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Return from Thailand. On-the-Ground Report from Maui. Truth, Heard & Spoken. Tantra Studio: He, She & In Between
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -3:03:56

Return from Thailand. On-the-Ground Report from Maui. Truth, Heard & Spoken. Tantra Studio: He, She & In Between

The backbone of tonight's program is an interview with Eric West, a realtor who has transformed into an investigative reporter.

Thank you for your contributions to the program and to Chiron Return, it’s nonprofit publisher. This is a rare Substack that is mission-based rather than content based; we teach journalism through our many public service projects, and you get the benefits. — efc

Koh Samui, Thailand. Photo by Eric Francis.

Good evening,

Tonight’s program focuses the events on Aug. 8 in Maui. I have an extended interview with an eyewitness who has also been interviewing survivors for the past two weeks: realtor Eric West. This interview will answer most your questions about how strange the whole incident was, and leave you with a few others.

The Maui segment begins at about 50 minutes, after the first break, though I introduce the topic at the top of the program as well.

Tonight’s program also continues my discussion of the rising tide of fear here on Planet Digital, and contemplates the difference between expecting what others say to be true, and making sure what you say is true.

Here are some additional links that are relevant to the program:

Maui police chief John Pelltier was incident commander for the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting.

His predecessor bumped into a parked motorcycle, and was then forced to retire.

Here is Cindy’s YouTube playlist of Maui-related videos, many of them interviews conducted by realtor-reporter Eric West.

Here at the Edge of the World by Eric Francis

Discussion about this episode

I live on the Big Island of Hawaii. I just listened to your recent show with Eric West re Maui incident. I too have direct hand eye witness testimony to the fishiness of the situation.

I'm writing because you ended by talking about DEW and connected back to Star Wars program from 1980s. As I recall this system was to be a large "net" in space across the Pacific between the US and Russia.

I am currently in Crestone Colorado for a Buddhist meditation retreat. We are at 8000 ft here. I happened to be on a live astronomy app to ID stars in the sky and I notice that the whole sky here is crawling with starlink satellites. There were probably around 30 at any given moment and they just kept coming.

So my question is, can we track the starlink satellites during the time of the Lahaina incident.

On a more mystical level but potentially more important, there is a huge axis Mundi for the earth's water source in this area. You can read more here.


On an uplifting note I will say that the people's of the Hawaiian Kingdom will not take another neocolonial incursion laying down. Nor will we respond similarly with fear, violence and separation. We will meet all in kapu aloha, sacred binding love and reverence for life and all the beings seen and unseen within this matrix.

Mahalo nui loa for all you do. It is greatly appreciated.

Cynthia Bates

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there is continuous coverage, and a new ground station on Molokaʻi

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Sam Bailey was just bitching to me how bad it sucks - they are in Christchurch

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Eric, this guy (Dutchsinse) has been forecasting earthquakes with uncanny accuracy and has also been tracking how earthquakes and fires seem to break out near high voltage power lines, military radar stations and underground drill points.


Both he & Jeff Snyder who I sent you earlier are talking about the fires coming from plasma/electricity running underground … kind of like scuffing your feet on the carpet as a consequence of the weather manipulation and radar activation. They also proposed that DEW is a setup to distract from what they’re actually doing, perhaps to blame China or set up an alien invasion theory.

Might be worth a chat with each of them as potential sources. They’re both seeming well researched and source heavy - the kind of people you might find useful resources or allies as you’re pulling together your theories on this topic.

On a side note re Covid, I’m sure you’re hearing about masking being shockingly reintroduced. Here are a couple of data points on my end:

a) three sets of diners and all the staff in a sushi restaurant here in Phoenix were masked at dinner on Wednesday night 🙄

b) Two separate conferences I’m keynoting in October have already switched from live to virtual to avoid having people travel and I’ve had inquiries from FIVE others about my policies on cancellation if their event cannot proceed and is postponed or moved to virtual.

c) A teacher staffing agency owned by a close friend has been quietly strategizing for remote learning in several of the country’s largest school districts and how/if further mandates are implemented.

Shit’s getting real again out here and I’m not sure your covid work is done!

Hope you’re able to hang on to some mojo from your recent travels.


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Eric, you'd learn a lot from Dutchsince (Michael Janitch) if you could get ahold of him. It might be easier to reach Ben Davidson, who has the Suspicious Observers YouTube channel. Dutch is pretty reclusive, for security reasons. Both of them understand electricity and planetary mechanisms, natural and induced. I didn't see anyone else mention it, but there's actually a DEW facility ON Maui. What a coincidence. They'd be interesting guests on your show.

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Masks showing up in NYC also. Oy

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In February of 2018 my two older sisters and I were driving at daybreak on a Sunday morning on the empty highway through Honolulu to go birding and hiking up in the mountains at daybreak. I was in the backseat peering through the windshield as I was seeing a HUGE rectangular sheet of a raging lightening rainstorm out from the Navel Base with clear skies all around it and around and above us. I was commenting with astonishment to them, but was not getting a similar response from them. They were trying to explain it in terms of an unusual natural phenomena, and I made the mistake (is it a mistake?) of telling them about the weather modification research that the US military had long been doing, and that I had never witnessed it before. End of conversation, which was even more chilling to me than this clear carefully enclosed violent weather storm. Hawaii is unfortunately a place on the planet that many nefarious research is taking place. My heart is hurting and goes out to those who are always most at risk. Thank you for you continuing excellent journalism and for giving folks like me a place to tell what we have seen with our own eyes.

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Re Tantra Studio.

Thank you for hitting the nail right on the head, pointing out that the problem is people attempting to impose notions upon others, be it counselors telling 11 year old kids that they may be in the wrong body OR others telling adults that they must be a normal man or normal woman. Of course, at the same time you went and made the blanket statement that "almost everyone is bisexual." But at least you're not imposing that notion upon anyone. I think that statement is off the wall. I am NOT bisexual, and i have explored that question. I know a whole bunch of people who came through a crucible at the same time, we were part of the anarchist/left communist milieu in the SF Bay Area in the mid/late '70s. Bisexuality was put forth by many in that milieu as being the norm, and someone was deemed not truly liberated till acknowledging this "fact." I went through some of the same pressures in the anarchist/post-modernist Berkeley scene in the '90s. Anyone who cannot accept my heterosexuality can kindly fuck off.

