurate label to apply to our movement is "No Proof of Contagion." Whether or not there is a virus or a bacteria, the very concept of contagious particle transmision has never been demonstrated in properly controlled experiements.
n the immediate, the question, however, is regarding the last four years, i.e. Operation "Pandemic," and the lack of proof for the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen allegedly responsible for the disease called "COVID-19" whose outbreak created a "pandemic" kills the three pillars of the operation with one shot. Certainly, no proof of contagion regarding any other disease plays a key role in this regard.
n the immediate, the question, however, is regarding the last four years, i.e. Operation "Pandemic," and the lack of proof for the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen allegedly responsible for the disease called "COVID-19" whose outbreak created a "pandemic" kills the three pillars of the operation with one shot. Certainly, no proof of contagion regarding any other disease plays a key role in this regard.
n the immediate, the question, however, is regarding the last four years, i.e. Operation "Pandemic," and the lack of proof for the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen allegedly responsible for the disease called "COVID-19" whose outbreak created a "pandemic" kills the three pillars of the operation with one shot. Certainly, no proof of contagion regarding any other disease plays a key role in this regard.
I did not instantly come to the conclusion that there was no contagion. Even after reading much of Cowan's book four years ago, I still didn't get that it was not just viruses that did not cause disease; bacteria also do not cause disease. Gradually other previously held and related beliefs of mine also began to fall. I learned about and came to accept that we actually need ubiquitous bacteria and other organic particles in order to thrive. I learned that repeatedly damaging the body's microbiome with toxic "medicines" can only lead to chronic ill health. It took even longer for me to begin to consistently apply this new paradigm to management of my own health.
Cognitive dissonance is a very powerful phenomenon. It's the primary reason there is so much resistance to acceptance of information that overthrows fundamental beliefs. In order to be effective, we have to refrain from unfairly attributing nefarious intent to that type of resistance.
Elsewhere, I have written in comments about actors in the freedom movement who clearly have deep state connections or are otherwise compromised or contracted out. Their motivations should be questioned publicly and persistently. But I am alarmed at the growing number of other people in our movement who have of late begun to smear people with the controlled op and gatekeeper labels. IMO the "Gatekeepers" list maintained by a group of substack writers lacks nuance. As such it damages the No Proof of Contagion movement.
It's not a crime to be a slow or even a reluctant learner no matter how much frustration it causes those of us who have been fortunate enough to have overcome some of our lifelong brainwashing.
Fuel-me Fool me Fuellmich played good cop while doing nothing about the attacks by Wardog and Phisher, trying to make the process look fair and legitimate when it wasn't.
Yes I agree after just watching this again. Fuellmich was trying to keep the peace and actually agreed with Kaufman on the non existence of the virus to some extend but thought their strategy would have success by pointing out the uselessness of the PCR test but he wished Kaufmann well. I suspect that Fuellmich has been set up by others in the committee who either want him out or are government agents. It looks like he has been ill advised on the financial matter which has got him into trouble.
keep what peace? He should be there to ALLOW TESTIMONY in what must rightly be a confrontational process. His team should have been briefed to let the witness present testimony and at least maintain the appearance of impartiality.
I'm not sure we watched the same interview. Andy and Stefan made their presentations without interruption. It was Andy who interrupted Wodarg and argued with him before he finished making his points. I think that Andy would agree that he was more nervous than typical and that may have negatively impacted his emotional control and overall performance.
By the way — the other issue here is all the major presenters picking up Elsa's posts and Reiner's claims as if they are unquestionably true, with headlines like "Reiner Fuellmich is Certain He Will be Vindicated." Elsa is a public relations agency issuing press releases that the new bullshit truth press is distributing to its readers, just like in the old days.
Reiner Fullmich: "I thought the money was going to be seized so I seized it." Where are the underlying documents or agreements between Fullmich, the person, and the CIC explaining the terms and conditions of the release of the funds, the use of the funds and that he funds (borrowed) would be placed as a lien in first position upon the sale of the property?
for those following the student issue on Sage Hana's stack, here is the letter I was referring to:
Well here's a lot of evidence that people are much worse than they think at putting themselves in other people's shoes. There's hardly a comment here or in the interview that shows the capacity to understand how other people can think differently from they. The usual "logic" is "they are wrong about something-or-other, therefore their motivation is malign."
