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Moss Landing battery plant fire full news conference
CNN coverage of Moss Landing
Wikipedia page for Moss Landing Power Plant
What is that pink stuff they are dumping frmo the sky? Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate.

Note, David’s chart is all the way at the bottom.
The Moss Landing Power Plant is a natural gas powered electricity generation plant located in Moss Landing, California, United States, at the midpoint of Monterey Bay. Its large stacks are landmarks, visible throughout the Monterey Bay Area.
The plant is owned and operated by Houston-based Dynegy and currently has a generation capacity of 1020 MW (net) from its two combined cycle generation units.[2] It was once the largest power plant in the state of California, with a generation capacity of 2560 MW, before its two large supercritical steam units were retired in 2016.
It is also the site of 2 independent battery storage power stations for a combined grid battery storage of 930 MW power and 3,700 MWh energy, some of the world's largest. Fires occurred on site during construction and operation, and PG&E and Tesla took corrective actions.[3] The project still moved forward and Phase III was completed and went into operation in June 2023.
Utilities in California are required by a 2013 law to provide significant battery storage by 2024.[16]
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