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There is no way on Earth I would have gone to stay at the home of a stranger, especially one with Bill's background, and especially in a private compound in Thailand for an entire week. No matter how amazing his admin assistant or how cool he seems on a zoom call, or how tired I am, how lavish the accommodations or how impeccable his manners.

I wonder how much $$ super-wealthy, super-courteous Bill has made in recent decades based on fake-germ-theory, and why he waited 3.5+ years into fake-covid to get in touch, and whether he'll ever do anything with his $$ and influence to help expose the contagion/germ scams to the public.

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It's interesting to read your perspective here Christine. It's not an angle I would have given much thought to. Since the age of 17 I've had the opportunity to house sit from time to time for extremely wealthy people that I barely knew in extremely remote areas around the states. Sometimes for months sometimes for almost 2 years. One place had an actual address of Far-Away and the name of the town and zip.

Most of these people, from my experience, have a very different angle than the stereotype label they are given by most people. They often give in ways to make the world a better place and do so quietly and in their own time. But don't make the mistake of comparing that to the type of supposed altruistic fanfare that the Rockefeller type families try to hide behind. Those that create mega harms and corruption in the world are not the only wealthy people.

Like any group of people, some you can relate to and some you can not.

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Iva, see my response to Christine right below.

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I didn't say all wealthy people are bad people. That's great, if you've had good experiences.

I expressed my perspective, taking into account the fact that Eric (and I) have been playing key roles in exposing an entire massive branch of pseudoscience that is extremely profitable and useful to controllers.

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I disagree. No one gets wealthy in this world on their own, their wealth is the result of the systemic extraction of surplus labor power from the vast majority of the world's population. Great wealth at a time of the mass impoverishment of the vast majority is downright obscene, whether the wealth was attained via Big Pharma or otherwise. This isn't to say all wealthy people are bad, i.e. a value judgement, it's simply to note that their possession of such wealth is not something to be celebrated in any way. No amount of charity and "giving" can make up for the continuation of the day to day operations which grind down the world's human population and the planet itself, including all creatures great and small, flora, fauna, fungi......

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What this comment for me, Jeff, or someone earlier in the thread?

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It was in response to you, but also to the comment by Iva which you had responded to, i let her know (above).

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Ok thanks. I don't know what I said that you've disagreed to.

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I thought you were making wealth out to be bad if it was connected to fake-germ-theory, and seemingly OK otherwise. Maybe i misread it.

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Meaning what exactly?

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As a Canadian, this is my interpretation of Behave


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Sometimes we live no particular way but our own

Sometimes we visit your country and live in your home

Sometimes we ride on your horses, sometimes we walk alone

Sometimes the songs that we hear are just songs of our own

Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world

The heart has its beaches, its homeland and thoughts of its own

Wake now, discover that you are the song that the morning brings

But the heart has its seasons, it's evenings and songs of its own

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Eyes of the World.

Coincidentally, I had my first cataract operation this month - insert all the metaphors and analogies here. What is the vision of one eye seeing? Only half truths? I see clearer with my heart eye.

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back to you soon NLL

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It was a gated community. My Social Studies teacher lived in one; so do a lot of cops and firemen. The place is widely advertised on hotel websites. Anyone can stay there, and the cost is about the same as a typical luxury hotel -- by the room, if someone rents a whole villa, it's about $500 a night per room. The Marriott in Oneonta, NY is $250 a night. It's basically a big Air B + B.

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You described it previously to me as a "compound, and as Bill's home, and also as a gated community most of which is owned by Bill.

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yeah that was before I got there, and learned the exact details of how these villas are owned and rented. if you know how to look, you can find this place on many luxury vacation rentals websites. It's all rather ordinary.

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I think we can agree that Bill is not ordinary and this trip was quite extraordinary.

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By definition, there's nothing "ordinary" about a "luxury vacation."

The reason why I'd never agree to an offer like this is that I've been harassed / targeted/ victimized for over three decades in countless ways, including through the daily and nightly use of stealth weapons, a.k.a. directed energy weapons. Additionally, my privacy has been invaded in every possible way; this too has been true for over three decades. I would never trust anyone who approached me via the internet with an offer of a trip like this. Nor do I trust anyone who calls me via the telephone, unless they're someone I knew prior to the beginning of my victimization. Because of this, plus the knowledge that everything I say is heard by my victimizer, and also because of residual trauma from extremely violent, explicit death threats I received over the phone as one part of this decades-long terror campaign, I've stopped using any kind of telephone, whether old-style, VOIP, mobile or smartphone, et cetera. I tried to find a way to escape this victimization for years and found that to be impossible, in case you're wondering why I'm still experiencing something so extreme.

None of this would have happened had I not been severely injured by childhood vaccines. I'm what many people would call a high-functioning autist, though I never realized this was the cause of the disaster of my life until relatively recently, after I was violently red-pilled by the severe sickness and injuries the Pfizer poison injections caused me in the spring of 2021. Before that agonizing experience, which lasted for many months, I was ignorant of the catastrophic damage caused by ALL vaccines, not only mRNA vaccines. I'd wrongly assumed that my lifelong wretchedness and difficulties interacting with others, etc. were due to "bad parenting," for lack of any other possible explanation that I knew about.

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I worked 10 hours a day. It was not a vacation.

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Sorry for your pain. I wish I could do something about it.

But let me get this right. You have something to say about my choice to take a professional speaking gig, and that you would "never trust" something like that from the internet (implying that I should not have) — but you consented to have poison injected into your body in the midst of a nonexistent pandemic? You seem averse to all the wrong risks.

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Eric, I wasn't saying you should not have taken the speaking gig, though in hindsight I can see why you thought I was. I think you were right to take it.