Coppolino is probably genuine, although he's sowing a lot of dissent and distrust in several people speaking out against the global coup. He understands, correctly, that the viral sequence only existed on paper. And yes, it's a central plank in the evidence. He doesn't yet seem to understand that for other people they have plenty of evidence, that they understand, that there's genocide e.g. going on, and they don't need more evidence (using material they would struggle with).
Yes, Fuellmich seems to have done something stupid, possibly even criminal, which has put him in prison. Does that make all his interviews invalid, or mean that people were not helped to understand what was going on?
Dissent? Really? Do you mean IMPARTIALITY?
I've found a necessary beat in holding "truth tellers" accountable. There is no compromise possible here for me. I am still in some shock that so many presenters invite those deceiving the public onto their channels and never question them; it's all about the narrative. My own attorney said he was proud that I went after Poornima Wagh's false claims when she is "taking my side." That proves he does not understand me.
If you need a measure of my sincerity, consider that I live the most transparent life of any public figure. You can trace my work back more than 40 years, right to the University of Buffalo Archives, 433 Capen Hall, and see I'm doing the same basic thing with impeccable consistency. Me and my team have one of the great accomplishments of the "covid" era — the chronology, still largely unrecognized for its unique historical contribution, but hey that's how it goes sometimes. It's designed to stand as the last thing that survives this mess.
Because you pride yourself on having the covid chronology as unique historical contribution, it's possible you might find something in the work of John Cullen. He's under the YT handle I Am John Cullen is a data map guy who has uncovered some very interesting angles to it.
Thanks for your work.
I must admit at first I thought you were a bit harsh with Poornima but when she didn't even want to defend herself with the soft spoken interviewer Tremregi on Bitchute. This was a big red flag. Even Christine Massey reached out. This was her chance to clear the air sort of speak but decided not to do any more interviews. We haven't heard from her since.
harsh? do you mean something other than my tone of voice, spiritual comportment or choice of words? Maybe listen again. Maybe you mean persistent and sincere. Asking a public figure for specifics about a technical matter is not harsh.
My job was not to lick her pussy. My job was to find out what she actually knew, and what she actually did. Think of it this way: an Indian person ended a conversation by giving me the details of her birth, so that I could cast her astrology. That is a sign of trust.
Of all the cultures in the world, many in India live by astrology like no other. They do not give out their birth details willy-nilly because they believe this information contains tremendous power, and it does. So why then did she reveal herself to me? A favor I returned by not revealing her chart, and only once making passing reference to one small but salient, non-identifying detail. In my capacity and spiritual advisor, I stood by her.
I have not been to this substack before, but in this video, she tap-danced around the toxic petri dish an awful lot, ... after she said she was only concerned with how the world is affected, .... it was time to stomp on her foot and put the dancing to a sudden halt. lol I likely could have not displayed your level of patience.
And as for this comment "My job was not to lick her pussy." about Poornima, ... all I can say, in my best Sam Elliot voice is, "I kinda like yer style there stranger", with an added hat tip. lmao.
Good morning Guido. Thanks for considering something so esoteric as a reporter's interview style. Over the years I have evolved into a non-confrontational approach -- or better said, a passive-aggressive one. Generally, that is "give 'em enough rope." The passive-aggressive style works better for that, as during the interview, I never declare myself an enemy or adversary.
With Poornima, she was making false claims about herself, and was gaining authority; with Elsa, she was making delusional claims about her fantasy husband. Both approaches were similar, in that I never played "gocha" with either of them -- that is what we expect an interviewer to do.
See? You don't know the TITLE OF YOUR OWN THESIS? YOU'RE A LIAR!
In both, I made sure that the facts were out in the open.
One exception was confronting Kevin McKernan (PCR lab owner in Massachusetts, Human Genome Project grad) when he appeared on one of those "committee" shows and I had three minutes of air time to nail him for lying; we are known to one another, and he's a real jellyfish making a LOT of money on the PCR. Someone may have that tape somewhere.
