Dear Friend and Reader:
Your work gathering quotes from medical freedom presenters has been a smashing success. The results are in the segment above. While written quotes are potentially useful, audio or video gives the full impact, as you will hear above.
May we send out our scouts to the far corners of the internet, and deep into the annals of history, looking for fun stuff?
Analysis of the missing virus problem is revealing; efforts to debunk the PCR while avoiding the main issue are always fine specimens; any pearl-clutching over the FOIAs; any talk of keeping the movement united (behind a lie); or whatever gets a face palm out of you, or frightens your cat when you laugh so loud.
When you add a link to the comments, please include the time stamp you think is interesting, and of course, your analysis, if you want to write a few sentences. Many of the observations of my readers factored into last night’s report.
Thank you!
With love,
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