As for my consenting to have poison injected into my body, that's something I've agonized over in my mind many times. Theoretically I ought to have researched the covid injections during 2020; had I done so I'm sure I'd have been red-pilled in the process, and would have refused to take them.

It seems to me there were three reasons I didn't. The first is that my ability to function has been severely compromised for decades because of the stealth weapons attacks I referred to above. They prevent me from sleeping either at all or deeply enough to sustain anything remotely resembling health and decent cognition. Because of this, voluntarily seeking out a contrary epistemological universe was impossible for me, nor was there anyone in my life who could have prompted me to do that research.

Secondly, I felt intense pressure not only from society in general but especially from my family, particularly one sister, to go along with the campaign. I didn't realize until after I got sick just how true this had been. I suspect that because I was already the black sheep of my family, I didn't want to become even more isolated and outcast, which refusing to get vaxxed would have caused. Of course, this happened anyway. We live in radically different epistemological universes now, and there's no common ground whatsoever between me and them at this point.

If my fanatic, true believer, covid cult sister had become sick and injured from the injections, she would not have become red-pilled! She'd have blamed it on her genes, or she might have simply denied that her sickness and injuries had anything to do with the injections. In fact, everyone in my family would have engaged in massive denial, if they’d become sick.

Third, though this may sound bizarre, I think the universe wanted me to become sick and injured by the injections, so that I'd be forcibly red-pilled. If, as most people do, I'd received placebo injections (see howbadismybatch.com for vast quantities of data about this issue) I'd almost certainly still be blue-pilled. I had the bad luck, or I was fated (in my case maybe bad luck and fate are the same thing) that both my first and second doses were from hot lots. If this is what it took for me to be red-pilled, then so be it. I’d rather be on the side of truth than of lies, and if it also means being even more isolated from my family than I previously was, that’s fine too.

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TB, I understand it was a massive coercion campaign. I was there, taking shit speaking out about all vaccines in 2020. It was not easy to withstand.

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I'm moved by your commentary on the phenomenon of transgenderism. I have a close friend who is biologically female, and says she loves being in a woman's body, but she does not identify as female and never has, since childhood. She now feels unsafe in the freedom cell community we both have been part of, because she has experienced exactly what you describe: the imposition of the absolute binary of man/woman on everyone and the rejection of anything else, which is happening because of an emotional reaction to the politicization of "transgender." The result is that people like my friend are being excluded from acknowledgment of their full humanity and certainly from community. For sure, not everyone in the freedom cell community shares this kind of wokeness--but it's there. And this makes me sad, as well as in a way diminishing my own humanity.

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Thank you for sharing this Betsy. I've seen this in many different parts of the country. It has always startled me that the people that express the most passion about personal freedom are not always likely to believe that personal freedom applies to gender, sexuality or biological diversity.

I grew up in the south before integration. Feels like the same kinds of bigotry happening, just with a different focus.

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It's true, just because people aren't going along with the dominant narrative and are involved in groups that have formed around freedom, doesn't mean they are really in favor of all aspects of freedom. And I also think that the way that the transgender agenda is being pushed has made it more difficult for many to take a position that seems to even partially echo that narrative--i.e., supporting the idea that transgender is a real thing and we need to not exclude and silence people who identify as that. It's a little ironic: in taking a stance that is opposite to the transgender narrative and embracing the man/woman binary as the only way people can be, freedom folk are taking a position that is really the opposite of what a freedom philosophy would embrace. And then there's the whole "it's so uncomfortable to even talk about sex so let's just keep shoving it under the rug" thing that makes people reluctant to really examine what's going on with this narrative and what it may be doing to real people.

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The ‘push back’ is the other side of the same ‘dogma’(?)/coin. There need to be a shift in the conversation, or there need to be a conversation. My ‘mantra’ of now: all that’s needed is common sense and good manners (towards every-thing/life/earth/space —- bring down all satellites/starlings that litters our skies)

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I now have 7 likes on this thread, but I would like to comment that what my eyes saw may have possiblely have been something else, like a hologram. It was huge, rectangular, with the storm remaining within this big screenlike image over the ocean. That it was a military caused effect I'm pretty certain of, as it was directly in front of the Naval Base. I wanted to investigate it further by pulling over and looking through my binoculars. Anyway, it was one of those moments that is imbedded in my memory. I am also no longer chilled or surprised by those humans who can only see something from a small frame of reference, and can now find ways to encourage them to take another look. Curiosity allows for more questions than "answers". Hologram, human prepared storm cloud, ?? But what happened on Maui was almost certainly intentional and nefarious.

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Anyone that knows me well will know exactly what I will zero in on first in all of this - and that is the last 20 minutes of this show. Tantra Studio is always my favorite, but Eric your angle on how politicized and woke and anti woke our sex and gender has become just nailed it. If we are going to seek freedom of choice in this country, in this world, we have to give people the right to be sexually free along with all other aspects (medical freedom, political freedom, educational freedom, etc) of our lives.

Want to talk about not doing gender reassignment surgery on children? (yes please) Let's talk about how doctors justify doing surgery on newborns that have no choice at all when they are born in-between or something other than what we were taught in the flexner influenced anatomy classes in schools. The human race is very diverse in every way. Instead of trying to box that up out of fear and tradition, lets let our gender, sexuality and preferences blossom. Otherwise we are stuck with shame, judgement and an artificial sense of self.

I went back to school in 2017 to study sexology. The healthy idea of being able to talk more honestly and freely about sex is one reason I felt so passionate about studying and working in this field. Another thing I am lit up about is the whole intersex situation. There is so little known about it and so much emotional, physical and sexual harm is brought to people who are different. Time to start talking about this stuff and adding humanity back to all facets of who we all are.

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Iva, hello. I was tired at the end of the show, and missed my planned crescendo (maybe for the best, left to another week). Everyone has Venus, Mars and Mercury in their chart, the feminine, the masculine and the hermaphroditic, all distributed amongst masculine and feminine energy fields. What else can I say, everyone is some shade of bi, trans, or intersex -- we all have it all, in greater or lesser measure.

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Indeed. It's good to have the anticipation of more to come on this topic, as there are buried treasures to be found here.