If you want to hear a really interesting one, check the top player here:
I remember when the Poornima ordeal was happening and it was the beginning of my thinking, about controlled opposition,. It seems to have been downhill from there lately. After watching this video on Reiner, I went and headed over to the chronology and started watching the Sam Bailey interview. During the PCR info at the beginning, I began pondering my comment and still thinking I would not have had the patience. I also had the thought that it was a better way to go, to allow the tap dancing around the toxic petri dish, because people tend to show their cards more so to speak, so is more informative. Not always so much about the info being presented, but about the intentions, biases, agenda's and even delusions, etc. of the person come out easier and they do it to themselves when you let them run. Then about that time you and Sam were playing a clip of you and the "PCR Expert" so I had to pay attention. He seemed a bit lost. lol But then after a whil;e, continuing to listen, in the video you described exactly what I had just been thinking, about the interview style. It gave me a chuckle.
And the licky-licky statement you made in this comment above, just showed me that whatever it is you are going to say, it isn't likely to be stifled. I like that.
Hey I just saw Greg Reese's new report on Reiner... man, you need to school that boy lol! Btw, interestingly cool music bro! Keep rockin! I have originals and a few collabs from Germany and other places on Youtube under Mrgreeneye656.
would you please post that link? thank you
Reece reports that there are documents governing the "loan" and that all were agreed upon by all the principals of the CIC. And more . .
Thanks Mel -- to me it doesn't matter if there were "loan" documents. And if several people agreed, that could point to a criminal conspiracy. However, this issue is not about criminal conduct only. One cannot write a contract to exempt oneself from legal requirements, and to me this is not so much about criminal fraud as it is about deceiving the public, self-dealing, breach of moral fiduciary duty, impact on the trust people have in other presenters, and so on. I'll have a look. Appreciate your research. efc
Hey NoNombre . . . the YT channel MrGreenEye656 is a musician's channel with short song videos.
And the answer to his question has nothing to do with his having (admittedly) stolen or rather "borrowed" €600,000 of public money and keeping it safe with a new swimming pool. His interviews stand as invalid on their own, driven by a now-obvious agenda.
Listen to him go, at 22 minutes:
Perhaps you are better informed than I about his finances. Are you sure that money he spent on swimming pools or hamburgers or anything else at that time was THAT money? Isn't money fungible?
also where the money was spent is irrelevant. it's clear, and he admits, that foundation funds were mingled with his own funds/assets, and the foundation also seems to have been a client of his law firm. There are several conflicts of interest there, and in the United States were this true he would be immediately suspended from the practice of law for at least one year — for the mere mingling of $1 of client funds with his own money. Then there's the rest.
from what I understand, his only remaining asset was his house; and €1m euro on gold. We know this because to "pay back" the funds he "borrowed," he has told us he would need to sell his house.
Your reply is the textbook dodge to avoid the foundational issue of the 'no virus' in the first instance. As if Eric Coppolino and others are unaware of the tyranny that has been levied on all of us. The only reason people "struggle" with the material is because they haven't taken the time to review the overwhelming evidence that viral diseases do not exist, that no vaccine is safe or necessary and that clinging to the pathogenic virus and its cousin, the souped up lab virus, leaves a grand opening for another scare-demic coming to a tv screen near you. You would do well to stop making excuses for the leaders of the "Health Freedom Movement's" refusal to tackle this issue.
Yes, I'm just describing the way people think. Do you think you are culpably unaware of things you haven't looked into? Or is this the ONLY issue that everyone must look into or be at fault? I won't bother to list some likely candidates.
Hi Jonathan. Yes, I agree with you re: the average Joe but this thread is about Fuellmich and the CIC and others who head large platforms purporting to be health freedom advocates. For them, the reasons you give for not knowing don't stand.
OK; I see what you mean. Nevertheless, they've been working harder than most people at exposing aspects of the fraud. Just because they seem not have given as much attention as you would like to one particular aspect ... well, the criticism of Fuellmich seems pretty harsh.
Putting it simply, that “one particular aspect” has the power to shut down all other aspects, if only those still peddling the Vl-RUSE hypothesis would stop their peddling and instead speak the truth - there’s no such thing as Vl-RUSES or any contagion for that matter.
