Good Evening from New York —
I’m here with some reassuring news. Today I received a letter from someone who said she was a veterinarian who was concerned about some of the ideas in last night’s Planet Waves article. She was very worried about viruses; I am here to tell you why you have nothing to fear. I realize this position angers many people, no matter what the documented scientific basis of the statement.
I make reference to my chronology of the 2020+ crisis, which spans from 2006 through 2021 and covers many facets of the virus issue that I’ll be referencing tonight. I have no idea who would have the patience to read it, but you might start by opening it randomly somewhere and seeing what you find. Thank you to the many people reading who helped me pay for this work.
Of all my articles on the ‘covid’ fraud, this one is the most comprehensive. It covers all the major issues involved and links to further resources. This one is a close second, about RFK Jr. avoiding what I call the missing virus issue.
If anyone tries to claim that a virus exists, ask them how they know. If a doctor says a virus exists, ask them to produce the isolation study and check for yourself what method was used. If they say they sent out a test, ask them if it was the PCR and ask them if they know the provenance of the amplicon. I explain what those words mean in the program above.
If you find a study that you can’t understand, send it to me and I’ll round up a few responses from my friends who also do this kind of thing on a Friday night. Insert smiley face emoji.
On the program, I mention my newer photos from Love Canal, the neighborhood built on a chemical dump in western New York.
Here is the as-yet unpublished set from from my visit to Love Canal in September 2024.
The set from September 2023, with an interview and article, are below; those link to my original 1983 article on the incident.
If you “catch the bug” and want to some deep reading, there is a fine article by Michael Bryant, another athlete turned investigative reporter, on the fabrication of the ‘covid’ pandemic in Italy written for Chiron Return from the spring of 2023. I’ve also included a short article by him below.
If you want to put the pieces of this together, you can. Many of us have done a lot of work to get it right and make it comprehensible.
With love,
Your faithful astrologer,
Problem-Reaction-Solution: a Time Honored Strategy
By Michael Bryant
The Virus™ is superfluous, all they need to do is create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models and fraudulent PCR tests to manufacture the perception that there is an incoming alien invasion.
I cut my teeth on the massive amount of corruption and profiteering and Pharma con jobs back in 2005 with Avian Flu Hoax 1. They tried the same con, with mostly the same cast of characters, in 2009 with the Swine Flu Hoax.
I spent a lot of time in both instances trying to alert people throughout the community where I lived to the realities of these frauds. Each time there was tremendous push back to my attempts to bring these hypochondriacs back to reality. Turns out reinforcing and rewarding peoples neurosis can be played and replayed to great effect.
Once the initial terror wore off it was followed by acknowledgement that these were indeed scams. However, it seems that there is a bizarre psychotic thirst for this hysteria in our present culture as even after each fraud was exposed it seemed only a few years needed to pass for these very same folks to become ready to jump right into the next plague fraud.
Of course all of these so-called "pandemics"/ "epidemics" are all frauds that are pure inventions of the financial/medical cartel utilized for profit and control. Once you have explored the details, templates and patterns of these frauds it is easy to identify the scam as it is happening. The folks who orchestrate these viral con jobs are among other things not very creative.
The playbook is pretty much the same, they simply refine the techniques. Not so easy to convince others of the scam as they are bombarded with fear porn 24/7.
I have to say that the "messaging" was far more comprehensive, insidious and sophisticated with Operation Covidius than all others before by quantum leaps. Without that fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual had they taken the time and care to look out their doors to see if indeed bodies were dropping like flies.
Well they sure did produce an amazing stage show this time around and went "all in" by producing cadavers via an array of medical democides which solidified the fear mechanisms in the masses.
It sure was breathtaking to witness the grip of fear "Covid" had on millions of people- a vast number of these people will be damaged for life. The shadow of this psychosis will follow them to their graves. This was particularly true among the "educated" classes who finally discovered a warped sense of purpose beyond the dull, aimless wanderings of Academia.
"The Birds Are Alright" - Pete Townshend
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