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Iva, meant to tell you days ago, i responded to Tantra Studios elsewhere here. It was about the idea that "almost everyone is bisexual," with which i strongly disagree.

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how do you define bisexual?

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Attracted physically/sexually to both men and women.

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Hmmm...well, I consider myself bisexual and that doesn't really apply to me. For example, one of my favorite modes of sex is with a male/female couple...and in that circumstance I can be wide open to men sexually...but not in many others.

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Hmmm...well, I consider myself bisexual and that doesn't really apply to me. For example, one of my favorite modes of sex is with a male/female couple...and in that circumstance I can be wide open to men sexually...but not in many others. I am not attracted to men in any kind of a general way like I am with women. With men it's highly specific to the person and the circumstance.

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What i said was "Attracted physically/sexually to both men and women. " I did NOT say "equally" to both. I assume you don't have sex with men whom you are not in any way attracted to sexually/physically. I've never had any sort of physical/sexual attraction to any men. Including those whom i thought would probably be physically attractive to women or to other men. Like i've mentioned to you, i underwent an "acid test" in this regard, on a San Francisco beach.

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I would propose that bisexuality comes in an infinite number of varieties. And there are heterosexual people. However, I am also aware that for most, homoerotic feelings are often concealed behind many forms of defenses, cultural acceptability and much else. So they can be difficult to access for many who do possess them.

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To re-post from above.

I know a whole bunch of people who came through a crucible at the same time, we were part of the anarchist/left communist milieu in the SF Bay Area in the mid/late '70s. Bisexuality was put forth by many in that milieu as being the norm, and someone was deemed not truly liberated till acknowledging this "fact." I went through some of the same pressures in the anarchist/post-modernist Berkeley scene in the '90s. Anyone who cannot accept my heterosexuality can kindly fuck off.

In other words, wasn't like i haven't been in situations in which bisexuality was not only not only NOT proscribed but actively promoted and indeed promoted as a NORM.

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I understand; that's all been irrelevant to my journey...I've always been guided inwardly.

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Me too. It's still a fact that i was pressured.

To clarify, my "kindly fuck off remark" was in the context of what i experienced in those communities and may experience in dissent communities in the future. Not at all personally directed at either you or Iva.

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Hi Jeffery. When you said that I right away thought of the Kinsey Scale. While that is a much simplified graph of sexual experience and desire, we all have varying degrees of what we like and at one point or another in our lives. And it's good that the variables can be a topic of discussion. Being fully heterosexual or fully homosexual is part of the picture for some, I feel. But we all know ourselves. And who can really fit into any of those graphs or boxes anyway?

There are the aspects of attraction like intellectual and social and such that can be a bit like falling in love with the moment with someone. Doesn't necessarily mean you're interested in sex or care what their body parts are. I find that attraction from a variety of angles is a great way to be more tuned into the moment.

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Kinsey used terrible methodology. I do not remotely assume he offered a good model of understanding. His estimates of the percentage of people who are same-sex or both-sexes attracted have been contradicted a bunch of times, be it by Simon LeVey working on a physical model (a neural scientist who's a gay political activist) as well as people doing surveys, such as the gay advocacy group the Marshall Institute (UCLA) and others.

To re-post from above.

I know a whole bunch of people who came through a crucible at the same time, we were part of the anarchist/left communist milieu in the SF Bay Area in the mid/late '70s. Bisexuality was put forth by many in that milieu as being the norm, and someone was deemed not truly liberated till acknowledging this "fact." I went through some of the same pressures in the anarchist/post-modernist Berkeley scene in the '90s. Anyone who cannot accept my heterosexuality can kindly fuck off.

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Well, yes, Kinsey had some serious flaws. But at that time to actually say out loud and with research behind it to say there are more people experiencing and desiring homosexuality than society wants us all to believe was pretty groundbreaking.

But as far as percentages? Who really knows. Survey and research are a small segment of how the real world is living. I don't care how elaborate or well funded the research is. Generally when there's big money behind it, there's that pesky agenda lurking in the shadows, no matter the research topic.

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A bunch of studies have been made, they've all reached very similar figures, despite starting from totally different places, be they physical, cultural or psychological. Why would gay advocacy people and centers understate the numbers?

To clarify, my earlier "kindly fuck off remark" was in the context of what i experienced in those communities and may experience in dissent communities in the future. Not at all personally directed at either you or Eric.

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did not even consider the thought that you directed anything about your comment at me or Eric. I am not judging your sexuality at all.

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Thanks, Iva, i wanted to make sure readers were clear on that too. I guess i've accumulated a lot of bad feelings about being pressured about that matter from all sorts of directions, be it from the correctness anarchists/"Situationists" i described being around, or from my father, who kept saying back when i was in college that he'll send me to a psychiatrist to see if i was gay (he used a different term) because i wasn't dating girls (try doing that while being an asocial engineering student in uptight late 60s New York outside the East Village or the like), or those who threatened me with gay bashing on UC Berkeley's Sproul Plaza for jeering speakers at a Fundi Christian rally who were using extreme homophobic language in their rants.

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not taking it personally - this is sensitive territory

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I didn't mention that Tom Cowan was the first presenter; followed by Mark and Sam Bailey; and a little later that day Andy Kaufman, whose company provided the management support for the speakers and the AV production. Jon Rappoport was also a speaker.

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It's the dawn of a new day when Planet Waves FM gets 127+ comments. I think that's more than I've had the past 10 years combined.

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I think you're dead on with the problem being people imposing their world view on others. Curiosity is definitely missing on all sides. I talk to people on all ends of the issues and almost all of them have no give or curiosity in looking at it from another view. I do not know how to break past that barrier.

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In the week before Maui, I dreamed I was in a home & saw the blast of a DEW weapon being fired to obliterate my house. It missed but then there were military going door to door, to route out occupants who survived. They were Chinese. I don't have any opinion about who likely perpetrated this possible crime, but it was very real.