Hmmm. Working harder? Many have worked even harder to dig out the truth. What has become clear to me is that we are on the cusp of a new paradigm of health which excludes contagion, viruses, and bacteria and fungus as pathogens. These ideas have been part of our reality for 125 years. It is like turning an ocean liner. The ship will never turn, of course, if the old paradigm persists. On the cutting edge is an apt description of where we are.
Short and sweet.!_A_Virus_Pusher:5?lid=93ab6cdd6d8b38891760bad640e6a938e93a9021
Yes, the Corona committee were gatekeepers to keep the virus narrative ALIVE.
The no virus camp was kept away and the two who were allowed to testify were as you say treated terribly, while a fraud like Poormina gets invited. It is completely bogus to me. An agenda for sure.
The most embarrassing part is that both the virus narrative AND the legal path are only diversions. No, I'm wrong. The most embarrassing part is that there are still people falling for the sham.
The greatest revelation is that virology itself is a fraud. The doors that opens are immense. I am also interested in Eric's investigation into the Scientology connection, which would be another revelation of the same order.
I am also interested in Eric's further investigating Scientology.
Already in 2020, I thought the "medical" juggernaut could be stopped, if Germ Theory and viral transmission were refuted. I was wrong. A little areal poisoning from chemtrails, turning up the 5G towers, and a number of other things could easily mimic a "pandemic," and the "covid" circus could continue, no matter what the "scientific" explanation is...
Personally, I have not seen evidence of increased disease that cannot be explained by the fear narrative itself, the oppression that occurred and still occurs, the testing and and the protocols. I am not saying there is no validity to dangers of 5G or the chemicals in the geo-engineering trails, but we need a lot more research into them before we can conclusively state they are the cause of percentage of illness.
I have encountered plenty of patients going to doctors with radiation poisoning. In Britain, many 5G tower installers ended up on worker's comp. The heavy metals and all the nasties from chemtrails cause various symptoms, but none of them is good.
If study long enough, "we" might become quite educated by the time chemtrails and 5G kill "us"! :) Unlikely though that there is enough time, considering how quickly many life forms are dying out all over the world.
that's interesting...any documentation of this? Not that I doubt you, I just like to rely on evidence, if any is available. Which is hard, since no one mainstream wants to investigate this, claiming it is not happening.
Originally, I figured it was all about creating the usual fake folk hero:
It's apparently worse than that.
LOVE your work MS. Massey! Thank you for all your hard work!
Thank you :) Cheers.
Do you know when this video was shot and the source?
Not sure what this video shows that is so relevant to this thread
Perhaps Fullmich in the first few seconds saying there is a virus.
What a piece of work. Kept saying how she agrees with you and going on to stating the standard gatekeeping line, "lots of people got sick with this disease," without in the least stating what the alleged *unique* symptoms were, assuming a virus was involved,... the works. (Likewise polio). Or listing all the "great people" who were interviewed, i.e. Zelenko, McCullough, Kory,... all virus pushers deluxe. And pushing the "what's important are the vaccines and that there really was no pandemic" (while RFK Jr, McCullough, Kory, Malone.... continue to say that there was). Or even broaching the lab-made theme. You did well re-parrying her attempts, Eric!
And what a pathetic excuse for stealing. "He was gonna make more money via putting it in his house and selling it." Maybe he should have gone to Vegas. :-)
I think my favorite part was her suggesting that the interviews with Zelenko, McCullough, Kory, etc, was proof of how diverse the interviews were/are.. I listened to countless interviews with all of them at the start of convid and they're close to identical.
At one point I started wondering if she had actually listened to any of these people that she was talking about (including Fuellmich) because she didn't seem to have any idea of what they stand for.
Oh, i do think she knows what they stand for, same thing she stands for, radical *posturing" while pushing official narratives such as "people got sick with a new disease" and "bioweapon" and stuff. Yeah, she thinks they're diverse because their names start with different letters.
I doubt she's gatekeeping. She just doesn't get it. Reiner on the other hand surely knew/knows what he is doing.
She knew exactly what line to keep asserting and pushing, and played evasive action when called on it, claiming that she wasn't really familiar with the matter, AFTER speaking as if she WAS familiar.
I got that feeling immediately.
She acted like someone trained to pivot when the narrative becomes unsustainable, shift to a fall-back position.
Perhaps. I didn't get that feeling, but i was working on a project while i was listening, so wasn't watching or listening to every single thing intently. She just impressed me as not so bright.
I was listening. She is a publicist for Fuellmich and her posts are being picked up by major presenters. Her motives do not matter; the veracity of her claims is what matters, and the fact that she is running interference on behalf of Fuellmich. The intent is in the result.
All of these interference runners need to be muted. We need to keep pushing the main points, and you are good at that, Eric. Stay on it! Two videos I've watched recently (besides this one) that accomplish the main point are:
1) Dr. Tom Cowan's "Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection? with guest Michael Bryant" which was just Live on YT today. Don't know how long it will be up, but here is the link, for now it still is:
2) Dr. Sam Bailey's "Viruses Don’t Exist and Why It Matters" --
Being not so bright and being part of an op are not necessarily mutually exclusive. :-)
So funny!!! but TRUE.
Pretty much everything has been downgraded. when we talking about operatives here this is not high-level infiltration of the Kremlin. It is the persuasion by illusion of people who are already walking around like having hit on the head and have no clue what’s real and what is not. And if certified geniuses like Mark Crispin Miller are reposting her stuff without meekly questioning it, then she’s doing a fine job.
Eric you surely know the polio story and that before the vaccine it was diagnosed according to one set of symptoms and after the vaccine the dianostic symptoms were changed to look good. Also there is strong correlation and causal science between the introduction of DDT and other environmental toxins and the outbreak of polio. Elsa is well meaning but doesn't seem to grasp the fundamental issue that if viruses have never have been proved to exist, all the other stuff just falls away.....
Yes and — I was not going to take up time on the polio issue. I am well familiar with the issues you describe; and it's worse. I believe I mentioned the Cutter incident however.
Yes, thanks Eric, I guessed you must know, but thought it was worth rehearsing for those who may not. I very much appreciate your forensic approach. Not many are so balanced and thorough.
Polio is only one of the hundreds of invented illnesses that cover up common poisonings. Here is an appetizer:
According to my latest findings, it's altered proteins that cause just about all invented illnesses, except for the ones caused by EMF/ELF/5G etc. radiation:
I agree completely. I want to know what happened to the Barrie Trower evidence RF collected during that two-part interview.
OMG...Reiner is an attorney and he cannot claim ignorance and say he did not know that non profit funds had to be held in an escrow account. Where is the money now? Lost? It is puzzling why anyone would do what he did with the money unless they were completely ignorant and should in no way have been given any fiduciary responsibility. So now the money has been stolen? I don't get how that happened.
Oh yes, "stolen" to some secret off-shore account with Reiner's name on it, I'm sure..
This is excellent. Elsa demonstrates so well - people just cannot imagine that all pandemics, all vaccines, all quarantines, all viral research and associated 'technologies,' and much of the global economy is build on fraud. Thank you for your body of work. Impressive.
dunno what happened to the money but she's a raving lunatic.
she keeps missing the point...that there is no VIRUS!!!!
One has to believe missing intentionally. Too many misses.
Like so many that have taken on some of these issues over the last four years, Elsa seems to have hitched her wagon to those who made a reputation early on by stepping only slightly away from the medical mainstream. Those are largely the same type of people Reiner Fuellmich interviewed. The - Ivermectin good, viruses exist and are causative but the covid pandemic is a fraud, group.
You delineated them very well Eric. At some point I'd like to hear your thoughts on why you think that division has come to be. Why has Fuellmich, CHD, RFK, McColough, the Breggins, Malone and all the others chosen to stand where they are? What do they gain? What do they lose by going further?
By the way, I had an interesting conversation with Dr. Mike Yeadon the other day. Apparently he had watched my 10/21 interview with Tom Cowan. He spoke favorably about Cowan, that he has recently been looking into the virus question, that he now sees many problems with the virus model, that he has more questions and is digging further.