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I've said it before: cloud seeding is one thing, that's what was done in Indochina during the war ('60s-'70s). Controlling the weather, engineering storms, creating winds,....that requires moving massive amounts of air around, with numerous feedback consequences the best computer out there could not calculate, due to the impossibility of collecting the data from every single spot in the world (land, ocean, air) and accounting for every single living organism on the planet.. The global weather/climate system is not a machine, it is an organism, an indeterminate open system, while machines are closed systems .

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Yes and that does not count as proof or disproof. We need to make that distinction. Plenty of open biological systems are subject to manipulation. And we do not know what technology was confiscated from Tesla's labs. So in my school of investigative reporting, this goes in the middle column -- indeterminate. It's the most important of the three. The enterprise of seeking the truth of a matter requires flexibility, and a balance of credulity and incredulity. Most of all, we must honestly consider observed phenomena from all points of view. And we must consider admissions by entities (such as New World Vistas) at face value first.

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Manipulation is remote from engineering. The latter requires *predictable* results. How predictable have been the results of GMOs? And admissions of what? Plans to do this and that? How many plans have been announced regarding "bio-weapons"? Which is more complex, the global weather system or the biology of individual organisms?

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Jeff, there is no debate here; it would be speculative. We are still in what I call the center column — that which is unknown. It's good to make peace with that, because it's a very large category.

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btw I am much less interested in weather control then I am in these laser or microwave thingies.

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You might ask Michael Janitch about Nexrad radar and how they use it to induce heat domes, for example, and steer/dissipate/accentuate storms.

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Eric, what do you know about the school closings on Maui that the parents did not know about? Do we know how many children died? I have heard that many are "missing" -- what is the story here?

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kp, we are still trying to find any information on that...there's not much at the moment. I am continually adding to my playlist as I find anything worthwhile.


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We know about this...yet another horrid dimension to this tragedy, which was an act of war.

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There are both yes-virus and no-virus people who are questioning many things now.

I've never heard Tom, Andy, the Baileys or numerous other no-virus people say that everything is a lie. I'm not saying it... not sure who is.

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"Questioning many things" should not mean smashing them with with a blunt instrument, from declaring the Earth flat, gravity a lie ("made up by Newton"), space a hoax, and that the Beatles never once wrote a song, practically in the same sentence.

Where is the love? Where is the respect? Where is the curiosity?

This viewpoint is cynical, blunt nihilism, and I don't hear many questions in the mix. I did recently hear a snarky, sophomoric conversation between an MD and an ND (two doctors) declaring that all cosmology is false and presenting the "stationery plane" "alt cosmology" that in itself accounts for nothing.

That is not questioning anything. It is a make-believe, sensationalistic attempt to grab the attention of disoriented, or fearful, or ignorant people — all of them in pain.

In fact Tom Cowan (who admits the existence of the Northern Hemisphere, to his credit) said to me personally something close to the statement that all science is false.

Andy Kaufman has an interesting position on science, seemingly having read every study ever written, but declaring that the entire "ball" model of the Earth is wrong, without being able to point to one problem with the "ball" model related to navigation, timekeeping, commerce or communication. He too boards an airplane, knowing it's guided by geosynchronous satellites, which will deliver his body safely across oceans and continents, to the end of the runway and to the gate — in the correct time zone, no less.

Someone can declare that there is "no science" behind tick bites being poisonous, but this is not the direct experience of many people who say they got sick after a break in the terrain of their bodies from an exotic species inserting its fangs into their flesh and sucking out their blood. And it certainly does not address the suffering that many people experience regardless of whether a tick bite or fly bite caused their illness or not.

For a healer, the question is how to alleviate pain, which may include understanding something of its causes — not declaring all of them false, by fiat.

To say that something is false because there is "no science" behind it (meaning the studies are invalid, or do not add up to a particular claim) it is to assert that science is the final arbiter of something or everything -- that it its position, not that of the philosopher, artist or healer.

This worldview is really not a worldview but a personal statement. It demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of the appropriate use and purpose of science, which is (when properly applied) is a method of logic and testing that can be used to establish certain facts from a certain angle — or to develop methods of synthesis or production.

Facts are not the truth, no matter how many of them one claims to have, or can prove. Scientific studies are not the truth, no matter how impeccably done. And when they are wrong, that is not direct evidence of the truth, it's merely another fact, or another inference, waiting to be proven or disproved.

The most galling part of all of these discussions is the lack of a self-reflexive position; the absence of the admitted potential to be wrong; the absence of some humility in the quest for knowledge and understanding; and the void of any ideas about the role that consciousness plays, or the nature of consciousness itself.

To approach the unknown calls for gentleness and a recognition of the fragility of life; and respect for the mysteries of existence.

Nothing that really matters can be proven or disproved.

Meaning, truth and ethics have never been the role of science, of industry or of technology. To declare those things dead is to state the obvious without making any room for what is far less apparent, and which takes a lifetime of learning and growth to discover -- if one is that fortunate.

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Again, I don't even know what you're talking about b/c I've not heard no-virus people insisting that "everything is a lie", as you claimed last night. One conversation between 2 people doesn't equate to no-virus people generally saying that "everything" is a lie.

Tom saying "something close to the statement that all science is false" is not the same as saying "everything is a lie". He consistently questions and points out flaws in basic concepts that we're all been taught are facts. I can't begin to keep up with his curiosity. And he doesn't seem to do it out of malice, just a noticing of certain facts. I think he is motivated by love, like other no-virus people. (He's also referred to "the virus" at times, without really meaning it.)

Getting on a plane and arriving at your destination at the predicted time is not proof of satellites or a ball model.

You seem to be putting words in my mouth, unfairly. I didn't make a personal declaration about ticks never bothering anyone, or about anything else by fiat. I reported the fact that CDC has no science. If that's not of interest to you, oh well. Anecdotal evidence isn't science, and I've not denied anyone's anecdotal experience or suffering.

I'm not coldhearted or uncaring about people's suffering, and have worked as a "healer" in the past, using a method that helps regardless of the cause of one's suffering. And right now I'm gathering and sharing facts about health/science institutions.