Yeadon said to me on the record he no longer believes respiratory viruses exist; that includes SARS-II and he questions the existence of all viruses. I think he's a sincere person.
Agree. I believe Dr. Yeadon has been genuine in all his writings and interviews since he came on the scene. I know what it took to wrap my brain around seeing the evidence and acknowledging all that that meant, thus I could totally relate to what he was going through intellectually. And I could see he was honestly swallowing the lack of evidence of a virus and what that meant to all he had known, all he had previously worked on and for. It's for sure a process.
I'm grateful I made that true intellectual journey (way back in April 2020 with Dr. Kaufman's video Rooster in the River of Rats") because it allowed me to see way more clearly the big picture (reality) that we face, how the patterns repeat themselves, and how the "sides" play out. People keep trying to make the no virus people into a "side" of the argument. They miss the mark completely. No virus is an evidential conclusion (fact), not an argument ("side") or hypothesis. Dr. Yeadon made his journey to the realization of this table-turning fact publicly from the place of a true pharma scientist. It's documented and clear to see that he is sincere. He also represents a very tiny minority which goes to show how few scientists out there are true scientists. Most, just like in any industry, simply follow what they are told to do without much thought or critical thinking / understanding of what they are actually contributing to, and what it all means.
That was the feeling I got.
Yes, I had my doubts about Yeadon but he just needed a little time to come from the complete other side.
"Former Pfizer VP: Why evidence is lacking for the existence of COVID-19 ‘virus’ or any other"
Glad to hear that.
Yeadon has been saying those things for at LEAST 2 years. Not sure how much longer he needs to "look into it" before coming to the same obvious conclusion that took many of us weeks or months to figure out. Not to mention much of the research has been done FOR him with all the resources that have been created and compiled over the last 4 years, and much of it has been practically spoon-fed to him (I have sent him links in the past, and plenty of others did too..).
I certainly didn't have people compiling this research and sending it to me, so it should take him LESS time, you would think....
As much as it seems like Yeadon isn't on the same level as Malone or McCullough, I do believe he is also playing a role. He isnt THAT naive as he tries to make himself out to be. Either that or he is playing the same game many others are playing - the fence-sitters... for whatever reason, they can't take a firm stance.
He signed the virus isolation challenge a year or so ago but then went out of his way to state that just because he signed it doesn't mean he has taken a position. He is only supporting the fact that an inquiry should be made, thats it. Like why go out of your way to defend your support for this? Is he afraid to take a position on this critical issue for some reason? Does he care what other people think? He says he doesn't. He says he has nothing to lose. But his actions and words don't really make sense sometimes.
As you are saying it, several players are representing various levels of limited hangouts.
Very valid questions
Great interview Eric
Love the Kitty antics . . .
That was the best part, watching those cats play on the bed
The cute kitties were probably the only reason I made it through the entire video because this woman was giving me a giant headache.
The kits were planted to distract us from the worthlessness of her 'arguments'
She has a house full of animals — she says there are 10 cats there; and a dog (who gets along with cats). I don't think they were plants, but they kept me entertained while she was going on and on, and I wanted to jump in and play with them.
. . .hence the floaters in the stream of bs that were smuggled past you unremarked & unchallenged (IVERMECTIN??? Lord love us).
Intention, outcome. Rest, case :-)
Not following you. My job as an interviewer is not to ARGUE with my subject. You seem to not grasp that. I am not in the discussion to challenge every point. I am there for one reason only, which is to get them to expose their position. And as for my love of animals, as a follower of Jesus through Saint Francis, I was most definitely tuning into the animals in her environment and found out all about them before the interview began. That was also a way of establishing rapport and common ground.
Now, I'm going to play checkers with a real goat. They are very smart.
Goats are scary smart.
Eric, I see you have a keyboard and probably play other instruments, do you have any original music I can listen to? Keep up the great work and thanks!
here ya go...a little bit of everything
This woman seems irritated by giving details and defending Reiner rather than being objective. I don't feel very sympathetic. She keeps saying "he was going to sell his home." So he says.
And we all know lawyers never lie.