I'm not getting tangled up in your philosophical complaints, that once again seem to boil down to: "I do everything correctly and appropriately, and you do everything wrong."

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Well said!

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re:"Andy Kaufman has an interesting position on science, seemingly having read every study ever written, but declaring that the entire "ball" model of the Earth is wrong, without being able to point to one problem with the "ball" model related to navigation, timekeeping, commerce or communication."

My thought: True! The amazing thing about the flat vs globe debate is that there are actual, real, believable arguments and counter arguments. However, the tests of the globe model do fail. Those failures get explained away, or are rarely embraced and carried forward, because the ball model can work for navigation, etc. Its not that the ball model has or needs a problem, It just may not be true. I can refer to available books and living authors if you like.

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<< However, the tests of the globe model do fail. >>

I would like to see specifically what you're talking about; you seem to be repeating rumors. The "tests of the globe model" are its daily use in navigation, communication, travel, commerce and trade. The time zones all work; the airplanes land at the end of the runway.

Those making this assertion do not USE the globe for anything. It's just a topic of debate or banter. If one uses the planet for specific technical purposes, you see that everything adds up just fine and I can predict what time the Sun will appear on the horizon any morning, anywhere.

The "test" of a model is its ability to make predictions.

Also, are we to believe that civilians who circumnavigate are also part of the psyop?

Last, the "flat" model does not account for anything. For example, using the flat model, describe: equinox; night and day; an eclipse; Mars retrograde. In precise terms, accounting for to-the-degree predictions, timing and measurement -- and not using absurd terms like "eclipse object."

These are all technical questions, and I want technical answers.

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I won't have them. But I might be able to liaise. Also, you might be right. The exercise would be just that - an exercise. Probably best to tackle one issue at a time. Firstly, do we have any accounts of polar circumnavigation?

If we do, then we can look at the excuses of the flatters. If we don't, then we can look at the excuses of the globe trotters. All of this after my morning espresso of course, (late).

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there are a lot of reasons to not fly over Antarctica. Its a very different place than the Arctic region, covered by different international agreements. That said, I do not know that it's actually not done, though if it is not, that is not evidence of its nonexistence.

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Agreed. Therein lies the futility of the exercise. Apparently there are 2 models for the shape of the earth. If there are others, no one talks about them. For me, it is huge astounding that both work! By "work", I guess I mean that flaws are excused away. I mean, how is it that something as complicated as navigation could be explained by both models?

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First, I don't know your name. Please, introduce yourself.

The "model" has a use; and that use is the tracking of the seasons reliably; the ability to navigate reliably; the ability to keep time, including managing time zones; and the ability to communicate.

Tell me, without looking it up, do you know what sidereal time is?

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no. Which proves what?

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Because you seem to be arguing that "the world is flat" or that the "sphere earth" is incorrect, I would assume you're familiar with all the types of measurements used to reliably track its movement. You would know, because you are attempting to refute something that works, for all practical purposes -- at the same time you're saying that the model fails.

Maybe you don't understand what a model is. Think of a model bridge, used to test a design. You can test the model, with weights and other stresses. If the model works, it's likely to work in physical reality when built full-scale.

The orbiting earth model works for every actual purpose we give it, and it "fails" in bogus experiments with "zoom lenses" (meaning telephoto). There's a lot of good photo gear out there, and a lot of talented photographers. I have yet to see an image of a ship hundreds of miles off of the coast, taken from sea level.

All "flat earthers" so far, when asked, do not provide evidence of a problem with timekeeping or navigation. If the model fails, I should not be able to tell you that the Sun will rise in Manila at 5:43 am at 80° East, and it does.

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My position is that the model fails because it is wrong. That position, is my personal belief based on the reading that I have done. As I mentioned, I am amazed that the globe model, IF wrong, holds up so well. To be clear, I am not pretending to be knowledgeable on the subject. You would be surprised how few people ask me my opinion on the shape of the earth. I leave the details to those more read on the subject. They do exist. I have tried to introduce them to you.

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If you are serious, I will attempt to broker a discussion. Actually, why would I? Dan Chapman

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I didn't mean to steal bandwidth.

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I know this invites a "gotchya" challenge. But we can see where this goes.

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The subject must be in the air, wanting to be discussed. Dubay is well schooled on the subject, and the author of at least one book. He just this hour has released a new video:


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I can't post pix here, so I just created a page for us:


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I was looking for something else, but this just found me. I had seen it before, and posted it some months back. I will put it up on the new DARK BEAVER. What I don't like about it is the production value. It's too high end. Who produced this and why? Anyway, it's related to our discussion, and you might enjoy it:


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Name one failure of the globe model!

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Tempting. Firstly, I don't have an intellectual or other horse in the race. And like that unhealthy one third of the population that really do destroy the world..., I don't care! So on that basis, I can share what I have been exposed to in the way of ideas. I guess I should ask if we are just talking shape, or that it is a spinning shape. The first failure of the spinning shape is that we don't feel it spinning. So..., and this is actually to the point..., if we don't need to have a spinning shape to explain of physical experience, then why do we need a spin? Oh, right..., because it's not only spinning, but actually hurtling through space. How are we doing so far?

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Maybe you can't feel it, but I can. Maybe because we are part of the spin, and have been since conception, it's just the way things are, something that is so ubiquitous that it's not discernible. There are many things you cannot detect with your senses -- trace chemicals, ultraviolet light, the kinds of sounds that bats can hear, and the things that dogs can smell but we cannot. Humans have limited senses and apparently, extremely limited intuition.

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"Maybe you can't feel it, but I can."

I might like that more than I should.

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'A wide miss, so far, not even in the ballpark. Spinning and motion through space can only be perceived in relationship to frames of reference. On the New York subway, or any similar system, if you are on a train moving 40 mph, next to another train moving at the same speed, your sensation would be of no motion (if you ignore any of the tunnel features) If your train slows down to 35, you'd actually think you're moving backwards. the pull your body feels is entirely a matter of .... GRAVITY.

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Quite so. The point is..., we didn't feel spin and then create a hypothesis. We just came up with the idea of spin, and then used it to explain phenomena outside of our realm of experience.