I watched the session with Lanka and Kaufman before the Corona Investigative Committee. Wodarg was hostile and Fisher was supportive of Wodarg, but Fullmich played the peacemaker and in no way dismissed the 'no virus' camp off hand. At least that is my recollection.
fuellmich didn't want to get his hands dirty. Wardog and Hausfrau did the dirty work.
So now you want people to distrust Wodarg ... after his work in the European Parliament on the previous viral scam?
"Didn't want to get his hands dirty" - so now you believe your rationalisation of his motivation?! Remarkably low quality thinking.
Wardog was one of the first presenters to say that there was no virus properly isolated and purified. As he put it in early 2020, "The work was not done correctly." Then he takes up the mission of attacking no-virus people. Also what I said was the Fuellmich didn't want to get his hands dirty and left that to Wardog and Hausfrau. But please, keep going — you're doing great.
I wouldn't be too swift to impute motive. I remember back in 2020 I was completely unaware that there were questions about the virus hypothesis. When I first heard the 'no virus' claim - and saw the fracture it caused among those calling out the scamdemic - I suspected the 'no virus' crowd were 'flat-earthers' out to discredit the entire anti-lockdown narrative. I suspect that a lot of people still feel this way, but it does not make them intentional 'gatekeepers', or some other pejorative.
We know what Fuellmich knows. My team has been observing carefully and in contact with him throughout. He knew about my chronology. I know everything he was copied on (that I was also copied on), all the proposals for who to have on the committee, I was a candidate, and so too was Poornima Wagh -- the living incarnation of "no virus." He was lobbied NONSTOP by the no-virus camp — getting Kaufman on was something of a coup. and they were ready for him.
I honestly feel like the only reason they even brought on Kaufman and Lanka in the first place was to appease the people that kept asking to have someone from "team no-virus" on. I think it had reached a point where they could no longer ignore it so they said "okay, let's bring these people on just to shut the virus-deniers up".
The attitude that they have towards Kaufman and Lanka right from the beginning of the "interview" tells me that that was the case as well. They never had any intention of giving them a fair chance to present their ideas.
Sure, Fuellmich wasn't as bad as the other two but I suspect that that too was just to appease the audience - otherwise they probably would have lost an even bigger part of their audience than what they ended up doing.
Whether they agree or not, there was no reason to treat Kaufman and Lanka the way that they did.
Correct: CHD-TV did the same thing with Mike Wallach. Then they balked when it came time to have me, Alec Zeck and Mike Stone on the show. That was a hilarious fiasco...first they switched hosts to get their featherweight out of the way, then they canceled the day-of.
Interesting, re having you not on CHD, you could post tell this in detail in one of your shows?
Also do you know of Alison McDowell?
I may have posted this already if so please ignore.
On human capital markets: markets-predatory-philanthropy-the-gamified-world/
She also did a lot of work on RFK.
I may have heard that about Cowan. We watched the negotiations develop for a while. To me it's clear that Fuellmich is part of the RFK cartel, where he has made his most impressive, stunning appearance fumbling the easy-to-get-right PCR (see my subsequent post at 22 mins).
However, these are not the most compelling presenters; they do not think in terms of the audience, they think in terms of being right. And you cannot do that in video format, or anywhere, really. I have repeatedly seen Cowan fall short on the technical side of things, including refusing to accept basic fact-checking and telling the Unicorn Story no fewer than 20 times.
And I guess they all missed Wardog's presentation in early 2020 explicitly saying that the work to isolate the virus was not done. He was my first big clue that there was a problem. If any of these people play chess, they do not apply the lessons to life.
Note, I have checked with Dr. Tom Cowan and his appearance before the Corona Committee was never in the discussion. This was supposedly when Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Stefan Lanka were going to appear — but Cowan said he was never a consideration. So no, he was not specifically excluded.
the no virus claim was being made in 2020...when Fuellmich and the committee he was part of and they chose to not want to see it, discuss it or debate it. Why wouldn't they want to get to the root of the scamdemic? there is no need to test anyone if there is no such thing as a pathogenic virus. And you can have HIGH STANDARDS to demand proof of a thing (virus) and not be a FLAT-EARTHER. I think you are making fun of people who are taking the idea of contagion seriously. Bad move.
the discussion started out of the gate in January 2020: Rappoport, Kaufman, Cowan, Lanka, followers of the Perth Group.
The exact claim is "no proof of virus," not "no virus." A negative can never be proven. Try proving there are no blue-headed eagles. :-)
Actually, the most accurate label to apply to our movement is "No Proof of Contagion." Whether or not there is a virus or a bacteria, the very concept of contagious particle transmision has never been demonstrated in properly controlled experiements.
No, it should be "no proof for transmissible illness".
Because yawning and laughing are contagious.
Even flu (=detox) seems to be contagious, but is not transmissible.
Tom Cowan's book should be called 'The transmissible illness myth'.
Why does it have to be a particle? Even bad mood is contagious.
Yep, that's the most fundamental question.
n the immediate, the question, however, is regarding the last four years, i.e. Operation "Pandemic," and the lack of proof for the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen allegedly responsible for the disease called "COVID-19" whose outbreak created a "pandemic" kills the three pillars of the operation with one shot. Certainly, no proof of contagion regarding any other disease plays a key role in this regard.
Yep, that's the most fundamental question.
n the immediate, the question, however, is regarding the last four years, i.e. Operation "Pandemic," and the lack of proof for the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen allegedly responsible for the disease called "COVID-19" whose outbreak created a "pandemic" kills the three pillars of the operation with one shot. Certainly, no proof of contagion regarding any other disease plays a key role in this regard.
Yep, that's the most fundamental question.
n the immediate, the question, however, is regarding the last four years, i.e. Operation "Pandemic," and the lack of proof for the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen allegedly responsible for the disease called "COVID-19" whose outbreak created a "pandemic" kills the three pillars of the operation with one shot. Certainly, no proof of contagion regarding any other disease plays a key role in this regard.
I did not instantly come to the conclusion that there was no contagion. Even after reading much of Cowan's book four years ago, I still didn't get that it was not just viruses that did not cause disease; bacteria also do not cause disease. Gradually other previously held and related beliefs of mine also began to fall. I learned about and came to accept that we actually need ubiquitous bacteria and other organic particles in order to thrive. I learned that repeatedly damaging the body's microbiome with toxic "medicines" can only lead to chronic ill health. It took even longer for me to begin to consistently apply this new paradigm to management of my own health.
Cognitive dissonance is a very powerful phenomenon. It's the primary reason there is so much resistance to acceptance of information that overthrows fundamental beliefs. In order to be effective, we have to refrain from unfairly attributing nefarious intent to that type of resistance.
Elsewhere, I have written in comments about actors in the freedom movement who clearly have deep state connections or are otherwise compromised or contracted out. Their motivations should be questioned publicly and persistently. But I am alarmed at the growing number of other people in our movement who have of late begun to smear people with the controlled op and gatekeeper labels. IMO the "Gatekeepers" list maintained by a group of substack writers lacks nuance. As such it damages the No Proof of Contagion movement.
It's not a crime to be a slow or even a reluctant learner no matter how much frustration it causes those of us who have been fortunate enough to have overcome some of our lifelong brainwashing.
Fuel-me Fool me Fuellmich played good cop while doing nothing about the attacks by Wardog and Phisher, trying to make the process look fair and legitimate when it wasn't.
Yes I agree after just watching this again. Fuellmich was trying to keep the peace and actually agreed with Kaufman on the non existence of the virus to some extend but thought their strategy would have success by pointing out the uselessness of the PCR test but he wished Kaufmann well. I suspect that Fuellmich has been set up by others in the committee who either want him out or are government agents. It looks like he has been ill advised on the financial matter which has got him into trouble.
keep what peace? He should be there to ALLOW TESTIMONY in what must rightly be a confrontational process. His team should have been briefed to let the witness present testimony and at least maintain the appearance of impartiality.
I'm not sure we watched the same interview. Andy and Stefan made their presentations without interruption. It was Andy who interrupted Wodarg and argued with him before he finished making his points. I think that Andy would agree that he was more nervous than typical and that may have negatively impacted his emotional control and overall performance.
This poor woman. She can't wrap her mind around the fact that there IS NO VIRUS. She can't go there.
the least of her concerns... :-)