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There are women who cannot feel that they are pregnant, and then have a baby. Many people cannot feel when they are thirsty, and then dehydrate. Many cannot feel when they are angry or sad. Subjective "feeling" is not a measure of objective existence.

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If you see something moving, then either it's because it's moving, or you are moving, or both. The periodical nature by which celestial bodies appear in the sky would seem to suggest some sort of circular motion, barring them doing all the moving, and you being on a flat plane. And that one is easily disproved.

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Yes. You, and I, and the believers all know that. It's just that "easily disproved" part that gets tricky when one actually considers, and looks into, current argument/counter arguments. We can SAY anything. We can say it is easily disproved.

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Your turn. Disprove it.

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I am ignoring the reference to gravity.

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We can come back to spin. So the question becomes..., Why do we need a globe model? The first failure of the globe model, ignoring spin, is it doesn't look round. Ok..., but what about those island guys observing the tops of ships disappear over the horizon? How are we doing?

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SPOILER: With modern zoom cameras, the tops re-appear.

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For how long? Forever? Can you still see the tops when the ships are 200 miles off shore?

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We can explore this. I am a bit overwhelmed here at the moment. But it is out there if you look into it. Check out the videos and published works of

Eric Dubay. Why are all the smart kids called Eric? I could link you later when I free up, but check it out. Surprisingly convincing arguments. Line of sight vs curvature is just one of many failed tests. I was surprised! As I mentioned earlier, this isn't really my thing, to say the least. I don't need another reason for the neighbours to wonder.

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Not even in the same state, let alone the ballpark. Not remotely a "failed test," just more Internet hogwash passing as "information."

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Grab this book. Buy it used. Go to the library. It won't be there, but sometimes the clerks are good looking. At the very least, the book will be hogwash not on the internet.



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I like all of that more than my first read through. Great writing! The whole program is pretty stellar. Damn stellar. Forgive if I should think you already have seen this. Its Dr. Tom Cowan breaking down a different presenter, and actually challenging viewers to identify HOW they think. Its tricky stuff. see: https://www.bitchute.com/video/GLUmaWPVqUH2/

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It was noisy in the bar, ( I don't drink anymore). She was from Ireland. I couldn't quite make out what she was saying. I told her, "I have no idea what you are saying, but I love the way you are saying it!" Is that really true about the Beatles?

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They played in clubs for years before ever getting a record contract. Why the eff would any producer not have them play on their own albums, doing tunes they'd been practicing for a long time? If they couldn't play, why did they keep getting invited back to the very competitive clubs in Liverpool as well as the rest of the UK and in Germany? Anyone who says that crap about the Beatles has never picked up an instrument.

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Maybe listen to Mike Williams? He has a timeline that he has created from years of research. He can answer your questions. He is a dedicated musician and was a diehard Beatle fan.

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If you can't answer these questions after listening to Mike, than the answers are too convoluted to make sense. Sorry, not buying that trash.

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Aug 27, 2023
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"The Beatles themselves said they didn't write on the road. " BULLSHIT. So many of their tunes were written on the road, including PS I Love You. In 1962l Things We Said Today.........

" The early music they were playing were cover songs, not originals" They started writing tunes in the 1950s. If they weren't playing, who was playing in the clubs? Why did the audiences and club manages love them? I've heard club recording, your can hear the Mersey Beat taking shape. Rose in just three years? Three years of solid playing, day after day?

Quite obvious that you don't play music.

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Aug 27, 2023
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Well, there is write, and there is write.

In one documentary, the Beatles are in their suite at the Waldorf Astoria (that's New York City) in 1964 or 1965, and John has a Honer Melodica (a kind of small, air-blown keyboard about 12-inches long), and he is working out the introductory chords to Strawberry Fields Forever. He is clearly on the road, and he is clearly working on a song — that we all know. Their known material was very different at the time, and this offers (me anyway) insight into how long it can take to develop a song -- it comes out worlds away in 1967.

In another example of writing on the road, much of the White Album was written when they were in India.

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Love Me Do written in 1958.

PS I Love You written in Hamburg in 1962

From Me To You, on a bus from York to Shrewsbury. Feb '63

She Loves You, hotel in Newcastle, 6/26/63,

All My Loving, written on a bus on tour,.

I could go on.

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Interesting statement.."strictly speaking a little bit impossible"

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Sage of Quay on You Tube

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I just listened to the White Album through, many songs playing twice. I know what they are saying, and I love how they are saying it.

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I don't think it's true. But people are talking shit about everything these days. This particular shit talk is that "The Beatles" were in total a psychological operation used for social manipulation. Another cohort is certain that McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by Billy Shears, a look-alike contest winner. While we're at it, I wrote all of Radiohead's songs.

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I went to the copywrite office with David Martin and saw your name on the Radiohead paperwork files. Yeah it's true...

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I heard that MD/ND conversation, it was very disturbing, very loose with the truth (e.g. airline planes don't fly polar routes, only straight lines)

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a total insult.

they want satellite photos of UPSIDE DOWN PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA!

fuck me

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Why would they be upside down? LOL!

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I'll draw you a diagram...Kaufman as well says that up is in just one direction.

I guess he is still looking for which way that is.

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Makes sense, on a pancake-flat world. Too bad that so many observations disprove that world model. The observations must all be wrong, all these millennia. Oh what a pity, as Au Revoir Simone would say.

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Kaufman sounds like a nutcase, judging by what you've written here about him. I'm surprised you stayed up very late, so many nights, talking with him. What else, besides whether the earth is flat or not, did you and he talk about? Was he more enlightened about any other topic than about flat earth cosmogony?

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Regardless of the shape of the planet, hanging out with Andy was one of the highlights of the trip for me. I don't need to "agree" with someone to have fun with them. He was like getting to know a long-lost brother.

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I've heard of this but have not gone in. It's all part of the same fact pattern, of an emergency that was handled like a massacre.

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Extraordinary interview. Prayers for the people, and that it reaches the ears of those who can help.

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More POV videos...

POV Lahaina 2 days later..


POV Escape from Lahaina


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My post requesting on a weather blog information has resulted in info, and quite a firestorm of a debate. Here is a particularly interesting item, dated 8/23/23. updated the day after.

“Maui residents say utility trucks blocked exits as they tried to flee” -ABC News

“Maui residents who disobeyed barricades survived fires”

-AP News

“Witnesses: Roads blocked as firestorm swept thru Lahaina” - Hawaii news

& there are eyewitness accounts from survivors all over you tube who said police directed traffic back onto Front Street into that deadly traffic jam"


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Just want to note that the last link from HNN does not comport with the reports from witnesses on the ground at the time. It does show the potential lies from Pelletier, though.


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Cindy, do you mean a link that's in the article, the last one in it? What i've read sounds like a refutation of official stories, about people having to go against what the police, etc were telling them to do. But haven't read the whole thing. Simply saying there are even mass media disputing official stories.

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I should have put some commas in there .

I mean the entire article from HNN. It is not a bad article, but they don't mention that it was police that were blocking the roads, and Pelletier claims that they knocked on doors...people have said that there were no warnings, nobody going door to door.

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Thanks, Cindy. Correct. There is a link in the main article to an item about a conference which the emergency director was at, on Oahu, and it mentions Pelletier in passing.

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maybe you didn't scroll through the entire article...

Maui Police Chief John Pelletier addressed the issue the most recent press conference while the mayor spoke about it, in a social media post Wednesday.

Pelletier defended the department saying they did not close or stop people from getting out of Lahaina, they were helping them evacuate.

“If there is a downed power line, that was live, we want to make sure you didn’t go over a downed power line. Police officers that night, that day, that afternoon, they were driving up and down with their PA’s pleading with people to get out. They were knocking on doors. They were doing everything they can. They knocked down a fence on Lahainaluna to get people out because they needed to get out.”

Bissen called the situation “fluid” and “dynamic.” He said downed powerlines and parked cars made it difficult to get people out on time.

“The police did go door to door according to the chief to notify people, as well as on their speakers. To let people know what was happening. But, I think the important part to know is they did try to send people to the safest exit at that moment, and that changed in some of these situations.”

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Some Lahaina evacuees say police road blocks put them on a path toward danger


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I didn't check out the video with Pelletier, correct.

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that's the continuation of the same article, not the video.

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Hmm, must be a later update. Thanks.

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There is this data point. Mass is a climate scientist at the U of Washington.


The Real Cause of the Maui Wildfire Disaster, Cliff Mass, 8/14/23. Maps and diagrams,

"Since winds approaching the West Maui mountains will be so important consider the situation at the same time for an elevation of around 2600 ft (925 hPa pressure)-- see below. You can see the high to the north, the location of Maui (white arrow), and the hurricane (red arrow).

The wind anomaly from normal of the winds at this level is shown in color. Look carefully and you will see gray color over Maui.... five standard deviations from normal....which means VERY unusual. You will also note the clear separation of the strong winds of Dora from what hit Maui.

Not not only were strong winds approaching the West Maui mountains, but another feature that can foster a very strong mountain response also occurred: an area of stable air near the crest level of the terrain.

This is illustrated by the vertical sounding at Hilo on the Big Island six hours earlier (see below). The black line on the right shows the temperature with height. When the temperature does not fall rapidly with height, the atmosphere is generally stable. When it is constant with height or warming with height (an inversion), it is very stable.

Trust me, this stable layer is important. When strong winds accompanied by a stable layer near or just above crest level hits a terrain barrier, a high-amplitude mountain wave can form.

A wave that can produce intense downslope winds. And this is exactly what happened last Tuesday over Maui. The Smoking Gun

Last week, I asked David Ovens, a highly skillful atmospheric modeler in my group at the UW, to run a forecast of the Maui event using the WRF model at very high resolution (1.3 km grid spacing). I was stunned by the simulation, which revealed the real cause of the disaster: a high-amplitude mountains wave with very strong downslope flow on the West Maui Mountains.

Below is a forecast vertical cross-section of the situation around 2100 UTC August 8th (11 AM Hawaii time). Winds are shown by color shading and arrows. The solid lines are potential temperature.

An extraordinarily high amplitude wave had formed, with air descending the western side of the Maui Mountains, accelerating as it plummeted towards Lahaina. At low elevations, the flow abruptly ascended, in a feature often termed a hydraulic jump.

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The two Twin Peaks tunes i've heard so far in this segment, Don't Close the Door (by "Nice As Fuck," gotta love that band's name) and Falling by Julie Cruise, both share being in D major mode (more accurately called Ionian, it's not the only major scale, but the one most commonly used, hence it gets this name). This mode/scale is identical to B natural minor, and both tunes go back and forth between the two, which is what gives them that sense of dissonance you speak of.

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Another great Twin Peaks-inspired song, Laura Palmer by VUM:


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Great footage P.O.V.

Best I have seen!

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Aug 29, 2023Edited
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Aug 30, 2023
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I continue to admire, love and respect the Baileys and they have been very kind to me.

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Aug 27, 2023
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Aug 27, 2023
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People change, and relationships change. I have seen enough of this in my life to know that to think people will be consistent is too much to ask; many go crazy; they become different people as they are changed by life circumstances. I have had people to whom I have been impeccably loyal turn on me for the love of a buck or to go along with a trend.

When mega artists change, often this does not affect their artistic output, which they are able to compartmentalize.

The "original Paul" was a young man, unmarred by fame, power, influence and extreme wealth. In between the original Paul and 1980, the McCartney had sued Lennon to force his management on the band; the band had split up many times; and they could all see through one another after all those years.

It is easy to put on a public presentation of grace and charm, which is a facade that can crack after a while, especially if you don't need to care how you're perceived.

McCartney was aware of things about John that most people were not. For example, are you aware that the lyrics to the song "Come Together," written and sung by John, include the repeated line, "Shoot me"?

From Macca's point of view, maybe John got what he asked for. And frankly when your friend is shot, you may not have a damned thing to say about it, and don't want to be commenting.

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